]> git.evergreen-ils.org Git - working/Evergreen.git/blob - 2.0/admin/admin-lsa_2.0.xml
Evergreen Version Fix to reflect the new EG releases 2.0.10 and
[working/Evergreen.git] / 2.0 / admin / admin-lsa_2.0.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\r
2 <chapter xml:id="lsa" xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" version="5.0" xml:lang="EN"\r
3    xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">\r
4    <info>\r
5       <title>Local Administration Menu</title>\r
6    </info>\r
7    <section>\r
8       <info>\r
9          <title>Overview</title>\r
10       </info>\r
11          <para>Many Evergreen configuration options are available under the <menuchoice>\r
12                <guimenu>Admin (-)</guimenu>\r
13                <guimenuitem>Local Administration</guimenuitem>\r
14             </menuchoice> rollover menu.</para>\r
15          <para>Settings are also available from the <guilabel>Local Administration</guilabel> page.</para>\r
16       <para>Either access point can be used, but examples in this manual use the more comprehensive\r
17             <guilabel>Local Administration</guilabel> rollover menu.</para>\r
18       <para>Items on this menu are visible to anyone logged into the staff client but usually\r
19          require special permissions to edit. The following table describes each of the menu options. </para>\r
20       <informaltable>\r
21          <tgroup cols="2" align="left" colsep="1" rowsep="1">\r
22                 <colspec colnum="1" colname="menu" colwidth="1.0*"/>\r
23                 <colspec colnum="2" colname="description" colwidth="3.0*"/>\r
24             <thead>\r
25                <row>\r
26                   <entry>Menu option</entry>\r
27                   <entry>Description</entry>\r
28                </row>\r
29             </thead>\r
30             <tbody>\r
31                <row>\r
32                   <entry>\r
33                      <link linkend="lsa-receipt">Receipt Template Editor</link>\r
34                   </entry>\r
35                   <entry>Customize printed receipts (checkout receipts, hold slips, etc) for a\r
36                      single workstation</entry>     \r
37                </row>\r
38                <row>\r
39                   <entry>\r
40                      <link linkend="lsa-font">Global Font and Sound Settings</link>\r
41                   </entry>\r
42                   <entry>Change font size and sound settings for a single workstation</entry>              \r
43                </row>\r
44                <row>\r
45                   <entry>\r
46                      <link linkend="lsa-printer">Printer Settings Editor</link>\r
47                   </entry>\r
48                   <entry>Configure printer settings for a single workstation</entry>                \r
49                </row>\r
50                <row>\r
51                   <entry>\r
52                      <link linkend="lsa-closed">Closed Dates Editor</link>\r
53                   </entry>\r
54                   <entry>Set library closure dates (affects due dates and fines)</entry>                \r
55                </row>\r
56                <row>\r
57                   <entry>\r
58                      <link linkend="lsa-copy-locations">Copy Locations Editor</link>\r
59                   </entry>\r
60                   <entry>Create and edit copy locations, also known as shelving locations</entry>                \r
61                </row>\r
62                <row>\r
63                   <entry>\r
64                      <link linkend="lsa-library-settings">Library Settings Editor</link>\r
65                   </entry>\r
66                   <entry>Detailed library configuration settings</entry>                 \r
67                </row>\r
68                <row>\r
69                   <entry>\r
70                      <link linkend="lsa-noncat">Non-Catalogued Type Editor</link>\r
71                   </entry>\r
72                   <entry>Create and edit optional <guilabel>non-catalogued</guilabel> item\r
73                      types</entry>                 \r
74                </row>\r
75 \r
76                <row>\r
77                   <entry>\r
78                      <link linkend="lsa-statcat">Statistical Categories Editor</link>\r
79                   </entry>\r
80                   <entry>Create and manage optional categories for detailed patron/item\r
81                      information</entry>                  \r
82                </row>\r
83                <row>\r
84                   <entry>Standing Penalties</entry>\r
85                   <entry>\r
86                      <emphasis>admin settings</emphasis>\r
87                   </entry>                \r
88                </row>\r
89                <row xml:id="lsa-group-penalty-table-entry">\r
90                   <entry>\r
91                      <link linkend="lsa-group-penalty">Group Penalty Thresholds</link>\r
92                   </entry>\r
93                   <entry> Set library-specific thresholds for maximum items out, maximum overdues,\r
94                      and maximum fines </entry>                 \r
95                </row>\r
96                <row>\r
97                   <entry>Field Documentation</entry>\r
98                   <entry>\r
99                      <emphasis>admin settings</emphasis>\r
100                   </entry>                  \r
101                </row>\r
102                <row>\r
103                   <entry>Notifications / Action Triggers</entry>\r
104                   <entry>\r
105                      <emphasis>admin settings</emphasis>\r
106                   </entry>                 \r
107                </row>\r
108                <row>\r
109                   <entry>\r
110                      <link linkend="lsa-survey">Surveys</link>\r
111                   </entry>\r
112                   <entry>Create patron surveys to be completed at patron registration</entry>                 \r
113                </row>\r
114                <row>\r
115                   <entry>\r
116                      Reports\r
117                   </entry>\r
118                   <entry>Generate reports on any field in the Evergreen database</entry>                  \r
119                </row>\r
120                <row>\r
121                   <entry>\r
122                      <link linkend="lsa-cash-reports">Cash Reports</link>\r
123                   </entry>\r
124                   <entry>View summary report of cash transactions for selected date range</entry>                  \r
125                </row>\r
126                <row>\r
127                   <entry>\r
128                         Transit List\r
129                   </entry>\r
130                   <entry>View items in transit to or from your library during selected date\r
131                      range</entry>              \r
132                </row>\r
133                <row>\r
134                   <entry>Circulation Policies</entry>\r
135                   <entry>\r
136                      <emphasis>admin settings</emphasis>\r
137                   </entry>  \r
138                </row>\r
139                <row>\r
140                   <entry>Hold Policies</entry>\r
141                   <entry>\r
142                      <emphasis>admin settings</emphasis>\r
143                   </entry>\r
144                </row>\r
145             </tbody>\r
146          </tgroup>\r
147       </informaltable>\r
148    </section>\r
149    <section xml:id="lsa-receipt">\r
150    <info>\r
151       <title>Receipt Template Editor</title>\r
152         <indexterm><primary>receipt template editor</primary></indexterm>\r
153    </info>\r
154 \r
155    <para>This tip sheet will show you how to customize your receipts.  This example will walk you\r
156       through how to customize the receipt that is printed on checkout.  </para>\r
157 \r
158    <para>Receipt templates are saved on the workstation, but it is possible to export the templates\r
159       to import to other workstations.  </para>\r
160 \r
161 <procedure>\r
162 \r
163    <step>\r
164                <para>Select <menuchoice><guimenu>Admin (-)</guimenu><guisubmenu>Local Administration</guisubmenu><guimenuitem>Receipt Template Editor</guimenuitem></menuchoice>.  </para>\r
165    </step>\r
166 \r
167 \r
168    <step>\r
169      \r
170          <para>Select the <guimenuitem>checkout</guimenuitem> template from the dropdown menu.\r
171              </para>\r
172    </step>\r
173 \r
174 \r
175    <step>\r
176          <para>You can edit the <guilabel>Header</guilabel>, <guilabel>Line\r
177                Item</guilabel> or <guilabel>Footer</guilabel> on the right hand side.  </para>  \r
178    </step>\r
179 \r
180   \r
181         <step><para>In the upper right hand corner you can see the available macros by clicking on the\r
182                <guibutton>Macros</guibutton> button.  A macro prints a real value from the database.\r
183             The macros that are available\r
184             vary slightly between types of receipt templates (i.e. bills, holds, items). </para>\r
185     </step>\r
186 \r
187    \r
188        <step><informalfigure>  <para>Here are the available macros for an item receipt, like a checkout receipt.  </para>\r
189        <para>\r
190       <mediaobject>\r
191          <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
192          <imageobject role="html">\r
193             <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/receipt-5.jpg"/>\r
194          </imageobject>\r
195          <imageobject role="fo">\r
196             <imagedata scale="80" fileref="../media/receipt-5.jpg"/>\r
197          </imageobject>\r
198       </mediaobject>\r
199    </para></informalfigure></step>\r
200    \r
201   </procedure>\r
202    \r
203    <simplesect>\r
204       <info>\r
205          <title>Adding an image</title>\r
206       </info>\r
207 \r
208 <procedure>    \r
209            <step><para>You can edit the <guilabel>Header</guilabel> to have an image.  This is the default checkout <guilabel>Header</guilabel>.\r
210                 </para>\r
211      </step>\r
212 \r
213      \r
214             <step><para>Using HTML tags you can insert a link to an image that exists on the web.  The\r
215                link will end in <emphasis>.jpg</emphasis> or possibly <emphasis>.gif</emphasis>.  To\r
216                get this link you can right click on the image and choose <guimenuitem>Copy Image\r
217                   Location</guimenuitem> (<application>Firefox</application>).  </para>\r
218         \r
219 <para>If you are using <application>Internet Explorer</application> right click and select <guimenuitem>Save Picture\r
220             As…</guimenuitem>\r
221       </para>\r
222 \r
223   </step>\r
224 \r
225            <step> <para>Enter the URL of the\r
226                link for the image that you just copied off a website. </para>\r
227          \r
228 <para>By clicking outside the <guilabel>Header</guilabel> box the <guilabel>Preview</guilabel> will update to reflect the edit you just\r
229          made.  </para>\r
230 \r
231       </step>\r
232   \r
233            <step><para>If the image runs into the text, add a &lt;br/&gt; after the\r
234                image to add a line break.</para>\r
235      </step></procedure>   \r
236       <tip><para>You may use most HTML tags.  See <link xlink:title="http://www.w3schools.com/html/" xlink:href="http://www.w3schools.com/html/">http://www.w3schools.com/html/</link> for more information on HTML tags.  </para></tip>\r
237    </simplesect>\r
238    <simplesect>\r
239       <info>\r
240          <title>Line Item</title>\r
241       </info>\r
242 \r
243           <informalfigure>  <para>This is what the default <guilabel>Line Item</guilabel> looks like:</para>\r
244         \r
245       <para>\r
246          <mediaobject>\r
