]> git.evergreen-ils.org Git - working/Evergreen.git/blob - Open-ILS/src/eg2/src/app/staff/cat/volcopy/vol-edit.component.html
LP1888723 Angular Holdings Maintenance / Item Attributes Editor
[working/Evergreen.git] / Open-ILS / src / eg2 / src / app / staff / cat / volcopy / vol-edit.component.html
1 <eg-confirm-dialog 
2   #confirmDelVol
3   i18n-dialogTitle i18n-dialogBody
4   dialogTitle="Delete Call Number?"
5   dialogBody="Delete {{deleteVolCount}} Call Number(s) and All Associated Item(s)?">
6 </eg-confirm-dialog>
8 <eg-confirm-dialog 
9   #confirmDelCopy
10   i18n-dialogTitle i18n-dialogBody
11   dialogTitle="Delete Item?"
12   dialogBody="Delete {{deleteCopyCount}} Item(s)?">
13 </eg-confirm-dialog>
15 <div class="row d-flex bg-faint mb-2 pb-1 pt-1 border border-dark rounded">
16   <div class="p-1" [ngStyle]="{flex: flexAt(1)}"> </div>
17   <div class="p-1" [ngStyle]="{flex: flexAt(2)}"> </div>
18   <div class="p-1" [ngStyle]="{flex: flexAt(3)}" *ngIf="displayColumn('classification')">
19     <div><label class="font-weight-bold" i18n>Classification</label></div>
20     <div>
21       <eg-combobox [smallFormControl]="true" [(ngModel)]="batchVolClass">
22         <eg-combobox-entry *ngFor="let cls of volcopy.commonData.acn_class"
23           [entryId]="cls.id()" [entryLabel]="cls.name()">
24         </eg-combobox-entry>
25       </eg-combobox>
26     </div>
27   </div>
28   <div class="p-1" [ngStyle]="{flex: flexAt(4)}" *ngIf="displayColumn('prefix')">
29     <div><label class="font-weight-bold" i18n>Prefix</label></div>
30     <div>
31       <eg-combobox [smallFormControl]="true" [(ngModel)]="batchVolPrefix">
32         <eg-combobox-entry *ngFor="let pfx of volcopy.commonData.acn_prefix"
33           [entryId]="pfx.id()" [entryLabel]="pfx.label()">
34         </eg-combobox-entry>
35       </eg-combobox>
36     </div>
37   </div>
38   <div class="p-1" [ngStyle]="{flex: flexAt(5)}">
39     <div>
40       <label class="font-weight-bold label-with-material-icon" i18n>
41         Call Number Label
42       </label>
43     </div>
44     <div>
45       <eg-combobox [smallFormControl]="true" 
46         [allowFreeText]="true" [(ngModel)]="batchVolLabel">
47         <eg-combobox-entry *ngFor="let label of recordVolLabels" 
48           [entryId]="label" [entryLabel]="label">
49         </eg-combobox-entry>
50       </eg-combobox>
51     </div>
52   </div>
53   <div class="p-1" [ngStyle]="{flex: flexAt(6)}" *ngIf="displayColumn('suffix')">
54     <div><label class="font-weight-bold" i18n>Suffix</label></div>
55     <div>
56       <eg-combobox [smallFormControl]="true" [(ngModel)]="batchVolSuffix">
57         <eg-combobox-entry *ngFor="let sfx of volcopy.commonData.acn_suffix"
58           [entryId]="sfx.id()" [entryLabel]="sfx.label()">
59         </eg-combobox-entry>
60       </eg-combobox>
61     </div>
62   </div>
63   <div class="p-1" [ngStyle]="{flex: flexAt(7)}">
64     <div><label class="font-weight-bold" i18n>Batch</label></div>
65     <div>
66       <button class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-dark label-with-material-icon"
67         (click)="batchVolApply()">
68         <span i18n>Apply</span>
69         <span class="material-icons">arrow_downward</span>
70       </button>
71     </div>
72   </div>
73   <div class="p-1" [ngStyle]="{flex: flexAt(8)}">
74     <ng-container *ngIf="displayColumn('generate_barcodes')">
75       <div><label class="font-weight-bold" i18n>Generate Barcodes</label></div>
76       <button class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-dark label-with-material-icon"
77        (click)="generateBarcodes()">
78        <span i18n>Generate</span>
79        <span class="material-icons">arrow_downward</span>
80       </button>
81     </ng-container>
82   </div>
