]> git.evergreen-ils.org Git - Evergreen.git/blob - Open-ILS/src/sql/Pg/upgrade/0149.schema.acq.attribute-debits.sql
Stamping upgrade script for badge seed data
[Evergreen.git] / Open-ILS / src / sql / Pg / upgrade / 0149.schema.acq.attribute-debits.sql
3 INSERT INTO config.upgrade_log (version) VALUES ('0149'); -- Scott McKellar
6 /*
7 Function to attribute expenditures and encumbrances to funding source credits,
8 and thereby to funding sources.
10 Read the debits in chonological order, attributing each one to one or
11 more funding source credits.  Constraints:
13 1. Don't attribute more to a credit than the amount of the credit.
15 2. For a given fund, don't attribute more to a funding source than the
16 source has allocated to that fund.
18 3. Attribute debits to credits with deadlines before attributing them to
19 credits without deadlines.  Otherwise attribute to the earliest credits
20 first, based on the deadline date when present, or on the effective date
21 when there is no deadline.  Use funding_source_credit.id as a tie-breaker.
22 This ordering is defined by an ORDER BY clause on the view
23 acq.ordered_funding_source_credit.
25 Start by truncating the table acq.debit_attribution.  Then insert a row
26 into that table for each attribution.  If a debit cannot be fully
27 attributed, insert a row for the unattributable balance, with the 
28 funding_source_credit and credit_amount columns NULL.
29 */
31         curr_fund_source_bal RECORD;
32         seqno                INT;     -- sequence num for credits applicable to a fund
33         fund_credit          RECORD;  -- current row in temp t_fund_credit table
34         fc                   RECORD;  -- used for loading t_fund_credit table
35         sc                   RECORD;  -- used for loading t_fund_credit table
36         --
37         -- Used exclusively in the main loop:
38         --
39         deb                 RECORD;   -- current row from acq.fund_debit table
40         curr_credit_bal     RECORD;   -- current row from temp t_credit table
41         debit_balance       NUMERIC;  -- amount left to attribute for current debit
42         conv_debit_balance  NUMERIC;  -- debit balance in currency of the fund
43         attr_amount         NUMERIC;  -- amount being attributed, in currency of debit
44         conv_attr_amount    NUMERIC;  -- amount being attributed, in currency of source
45         conv_cred_balance   NUMERIC;  -- credit_balance in the currency of the fund
46         conv_alloc_balance  NUMERIC;  -- allocated balance in the currency of the fund
47         attrib_count        INT;      -- populates id of acq.debit_attribution
49         --
50         -- Load a temporary table.  For each combination of fund and funding source,
51         -- load an entry with the total amount allocated to that fund by that source.
52         -- This sum may reflect transfers as well as original allocations.  We will
53         -- reduce this balance whenever we attribute debits to it.
54         --
55         CREATE TEMP TABLE t_fund_source_bal
56         ON COMMIT DROP AS
57                 SELECT
58                         fund AS fund,
59                         funding_source AS source,
60                         sum( amount ) AS balance
61                 FROM
62                         acq.fund_allocation
63                 GROUP BY
64                         fund,
65                         funding_source
66                 HAVING
67                         sum( amount ) > 0;
68         --
69         CREATE INDEX t_fund_source_bal_idx
70                 ON t_fund_source_bal( fund, source );
71         -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
72         --
73         -- Load another temporary table.  For each fund, load zero or more
74         -- funding source credits from which that fund can get money.
75         --
76         CREATE TEMP TABLE t_fund_credit (
77                 fund        INT,
78                 seq         INT,
79                 credit      INT
80         ) ON COMMIT DROP;
81         --
82         FOR fc IN
83                 SELECT DISTINCT fund
84                 FROM acq.fund_allocation
85                 ORDER BY fund
86         LOOP                  -- Loop over the funds
87                 seqno := 1;
88                 FOR sc IN
89                         SELECT
90                                 ofsc.id
91                         FROM
92                                 acq.ordered_funding_source_credit AS ofsc
93                         WHERE
94                                 ofsc.funding_source IN
95                                 (
96                                         SELECT funding_source
97                                         FROM acq.fund_allocation
98                                         WHERE fund = fc.fund
99                                 )
100                 ORDER BY
101                     ofsc.sort_priority,
102                     ofsc.sort_date,
103                     ofsc.id
104                 LOOP                        -- Add each credit to the list
105                         INSERT INTO t_fund_credit (
106                                 fund,
107                                 seq,
108                                 credit
109                         ) VALUES (
110                                 fc.fund,
111                                 seqno,
112                                 sc.id
113                         );
114                         --RAISE NOTICE 'Fund % credit %', fc.fund, sc.id;
115                         seqno := seqno + 1;
116                 END LOOP;     -- Loop over credits for a given fund
117         END LOOP;         -- Loop over funds
118         --
119         CREATE INDEX t_fund_credit_idx
120                 ON t_fund_credit( fund, seq );
121         -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
122         --
123         -- Load yet another temporary table.  This one is a list of funding source
124         -- credits, with their balances.  We shall reduce those balances as we
125         -- attribute debits to them.
