image: node:10.14.2-stretch stages: [setup, verify, deploy] install: stage: setup cache: paths: - .cache/npm script: - &npm_install npm install --quiet --no-progress --cache=.cache/npm lint: stage: verify cache: &pull_cache policy: pull paths: - .cache/npm script: - *npm_install - node_modules/.bin/gulp lint bundle-stable: stage: deploy only: - master@antora/antora-ui-default cache: *pull_cache script: - *npm_install - node_modules/.bin/gulp bundle artifacts: paths: - build/ bundle-dev: stage: deploy except: - master cache: *pull_cache script: - *npm_install - node_modules/.bin/gulp bundle artifacts: expire_in: 1 day # unless marked as keep from job page paths: - build/ pages: stage: deploy only: - master@antora/antora-ui-default cache: *pull_cache script: - *npm_install - node_modules/.bin/gulp preview:build # FIXME figure out a way to avoid copying these files to preview site - rm -rf public/_/{helpers,layouts,partials} artifacts: paths: - public