]> git.evergreen-ils.org Git - working/Evergreen.git/blob - Open-ILS/src/templates/vandelay/inc/queue.tt2
LP#1327284 Display Imported As column in vandelay queue
[working/Evergreen.git] / Open-ILS / src / templates / vandelay / inc / queue.tt2
1 <style type="text/css">
2     @import "[% ctx.media_prefix %]/js/dojo/dojox/form/resources/CheckedMultiSelect.css";
3 </style>
4 <div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" layoutAlign='client' style='margin-top:10px;'>
5     <fieldset id='vl-queue-filter-fieldset'>
6         <legend>[% l('Queue ') %]<span style='font-style:italic;' id='vl-queue-summary-name'></span></legend>
7         <table width='100%'><tr>
8             <td> <!-- big left td -->
9             <table>
10                 <tr>
11                     <td valign='top'>
12                         <table class='queue-nav-table'>
13                             <thead><tr><th colspan='2' class='queue-nav-table-label'>[% l('Queue Actions') %]</th></tr></thead>
14                             <tbody>
15                                 <tr><td><a href='javascript:;' onclick='vlHandleQueueItemsAction("import")'>[% l('Import Selected Records') %]</a></td></tr>
16                                 <tr><td><a href='javascript:;' onclick='vlHandleQueueItemsAction("import_all")'>[% l('Import All  Records') %]</a></td></tr>
17                                 <tr><td><a href='javascript:;' onclick='vlLoadErrorUIAll();'>[% l('View Import Items') %]</a></td></tr>
18                                 <tr><td><a href='javascript:;' onclick='
19                                     if(confirm("[% l('Are you sure you want to delete this queue?') %]")) {
20                                         vlDeleteQueue(currentType, currentQueueId, 
21                                             function() { displayGlobalDiv("vl-marc-upload-div"); });}'>[% l('Delete Queue') %]</a></td></tr>
22                                 <tr id='add-to-bucket-action'><td><a href='javascript:;' onclick='createBucketDialog.show()'>[% l('Copy To Bucket') %]</a></td></tr>
23                             </tbody>
24                         </table>
25                     </td>
27                     <td valign='top'>
28                         <table  id='vl-queue-summary-table' class='queue-nav-table'>
29                             <thead><tr><th colspan='2' class='queue-nav-table-label'>[% l('Queue Summary') %]</th></tr></thead>
30                             <tbody>
31                                 <tr><td>[% l('Records in Queue:') %]</td><td> <span style='font-weight:bold;' id='vl-queue-summary-total-count'></span></td></tr>
32                                 <tr><td>[% l('Records Imported:') %]</td><td> <span style='font-weight:bold;' id='vl-queue-summary-import-count'></span></td></tr>
33                                 <tr><td>[% l('Record Import Failures') %]</td><td> <span style='font-weight:bold;' id='vl-queue-summary-rec-error-count'></span></td></tr>
34                                 <tr><td>[% l('Items in Queue') %]</td><td> <span style='font-weight:bold;' id='vl-queue-summary-import-item-count'></span></td></tr>
35                                 <tr><td>[% l('Items Imported') %]</td><td> <span style='font-weight:bold;' id='vl-queue-summary-import-item-imported-count'></span></td></tr>
36                                 <tr><td>[% l('Item Import Failures') %]</td><td> <span style='font-weight:bold;' id='vl-queue-summary-item-error-count'></span></td></tr>
37                             </tbody>
38                         </table>
39                     </td>
41                     <td valign='top'> <!-- filters -->
42                         <table id='vl-queue-filter-table' class='queue-nav-table'>
43                             <thead><tr><th colspan='2' class='queue-nav-table-label'>[% l('Queue Filters') %]</th></tr></thead>
44                             <tbody>
45                                 <tr>
46                                     <td>[% l('Limit to Records with Matches') %]</td>
47                                     <td>
48                                         <input dojoType='dijit.form.CheckBox' 
49                                             jsId='vlQueueGridShowMatches' onchange='retrieveQueuedRecords();'/>
50                                     </td>
51                                 </tr>
52                                 <tr>
53                                     <td>[% l('Limit to Non-Imported Records') %]</td>
54                                     <td>
55                                         <input dojoType='dijit.form.CheckBox' 
56                                             jsId='vlQueueGridShowNonImport' onchange='retrieveQueuedRecords();'/>
57                                     </td>
58                                 </tr>
59                                 <tr>
60                                     <td>[% l('Limit to Records with Import Errors') %]</td>
61                                     <td>
62                                         <input dojoType='dijit.form.CheckBox' 
63                                             jsId='vlQueueGridShowImportErrors' onchange='retrieveQueuedRecords();'/>
64                                     </td>
65                                 </tr>
66                             </tbody>
67                         </table>
68                     </td>
69                 </tr>
70             </table>
71         </td>
73         <td align='right' valign='bottom'> <!-- big right td -->