247             <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
248             <imageobject role="html">\r
249                <imagedata scalefit="1" fileref="../media/receipt-11.jpg"/>\r
250             </imageobject>\r
251             <imageobject role="fo">\r
252                <imagedata scalefit="1" width="100%" contentdepth="100%"\r
253                   fileref="../media/receipt-11.jpg"/>\r
254             </imageobject>\r
255          </mediaobject>\r
256       </para></informalfigure>\r
257 \r
258       <para>In this example, the macro %barcode% prints the item barcodes of the books that were\r
259          checked out.  The macro %due_date% prints the due date for each item that was checked out.\r
260           </para>\r
261 \r
262       <para>In this example, we will not make any changes to the <guilabel>Line Item</guilabel></para>\r
263 \r
264       \r
265      <note> <para>The due date can only be printed in the YYYY-MM-DD format. </para></note>\r
266 \r
267    </simplesect>\r
268    <simplesect>\r
269       <info>\r
270          <title>Editing the footer</title>\r
271       </info>\r
272 \r
273      \r
274 <procedure>          <step><informalfigure>  <para>This is what the default <guilabel>Footer</guilabel> looks like:</para>\r
275         \r
276       <para>\r
277          <mediaobject>\r
278             <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
279             <imageobject role="html">\r
280                <imagedata scalefit="1" fileref="../media/receipt-12.jpg"/>\r
281             </imageobject>\r
282             <imageobject role="fo">\r
283                <imagedata scalefit="1" width="100%" contentdepth="100%"\r
284                   fileref="../media/receipt-12.jpg"/>\r
285             </imageobject>\r
286          </mediaobject>\r
287       </para></informalfigure></step>\r
288 \r
289      \r
290             <step><informalfigure><para>Remove the “You were helped by %STAFF_FIRSTNAME% &lt;br/&gt;”.  As many\r
291                libraries use a generic circulation login on the circulation desk, the “You were\r
292                helped by…” note isn’t meaningful.  </para>\r
293         \r
294       <para>\r
295          <mediaobject>\r
296             <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
297             <imageobject role="html">\r
298                <imagedata scalefit="1" fileref="../media/receipt-13.jpg"/>\r
299             </imageobject>\r
300             <imageobject role="fo">\r
301                <imagedata scalefit="1" width="100%" contentdepth="100%"\r
302                   fileref="../media/receipt-13.jpg"/>\r
303             </imageobject>\r
304          </mediaobject>\r
305       </para></informalfigure></step>\r
306 \r
307           <step><informalfigure>  <para>Once you have the checkout template how you want it, click <guibutton>Save Locally</guibutton> to save\r
308                the template to your computer.  </para>\r
309        \r
310 \r
311       <para>\r
312          <mediaobject>\r
313             <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
314             <imageobject>\r
315                <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/receipt-15.jpg"/>\r
316             </imageobject>\r
317             \r
318          </mediaobject>\r
319       </para></informalfigure></step>\r
320 \r
321      \r
322             <step><informalfigure><para>Click OK.</para>\r
323        \r
324 \r
325       <para>\r
326          <mediaobject>\r
327             <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
328             <imageobject role="html">\r
329                <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/receipt-16.png"/>\r
330             </imageobject>\r
331             <imageobject role="fo">\r
332                <imagedata scale="80" fileref="../media/receipt-16.png"/>\r
333             </imageobject>\r
334          </mediaobject>\r
335       </para></informalfigure></step></procedure>\r
336       \r
337      <tip> <para>The footer is a good place to advertise upcoming library programs or events.  </para></tip>\r
338       \r
339    </simplesect>\r
340    <simplesect>\r
341       <info>\r
342          <title>Exporting templates</title>\r
343       </info>\r
344 \r
345       <para>As you can only save a template on to the computer you are working on you will need to\r
346          export the template if you have more than one computer that prints out receipts (i.e., more\r
347          than one computer on the circulation desk, or another computer in the workroom that you use\r
348          to checkin items or capture holds with).</para>\r
349 \r
350       \r
351 <procedure>           <step><informalfigure> <para>Click on <guilabel>Export</guilabel>.  </para>\r
352         \r
353 \r
354       <para>\r
355          <mediaobject>\r
356             <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
357             <imageobject role="html">\r
358                <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/receipt-17.jpg"/>\r
359             </imageobject>\r
360             <imageobject role="fo">\r
361                <imagedata scale="80" fileref="../media/receipt-17.jpg"/>\r
362             </imageobject>\r
363          </mediaobject>\r
364       </para>\r
365 </informalfigure></step>\r
366      \r
367      \r
368      \r
369             <step><informalfigure><para>Select the location to save the template to, name the template, and click <guibutton>Save</guibutton>.\r
370                 </para>\r
371               <para>\r
372          <mediaobject>\r
373             <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
374             <imageobject role="html">\r
375                <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/receipt-18.jpg"/>\r
376             </imageobject>\r
377             <imageobject role="fo">\r
378                <imagedata scale="80" fileref="../media/receipt-18.jpg"/>\r
379             </imageobject>\r
380          </mediaobject>\r
381       </para>\r
382 </informalfigure></step>\r
383       \r
384       \r
385       \r
386             <step><informalfigure><para>Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.  </para>\r
387                <para>\r
388          <mediaobject>\r
389             <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
390             <imageobject role="html">\r
391                <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/receipt-19.jpg"/>\r
392             </imageobject>\r
393             <imageobject role="fo">\r
394                <imagedata scale="80" fileref="../media/receipt-19.jpg"/>\r
395             </imageobject>\r
396          </mediaobject>\r
397       </para></informalfigure></step></procedure>\r
398 \r
399    </simplesect>\r
400    <simplesect>\r
401       <info>\r
402          <title>Importing Templates</title>\r
403       </info>\r
404 <procedure>\r
405      \r
406            <step><informalfigure> <para>Click <guibutton>Import</guibutton>.</para>\r
407         \r
408       <para>\r
409          <mediaobject>\r
410             <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
411             <imageobject role="html">\r
412                <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/receipt-20.jpg"/>\r
413             </imageobject>\r
414             <imageobject role="fo">\r
415                <imagedata scale="80" fileref="../media/receipt-20.jpg"/>\r
416             </imageobject>\r
417          </mediaobject>\r
418       </para></informalfigure></step>\r
419 \r
420       \r
421             <step><informalfigure><para>Navigate to and select the template that you want to import.  Click <guibutton>Open</guibutton>. </para>\r
422         \r
423       <para>\r
424          <mediaobject>\r
425             <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
426             <imageobject role="html">\r
427                <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/receipt-21.jpg"/>\r
428             </imageobject>\r
429             <imageobject role="fo">\r
430                <imagedata scale="80" fileref="../media/receipt-21.jpg"/>\r
431             </imageobject>\r
432          </mediaobject>\r
433       </para></informalfigure></step>\r
434 \r
435       \r
436          <step><informalfigure>   <para>Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.</para>\r
437         \r
438       <para>\r
439          <mediaobject>\r
440             <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
441             <imageobject role="html">\r
442                <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/receipt-22.jpg"/>\r
443             </imageobject>\r
444             <imageobject role="fo">\r
445                <imagedata scale="80" fileref="../media/receipt-22.jpg"/>\r
446             </imageobject>\r
447          </mediaobject>\r
448       </para></informalfigure></step>\r
449 \r
450     \r
451     \r
452             <step><informalfigure><para>Click <guibutton>Save Locally</guibutton>.</para>\r
453              <para>\r
454          <mediaobject>\r
455             <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
456             <imageobject role="html">\r
457                <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/receipt-23.jpg"/>\r
458             </imageobject>\r
459             <imageobject role="fo">\r
460                <imagedata scale="80" fileref="../media/receipt-23.jpg"/>\r
461             </imageobject>\r
462          </mediaobject>\r
463       </para></informalfigure></step>\r
464 \r
465     \r
466             <step><informalfigure><para>Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton>.</para>\r
467         \r
468 \r
469       <para>\r
470          <mediaobject>\r
471             <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
472             <imageobject role="html">\r
473                <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/receipt-24.jpg"/>\r
474             </imageobject>\r
475             <imageobject role="fo">\r
476                <imagedata scale="80" fileref="../media/receipt-24.jpg"/>\r
477             </imageobject>\r
478          </mediaobject>\r
479       </para></informalfigure></step></procedure>\r
480    </simplesect>\r
481 </section>\r
482    <section xml:id="lsa-font">\r
483       <info>\r
484          <title>Global Font and Sound Settings</title>\r
485         <indexterm><primary>staff client</primary><secondary>fonts</secondary></indexterm>\r
486         \r
487       </info>\r
488       <para><guilabel>Global Font and Sound Settings</guilabel> apply to the current workstation\r
489          only. Use to turn staff client sounds on/off or to adjust the font size in the staff client\r
490          interface. These settings do not affect OPAC font sizes.</para>\r
491       <procedure>\r
492          <step>\r
493             <para>Select <menuchoice>\r
494                   <guimenu>Admin (-)</guimenu>\r
495                   <guisubmenu>Local Administration</guisubmenu>\r
496                   <guimenuitem>Global Font and Sound Settings</guimenuitem>\r
497                </menuchoice>.</para>\r
498          </step>\r
499          <step>\r
500             <informalfigure>\r
501                 <indexterm><primary>staff client</primary><secondary>sounds</secondary></indexterm>\r
502                <para>To turn off the system sounds, like the noise that happens when a patron with a\r
503                   block is retrieved check the <guilabel>disable sound</guilabel> box and click\r
504                      <guibutton>Save to Disk</guibutton>.  </para>\r
505                <para>\r
506                   <mediaobject>\r
507                      <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
508                      <imageobject>\r
509                         <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/lsa-4.jpg"/>\r