126         --
127         CREATE TEMP TABLE t_credit
128         ON COMMIT DROP AS
129         SELECT
130             fsc.id AS credit,
131             fsc.funding_source AS source,
132             fsc.amount AS balance,
133             fs.currency_type AS currency_type
134         FROM
135             acq.funding_source_credit AS fsc,
136             acq.funding_source fs
137         WHERE
138             fsc.funding_source = fs.id
139                         AND fsc.amount > 0;
140         --
141         CREATE INDEX t_credit_idx
142                 ON t_credit( credit );
143         --
144         -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
145         --
146         -- Now that we have loaded the lookup tables: loop through the debits,
147         -- attributing each one to one or more funding source credits.
148         -- 
149         truncate table acq.debit_attribution;
150         --
151         attrib_count := 0;
152         FOR deb in
153                 SELECT
154                         fd.id,
155                         fd.fund,
156                         fd.amount,
157                         f.currency_type,
158                         fd.encumbrance
159                 FROM
160                         acq.fund_debit fd,
161                         acq.fund f
162                 WHERE
163                         fd.fund = f.id
164                 ORDER BY
165                         fd.id
166         LOOP
167                 --RAISE NOTICE 'Debit %, fund %', deb.id, deb.fund;
168                 --
169                 debit_balance := deb.amount;
170                 --
171                 -- Loop over the funding source credits that are eligible
172                 -- to pay for this debit
173                 --
174                 FOR fund_credit IN
175                         SELECT
176                                 credit
177                         FROM
178                                 t_fund_credit
179                         WHERE
180                                 fund = deb.fund
181                         ORDER BY
182                                 seq
183                 LOOP
184                         --RAISE NOTICE '   Examining credit %', fund_credit.credit;
185                         --
186                         -- Look up the balance for this credit.  If it's zero, then
187                         -- it's not useful, so treat it as if you didn't find it.
188                         -- (Actually there shouldn't be any zero balances in the table,
189                         -- but we check just to make sure.)
190                         --
191                         SELECT *
192                         INTO curr_credit_bal
193                         FROM t_credit
194                         WHERE
195                                 credit = fund_credit.credit
196                                 AND balance > 0;
197                         --
198                         IF curr_credit_bal IS NULL THEN
199                                 --
200                                 -- This credit is exhausted; try the next one.
201                                 --
202                                 CONTINUE;
203                         END IF;
204                         --
205                         --
206                         -- At this point we have an applicable credit with some money left.
207                         -- Now see if the relevant funding_source has any money left.
208                         --
209                         -- Look up the balance of the allocation for this combination of
210                         -- fund and source.  If you find such an entry, but it has a zero
211                         -- balance, then it's not useful, so treat it as unfound.
212                         -- (Actually there shouldn't be any zero balances in the table,
213                         -- but we check just to make sure.)
214                         --
215                         SELECT *
216                         INTO curr_fund_source_bal
217                         FROM t_fund_source_bal
218                         WHERE
219                                 fund = deb.fund
220                                 AND source = curr_credit_bal.source
221                                 AND balance > 0;
222                         --
223                         IF curr_fund_source_bal IS NULL THEN
224                                 --
225                                 -- This fund/source doesn't exist or is already exhausted,
226                                 -- so we can't use this credit.  Go on to the next one.
