]> git.evergreen-ils.org Git - working/Hatch.git/blob - extension/app/manifest.json
LP1824391 Bump hatch version to 0.3.2
[working/Hatch.git] / extension / app / manifest.json
1 {
2   "name": "Hatch Native Messenger",
3   "version": "0.3.2",
4   "manifest_version": 2,
5   "description": "Relays messages to/from the Hatch native printing service for the Evergreen ILS web client.",
6   "icons": { 
7     "48":  "icon_48.png",
8     "96":  "icon_96.png",
9     "128": "icon_128.png" 
10   },
11   "background" : {
12     "scripts" : ["extension.js"]
13   },
14   "content_scripts": [
15     {
16       "matches": ["https://*/eg/staff/*", "https://*/eg2/*/staff/*"],
17       "js": ["content.js"],
18       "run_at": "document_start"
19     }
20   ],
21   "browser_action": {
22     "default_title": "Hatch",
23     "default_icon": {
24       "48":  "icon_48.png",
25       "96":  "icon_96.png",
26       "128": "icon_128.png" 
27     }
28   },
29   "permissions": [
30     "nativeMessaging"
31   ],
32   "applications": {
33     "gecko": {
34       "id": "hatch-native-messenger@evergreen-ils.org",
35       "strict_min_version": "50.0"
36     }
37   },
38   "minimum_chrome_version": "38"
39 }