83   <div class="p-1" [ngStyle]="{flex: flexSpan(9, 10)}">
84     <ng-container *ngIf="displayColumn('generate_barcodes')">
85       <div><label class="font-weight-bold" i18n>Checkdigit</label></div>
86       <div class="form-check form-check-inline">
87         <input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" 
88           (change)="saveUseCheckdigit()"
89           id="use-checkdigit" [(ngModel)]="useCheckdigit"/>
90         <label class="form-check-label" for="use-checkdigit" i18n>
91           Use Checkdigit
92         </label>
93       </div>
94     </ng-container>
95   </div>
96 </div>
100 <div class="row d-flex mt-2 mb-2">
101   <div class="p-1" [ngStyle]="{flex: flexAt(1)}">
102     <span class="font-weight-bold" i18n>Owning Library
103       <ng-container *ngIf="expand !== 1">
104         <button title="Expand Column" i18n-title 
105           class="material-icon-button" (click)="expand = 1" i18n>
106           &#x2197;
107         </button>
108       </ng-container>
109       <ng-container *ngIf="expand === 1">
110         <button title="Shrink Column" i18n-title 
111           class="material-icon-button" (click)="expand = null" i18n>
112           &#x2199;
113         </button>
114       </ng-container>
115     </span>
116   </div>
117   <div class="p-1" [ngStyle]="{flex: flexAt(2)}">
118     <label class="font-weight-bold" i18n>Call Numbers</label>
119   </div>
120   <div class="p-1" [ngStyle]="{flex: flexAt(3)}" *ngIf="displayColumn('classification')">
121     <span class="font-weight-bold" i18n>Classification
122       <ng-container *ngIf="expand !== 3">
123         <button title="Expand Column" i18n-title 
124           class="material-icon-button" (click)="expand = 3" i18n>
125           &#x2197;
126         </button>
127       </ng-container>
128       <ng-container *ngIf="expand === 3">
129         <button title="Shrink Column" i18n-title 
130           class="material-icon-button" (click)="expand = null" i18n>
131           &#x2199;
132         </button>
133       </ng-container>
134     </span>
135   </div>
136   <div class="p-1" [ngStyle]="{flex: flexAt(4)}" *ngIf="displayColumn('prefix')">
137     <span class="font-weight-bold" i18n>Prefix
138       <ng-container *ngIf="expand !== 4">
139         <button title="Expand Column" i18n-title 
140           class="material-icon-button" (click)="expand = 4" i18n>
141           &#x2197;
142         </button>
143       </ng-container>
144       <ng-container *ngIf="expand === 4">
145         <button title="Shrink Column" i18n-title 
146           class="material-icon-button" (click)="expand = null" i18n>
147           &#x2199;
148         </button>
149       </ng-container>
150     </span>
151   </div>
152   <div class="p-1" [ngStyle]="{flex: flexAt(5)}">
153     <span class="font-weight-bold" i18n>Call Number Label
154       <ng-container *ngIf="expand !== 5">
155         <button title="Expand Column" i18n-title 
156           class="material-icon-button" (click)="expand = 5" i18n>
157           &#x2197;
158         </button>
159       </ng-container>
160       <ng-container *ngIf="expand === 5">
161         <button title="Shrink Column" i18n-title
162           class="material-icon-button" (click)="expand = null" i18n>
163           &#x2199;
164         </button>
165       </ng-container>
166     </span>
167   </div>
168   <div class="p-1" [ngStyle]="{flex: flexAt(6)}" *ngIf="displayColumn('suffix')">
169     <span class="font-weight-bold" i18n>Suffix
170       <ng-container *ngIf="expand !== 6">
171         <button title="Expand Column" i18n-title 
172           class="material-icon-button" (click)="expand = 6" i18n>
173           &#x2197;
174         </button>
175       </ng-container>
176       <ng-container *ngIf="expand === 6">
177         <button title="Shrink Column" i18n-title