510                      </imageobject>\r
511                   </mediaobject>\r
512                </para>\r
513             </informalfigure>\r
514          </step>\r
515          <step>\r
516             <informalfigure>\r
517                <para>To change the size of the font, pick the desired option and click\r
518                      <guibutton>Save to Disk</guibutton>.  </para>\r
519                <para>\r
520                   <mediaobject>\r
521                      <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
522                      <imageobject>\r
523                         <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/lsa-5.jpg"/>\r
524                      </imageobject>\r
525 \r
526                   </mediaobject>\r
527                </para>\r
528             </informalfigure>\r
529          </step>\r
530       </procedure>\r
531    </section>\r
532    <section xml:id="lsa-printer">\r
533       <info>\r
534          <title>Printer Settings Editor</title>\r
535         <indexterm><primary>staff client</primary><secondary>printer settings</secondary></indexterm>\r
536       </info>\r
537       <para>Use the <guilabel>Printer Settings Editor</guilabel> to configure printer output for\r
538          each workstation.</para>\r
539       <procedure>\r
540          <step>\r
541             <para>Select <menuchoice>\r
542                   <guimenu>Admin (-)</guimenu>\r
543                   <guisubmenu>Local Administration</guisubmenu>\r
544                   <guimenuitem>Printer Settings Editor</guimenuitem>\r
545                </menuchoice>.</para>\r
546          </step>\r
547          <step>\r
548             <informalfigure>\r
549                <para>From this screen you can print a test page, or alter the page settings for your\r
550                   receipt printer.  </para>\r
551                <para>\r
552                   <mediaobject>\r
553                      <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
554                      <imageobject>\r
555                         <imagedata width="100%" scalefit="1" fileref="../media/lsa-7.jpg"/>\r
556                      </imageobject>\r
557                   </mediaobject>\r
558                </para>\r
559             </informalfigure>\r
560          </step>\r
561          <step>\r
562             <informalfigure>\r
563                <para>Click on <guibutton>Page Settings</guibutton> to change printing format and\r
564                   option settings.  Click on the <guilabel>Margins &amp;\r
565                      Header/Footer</guilabel> tab to adjust </para>\r
566                <para>\r
567                   <mediaobject>\r
568                      <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
569                      <imageobject>\r
570                         <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/lsa-8.jpg"/>\r
571                      </imageobject>\r
572 \r
573                   </mediaobject>\r
574                </para>\r
575             </informalfigure>\r
576          </step>\r
577       </procedure>\r
578    </section>\r
579    <section xml:id="lsa-closed">\r
580       <info>\r
581          <title>Closed Dates Editor</title>\r
582         <indexterm><primary>closed dates editor</primary></indexterm>\r
583       </info>\r
584       <para>These dates are in addition to your regular weekly closed days. Both regular closed days and those entered in the\r
585             <guilabel>Closed Dates Editor</guilabel> affect due dates and fines:</para>\r
586       <itemizedlist>\r
587          <listitem>\r
588             <formalpara>\r
589                <title>Due dates</title>\r
590                 <indexterm><primary>closed dates editor</primary><secondary>due dates</secondary></indexterm>\r
591                <para>Due dates that would fall on closed days are automatically pushed forward to\r
592                   the next open day. Likewise, if an item is checked out at 8pm, for example, and\r
593                   would normally be due on a day when the library closes before 8pm, Evergreen\r
594                   pushes the due date forward to the next open day.</para>\r
595             </formalpara>\r
596          </listitem>\r
597          <listitem>\r
598             <formalpara>\r
599                <title>Overdue fines</title>\r
600                 <indexterm><primary>closed dates editor</primary><secondary>fines</secondary></indexterm>\r
601                <para>Overdue fines are not charged on days when the library is closed.</para>\r
602             </formalpara>\r
603          </listitem>\r
604       </itemizedlist>     \r
605       <simplesect>\r
606          <title>Multi-Day Closing</title>\r
607          <procedure>\r
608             <step>\r
609                <para>Select <menuchoice>\r
610                      <guimenu>Admin (-)</guimenu>\r
611                      <guisubmenu>Local Administration</guisubmenu>\r
612                      <guimenuitem>Closed Dates Editor</guimenuitem>\r
613                   </menuchoice>.</para>\r
614             </step>\r
615             <step xml:id="lsa-multi-day-select">\r
616                <informalfigure>\r
617                   <para>Select <guibutton>Add Multi-Date Closing</guibutton> if your closed dates\r
618                      are entire business days.</para>\r
619                   <para>\r
620                      <mediaobject>\r
621                         <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
622                         <imageobject>\r
623                            <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/lsa-10.jpg"/>\r
624                         </imageobject>\r
625                      </mediaobject>\r
626                   </para>\r
627                </informalfigure>\r
628             </step>\r
629             <step>\r
630                <informalfigure>\r
631                   <para>Enter applicable dates and a descriptive reason for the closing and click\r
632                         <guibutton>Save</guibutton>.  Check the <guilabel>Apply to all of my\r
633                         libraries</guilabel> box if your library is a multi-branch system and the\r
634                      closing applies to all of your branches.  </para>\r
635                   <para>\r
636                      <mediaobject>\r
637                         <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
638                         <imageobject>\r
639                            <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/lsa-11.jpg"/>\r
640                         </imageobject>\r
641 \r
642                      </mediaobject>\r
643                   </para>\r
644                </informalfigure>\r
645             </step>\r
646          </procedure>\r
647          <tip>\r
648             <para>You can type dates into fields using YYYY-MM-DD format or use calendar widgets to\r
649                choose dates.</para>\r
650          </tip>\r
651       </simplesect>\r
652       <simplesect>\r
653          <title>Detailed Closing</title>\r
654          <informalfigure>\r
655             <para>If your closed dates include a portion of a business day, select Add Detailed\r
656                Closing at <xref linkend="lsa-multi-day-select"/>, then enter detailed hours and\r
657                dates and click <guibutton>Save</guibutton>. Time format must be HH:MM.</para>\r
658             <para>\r
659                <mediaobject>\r
660                   <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
661                   <imageobject>\r
662                      <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/lsa-12.jpg"/>\r
663                   </imageobject>\r
664 \r
665                </mediaobject>\r
666             </para>\r
667          </informalfigure>\r
668       </simplesect>  \r
669    </section>\r
670    <section xml:id="lsa-copy-locations">\r
671       <info>\r
672          <title>Copy Locations Editor</title>\r
673         <indexterm><primary>copy locations editor</primary></indexterm>\r
674       </info>\r
675       <procedure>\r
676          <step>\r
677             <para>Select <menuchoice>\r
678                   <guimenu>Admin (-)</guimenu>\r
679                   <guisubmenu>Local Administration</guisubmenu>\r
680                   <guimenuitem>Copy Locations Editor</guimenuitem>\r
681                </menuchoice>.</para>\r
682          </step>\r
683          <step>\r
684             <informalfigure>\r
685                <para>You can create new copy locations, or edit existing copy locations. To create a\r
686                   new shelving location type in the name, and select <guilabel>Yes</guilabel> or\r
687                      <guilabel>No</guilabel> for the various attributes: <guilabel>OPAC Visible,\r
688                      Holdable, Circulate,</guilabel> and <guilabel>Hold Verify</guilabel>.\r
689                      <guilabel>Holdable</guilabel> means a patron is able to place a hold on an item\r
690                   in this location; <guilabel>Hold Verify</guilabel> means staff will be prompted\r
691                   before an item is captured for a hold.  Finally click\r
692                      <guibutton>Create</guibutton>.</para>\r
693                <para>\r
694                   <mediaobject>\r
695                      <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
696                      <imageobject>\r
697                         <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/lsa-14.jpg"/>\r
698                      </imageobject>\r
699 \r
700                   </mediaobject>\r
701                </para>\r
702             </informalfigure>\r
703          </step>\r
704          <step>\r
705             <informalfigure>\r
706                <para>In the bottom part of the <guilabel>Copy Locations Editor</guilabel> you can\r
707                   edit or delete existing copy locations. You cannot delete a location that contains\r
708                   items. In this example the copy location <guilabel>Adult Videos</guilabel> is\r
709                   being edited.</para>\r
710                <para>\r
711                   <mediaobject>\r
712                      <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
713                      <imageobject>\r
714                         <imagedata width="100%" scalefit="1" fileref="../media/lsa-16.jpg"/>\r
715                      </imageobject>\r
716                   </mediaobject>\r
717                </para>\r
718             </informalfigure>\r
719          </step>\r
720       </procedure>\r
721       <tip>\r
722          <para>There are also options in the <guilabel>Copy Editor</guilabel> for a copy to be\r
723                <guilabel>OPAC Visible</guilabel>-yes or no, <guilabel>Holdable</guilabel>-yes or no,\r
724             or <guilabel>Circulate</guilabel>-yes or no.  If either the copy record or the shelving\r
725             location is set to Circulate-no, then the item will not be able to circulate.</para>\r
726       </tip>\r
727       <informalfigure>\r
728          <para>This is where you see the shelving locations in the <guilabel>Copy\r
729             Editor</guilabel>:</para>\r
730 \r
731          <para>\r
732             <mediaobject>\r
733                <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
734                <imageobject>\r
735                   <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/lsa-17.jpg"/>\r
736                </imageobject>\r
737             </mediaobject>\r
738          </para>\r
739       </informalfigure>\r
740       <para>This is where the shelving location appears in the OPAC.</para>\r
741       <para>\r
742          <mediaobject>\r
743             <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
744             <imageobject>\r