74             <table id='vl-queue-paging-table' class='queue-nav-table'>
75                 <tbody>
76                     <tr><td valign='bottom' align='right'>
77                         <select id='vl-queue-export-options' style='margin-right: 10px;'>
78                             <!-- TODO I18N -->
79                             <option value=''>[% l('Export Queue As...') %]</option>
80                             <option value='print'>[% l('Print') %]</option>
81                             <option value='csv'>[% l('CSV') %]</option>
82                             <option value='email'>[% l('Email') %]</option>
83                         </select>
84                         <span style='padding-right:5px;'>[% l('Records Per Page') %]</span>
85                         <span class='queue-pager-span'>
86                             <select jsId='vlQueueDisplayLimit' id='vl-queue-display-limit-selector'
87                                 value='10' onchange='retrieveQueuedRecords();'>
88                                 <option value='10'>10</option>
89                                 <option value='20'>20</option>
90                                 <option value='50'>50</option>
91                                 <option value='100'>100</option>
92                             </select>
93                         </span>
95                         <span class='queue-pager-span'>
96                             <span style='padding-left:5px;'>[% l('Page') %]</span>
97                             <input style='width:36px;' dojoType='dijit.form.TextBox' jsId='vlQueueDisplayPage' value='1'/>
98                         </span>
100                         <span style='padding-right:8px;'>
101                             <a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='vlQueueGridPrevPage();'>[% l('&#171; Previous') %]</a>
102                         </span>
103                         <span style='padding-right:10px;'>
104                             <a href='javascript:void(0);' onclick='vlQueueGridNextPage();'>[% l('Next &#187;') %]</a>
105                         </span>
106                     </td></tr>
107                 </tbody>
108             </table>
109         </td>
110     </tr></table>
111     </fieldset>
112 </div>
114 <!-- Bib Queue Grid -->
115 <div class='' id='vl-bib-queue-grid-wrapper' dojoType='dijit.layout.ContentPane'>
116     <table dojoType='dojox.grid.DataGrid' jsId='vlBibQueueGrid' query="{id:'*'}" autoHeight='true'>
117         <thead>
118             <tr>
119                 <th 
120                     field='+row_selector'
121                     get='vlQueueGridDrawSelectBox'
122                     formatter='vlQueueGridFormatSelectBox'
123                     width='16'
124                     styles='text-align: center;'
125                     nonSelectable='true'>
126                         <input id="vl-queue-grid-row-selector" type="checkbox" onclick="vlToggleQueueGridSelect();"></input>
127                 </th>
128                 <th
129                     field='+view_marc'
130                     get='vlGetViewMARC'
131                     formatter='vlFormatViewMARC' 
132                     styles='text-align: center;'
133                     nonSelectable='true'>[% l('View MARC') %]</th>
134                 <th
135                     field='+get_matches'
136                     get='vlGetViewMatches'
137                     formatter='vlFormatViewMatches'
138                     styles='text-align: center;'
139                     nonSelectable='true'>[% l('Matches') %]</th>
140                 <th
141                     field='+get_errors'
142                     get='vlGetViewErrors'
143                     formatter='vlFormatViewErrors'
144                     styles='text-align: center;'
145                     nonSelectable='true'>[% l('Import Failures') %]</th>
146                 <th
147                     field='import_time'
148                     styles='text-align: center;'
149                     get='vlGetDateTimeField'>[% l('Import Time') %]</th>
150                 <th field='imported_as'>[% l('Imported As') %]</th>
151             </tr>
152         </thead>
153     </table>
154     <div></div>
155 </div>
157 <!-- Auth Queue Grid -->
158 <div class='' id='vl-auth-queue-grid-wrapper' dojoType='dijit.layout.ContentPane'>
159     <table dojoType='dojox.grid.DataGrid' jsId='vlAuthQueueGrid' query="{id:'*'}" autoHeight='true'> 
160         <thead>
161             <tr>
162                 <th 
163                     field='+row_selector'
164                     get='vlQueueGridDrawSelectBox'
165                     formatter='vlQueueGridFormatSelectBox'
166                     styles='text-align: center;'
167                     nonSelectable='true'>
168                         <input id="vl-queue-grid-row-selector" type="checkbox" onclick="vlToggleQueueGridSelect();"></input>
169                 </th>
170                 <th
171                     field='+view_marc'
172                     get='vlGetViewMARC'
173                     formatter='vlFormatViewMARC' 
174                     styles='text-align: center;'
175                     nonSelectable='true'>[% l('View MARC') %]</th>
176                 <th
177                     field='+get_matches'
178                     get='vlGetViewMatches'
179                     formatter='vlFormatViewMatches'
180                     styles='text-align: center;'
181                     nonSelectable='true'>[% l('Matches') %]</th>