178           class="material-icon-button" (click)="expand = null" i18n>
179           &#x2199;
180         </button>
181       </ng-container>
182     </span>
183   </div>
184   <div class="p-1" [ngStyle]="{flex: flexAt(7)}">
185     <label class="font-weight-bold" i18n>Items</label>
186   </div>
187   <!-- 
188     When hiding the copy_number column, absorb its colum width to 
189     take advantage of the space and to ensure the main columns still 
190     line up with the batch updater row sitting above
191   -->
192   <div class="p-1" 
193     [ngStyle]="{flex: displayColumn('copy_number_vc') ? flexAt(8) : flexSpan(8, 9)}">
194     <span class="font-weight-bold" i18n>Barcode
195       <ng-container *ngIf="expand !== 8">
196         <button title="Expand Column" i18n-title 
197           class="material-icon-button" (click)="expand = 8" i18n>
198           &#x2197;
199         </button>
200       </ng-container>
201       <ng-container *ngIf="expand === 8">
202         <button title="Shrink Column" i18n-title
203           class="material-icon-button" (click)="expand = null" i18n>
204           &#x2199;
205         </button>
206       </ng-container>
207     </span>
208   </div>
209   <div class="p-1" [ngStyle]="{flex: flexAt(9)}" *ngIf="displayColumn('copy_number_vc')">
210     <label class="font-weight-bold" i18n>Item #</label>
211   </div>
212   <div class="p-1" [ngStyle]="{flex: flexAt(10)}">
213     <span class="font-weight-bold" i18n>Part
214       <ng-container *ngIf="expand !== 10">
215         <button title="Expand Column" i18n-title 
216           class="material-icon-button" (click)="expand = 10" i18n>
217           &#x2197;
218         </button>
219       </ng-container>
220       <ng-container *ngIf="expand === 10">
221         <button title="Shrink Column" i18n-title 
222           class="material-icon-button" (click)="expand = null" i18n>
223           &#x2199;
224         </button>
225       </ng-container>
226     </span>
227   </div>
228 </div>
230 <ng-container *ngFor="let orgNode of context.orgNodes(); let orgIdx = index">
231   <ng-container *ngFor="let volNode of orgNode.children; let volIdx = index">
232     <ng-container *ngFor="let copyNode of volNode.children; let copyIdx = index">
233       <div class="row d-flex mt-1" [ngClass]="{'vol-row': copyIdx == 0}">
234         <div class="p-1" [ngStyle]="{flex: flexAt(1)}">
235           <ng-container *ngIf="copyIdx == 0">
236             <span>{{orgNode.target.shortname()}}</span>
237             {{sessionType}}
238             <ng-container *ngIf="context.sessionType == 'record' || context.sessionType == 'mixed'">
239               <button class="clear-button" (click)="deleteVol(volNode)"
240                 title="Delete Call Number {{volNode.target.label()}}" i18n-title>
241                 <span class="material-icons">clear</span>
242               </button>
243             </ng-container>
244           </ng-container>
245         </div>
246         <div class="p-1" [ngStyle]="{flex: flexAt(2)}">
247           <ng-container *ngIf="copyIdx == 0 && volIdx == 0">
248             <input type="number" class="form-control form-control-sm"
249               [disabled]="context.sessionType == 'copy' || context.sessionType == 'vol'"
250               [required]="true" [min]="existingVolCount(orgNode)"
251               [ngModel]="orgNode.children.length"
252               (ngModelChange)="volCountChanged(orgNode, $event)"/>
253           </ng-container>
254         </div>
255         <div class="p-1" [ngStyle]="{flex: flexAt(3)}" *ngIf="displayColumn('classification')">
256           <ng-container *ngIf="copyIdx == 0">
257             <eg-combobox
258               [selectedId]="volNode.target.label_class()"
259               [smallFormControl]="true"