745                <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/lsa-18.jpg"/>\r
746             </imageobject>\r
747          </mediaobject>\r
748       </para>\r
749    </section>\r
750    <section xml:id="lsa-library-settings">\r
751       <info>\r
752          <title>Library Settings Editor</title>\r
753         <indexterm><primary>library settings editor</primary></indexterm>\r
754       </info>\r
755       <para>With the <guilabel>Library Settings Editor</guilabel> Local System Admnistrators (LSAs)\r
756          can optionally customize Evergreen's behaviour for a particular library or library system.\r
757          For descriptions of available settings see the <link\r
758             linkend="lsa-library-settings-overview">Settings Overview</link> table below. \r
759         </para>\r
760       <para>To open the <guilabel>Library Settings Editor</guilabel> select <menuchoice>\r
761             <guimenu>Admin (-)</guimenu>\r
762             <guisubmenu>Local Adminstration</guisubmenu>\r
763             <guimenuitem>Library Settings Editor</guimenuitem>\r
764          </menuchoice>. </para>\r
765       <simplesect>\r
766          <title>Settings Overview</title>\r
767          <para>This table describes available settings and shows which LSAs can change on a\r
768             per-library basis. Below the table is a list of <link\r
769                linkend="lsa-library-settings-data">data types</link> with details about acceptable\r
770             settings values.</para>\r
771          <informaltable xml:id="lsa-library-settings-overview">\r
772             <tgroup cols="4" align="left" colsep="1" rowsep="1">\r
773                <colspec colnum="1" colname="setting" colwidth="2.0*"/>\r
774                <colspec colnum="2" colname="description" colwidth="3.0*"/>\r
775                <colspec colnum="3" colname="type" colwidth="1.0*"/>\r
776                <colspec colnum="4" colname="notes" colwidth="2.0*"/>\r
777                <thead>\r
778                   <row>\r
779                      <entry>Setting</entry>\r
780                      <entry>Description</entry>\r
781                      <entry>Data type</entry>\r
782                      <entry>Notes</entry>\r
783                   </row>\r
784                </thead>\r
785                <tbody>\r
786                   <row>\r
787                      <entry>Alert on empty bib records</entry>\r
788                      <entry>Alert staff before the last copy for a record is deleted</entry>\r
789                      <entry><link linkend="lsa-data-types">True/false</link></entry>\r
790                     <entry></entry>\r
791                   </row>\r
792                   <row>\r
793                      <entry>Allow Credit Card Payments</entry>\r
794                      <entry>Not available</entry>\r
795                      <entry><link linkend="lsa-data-types">True/false</link></entry>  \r
796                      <entry></entry>\r
797                   </row>\r
798                   <row>\r
799                      <entry>Change reshelving status interval</entry>\r
800                      <entry>Amount of time to wait before changing an item from “reshelving” status\r
801                         to “available”</entry>\r
802                      <entry>\r
803                         <link linkend="lsa-data-types">Duration</link>\r
804                      </entry>\r
805                      <entry></entry>\r
806                   </row>\r
807                   <row>\r
808                      <entry>Charge item price when marked damaged </entry>\r
809                      <entry>If true Evergreen bills item price to the last patron who checked out\r
810                         the damaged item. Staff receive an alert with patron information and must\r
811                         confirm the billing.</entry>\r
812                      <entry>\r
813                         <link linkend="lsa-data-types">True/false</link>\r
814                      </entry>\r
815                     <entry>\r
816                      </entry>\r
817                   </row>\r
818                   <row>\r
819                      <entry>Charge processing fee for damaged items</entry>\r
820                      <entry>Optional processing fee billed to last patron who checked out the\r
821                         damaged item. Staff receive an alert with patron information and must\r
822                         confirm the billing.</entry>\r
823                      <entry><link linkend="lsa-data-types">Number</link> (dollars)</entry>\r
824                      <entry>Disabled when set to 0</entry>\r
825                   </row>\r
826                   <row>\r
827                      <entry>Circ: Lost items usable on checkin</entry>\r
828                      <entry>Lost items are usable on checkin instead of going 'home' first</entry>\r
829                      <entry>\r
830                         <link linkend="lsa-data-types">True/false</link>\r
831                      </entry>\r
832                      <entry/>\r
833                   </row>\r
834                   <row>\r
835                      <entry>Circ: Restore overdues on lost item return</entry>\r
836                      <entry>If true when a lost item is checked in overdue fines are charged (up to\r
837                         the maximum fines amount)</entry>\r
838                      <entry>\r
839                         <link linkend="lsa-data-types">True/false</link>\r
840                      </entry>\r
841                     \r
842                      <entry/>\r
843                   </row>\r
844 \r
845                   <row>\r
846                      <entry>Circ: Void lost item billing when returned</entry>\r
847                      <entry>If true,when a lost item is checked in the item replacement bill (item\r
848                         price) is voided. If the patron has already paid the bill a credit is\r
849                         applied.</entry>\r
850                      <entry>\r
851                         <link linkend="lsa-data-types">True/false</link>\r
852                      </entry>\r
853                     \r
854                      <entry/>\r
855                   </row>\r
856 \r
857                   <row>\r
858                      <entry>Circ: Void lost max interval</entry>\r
859                      <entry>Items that have been lost this long will not result in voided billings\r
860                         when returned. Only applies if <guilabel>Circ: Void lost item\r
861                            billing</guilabel> or <guilabel>Circ: Void processing fee on lost\r
862                            item</guilabel> are true.</entry>\r
863                      <entry>\r
864                         <link linkend="lsa-data-types">Duration</link>\r
865                      </entry>\r
866                     \r
867                      <entry/>\r
868                   </row>\r
869 \r
870                   <row>\r
871                      <entry>Circ: Void processing fee on lost item return</entry>\r
872                      <entry>If true the processing fee is voided when a lost item is\r
873                         returned</entry>\r
874                      <entry>\r
875                         <link linkend="lsa-data-types">True/false</link>\r
876                      </entry>\r
877                     \r
878                      <entry/>\r
879                   </row>\r
880 \r
881                   <row>\r
882                      <entry>Default Item Price</entry>\r
883                      <entry>Replacement charge for lost items if price is unset in the <guilabel>Copy Editor</guilabel>. \r
884                         Does not apply if item price is set to $0</entry>\r
885                      <entry><link linkend="lsa-data-types">Number</link> (dollars)</entry>\r
886                     \r
887                      <entry/>\r
888                   </row>\r
889 \r
890                   <row>\r
891                      <entry>Default locale</entry>\r
892                      <entry>Sets language used in staff client</entry>\r
893                      <entry><link linkend="lsa-data-types">Text</link> (dollars)</entry>\r
894                      \r
895                      <entry>Can be set for each workstation at login</entry>\r
896                   </row>\r
897 \r
898                   <row xml:id="lsa-do-not-automatically-delete">\r
899                      <entry>Do not automatically delete empty bib records</entry>\r
900                      <entry>If false bib records (aka MARC records) will automatically be deleted\r
901                         when the last attached volume is deleted </entry>\r
902                      <entry>\r
903                         <link linkend="lsa-data-types">True/false</link>\r
904                      </entry>\r
905                      \r
906                      <entry>Set to <emphasis>false</emphasis> to avoid orphaned bib records</entry>\r
907                   </row>\r
908 \r
909                   <row xml:id="lsa-library-settings-button">\r
910                      <entry>GUI: Above-Tab Button Bar </entry>\r
911                      <entry>If true the staff client button bar\r
912                         appears by default on all workstations registered to your library; staff can\r
913                         override this setting at each login.</entry>\r
914                      <entry>\r
915                         <link linkend="lsa-data-types">True/false</link>\r
916                      </entry>\r
917                     \r
918                      <entry/>\r
919                   </row>\r
920 \r
921                   <row xml:id="lsa-library-settings-horizontal">\r
922                      <entry>GUI: Alternative Horizontal Patron Summary Panel</entry>\r
923                      <entry>If true replaces the vertical patron summary panel with a horizontal one\r
924                         on all workstations registered to your library</entry>\r
925                      <entry>\r
926                         <link linkend="lsa-data-types">True/false</link>\r
927                      </entry>\r
928                     \r
929                      <entry/>\r
930                   </row>\r
931 \r
932                   <row>\r
933                      <entry>GUI: Network Activity Meter</entry>\r
934                      <entry>If true displays a progress bar when the staff client is sending or\r
935                         receiving information from the Evergreen server</entry>\r
936                      <entry>\r
937                         <link linkend="lsa-data-types">True/false</link>\r
938                      </entry>\r
939                     \r
940                      <entry/>\r
941                   </row>\r
942                   <row>\r
943                      <entry>GUI: Patron display timeout interval</entry>\r
944                      <entry>Patron accounts opened in the staff client will close if inactive for\r
945                         this period of time</entry>\r
946                      <entry>\r
947                         <link linkend="lsa-data-types">Duration</link>\r
948                      </entry>\r
949                     \r
950                      <entry>Not functional in this version of Evergreen</entry>\r
951                   </row>\r
952 \r
953                   <row>\r
954                      <entry>Holds: Estimated Wait (Days) </entry>\r
955                      <entry>Average number of days between check out and check in, multiplied by a\r
956                         patron's position in the hold queue to estimate wait for holds</entry>\r
957                      <entry>\r
958                         <link linkend="lsa-data-types">Number</link>\r
959                      </entry>\r
960                      \r
