]> git.evergreen-ils.org Git - working/Evergreen.git/blob - Open-ILS/src/eg2/src/app/staff/catalog/result/record.component.html
LP2061136 - Stamping 1405 DB upgrade script
[working/Evergreen.git] / Open-ILS / src / eg2 / src / app / staff / catalog / result / record.component.html
2 <div class="col-lg-12 card tight-card mb-2 p-2 bg-light">
3   <div class="card-body">
4     <div class="row">
5       <!-- Checkbox, jacket image, and title blob live in a flex row
6            because there's no way to give them col-lg-* columns that
7            don't waste a lot of space. -->
8       <div class="col-lg-7 d-flex">
9         <label  class="form-label checkbox">
10           <span class="fw-bold fst-italic">
11             {{index + 1 + searchContext.pager.offset}}.
12           </span>
13           <input class="ps-1" type='checkbox' [(ngModel)]="isRecordSelected"
14             (change)="toggleBasketEntry()"/>
15         </label>
16         <div class="ps-2 record-jacket-div" >
17           <ng-container *ngIf="hasMrConstituentRecords(summary)">
18             <a routerLink="/staff/catalog/search"
19               [queryParams]="appendFromMrParam(summary)">
20               <img src="/opac/extras/ac/jacket/medium/r/{{summary.id}}" alt=""/>
21             </a>
22           </ng-container>
23           <ng-container *ngIf="!hasMrConstituentRecords(summary)">
24               <a routerLink="/staff/catalog/record/{{summary.id}}"
25                 [queryParams]="currentParams()">
26                 <img src="/opac/extras/ac/jacket/medium/r/{{summary.id}}" alt=""/>
27               </a>
28           </ng-container>
29         </div>
30         <!-- for call number browse display -->
31         <ng-container *ngIf="callNumber">
32           <div class="ps-2 fw-bold">
33             {{callNumber.prefix().label()}}
34             {{callNumber.label()}}
35             {{callNumber.suffix().label()}}
36             @ {{orgName(callNumber.owning_lib())}}
37           </div>
38         </ng-container>
39         <div class="flex-1 ps-2">
40           <div class="row">
41             <div class="col-lg-12 fw-bold">
42               <h3 class="bib-field-title">
43               <ng-container *ngIf="hasMrConstituentRecords(summary)">
44                   <a routerLink="/staff/catalog/search" class="bib-title-link"
45                     [queryParams]="appendFromMrParam(summary)">
46                     <eg-bib-display-field [summary]="summary" field="title"
47                       [usePlaceholder]="true"></eg-bib-display-field>
48                   </a>
49               </ng-container>
51               <ng-container *ngIf="!hasMrConstituentRecords(summary)">
52                 <a routerLink="/staff/catalog/record/{{summary.id}}"
53                   [queryParams]="currentParams()" class="bib-title-link">
54                   <eg-bib-display-field [summary]="summary" field="title"
55                     [usePlaceholder]="true"></eg-bib-display-field>
56                 </a>
57               </ng-container>
59               <a routerLink="/staff/catalog/search" class="bib-author-link pt-2" [queryParams]="getAuthorSearchParams(summary)">
60                 <eg-bib-display-field [summary]="summary" field="author" [usePlaceholder]="true"></eg-bib-display-field>
61               </a>
62               </h3>
63             </div>
64           </div>
65           <div class="row pt-2">
66             <div class="col-lg-12">
67               <ng-container *ngIf="summary.attributes.icon_format && summary.attributes.icon_format[0]">
68                 <ng-container *ngFor="let icon of summary.attributes.icon_format">
69                 <span class="pe-1">
70                   <img class="pe-1"
71                     src="/images/format_icons/icon_format/{{icon}}.png" alt=""/>
72                   <span>{{iconFormatLabel(icon)}}</span>
73                 </span>
74                 </ng-container>
75               </ng-container>
76             </div>
77           </div>
78           <div class="row pt-2">
79             <div class="col-lg-12">
80               <ng-container *ngIf="summary.display.series_title">
81                 <!-- [].concat() to avoid modifying the summary arrays -->
82                 <div class="pb-1" i18n>Series:
83                   <eg-bib-display-field [summary]="summary"
84                     field="series_title" joiner=","></eg-bib-display-field>
85                 </div>
86               </ng-container>
87               <ng-container *ngIf="summary.firstCallNumber">
88                 <div class="pb-1" i18n>Call Number:
89                   {{summary.firstCallNumber.call_number_prefix_label}}
90                   {{summary.firstCallNumber.call_number_label}}
91                   {{summary.firstCallNumber.call_number_suffix_label}}
92                 </div>
93               </ng-container>
94               <ng-container *ngIf="summary.display.physical_description">
95                 <!-- [].concat() to avoid modifying the summary arrays -->
96                 <div class="pb-1" i18n>Phys. Desc.:
97                   <eg-bib-display-field [summary]="summary"
98                     field="physical_description" joiner=","></eg-bib-display-field>
99                 </div>
100               </ng-container>
101               <ng-container *ngIf="summary.display.edition">
102                 <div class="pb-1" i18n>Edition:
103                   <eg-bib-display-field [summary]="summary"
104                     field="edition" joiner=","></eg-bib-display-field>
105                 </div>
106               </ng-container>
107               <ng-container *ngIf="summary.display.publisher || summary.display.pubdate">
108                 <!-- note publisher typically includes pubdate -->
109                 <ng-container *ngIf="summary.display.publisher; else pubDate">
110                   <div class="pb-1" i18n>Publisher:
111                   <eg-bib-display-field [summary]="summary" field="publisher">
112                   </eg-bib-display-field>
113                   </div>
114                 </ng-container>
115                 <ng-template #pubDate>
116                   <div class="pb-1" i18n>Pub Date:
117                     <eg-bib-display-field [summary]="summary" field="pubdate">
118                     </eg-bib-display-field>
119                   </div>
120                 </ng-template>
121               </ng-container>
122               <ng-container *ngIf="summary.display.isbn">
123                 <div class="pb-1" i18n>ISBN:
124                   <eg-bib-display-field [summary]="summary"
125                     field="isbn" joiner=","></eg-bib-display-field>
126                 </div>
127               </ng-container>
128               <ng-container *ngIf="summary.display.upc">
129                 <div class="pb-1" i18n>UPC:
130                   <eg-bib-display-field [summary]="summary"
131                     field="upc" joiner=","></eg-bib-display-field>
132                 </div>
133               </ng-container>
134               <ng-container *ngIf="summary.display.issn">
135                 <div i18n>ISSN:
136                   <eg-bib-display-field [summary]="summary"
137                     field="issn" joiner=","></eg-bib-display-field>
138                 </div>
139               </ng-container>
140               <ng-container *ngIf="hasCourse">
141                 <div i18n>Associated Courses:
142                   <span *ngFor="let course of courses; let isLast=last">
143                     <a routerLink="/staff/admin/local/asset/course_list/{{course.id()}}">
144                       {{course.name()}} ({{course.course_number()}})
145                     </a>{{isLast ? '' : ', '}}
146                   </span>
147                 </div>
148               </ng-container>
149             </div>
150           </div>
151         </div>
152       </div>
153       <div class="col-lg-2">
154         <div class="row" [ngClass]="{'pt-2':copyIndex > 0}"
155           *ngFor="let copyCount of getHoldingsSummaries(); let copyIdx = index"
156                   [ngClass]="{
157             'no-copies-transcendant' : copyCount.count === 0 && (copyCount.transcendant === 0 || !copyCount.transcendant),
158                               'no-copies' : copyCount.count === 0
159             }">
160           <div class="float-start text-left w-50">
161             <span class="pe-1">
162             {{copyCount.available}} / {{copyCount.count}} <span i18n>items</span>
163             </span>
164           </div>
165           <div class="float-start w-50">
166             @ {{orgName(copyCount.org_unit)}}
167           </div>
168         </div>
169       </div>
170       <div class="col-lg-1">
171         <div class="row">
172           <div class="w-100">
173             TCN: {{summary.record.tcn_value()}}
174           </div>
175         </div>
176         <div class="row">
177           <div class="w-100">
178             <span i18n>Holds:</span> {{summary.holdCount}}
179           </div>
180         </div>
181       </div>
182       <div class="col-lg-2">
183         <div class="row">
184           <div class="col-lg-12">
185             <div class="float-end small-text-1">
186               <span i18n>Created</span> {{summary.record.create_date() | date:'shortDate'}} <span i18n>by</span>
187               <!-- creator if fleshed after the initial data set is loaded -->
188               <a *ngIf="summary.record.creator().usrname" target="_self"
189                 href="/eg/staff/circ/patron/{{summary.record.creator().id()}}/checkout">
190                   {{summary.record.creator().usrname()}}
191               </a>
192               <!-- add a spacer pending data to reduce page shuffle -->
193               <span *ngIf="!summary.record.creator().usrname"> ... </span>
194             </div>
195           </div>
196         </div>
197         <div class="row pt-2">
198           <div class="col-lg-12">
199             <div class="float-end small-text-1" i18n>
200               Edited {{summary.record.edit_date() | date:'shortDate'}} by