260               [required]="true"
261               (onChange)="applyVolValue(volNode.target, 'label_class', $event ? $event.id : null)">
262               <eg-combobox-entry *ngFor="let cls of volcopy.commonData.acn_class"
263                 [entryId]="cls.id()" [entryLabel]="cls.name()">
264               </eg-combobox-entry>
265             </eg-combobox>
266           </ng-container>
267         </div>
268         <div class="p-1" [ngStyle]="{flex: flexAt(4)}" *ngIf="displayColumn('prefix')">
269           <ng-container *ngIf="copyIdx == 0">
270             <eg-combobox
271               [selectedId]="volNode.target.prefix()"
272               [required]="true"
273               [smallFormControl]="true"
274               (onChange)="applyVolValue(volNode.target, 'prefix', $event ? $event.id : null)">
275               <eg-combobox-entry
276                 [entryId]="-1" entryLabel="<None>" i18n-entryLabel>
277               </eg-combobox-entry>
278               <eg-combobox-entry *ngFor="let pfx of volcopy.commonData.acn_prefix"
279                 [entryId]="pfx.id()" [entryLabel]="pfx.label()">
280               </eg-combobox-entry>
281             </eg-combobox>
282           </ng-container>
283         </div>
284         <div class="p-1" [ngStyle]="{flex: flexAt(5)}">
285           <ng-container *ngIf="copyIdx == 0">
286             <input class="form-control form-control-sm" type="text"
287               spellcheck="false"
288               [required]="true"
289               [ngClass]="{invalid: !volNode.target.label()}"
290               [ngModel]="volNode.target.label()"
291               (change)="applyVolValue(volNode.target, 'label', $event.target.value)">
292           </ng-container>
293         </div>
294         <div class="p-1" [ngStyle]="{flex: flexAt(6)}" *ngIf="displayColumn('suffix')">
295           <ng-container *ngIf="copyIdx == 0">
296             <eg-combobox
297               [selectedId]="volNode.target.suffix()"
298               [required]="true"
299               [smallFormControl]="true"
300               (onChange)="applyVolValue(volNode.target, 'suffix', $event ? $event.id : null)">
301               <eg-combobox-entry
302                 [entryId]="-1" entryLabel="<None>" i18n-entryLabel>
303               </eg-combobox-entry>
304               <eg-combobox-entry *ngFor="let sfx of volcopy.commonData.acn_suffix"
305                 [entryId]="sfx.id()" [entryLabel]="sfx.label()">
306               </eg-combobox-entry>
307             </eg-combobox>
308           </ng-container>
309         </div>
310         <div class="p-1" [ngStyle]="{flex: flexAt(7)}">
311           <ng-container *ngIf="copyIdx == 0">
312             <input type="number" class="form-control form-control-sm"
313               [disabled]="context.sessionType == 'copy'"
314               [required]="true" [min]="existingCopyCount(volNode)"
315               [ngModel]="volNode.children.length"
316               (ngModelChange)="copyCountChanged(volNode, $event)"/>
317           </ng-container>
318         </div>
319         <div class="p-1" 
320           [ngStyle]="{flex: displayColumn('copy_number_vc') ? flexAt(8) : flexSpan(8, 9)}">
321           <div class="d-flex">
322             <ng-container *ngIf="context.sessionType != 'copy'">
323               <button class="clear-button" (click)="deleteCopy(copyNode)"
324                 [disabled]="volcopy.restrictCopyDelete(copyNode.target.status())"
325                 title="Delete Item {{copyNode.target.barcode()}}" i18n-title>
326                 <span class="material-icons">clear</span>
327               </button>
328             </ng-container>
330             <!--
331               Barcode value is not required for new copies, since those 
332               without a barcode will be ignored.