961                      <entry>Not yet implemented</entry>\r
962                   </row>\r
963 \r
964                   <row>\r
965                      <entry>Holds: Expire Alert Interval</entry>\r
966                      <entry>Time before a hold expires at which to send an email notifying the\r
967                         patron</entry>\r
968                      <entry>\r
969                         <link linkend="lsa-data-types">Duration</link>\r
970                      </entry>\r
971                     \r
972                      <entry>Only applies if your library notifies patrons of expired holds. </entry>\r
973                   </row>\r
974 \r
975                   <row>\r
976                      <entry>Holds: Expire Interval</entry>\r
977                      <entry>Amount of time until an unfulfilled hold expires</entry>\r
978                      <entry>\r
979                         <link linkend="lsa-data-types">Duration</link>\r
980                      </entry>\r
981                     \r
982                      <entry/>\r
983                   </row>\r
984 \r
985                   <row>\r
986                      <entry>Holds: Hard boundary</entry>\r
987                      <entry>Administrative setting</entry>\r
988                      <entry>\r
989                         <link linkend="lsa-data-types">Number</link>\r
990                      </entry>\r
991                      \r
992                      <entry/>\r
993                   </row>\r
994                   <row>\r
995                      <entry>Holds: Soft boundary</entry>\r
996                      <entry>Administrative setting</entry>\r
997                      <entry>\r
998                         <link linkend="lsa-data-types">Number</link>\r
999                      </entry>\r
1000                      \r
1001                      <entry/>\r
1002                   </row>\r
1003 \r
1004                   <row>\r
1005                      <entry>Holds: Soft stalling interval</entry>\r
1006                      <entry>Administrative setting</entry>\r
1007                      <entry>\r
1008                         <link linkend="lsa-data-types">Duration</link>\r
1009                      </entry>\r
1010                      \r
1011                      <entry/>\r
1012                   </row>\r
1013                   <row>\r
1014                      <entry>Juvenile Age Threshold</entry>\r
1015                      <entry>Upper cut-off age for patrons to be considered juvenile, calculated from\r
1016                         date of birth in patron accounts</entry>\r
1017                      <entry><link linkend="lsa-data-types">Duration</link> (years)</entry>\r
1018                     \r
1019                      <entry/>\r
1020                   </row>\r
1021 \r
1022                   <row>\r
1023                      <entry>Lost Materials Processing Fee</entry>\r
1024                      <entry>The amount charged in addition to item price when an item is marked los.\r
1025                          </entry>\r
1026                      <entry><link linkend="lsa-data-types">Number</link> (dollars)</entry>\r
1027                     \r
1028                      <entry/>\r
1029                   </row>\r
1030 \r
1031                   <row>\r
1032                      <entry>Maximum previous checkouts displayed</entry>\r
1033                      <entry>Number of previous circulations displayed in staff client</entry>\r
1034                      <entry>\r
1035                         <link linkend="lsa-data-types">Number</link>\r
1036                      </entry>\r
1037                     \r
1038                      <entry/>\r
1039                   </row>\r
1040                   <row>\r
1041                      <entry>OPAC Inactivity Timeout (in seconds)</entry>\r
1042                      <entry>Number of seconds of inactivity before OPAC accounts are automatically\r
1043                         logged out.</entry>\r
1044                      <entry>\r
1045                         <link linkend="lsa-data-types">Number</link>\r
1046                      </entry>\r
1047                     \r
1048                      <entry/>\r
1049                   </row>\r
1050 \r
1051                   <row>\r
1052                      <entry>OPAC: Allow pending addresses</entry>\r
1053                      <entry>If true patrons can edit their addresses in the OPAC. Changes must be\r
1054                         approved by staff</entry>\r
1055                      <entry>\r
1056                         <link linkend="lsa-data-types">True/false</link>\r
1057                      </entry>\r
1058                     \r
1059                      <entry/>\r
1060                   </row>\r
1061                   <row>\r
1062                      <entry>Password format</entry>\r
1063                      <entry>Defines acceptable format for OPAC account passwords</entry>\r
1064                      <entry> Regular expression </entry>\r
1065                      \r
1066                      <entry>Default requires that passwords "be at least 7 characters in length,\r
1067                         contain at least one letter (a-z/A-Z), and contain at least one number.\r
1068                         </entry>\r
1069                   </row>\r
1070 \r
1071                   <row>\r
1072                      <entry>Patron barcode format </entry>\r
1073                      <entry>Defines acceptable format for patron barcodes</entry>\r
1074                      <entry> Regular expression </entry>\r
1075                      \r
1076                      <entry></entry>\r
1077                   </row>\r
1078 \r
1079                   <row xml:id="library-settings-phone-password">\r
1080                      <entry>Patron: password from phone #</entry>\r
1081                      <entry>If true the last 4 digits of the patron's phone number is the password\r
1082                         for new accounts (password must still be changed at first OPAC\r
1083                         login)</entry>\r
1084                      <entry>\r
1085                         <link linkend="lsa-data-types">True/false</link>\r
1086                      </entry>\r
1087                     \r
1088                      <entry/>\r
1089                   </row>\r
1090                   <row>\r
1091                      <entry>Selfcheck: Patron Login Timeout (in seconds)</entry>\r
1092                      <entry>Administrative setting</entry>\r
1093                      <entry>\r
1094                         <link linkend="lsa-data-types">Number</link>\r
1095                      </entry>\r
1096                      \r
1097                      <entry>Not for SIP connections</entry>\r
1098                   </row>\r
1099 \r
1100                   <row>\r
1101                      <entry>Selfcheck: Pop-up alert for errors</entry>\r
1102                      <entry>Administrative setting</entry>\r
1103                      <entry>\r
1104                         <link linkend="lsa-data-types">True/false</link>\r
1105                      </entry>\r
1106                      \r
1107                      <entry>Not for SIP connections</entry>\r
1108                   </row>\r
1109                   <row>\r
1110                      <entry>Selfcheck: Require patron password</entry>\r
1111                      <entry>Administrative setting</entry>\r
1112                      <entry>\r
1113                         <link linkend="lsa-data-types">True/false</link>\r
1114                      </entry>\r
1115                      \r
1116                      <entry>Not for SIP connections</entry>\r
1117                   </row>\r
1118 \r
1119                   <row>\r
1120                      <entry>Sending email address for patron notices</entry>\r
1121                      <entry>This email address is for automatically generated patron notices (e.g.\r
1122                         email overdues, email holds notification).  It is good practice to set up a\r
1123                         generic account, like info@nameofyourlibrary.ca, so that one person’s\r
1124                         individual email inbox doesn’t get cluttered with emails that were not\r
1125                         delivered.</entry>\r
1126                      <entry>\r
1127                         <link linkend="lsa-data-types">Text</link>\r
1128                      </entry>\r
1129                     \r
1130                      <entry/>\r
1131                   </row>\r
1132 \r
1133                   <row xml:id="lsa-show-billing-tab-first">\r
1134                      <entry>Show billing tab first when bills are present</entry>\r
1135                      <entry>If true, accounts for patrons with bills will open to the billing tab\r
1136                         instead of check out</entry>\r
1137                      <entry>\r
1138                         <link linkend="lsa-data-types">True/false</link>\r
1139                      </entry>\r
1140                      <entry></entry>\r
1141                   </row>\r
1142                   <row>\r
1143                      <entry>Staff Login Inactivity Timeout (in seconds)</entry>\r
1144                      <entry>Number of seconds of inactivity before staff client prompts for login\r
1145                         and password.</entry>\r
1146                      <entry>\r
1147                         <link linkend="lsa-data-types">Number</link>\r
1148                      </entry>\r
1149                     <entry>\r
1150                      </entry>\r
1151                   </row>\r
1152 \r
1153                   <row>\r
1154                      <entry>Void overdue fines when items are marked lost</entry>\r
1155                      <entry>If true overdue fines are voided when an item is marked lost</entry>\r
1156                      <entry>\r
1157                         <link linkend="lsa-data-types">True/false</link>\r
1158                      </entry>\r
1159                     <entry>\r
1160                      </entry>\r
1161                   </row>\r
1162 \r
1163                </tbody>\r
1164             </tgroup>\r
1165          </informaltable>\r
1166 \r
1167 \r
1168          <para xml:id="lsa-library-settings-data">Acceptable formats for each setting type are\r
1169             listed below. Quotation marks are never required when updating settings in the staff\r
1170             client.</para>\r
1171 \r
1172 \r
1173          <informaltable xml:id="lsa-data-types">\r
1174 \r
1175             <tgroup cols="2" align="left" colsep="1" rowsep="1">\r
1176                <colspec colnum="1" colname="type" colwidth="1.0*"/>\r
1177                <colspec colnum="2" colname="formatting" colwidth="5.0*"/>\r
1178              \r
1179 \r
1180                <thead>\r
1181                   <row>\r
1182                      <entry>Data type</entry>\r
1183                      <entry>Formatting</entry>\r
1184                   </row>\r
1185                </thead>\r
1186 \r
1187 \r
1188 \r
1189                <tbody>\r
1190                   <row>\r
1191                      <entry>True/false</entry>\r
1192                      <entry>Select value from drop-down menu</entry>\r
1193                   </row>\r
1194                   <row>\r
1195                      <entry>Number</entry>\r
1196                      <entry>Enter a numerical value (decimals allowed in price settings)</entry>\r
1197                   </row>\r
1198                   <row>\r
1199                      <entry>Duration</entry>\r
1200                      <entry>Enter a number followed by a space and any of the following units:\r
1201                         minutes, hours, days, months (30 minutes, 2 days, etc)</entry>\r
1202                   </row>\r
1203                   <row>\r
1204                      <entry>Text</entry>\r