201               <a *ngIf="summary.record.editor().usrname" target="_self"
202                 href="/eg/staff/circ/patron/{{summary.record.editor().id()}}/checkout">
203                   {{summary.record.editor().usrname()}}
204               </a>
205               <span *ngIf="!summary.record.editor().usrname"> ... </span>
206             </div>
207           </div>
208         </div>
209         <div class="row pt-2">
210           <div class="col-lg-12">
211             <div class="float-end">
212               <ng-container *ngIf="summary.record.deleted() === 't'">
213                 <span class="text-danger" i18n>(Deleted)</span>
214               </ng-container>
215               <span>
216                 <button type="button" (click)="placeHold()" [disabled]="!summary.isHoldable"
217                   [ngClass]="summary.isHoldable ? 'btn-success' : 'btn-secondary'"
218                   class="btn btn-sm label-with-material-icon small-text-1">
219                   <span class="material-icons" aria-hidden="true">check</span>
220                   <span i18n>Place Hold</span>
221                 </button>
222               </span>
223             </div>
224           </div>
225         </div>
226       </div><!-- col -->
227     </div><!-- row -->
228     <div class="row" *ngIf="searchContext.showResultExtras && summary.eResourceUrls.length">
229       <div class="col-lg-12 mt-2">
230         <div class="w-auto ms-2 me-2">
231           <div class="row p-1 mt-1 mb-1 border-top" *ngFor="let url of summary.eResourceUrls">
232             <div class="col-lg-2">
233               <span class="fw-bold">
234                 <ng-container [ngSwitch]="url.ind2">
235                   <ng-container *ngSwitchCase="'0'" i18n>Electronic Resource:</ng-container>
236                   <ng-container *ngSwitchCase="'1'" i18n>Version of Resource:</ng-container>
237                   <ng-container *ngSwitchCase="'2'" i18n>Related Resource:</ng-container>
238                   <ng-container *ngSwitchDefault i18n>Electronic Resource</ng-container>
239                   </ng-container>
240                </span>
241             </div>
242             <div class="col-lg"><a href="{{url.href}}">{{url.label}}</a> {{url.note}}</div>
243           </div>
244         </div>
245       </div>
246     </div><!-- row -->
247     <div class="row" *ngIf="searchContext.showResultExtras && summary.copies">
248       <div class="shelving-locations" role="region" aria-describedby="caption{{index}}" tabindex="0">
249         <table class="table" role="table" *ngIf="summary.copies.length">
250           <caption id="caption{{index}}" *ngIf="summary.copies.length">
251               <span i18n="Shelving locations table heading">Shelving Locations</span>
252               <span i18n="Shelving locations table heading preposition and separators">&nbsp;for&nbsp;</span> 
253               <eg-bib-display-field [summary]="summary" field="title" [usePlaceholder]="true"></eg-bib-display-field>
254               <span i18n="Shelving locations table heading separator">&nbsp;-&nbsp;</span>
255               <eg-bib-display-field [summary]="summary" field="author" [usePlaceholder]="true"></eg-bib-display-field>
256           </caption>
257           <thead role="rowgroup">
258             <tr>
259               <th scope="col" role="columnheader" class="shelving-library org-unit" i18n>Library</th>
260               <th scope="col" role="columnheader" class="copy-location" i18n>Shelving location</th>
261               <th scope="col" role="columnheader" class="callnumber" i18n>Call number</th>
262               <th scope="col" role="columnheader" class="status" i18n>Status</th>
263               <th scope="col" role="columnheader" class="due-date timestamp" i18n>Due date</th>
264             </tr>
265           </thead>
266           <tbody role="rowgroup">
267             <tr role="row" *ngFor="let copy of summary.copies">
268               <th role="rowheader" class="shelving-library org-unit" i18n>{{copy.circ_lib_sn}}</th>
269               <td role="cell" class="copy-location" i18n>{{copy.copy_location}}</td>
270               <td role="cell" class="callnumber" i18n>
271                 {{copy.call_number_prefix_label}} 
272                 {{copy.call_number_label}}
273                 {{copy.call_number_suffix_label}}
274               </td>
275               <td role="cell" class="status" i18n>{{copy.copy_status}}</td>
276               <td role="cell" class="due-date timestamp" i18n>
277                 <ng-container *ngIf="copy.due_date">
278                   <span title="Due:" i18n-title>{{copy.due_date | date:'shortDate'}}</span>
279                 </ng-container>
280               </td>
281             </tr>
282           </tbody>
283         </table>
284       </div>
286       <ng-container *ngIf="!summary.copies.length && !summary.eResourceUrls.length">
287         <p class="fst-italic" i18n>No Items To Display</p>
288       </ng-container>
289     </div>
290   </div><!-- card-body -->
291 </div><!-- card -->