227                                 --
228                                 CONTINUE;
229                         END IF;
230                         --
231                         -- Convert the available balances to the currency of the fund
232                         --
233                         conv_alloc_balance := curr_fund_source_bal.balance * acq.exchange_ratio(
234                                 curr_credit_bal.currency_type, deb.currency_type );
235                         conv_cred_balance := curr_credit_bal.balance * acq.exchange_ratio(
236                                 curr_credit_bal.currency_type, deb.currency_type );
237                         --
238                         -- Determine how much we can attribute to this credit: the minimum
239                         -- of the debit amount, the fund/source balance, and the
240                         -- credit balance
241                         --
242                         --RAISE NOTICE '   deb bal %', debit_balance;
243                         --RAISE NOTICE '      source % balance %', curr_credit_bal.source, conv_alloc_balance;
244                         --RAISE NOTICE '      credit % balance %', curr_credit_bal.credit, conv_cred_balance;
245                         --
246                         conv_attr_amount := NULL;
247                         attr_amount := debit_balance;
248                         --
249                         IF attr_amount > conv_alloc_balance THEN
250                                 attr_amount := conv_alloc_balance;
251                                 conv_attr_amount := curr_fund_source_bal.balance;
252                         END IF;
253                         IF attr_amount > conv_cred_balance THEN
254                                 attr_amount := conv_cred_balance;
255                                 conv_attr_amount := curr_credit_bal.balance;
256                         END IF;
257                         --
258                         -- If we're attributing all of one of the balances, then that's how
259                         -- much we will deduct from the balances, and we already captured
260                         -- that amount above.  Otherwise we must convert the amount of the
261                         -- attribution from the currency of the fund back to the currency of
262                         -- the funding source.
263                         --
264                         IF conv_attr_amount IS NULL THEN
265                                 conv_attr_amount := attr_amount * acq.exchange_ratio(
266                                         deb.currency_type, curr_credit_bal.currency_type );
267                         END IF;
268                         --
269                         -- Insert a row to record the attribution
270                         --
271                         attrib_count := attrib_count + 1;
272                         INSERT INTO acq.debit_attribution (
273                                 id,
274                                 fund_debit,
275                                 debit_amount,
276                                 funding_source_credit,
277                                 credit_amount
278                         ) VALUES (
279                                 attrib_count,
280                                 deb.id,
281                                 attr_amount,
282                                 curr_credit_bal.credit,
283                                 conv_attr_amount
284                         );
285                         --
286                         -- Subtract the attributed amount from the various balances
287                         --
288                         debit_balance := debit_balance - attr_amount;
289                         curr_fund_source_bal.balance := curr_fund_source_bal.balance - conv_attr_amount;
290                         --
291                         IF curr_fund_source_bal.balance <= 0 THEN
292                                 --
293                                 -- This allocation is exhausted.  Delete it so
294                                 -- that we don't waste time looking at it again.
295                                 --
296                                 DELETE FROM t_fund_source_bal
297                                 WHERE
298                                         fund = curr_fund_source_bal.fund
299                                         AND source = curr_fund_source_bal.source;
300                         ELSE
301                                 UPDATE t_fund_source_bal
302                                 SET balance = balance - conv_attr_amount
303                                 WHERE
304                                         fund = curr_fund_source_bal.fund
305                                         AND source = curr_fund_source_bal.source;
306                         END IF;
307                         --
308                         IF curr_credit_bal.balance <= 0 THEN
309                                 --
310                                 -- This funding source credit is exhausted.  Delete it
311                                 -- so that we don't waste time looking at it again.
312                                 --
313                                 --DELETE FROM t_credit
314                                 --WHERE
315                                 --      credit = curr_credit_bal.credit;
316                                 --
317                                 DELETE FROM t_fund_credit
318                                 WHERE
319                                         credit = curr_credit_bal.credit;
320                         ELSE
321                                 UPDATE t_credit
322                                 SET balance = curr_credit_bal.balance
323                                 WHERE
324                                         credit = curr_credit_bal.credit;
325                         END IF;
326                         --
327                         -- Are we done with this debit yet?
328                         --
329                         IF debit_balance <= 0 THEN
330                                 EXIT;       -- We've fully attributed this debit; stop looking at credits.
331                         END IF;
332                 END LOOP;       -- End loop over credits
333                 --
334                 IF debit_balance <> 0 THEN
335                         --
336                         -- We weren't able to attribute this debit, or at least not
337                         -- all of it.  Insert a row for the unattributed balance.
338                         --
339                         attrib_count := attrib_count + 1;
340                         INSERT INTO acq.debit_attribution (
341                                 id,
342                                 fund_debit,
343                                 debit_amount,
344                                 funding_source_credit,
345                                 credit_amount
346                         ) VALUES (
347                                 attrib_count,
348                                 deb.id,
349                                 debit_balance,
350                                 NULL,
351                                 NULL
352                         );
353                 END IF;
354         END LOOP;   -- End of loop over debits
355 END;
356 $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';