1205                      <entry>Free text</entry>\r
1206                   </row>\r
1207 \r
1208 \r
1209                </tbody>\r
1210             </tgroup>\r
1211          </informaltable>\r
1212 \r
1213 \r
1214       </simplesect>\r
1215 \r
1216 \r
1217 \r
1218    </section>\r
1219    <section xml:id="lsa-noncat">\r
1220       <info>\r
1221          <title>Non-Catalogued Type Editor </title>\r
1222         <indexterm><primary>non-catalogued type editor</primary></indexterm>\r
1223       </info>\r
1224 \r
1225       <para>This is where you configure your non-catalogued types that appear in the dropdown menu\r
1226          for non-catalogued circulations. </para>\r
1227 \r
1228       <procedure>\r
1229          <step>\r
1230 \r
1231             <para>Select <menuchoice>\r
1232                   <guimenu>Admin (-)</guimenu>\r
1233                   <guisubmenu>Local Administration</guisubmenu>\r
1234                   <guimenuitem>Non Catalogued Type Editor</guimenuitem>\r
1235                </menuchoice>.</para>\r
1236 \r
1237 \r
1238          </step>\r
1239 \r
1240          <step>\r
1241             <informalfigure>\r
1242                <para>To set up a new non-catalogued type, type the name in the left hand box, and\r
1243                   choose how many days the item will circulate for.  Click\r
1244                      <guibutton>Create</guibutton>.</para>\r
1245                <para>\r
1246                   <mediaobject>\r
1247                      <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
1248                      <imageobject>\r
1249                         <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/lsa-22.png"/>\r
1250                      </imageobject>\r
1251 \r
1252                   </mediaobject>\r
1253                </para>\r
1254             </informalfigure>\r
1255             <para>Select the <guilabel>Circulate In-House</guilabel> box for non-catalogued items\r
1256                that will circulate in house.  This can be used to manually track computer use, or\r
1257                meeting room rentals.  </para>\r
1258          </step>\r
1259       </procedure>\r
1260 \r
1261 \r
1262 \r
1263 \r
1264       <informalfigure>\r
1265          <para>This is what the dropdown menu for non-catalogued circulations in the patron checkout\r
1266             screen looks like:</para>\r
1267 \r
1268          <para>\r
1269             <mediaobject>\r
1270                <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
1271                <imageobject>\r
1272                   <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/lsa-23.jpg"/>\r
1273                </imageobject>\r
1274 \r
1275             </mediaobject>\r
1276          </para>\r
1277       </informalfigure>\r
1278    </section>\r
1279    <section xml:id="lsa-group-penalty">\r
1280       <info>\r
1281          <title>Group Penalty Thresholds</title>\r
1282         <indexterm><primary>group penalty thresholds</primary></indexterm>\r
1283       </info>\r
1284          <para>Group Penalty Thresholds block circulation transactions for users who exceed maximum\r
1285             check out limits, number of overdue items, or fines. Settings for your library are\r
1286             visible under <menuchoice>\r
1287                <guimenu>Admin (-)</guimenu>\r
1288                <guisubmenu>Local Administration</guisubmenu>\r
1289                <guimenuitem>Group Penalty Thresholds</guimenuitem>\r
1290             </menuchoice>. </para>\r
1291 \r
1292 \r
1293       <informaltable>\r
1294 \r
1295          <tgroup cols="2" align="left" colsep="1" rowsep="1">\r
1296                 <colspec colnum="1" colname="penalty" colwidth="1.0*"/>\r
1297                 <colspec colnum="2" colname="effect" colwidth="1.0*"/>\r
1298 \r
1299             <thead>\r
1300                <row>\r
1301                   <entry>Penalty</entry>\r
1302                   <entry>Effect</entry>\r
1303 \r
1304                </row>\r
1305             </thead>\r
1306 \r
1307             <tbody>\r
1308 \r
1309                <row>\r
1310                   <entry>PATRON_EXCEEDS_FINES</entry>\r
1311 \r
1312                   <entry>Blocks new circulations and renewals if patron exceeds X in fines </entry>\r
1313 \r
1314                </row>\r
1315                <row>\r
1316                   <entry>PATRON_EXCEEDS_OVERDUE_COUNT</entry>\r
1317 \r
1318                   <entry>Blocks new circulations and renewals if patron exceeds X overdue items </entry>\r
1319 \r
1320                </row>\r
1321 \r
1322                <row>\r
1323                   <entry>PATRON_EXCEEDS_CHECKOUT_COUNT</entry>\r
1324 \r
1325                   <entry>Blocks new circulations if patron exceeds X items out </entry>\r
1326 \r
1327                </row>\r
1328             </tbody>\r
1329          </tgroup>\r
1330 \r
1331       </informaltable>\r
1332 \r
1333 \r
1334 \r
1335 \r
1336       <informalfigure>\r
1337          <para>Accounts that exceed penalty thresholds display an alert message when opened and\r
1338             require staff overrides for blocked transactions.</para>\r
1339          <para>\r
1340             <mediaobject>\r
1341                <alt>patron account with circulation blocks</alt>\r
1342                <imageobject>\r
1343                   <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/lsa-group-1.png"/>\r
1344                </imageobject>\r
1345 \r
1346 \r
1347             </mediaobject>\r
1348          </para>\r
1349 \r
1350       </informalfigure>\r
1351 \r
1352 \r
1353       <simplesect xml:id="lsa-group-inheritance">\r
1354          <title>Penalty threshold inheritance rules</title>\r
1355 \r
1356          <informalfigure>\r
1357             <para>Local penalty thresholds are identified by <guilabel>Org Unit</guilabel> and\r
1358                appear in the same table as the system wide defaults.</para>\r
1359 \r
1360             <para>\r
1361                <mediaobject>\r
1362                   <alt>group penalty threshold table</alt>\r
1363                   <imageobject>\r
1364                      <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/lsa-group-1a.png"/>\r
1365                   </imageobject>\r
1366 \r
1367                </mediaobject>\r
1368             </para>\r
1369          </informalfigure>\r
1370 \r
1371          <para>Where there is more than one threshold for the same penalty Evergreen gives\r
1372             precedence to local settings. In this example Salt Spring Island Public Library (BGSI)\r
1373             patrons are blocked when owing $5.00 in fines (<inlinemediaobject>\r
1374                <imageobject>\r
1375                   <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/2.png"/>\r
1376                </imageobject>\r
1377             </inlinemediaobject>) instead of the system default(<inlinemediaobject>\r
1378                <imageobject>\r
1379                   <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/1.png"/>\r
1380                </imageobject>\r
1381             </inlinemediaobject>). </para>\r
1382 \r
1383          <para>Thresholds <inlinemediaobject>\r
1384                <imageobject>\r
1385                   <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/3.png"/>\r
1386                </imageobject>\r
1387             </inlinemediaobject> and <inlinemediaobject>\r
1388                <imageobject>\r
1389                   <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/4.png"/>\r
1390                </imageobject>\r
1391             </inlinemediaobject> are both for BGSI but apply to different user profile groups.\r
1392             Threshold <inlinemediaobject>\r
1393                <imageobject>\r
1394                   <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/3.png"/>\r
1395                </imageobject>\r
1396             </inlinemediaobject> limits all patrons to a maximum of 12 items out, but <inlinemediaobject>\r
1397                <imageobject>\r
1398                   <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/4.png"/>\r
1399                </imageobject>\r
1400             </inlinemediaobject> provides an exception for the <guilabel>Board</guilabel>\r
1401             profile.</para>\r
1402 \r
1403 \r
1404          <tip>\r
1405             <para>Multi-branch libraries may create rules for the entire library system or for\r
1406                individual branches. Evergreen will use the most specific applicable rule.</para>\r
1407          </tip>\r
1408 \r
1409 \r
1410 \r
1411       </simplesect>\r
1412 \r
1413       <simplesect xml:id="lsa-group-create">\r
1414          <title>Creating local penalty thresholds</title>\r
1415         <indexterm><primary>group penalty thresholds</primary><secondary>creating local penalty thresholds</secondary></indexterm>\r
1416          <para>Local System Administrators can override the system defaults by creating local penalty\r
1417             thresholds for selected patron groups.</para>\r
1418 \r
1419          <procedure>\r
1420             <step>\r
1421                <para>Select <menuchoice>\r
1422                      <guimenu>Admin (-)</guimenu>\r
1423                      <guisubmenu>Local Administration</guisubmenu>\r
1424                      <guimenuitem>Group Penalty Thresholds</guimenuitem>\r
1425                   </menuchoice>.</para>\r
1426 \r
1427 \r
1428             </step>\r
1429 \r
1430             <step>\r
1431                <informalfigure>\r
1432                   <para>Click <guibutton>New Penalty Threshold</guibutton>. </para>\r
1433                   <para>\r
1434                      <mediaobject>\r
1435                         <alt>group penalty threshold interface</alt>\r
1436                         <imageobject>\r
1437                            <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/lsa-group-2.png"/>\r
1438                         </imageobject>\r
1439 \r
1440 \r
1441                      </mediaobject>\r
1442                   </para>\r
1443                </informalfigure>\r
1444             </step>\r
1445 \r
1446             <step>\r
1447                <informalfigure>\r
1448                   <para>The new penalty pop-up appears. Complete all fields and click\r
1449                         <guibutton>Save</guibutton>. </para>\r
1450                   <para>\r
1451                      <mediaobject>\r
1452                         <alt>new penalty threshold form</alt>\r
1453                         <imageobject>\r
1454                            <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/lsa-group-3.png"/>\r
1455                         </imageobject>\r
1456 \r
1457 \r
1458                      </mediaobject>\r
1459                   </para>\r
1460                   <para>\r
1461                      <inlinemediaobject>\r
1462                         <imageobject>\r
1463                            <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/1.png"/>\r
1464                         </imageobject>\r
1465                      </inlinemediaobject>\r
1466                      <guilabel> Group</guilabel> - the profile group to which the rule applies.\r
1467                      Selecting <guilabel>Patrons</guilabel> includes all profiles below it in the\r
1468                      user hierarchy.</para>\r
1469 \r
1470 \r
1471                   <para>\r
1472                      <inlinemediaobject>\r
1473                         <imageobject>\r
1474                            <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/2.png"/>\r
1475                         </imageobject>\r
1476                      </inlinemediaobject>\r
1477                      <guilabel> Org Unit</guilabel> - multi-branch libraries may create rules for\r
1478                      individual branches or the entire library system.</para>\r
1479 \r
1480 \r
