README for NCIPServer ===================== Prerequisites ------------- NCIPServer is intended to be used with a working Evergreen ILS installation. It therefore requires that both[OpenSRF] and[Evergreen] be installed. NCIPServer is also a Perl Dancer application. It requires additional packages beyond those which are normally installed on an Evergreen server. The following list of packages is appropriate for a Debian-based distribution (typically Debian or Ubuntu). Those using other distributions will need to install the equivalent packages. .Additional Packages * libfile-slurp-perl * libmodern-perl-perl * libconfig-merge-perl * libdancer-perl * libobject-tiny-perl * libxml-libxml-simple-perl * libplack-perl Installation ------------ Installing the NCIPServer software is as simple as [source,sh] git clone git:// You should do the above in the opensrf user's home directory for ease of installation. If you put it elsewhere, you will need to modify a couple of the NCIPServer configuration file entries as described in the next section. Configuration ------------- If you use the default installation location of /home/opensrf/NCIPServer, then you do not need to make any changes to the NCIPServer configuration files. If you have installed NCIPServer to some other location, you will need to modify the path to the templates in two files: . The "views" entry on line 8 of config.yml . The value attribute of the templates tag in t/config_sample/NCIP.xml. Both locations require the full path to the templates directory. Configuring Evergreen for NCIPServer ------------------------------------ NCIPServer integrates very tightly with Evergreen's way of doing things. You will need to do some configuration in Evergreen to add organizational units, users, and circ and hold rules. NCIP Virtual Organizational Unit ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Evergreen expects transactions to take place at a given location. NCIPServer is no exception to this rule, and so an organizational unit needs to be used as the home for virtual patrons, the working location for virtual staff, as the location where holds are to be sent, and as the place where remote circulations happen in Evergreen. We recommend creating a new System and Branch in Evergreen for that purpose. When you set these up, you should make sure that OPAC visible is set to false.--You do not want regular patrons seeing this location and trying to pick up their holds there.--You may, of course, reuse an existing location that you may have already established for a similar purpose. You definitely do not want to use an organizational unit associated with a real branch in your Evergreen. NCIP Staff User ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NCIPServer requires an Evergreen account that can conduct basic staff functions in circulation and cataloging. These permissions can be assigned to the user or to a new permission group that is then assigned as the new user's profile. This new permission group should not have a parent group so that the user will not inadvertently inherit any problematic permissions. Thes user will need to have its working location (work_ou) set to the virtual branch that represents the remote locations, and it will need to have a workstation registered for its use. This workstation does not need to be registered via the staff client. It only needs to exist in the database. Registering it via the staff client may be the easiest way to do it. Permissions ^^^^^^^^^^^ The following table shows the permissions required by the NCIPServer staff user. The first column is the permission code and the second is the organizational unit depth it is required to be granted at for everything to work smoothly. The depths, of course, assume that you are using a more or less standard, three-level hierarchy of Consortium -> System -> Branch. If not, you may need to adjust the depths of the permissions accordingly. Also, the permissions should not be grantable, since no one should ever switch to this user via the staff client. .NCIP Staff User Permissions [options="header",cols="<,^"] |=========================== | code | depth | ABORT_TRANSIT | 2 | CANCEL_HOLDS | 1 | COPY_ALERT_MESSAGE.override | 0 | COPY_CHECKIN | 2 | COPY_CHECKOUT | 2 | COPY_HOLDS | 0 | COPY_HOLDS_FORCE | 2 | COPY_TRANSIT_RECEIVE | 2 | CREATE_COPY | 0* | CREATE_COPY_STAT_CAT_ENTRY | 2 | CREATE_COPY_STAT_CAT_ENTRY_MAP | 2 | CREATE_COPY_TRANSIT | 0 | CREATE_MARC | 0 | CREATE_TRANSIT | 0 | CREATE_VOLUME | 2 | DELETE_COPY | 0* | DELETE_VOLUME | 2 | IMPORT_MARC | 0 | PATRON_EXCEEDS_CHECKOUT_COUNT.override | 0 | PATRON_EXCEEDS_FINES.override | 0 | PATRON_EXCEEDS_OVERDUE_COUNT.override | 0 | REQUEST_HOLDS | 0 | STAFF_LOGIN | 0 | TITLE_HOLDS | 0 | UPDATE_COPY | 0* | UPDATE_MARC | 0 | UPDATE_VOLUME | 2 | VIEW_HOLD | 0 | VIEW_HOLD_PERMIT | 0 | VIEW_PERMIT_CHECKOUT | 0 | VIEW_USER | 0 | VOLUME_HOLDS | 0 |================================ *The depth for create, update and delete copy permissions need to be set to 0 if you are using the pre-cat copies option. If not, a depth of 1 or 2 should be sufficient. NCIP Virtual Patrons ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NCIPServer expects barcodes in the user ID and other fields when placing holds and circulating local copies for remote institutions. You will, of course, need to create these patrons in Evergreen. Their home library should be the virtual branch created for the NCIPServer staff account. You could use multiple branches, one for each library for instance, but that could lead to more complication than you may want to deal with. Your ILL vendor may provide a list of patrons with barcodes for the participating member libraries. The virtual patrons typically require no additional permissions beyond what is allowed to normal patrons. It is a good idea to create a new permission group as a child of your existing Patron group or one of its descendants. This makes it clear to any staff that these patrons are special. Circulation and Hold Matrix Matchpoints ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Remote circulations and holds will take place at the NCIPServer virtual organizational unit. This organizational unit will need to have hold and circ matrix matchpoints that conform to whatever rules you have worked out with your vendor and other partners. You may want to use an extended loan period, perhaps as much as double the normal interval. The reason for