333             -->
334             <input type="text" class="form-control form-control-sm"
335               title="{{copyStatLabel(copyNode.target)}}"
336               id="barcode-input-{{copyNode.target.id()}}"
337               spellcheck="false" [required]="true"
338               placeholder="New Barcode..." i18n-placeholder
339               [disabled]="volcopy.copyStatIsMagic(copyNode.target.status())"
340               [ngClass]="{
341                 'text-danger': copyNode.target._dupe_barcode,
342                 'invalid': !copyNode.target.barcode() && !copyNode.target.isnew()
343               }"
344               (change)="barcodeChanged(copyNode.target, $event.target.value)"  
345               (ngModelChange)="copyNode.target.barcode($event)"
346               (keyup.enter)="selectNextBarcode(copyNode.target.id())"
347               (keyup.shift.enter)="selectNextBarcode(copyNode.target.id(), true)"
348               (focus)="$event.target.select()"
349               [ngModel]="copyNode.target.barcode()"
350               (ngModelChange)="applyCopyValue(copyNode.target, 'barcode', $event)"/>
351           </div>
352           <div *ngIf="copyNode.target._dupe_barcode"
353             class="alert alert-danger font-italic p-1" i18n>
354             Duplicate Barcode
355           </div>
356         </div>
357         <div class="p-1" [ngStyle]="{flex: flexAt(9)}" *ngIf="displayColumn('copy_number_vc')">
358           <input type="number" min="1" class="form-control form-control-sm"
359             [ngModel]="copyNode.target.copy_number()"
360             (ngModelChange)="applyCopyValue(copyNode.target, 'copy_number', $event)"/>
361         </div>
362         <div class="p-1" [ngStyle]="{flex: flexAt(10)}">
363           <ng-container *ngIf="!recordHasParts(volNode.target.record())">
364             <label i18n>N/A</label>
365           </ng-container>
366           <ng-container *ngIf="recordHasParts(volNode.target.record())">
367             <eg-combobox
368               [selectedId]="copyNode.target.parts()[0] ? copyNode.target.parts()[0].id() : null"
369               [smallFormControl]="true"
370               (onChange)="copyPartChanged(copyNode, $event)">
371               <eg-combobox-entry 
372                 *ngFor="let part of volcopy.bibParts[volNode.target.record()]"
373                 [entryId]="part.id()" [entryLabel]="part.label()">
374               </eg-combobox-entry>
375             </eg-combobox>
376           </ng-container>
377         </div>
378       </div>
379     </ng-container>
380   </ng-container>
381 </ng-container>
383 <hr/>
385 <div class="row d-flex">
387   <div class="p-1" [ngStyle]="{flex: flexSpan(1, 2)}">
388     <eg-org-select #newVolOrg [applyDefault]="true" 
389       [limitPerms]="['CREATE_VOLUME']" [hideOrgs]="volcopy.hideVolOrgs">
390     </eg-org-select>
391   </div>
393   <div class="p-1" [ngStyle]="{flex: flexSpan(3, 4)}">
394     <button class="btn btn-outline-dark ml-2" 
395       (click)="addVol(newVolOrg.selectedOrg())" i18n>
396       Add Call Number
397     </button>
398   </div>
400   <div class="p-1" [ngStyle]="{flex: flexAt(5)}"></div>
401   <div class="p-1" [ngStyle]="{flex: flexAt(6)}"></div>
402   <div class="p-1" [ngStyle]="{flex: flexAt(7)}"></div>
404   <div class="p-1 pl-3" [ngStyle]="{flex: flexAt(8)}">
405     <ng-container *ngIf="displayColumn('generate_barcodes')">
406       <button class="btn btn-sm btn-outline-dark mr-2"
407         (click)="generateBarcodes()" i18n>Generate Barcodes</button>
408     </ng-container>
409   </div>
411   <div class="p-1" [ngStyle]="{flex: flexSpan(9, 10)}">
412     <ng-container *ngIf="displayColumn('generate_barcodes')">
413       <div class="form-check form-check-inline mr-2">
414         <input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" 
415           (change)="saveUseCheckdigit()"
416           id="use-checkdigit-2" [(ngModel)]="useCheckdigit"/>
417         <label class="form-check-label" for="use-checkdigit-2" i18n>
418           Use Checkdigit
419         </label>
420       </div>
421     </ng-container>
422   </div>
423 </div>