1481                   <para>\r
1482                      <inlinemediaobject>\r
1483                         <imageobject>\r
1484                            <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/3.png"/>\r
1485                         </imageobject>\r
1486                      </inlinemediaobject>\r
1487                      <guilabel> Penalty</guilabel> - select\r
1488                         <guilabel>PATRON_EXCEEDS_CHECKOUT_COUNT</guilabel>,\r
1489                         <guilabel>PATRON_EXCEEDS_OVERDUE_COUNT</guilabel>, or\r
1490                         <guilabel>PATRON_EXCEEDS_FINES</guilabel></para>\r
1491                </informalfigure>\r
1492             </step>\r
1493 \r
1494             <step>\r
1495                <informalfigure>\r
1496                   <para>After clicking <guibutton>Save</guibutton> the new threshold appears with\r
1497                      the defaults. Evergreen always gives precedence to local settings (in\r
1498                      this example, BSP). </para>\r
1499                   <para>\r
1500                      <mediaobject>\r
1501                         <alt>group penalty threshold interface</alt>\r
1502                         <imageobject>\r
1503                            <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/lsa-group-4.png"/>\r
1504                         </imageobject>\r
1505                      </mediaobject>\r
1506                   </para>\r
1507                </informalfigure>\r
1508             </step>\r
1509          </procedure>\r
1510       </simplesect>\r
1511       <simplesect>\r
1512          <title>Deleting or editing local penalty thresholds</title>\r
1513         <informalfigure>\r
1514             <para>To delete a local threshold select the row to remove and click <guibutton>Delete\r
1515                   Selected</guibutton>. The threshold is removed immediately without further\r
1516                confirmation.</para>\r
1517             <para>\r
1518                <mediaobject>\r
1519                   <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
1520                   <imageobject>\r
1521                      <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/lsa-group-5.png"/>\r
1522                   </imageobject>\r
1523                </mediaobject>\r
1524             </para>\r
1525          </informalfigure>\r
1526          <informalfigure>\r
1527             <para>To edit a local threshold, double-click the desired row to open the pop-up form.\r
1528                Edit the form and click <guibutton>Save</guibutton>. New settings take effect\r
1529                immediately.</para>\r
1530             <para>\r
1531                <mediaobject>\r
1532                   <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
1533                   <imageobject>\r
1534                      <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/lsa-group-6.png"/>\r
1535                   </imageobject>\r
1536                </mediaobject>\r
1537             </para>\r
1538          </informalfigure>\r
1539      </simplesect>\r
1540    </section>\r
1541    <section xml:id="lsa-statcat">\r
1542       <info>\r
1543          <title>Statistical Categories Editor</title>\r
1544         <indexterm><primary>statistical categories editor</primary></indexterm>\r
1545       </info>\r
1546       <para>This is where you configure your statistical categories (stat cats).  Stat cats are a\r
1547          way to save and report on additional information that doesn’t fit elsewhere in Evergreen's\r
1548          default records.  It is possible to have stat cats for copies or patrons.  </para>\r
1549 \r
1550       <procedure>\r
1551          <step>\r
1552             <para>Select <menuchoice>\r
1553                   <guimenu>Admin (-)</guimenu>\r
1554                   <guisubmenu>Local Administration</guisubmenu>\r
1555                   <guimenuitem>Statistical Categories Editor</guimenuitem>\r
1556                </menuchoice>.</para>\r
1557          </step>\r
1558          <step>\r
1559             <informalfigure>\r
1560                <para>To create a new stat cat, enter the name of the stat cat, select if you want\r
1561                      <guilabel>OPAC Visiblity</guilabel>, and select either\r
1562                      <guimenuitem>patron</guimenuitem> or <guimenuitem>copy</guimenuitem> from the\r
1563                      <guimenu>Type</guimenu> dropdown menu.  </para>\r
1564                <para>\r
1565                   <mediaobject>\r
1566                      <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
1567                      <imageobject>\r
1568                         <imagedata width="100%" scalefit="1" fileref="../media/lsa-25.jpg"/>\r
1569                      </imageobject>\r
1570                   </mediaobject>\r
1571                </para>\r
1572             </informalfigure>\r
1573          </step>\r
1574       </procedure>\r
1575       <formalpara>\r
1576          <title>Copy Stat Cats</title>\r
1577         <indexterm><primary>copy stat cats</primary></indexterm>\r
1578          <para>The image above shows some examples of copy stat cats. You would see these when\r
1579             editing items in the <guilabel>Copy Editor</guilabel>, also known as the <guilabel>Edit\r
1580                Item Attributes</guilabel> screen. You might use copy stat cats to track books you\r
1581             have bought from a specific vendor, or donations. </para>\r
1582       </formalpara>\r
1583 \r
1584       <informalfigure>\r
1585          <para>This is what the copy stat cat looks like in the <guilabel>Copy\r
1586             Editor</guilabel>.</para>\r
1587          <para>\r
1588             <mediaobject>\r
1589                <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
1590                <imageobject>\r
1591                   <imagedata width="100%" scalefit="1" fileref="../media/lsa-26.jpg"/>\r
1592                </imageobject>\r
1593 \r
1594             </mediaobject>\r
1595          </para>\r
1596       </informalfigure>\r
1597       <informalfigure>\r
1598          <formalpara>\r
1599             <title>Patron stat cats</title>\r
1600                 <indexterm><primary>patron stat cats</primary></indexterm>\r
1601             <para>Below are some examples of patron stat cats.  Patron stat cats can be used to keep\r
1602                track of information like the high school a patron attends, or the home library for a\r
1603                consortium patron, e.g. Interlink. You would see these in the fifth screen of patron\r
1604                registration/edit patron.  </para>\r
1605          </formalpara>\r
1606          <para>\r
1607             <mediaobject>\r
1608                <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
1609                <imageobject>\r
1610                   <imagedata width="100%" scalefit="1" fileref="../media/lsa-27.jpg"/>\r
1611                </imageobject>\r
1612             </mediaobject>\r
1613          </para>\r
1614       </informalfigure>\r
1615       <informalfigure>\r
1616          <para>This is what the patron stat cat looks like in the patron registration screen.  It\r
1617             looks very similar in the patron edit screen.</para>\r
1618          <para>\r
1619             <mediaobject>\r
1620                <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
1621                <imageobject>\r
1622                   <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/lsa-28.jpg"/>\r
1623                </imageobject>\r
1624             </mediaobject>\r
1625          </para>\r
1626       </informalfigure>\r
1627    </section>\r
1628   <section xml:id="fielddocumentation">\r
1629         <title>Field Documentation</title>\r
1630         <para>Field Documentation is custom field-level documentation that explains individual fields for\r
1631         library staff.  As of 2.0, the field documentation only is used in the Patron Registration screen.</para>\r
1632         <simplesect>\r
1633                 <title>Administering Field Documentation</title>\r
1634                 <indexterm><primary>field documentation</primary><secondary>administering field documentation</secondary></indexterm>\r
1635               <para>If their permission settings allow, staff members can create local field documentation.  This\r
1636               requires the ADMIN_FIELD_DOC permission.  The 'depth' at which that permission is applied, is the maximum\r
1637               level of the org tree at which the staff member will be able to create field documentation.</para>\r
1638               <procedure>\r
1639                  <step>\r
1640                     <para>In the staff client, select <menuchoice>\r
1641                           <guimenu>Admin</guimenu>\r
1642                           <guimenuitem>Local Administration</guimenuitem>\r
1643                           <guimenuitem>Field Documentation</guimenuitem>\r
1644                        </menuchoice></para>\r
1645                  </step>\r
1646                   <step>\r
1647                       <para>Click the <guibutton>New</guibutton> button.</para>\r
1648                   </step>\r
1649                   <step>\r
1650                     <para>Using the <guilabel>fm_class</guilabel> selector, select the database table for which you wish to create Field Documentation.  This will show all of the \r
1651                 existing Field Documentation for that table.</para>\r
1652                     <note><para>As of Evergreen 2.0, only the ILS User table is used anywhere in the Evergreen UI</para></note>\r
1653                  </step>\r
1654                   <step>\r
1655                       <para>Using the <guilabel>owner</guilabel> selector, select the topmost org unit at which you would like the field documentation to be available.</para>\r
1656                   </step>\r
1657                   <step>\r
1658                       <para>Using the <guilabel>field</guilabel> selector, select the field you wish to document.</para>\r
1659                   </step>          \r
1660                   <step>\r
1661                       <para>Enter your actual documentation in the <guilabel>string</guilabel> text box.</para>\r
1662                   </step>          \r
1663                   <step>\r
1664                       <para>Click <guibutton>Save</guibutton> to save your Field Documentation entry</para>\r
1665                   </step>\r
1666               </procedure>\r
1667               <note>\r
1668                  <para>To view field documentation for different tables, use the <guilabel>Class</guilabel> selector to filter the Field Documentation list</para>\r
1669               </note>\r
1670         </simplesect>\r
1671         <simplesect>\r
1672             <title>Patron Field Documentation</title>\r
1673             <indexterm><primary>field documentation</primary><secondary>patron field documentation</secondary></indexterm>\r
1674             <para>On the patron registration screen there are small boxes along the left hand side.  If a magnifying glass appears, you may click that magnifying \r
1675                 glass to retrieve the Field Documentation for that patron field.</para>\r
1676         </simplesect>\r
1677 </section>\r
1678 <section xml:id="lsa-survey">\r
1679     <info>\r
1680         <title>Surveys</title>\r
1681         <indexterm><primary>surveys</primary></indexterm>\r
1682     </info>\r
1683     <para>This section illustrates how to create a survey, shows where the survey responses are saved\r
1684         in the patron record, and explains how to report on surveys.</para>\r
1685 \r
1686     <para>Survey questions show up on the 6th patron registration screen, or on the 6th patron edit\r
1687         screen. Surveys questions can be optional or required. Some examples of survey questions\r