182                 <th
183                     field='+get_errors'
184                     get='vlGetViewErrors'
185                     formatter='vlFormatViewErrors'
186                     styles='text-align: center;'
187                     nonSelectable='true'>[% l('Import Failures') %]</th>
188                 <th
189                     field='import_time'
190                     styles='text-align: center;'
191                     get='vlGetDateTimeField'>[% l('Import Time') %]</th>
192                 <th field='imported_as'>[% l('Imported As') %]</th>
193             </tr>
194         </thead>
195     </table>
196     <div></div>
197 </div>
199 <div jsId='queueItemsImportDialog' dojoType="dijit.Dialog" title="[% l('Import Items') %]">
200     <div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane">
201         <table class='form_table'>
202             <tbody>
203                 <tr>
204                     <td>[% l('Merge Profile') %]</td>
205                     <td colspan='4'>
206                         <div jsId='vlUploadMergeProfile2' 
207                             dojoType='dijit.form.FilteringSelect' required='false' labelAttr='name' searchAttr='name'></div>
208                     </td>
209                 </tr>
210                 <tr>
211                     <td>[% l('Import Non-Matching Records') %]</td>
212                     <td colspan='4'>
213                         <input jsId='vlUploadQueueImportNoMatch2' dojoType='dijit.form.CheckBox'/>
214                     </td>
215                 </tr>
216                 <tr>
217                     <td>[% l('Merge On Exact Match (901c)') %]</td>
218                     <td colspan='4'>
219                         <input jsId='vlUploadQueueAutoOverlayExact2' dojoType='dijit.form.CheckBox'/>
220                     </td>
221                 </tr>
222                 <tr>
223                     <td>[% l('Merge On Single Match') %]</td>
224                     <td colspan='4'>
225                         <input jsId='vlUploadQueueAutoOverlay1Match2' dojoType='dijit.form.CheckBox'/>
226                     </td>
227                 </tr>
228                 <tr>
229                     <td>[% l('Merge On Best Match') %]</td>
230                     <td colspan='4'><input jsId='vlUploadQueueAutoOverlayBestMatch2' dojoType='dijit.form.CheckBox'/></td>
231                 </tr>
232                 <tr>
233                     <td>[% l('Best/Single Match Minimum Quality Ratio') %]</td>
234                     <td colspan='4'>
235                         <input style='width:3em' value='0.0' jsId='vlUploadQueueAutoOverlayBestMatchRatio2' dojoType='dijit.form.TextBox'/>
236                         <span style='padding-left: 10px; font-size:90%'>[% l('New Record Quality / Quality of Best Match') %]</span>
237                     </td>
238                 </tr>
239                 <tr>
240                     <td>[% l('Insufficient Quality Fall-Through Profile') %]</td>
241                     <td colspan='4'>
242                         <div jsId='vlUploadFtMergeProfile2' dojoType='dijit.form.FilteringSelect' required='false' labelAttr='name' searchAttr='name'></div>
243                     </td>
244                 </tr>
245                 <tr id='vl-trash-groups-row2'>
246                     <td>[% l('Remove MARC Field Groups') %]</td>
247                     <td colspan='4'>
248                         <select style='overflow-y:auto;' multiple='true' 
249                             jsId="vlUploadTrashGroups2" 
250                             dojoType="dojox.form.CheckedMultiSelect">
251                         </select>
252                     </td>
253                 </tr>
254                 <tr><td colspan='2' style='margin-top:10px;border-bottom:1px solid #888;border-top:2px solid #888'>
255                     <b>[% l('Copy Import Actions') %]</b>
256                 </td></tr>
257                 <tr>
258                     <td>[% l('Auto-overlay In-process Acquisition Copies') %]</td>
259                     <td colspan='4'><input jsId='vlUploadQueueAutoOverlayInprocessAcqCopies2' dojoType='dijit.form.CheckBox'/></td>
260                 </tr>
262                 <tr>
263                     <td>
264                         <button dojoType='dijit.form.Button' jsId='queueItemsImportCancelButton'>[% l('Cancel') %]</button>
265                     </td>
266                     <td>
267                         <button dojoType='dijit.form.Button' jsId='queueItemsImportGoButton'>[% l('Import') %]</button>
268                     </td>
269                 </tr>
270             </tbody>
271         </table>
272     </div>
273 </div>
276 <div jsId='progressDialog' dojoType='openils.widget.ProgressDialog'></div>
277 <div jsId='createBucketDialog' dojoType="dijit.Dialog" class='center' title="[% l('Copy Records to Bucket') %]">
278     <div dojoType="dijit.layout.ContentPane" class='pad-level-1'>
279         <div class='pad-level-1'>[% l('Please enter the name of the bucket to append/create.') %]</div>
280         <div class='pad-level-1'><input dojoType='dijit.form.TextBox' name='name' id='create-bucket-dialog-name'/></div>
281         <div>
282             <button class='pad-level-1' dojoType="dijit.form.Button" type="submit" onClick="handleCreateBucket()">[% l('Apply') %]</button>
283             <button class='pad-level-1' dojoType="dijit.form.Button" type="submit" onClick="createBucketDialog.hide()">[% l('Cancel') %]</button>
284         </div>
285     </div>
286 </div>