1688         might include: <emphasis>Would you use the library if it were open on a Sunday?</emphasis> \r
1689             <emphasis>Would you like to be contacted by the library to learn about new\r
1690             services?</emphasis>  <emphasis>Do you attend library programs?</emphasis></para>\r
1691 \r
1692     <para>Surveys come up when a patron is first registered. If you would like staff to ask the\r
1693         survey questions when the patron’s library card is renewed, you’ll need to make that part of\r
1694         local procedure.</para>\r
1695 \r
1696     <para>It is possible to run reports on survey questions. For example, you could find out how\r
1697         many people say they would use the library if it were open on a Sunday, or you could get a\r
1698         list of patrons who say they would like to receive marketing material from the library.\r
1699        </para>\r
1700     <procedure>\r
1701         <step>\r
1702             <informalfigure>\r
1703                 <para>From the <guimenu>Admin (-)</guimenu> menu, select <menuchoice>\r
1704                         <guimenu>Local Administration</guimenu>\r
1705                         <guimenuitem>Surveys</guimenuitem>\r
1706                     </menuchoice>.</para>\r
1707                 <para>\r
1708                     <mediaobject>\r
1709                         <alt>surveys interface</alt>\r
1710                         <imageobject>\r
1711                             <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/survey-1.png"/>\r
1712                         </imageobject>\r
1713 \r
1714                     </mediaobject>\r
1715                 </para>\r
1716             </informalfigure>\r
1717 \r
1718         </step>\r
1719 \r
1720         <step>\r
1721             <informalfigure>\r
1722                 <para>The <guilabel>Survey List</guilabel> will open. In this example the table is\r
1723                     empty because no surveys have been created. Click <guibutton>Add New\r
1724                         Survey</guibutton>. </para>\r
1725                 <para>\r
1726                     <mediaobject>\r
1727                         <alt>surveys interface</alt>\r
1728                         <imageobject>\r
1729                             <imagedata width="100%" scalefit="1" fileref="../media/survey-2.png"/>\r
1730                         </imageobject>\r
1731 \r
1732                     </mediaobject>\r
1733                 </para>\r
1734             </informalfigure>\r
1735 \r
1736         </step>\r
1737 \r
1738         <step>\r
1739             <informalfigure>\r
1740                 <para>Fill out the <guilabel>New Survey</guilabel> form, then click <guibutton>Save\r
1741                         Changes</guibutton>. </para>\r
1742                 <para>\r
1743                     <mediaobject>\r
1744                         <alt>surveys interface</alt>\r
1745                         <imageobject>\r
1746                             <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/survey-3.png"/>\r
1747                         </imageobject>\r
1748 \r
1749                     </mediaobject>\r
1750                 </para>\r
1751             </informalfigure>\r
1752             <para>A few tips when creating a new survey:</para>\r
1753             <itemizedlist>\r
1754                 <listitem>\r
1755                     <para><guilabel>Start Date</guilabel> must always be in the future. It is not\r
1756                         possible to add questions to a survey after the start date.</para>\r
1757                 </listitem>\r
1758                 <listitem>\r
1759                     <para>Dates should be in YYYY-MM-DD format</para>\r
1760                 </listitem>\r
1761                 <listitem>\r
1762                     <para><guilabel>OPAC Survey?</guilabel> and <guilabel>Poll Style?</guilabel> are\r
1763                         not yet implemented - leave unchecked</para>\r
1764                 </listitem>\r
1765                 <listitem>\r
1766                     <para>Check <guilabel>Is Required</guilabel> if the survey should be mandatory\r
1767                         for all new patrons</para>\r
1768                 </listitem>\r
1769                 <listitem>\r
1770                     <para>Check <guilabel>Display in User Summary</guilabel> to make survey answers\r
1771                         visible from patron records</para>\r
1772                 </listitem>\r
1773             </itemizedlist>\r
1774 \r
1775         </step>\r
1776 \r
1777         <step>\r
1778             <informalfigure>\r
1779                 <para>A summary of your new survey will appear. Type the first survey question in\r
1780                     the <guilabel>Question</guilabel> field, then click <guibutton>Save Question\r
1781                         &amp; Add Answer</guibutton>. Survey questions are multiple\r
1782                     choice.</para>\r
1783 \r
1784                 <para>\r
1785                     <mediaobject>\r
1786                         <alt>surveys interface</alt>\r
1787                         <imageobject>\r
1788                             <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/survey-4.png"/>\r
1789                         </imageobject>\r
1790 \r
1791                     </mediaobject>\r
1792                 </para>\r
1793             </informalfigure>\r
1794 \r
1795 \r
1796         </step>\r
1797 \r
1798         <step>\r
1799             <informalfigure>\r
1800                 <para>Enter possible multiple choice answers and click <guibutton>Add\r
1801                         Answer</guibutton>. Each question may have as many answers as you\r
1802                     like.</para>\r
1803                 <para>\r
1804                     <mediaobject>\r
1805                         <alt>surveys interface</alt>\r
1806                         <imageobject>\r
1807                             <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/survey-5.png"/>\r
1808                         </imageobject>\r
1809 \r
1810                     </mediaobject>\r
1811                 </para>\r
1812             </informalfigure>\r
1813 \r
1814         </step>\r
1815 \r
1816         <step>\r
1817           <informalfigure>  <para>Repeat the steps above to add as many questions and answers as you wish. When\r
1818                 finished click <guibutton>Save</guibutton>, then <guilabel>Go Back</guilabel> to\r
1819                 return to the survey list.</para>\r
1820             <para><mediaobject>\r
1821                 <alt>surveys interface</alt>\r
1822                 <imageobject>\r
1823                     <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/survey-6.png"/>\r
1824                 </imageobject>\r
1825                 \r
1826             </mediaobject></para></informalfigure>\r
1827             \r
1828         </step>\r
1829         <step>\r
1830             <informalfigure><para>Your new survey will appear in the <guilabel>Survey List</guilabel> table.  To make further changes click the survey name to open the detailed view.</para>\r
1831        \r
1832             <para><mediaobject>\r
1833                 <alt>surveys interface</alt>\r
1834                 <imageobject>\r
1835                     <imagedata width="100%" scalefit="1" fileref="../media/survey-7.png"/>\r
1836                 </imageobject>\r
1837                 \r
1838             </mediaobject></para></informalfigure>\r
1839                 \r
1840         </step>\r
1841     </procedure>\r
1842     <informalfigure><para>This is what the survey looks like in the patron registration/edit screen. Note that in\r
1843         this example this survey question appears in red and is required as the\r
1844             <guilabel>Is Required</guilabel> box was checked when creating the survey.</para>\r
1845     \r
1846     <para><mediaobject>\r
1847         <alt>surveys interface</alt>\r
1848         <imageobject>\r
1849             <imagedata width="100%" scalefit="1" fileref="../media/survey-8.png"/>\r
1850         </imageobject>\r
1851         \r
1852     </mediaobject></para></informalfigure>\r
1853     \r
1854     <informalfigure><para>To see a patron’s response to a survey, retrieve the patron record. Click <menuchoice><guimenu>Other</guimenu><guimenuitem>Surveys</guimenuitem></menuchoice> to see the response.</para>\r
1855     <para><mediaobject>\r
1856         <alt>surveys interface</alt>\r
1857         <imageobject>\r
1858             <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/survey-9.png"/>\r
1859         </imageobject>\r
1860         \r
1861     </mediaobject>\r
1862        <mediaobject>\r
1863             <alt>surveys interface</alt>\r
1864             <imageobject>\r
1865                 <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/survey-10.png"/>\r
1866             </imageobject>\r
1867             \r
1868         </mediaobject></para></informalfigure>\r
1869 </section>\r
1870    <section xml:id="lsa-cash-reports">\r
1871       <info>\r
1872          <title>Cash Reports</title>\r
1873         <indexterm><primary>cash reports</primary></indexterm>\r
1874       </info>\r
1875       <procedure>\r
1876          <step>\r
1877 \r
1878             <para>Select <menuchoice>\r
1879                   <guimenu>Admin (-)</guimenu>\r
1880                   <guisubmenu>Local Administration</guisubmenu>\r
1881                   <guimenuitem>Cash Reports</guimenuitem>\r
1882                </menuchoice>.</para>\r
1883          </step>\r
1884          <step>\r
1885             <informalfigure>\r
1886                <para>Select the start date and the end date that you wish to run a cash report for.\r
1887                    You can either enter the date in the YYYY-MM-DD format, or click on the calendar\r
1888                   icon to use the calendar widget.  </para>\r
1889                <para>\r
1890                   <mediaobject>\r
1891                      <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
1892                      <imageobject>\r
1893                         <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/lsa-32.jpg"/>\r
1894                      </imageobject>\r
1895                   </mediaobject>\r
1896                </para>\r
1897             </informalfigure>\r
1898          </step>\r
1899          <step>\r
1900             <para>Select your library from the drop down menu.  Click <guibutton>Go</guibutton>.\r
1901                 </para>\r
1902          </step>\r
1903          <step>\r
1904             <informalfigure>\r
1905                <para>The output will show cash, check, and credit card payments.  It will also show\r
1906                   amounts for credits, forgiven payments, work payments and goods payments (i.e.\r
1907                   food for fines initiatives).  The output will look something like this:</para>\r
1908                <para>\r
1909                   <mediaobject>\r
1910                      <alt>screenshot of staff client</alt>\r
1911                      <imageobject>\r
1912                         <imagedata width="100%" scalefit="1" fileref="../media/lsa-33.jpg"/>\r
1913                      </imageobject>\r
1914 \r
1915                   </mediaobject>\r
1916                </para>\r
1917             </informalfigure>\r
1918          </step>\r
1919       </procedure>\r
1920       <tip>\r
1921          <para>By clicking on the hyperlinked column headers (i.e. <guilabel>workstation</guilabel>,\r
1922                <guilabel>cash_payment</guilabel>, <guilabel>check_payment</guilabel>, etc.) it is\r
1923             possible to sort the columns to order the payments from smallest to largest, or largest\r
1924             to smallest, or to group the workstation names.  </para>\r
1925       </tip>\r
1926    </section>\r
1927 </chapter>\r