this is that some ILL software will check the copy out in Evergreen when the sending library sets it to shipped. You should not need reciprocal rules for incoming items. Your normal circulation matchpoints should work. You may need matchpoints to allow the holds depending on how you have configured things already, i.e. you may have a default that does not allow holds that you will need to override. oils_ncip.xml ------------- The oils_ncip.xml file sets the options for the Evergreen driver. It needs to be configured appropriately given your Evergreen settings and operating environment. You will need to copy or move the oils_ncip.xml.example file found in the examples/ subdirectory to your /openils/conf directory or wherever you store your regular Evergreen configuration files, i.e. where you put opensrf_core.xml and opensrf.xml. The example file should be renamed to oils_ncip.xml during the copy process. Assuming that you are still in the root of your clone of the NCIPServer repository, the following command should take care of it: [source,sh] cp examples/oils_ncip.xml.example /openils/conf/oils_ncip.xml The following subsections describe the configuration tags from this file. Credentials ~~~~~~~~~~~ You will need to enter the username, password, work ou., and workstation for the NCIP virtual staff user for Evergreen in the credentials section of the oils_ncip.xml file. The workstation information needs the work_ou branch's short name prefixed to it with a dash if you registered the workstation via the staff client or if you included the shortname when inserting the workstation into the database. Bootstrap ~~~~~~~~~ NCIPServer needs to know where to find the opensrf_core.xml configuration file. This is typically /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml, but you may have installed it elsewhere. Items ~~~~~ use_precats ^^^^^^^^^^^ Despite what the comment in the config file says, you do not want to use this setting. It does not do what is expected in Evergreen at this time. The setting remains in the configuration file in anticipation of the day that it will work properly. use_force_holds ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The use_force_holds setting will cause force holds to be placed on copies created by the AcceptItem message. This will also cause those copies not to be holdable. The latter only takes effect when use_precats is not in operation, since there is no other way to place holds on precat copies. bib_source ^^^^^^^^^^ The bib_source setting is recommended if you do not use precat copies. If it is not present, a default of System Local will be used. It will be used as the bibliographic record source when the "short" bibs are created. Having a unique entry for this in your database makes it easy to identify bibliographic records created via NCIP. It is highly recommended that you create one just for this purpose. The element can be set up empty with the cbs attribute holding the database ID of the config.bib_source entry to use. You can optionally set the text value of the element to the name of the bib_source. If the cbs attribute is omitted, then the text value name must be provided. The example provided below will use the System Local config.bib_source that comes with Evergreen. stat_cat_entry ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Add a stat_cat_entry element for each stat cat that you wish to fill in when creating copies. If you aren't using stat_cats or if you don't wish to create any for these, you don't need to have stat_cat_entry elements. You could delete the dummy entry in this case. If you have any required stat cats, then it is a good idea to have an entry here. The stat_cat attribute is the numeric id of the stat_cat for the entry. The element's text node is used as the asset.stat_cat_entry's value in the database. Patrons ~~~~~~~ block_profile ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can block patrons by profile group in two ways: The first is to enter a block_profile tag with a grp attribute set to the value of the profile group's id, for example: -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- The second is to enter a block_profile tag with a text value equal to the name of the profile group, for instance: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Local Use Only -------------------------------------------------------------------- In this case, the name must match exactly the case, spacing, and punctuation (if any) of the profile group's name in the permission.grp_tree table. If you specify both the grp attribute and a text value with a group name, then the value of the grp tag is used. The text value will be ignored: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Local Use Only -------------------------------------------------------------------- You might want to do this in order to have the group name as a reminder to the person that edits the configuration. Holds ~~~~~ abort_transits_on_cancel ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you want to have transits aborted when holds are canceled via NCIP, then move the tag outside of the enclosing XML comment block so that is still inside the open and close tags. WARNING: You may need to delete the comment block in this section if you do not move the abort_transit_on_cancel setting to be outside of the comment block. There appears to be a bug in the config file parser that uses this comment as a setting value. This leads to server errors whenever NCIP is accessed.11 Configuring Apache for NCIPServer --------------------------------- You will need to add a configuration block so that Apache is able to execute the NCIPServer code when the URL is accessed. The configuration varies depending on Apache version. Examples for versions 2.2 and 2.4 are provided. You could add this to your eg_vhost.conf and the NCIP location will be available from your catalog. You could create a new virtual host for the NCIPServer and add this configuration there. If you use load balancing in front of your Apache server, then you will need to do the installation and configuration steps on each server that runs Apache. You will, of course, need to restart Apache after making these configuration changes. If all goes well, NCIPServer should be up and running at a location of /NCIP/ on your server. Apache 2.2 ~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------- AllowOverride None SetHandler perl-script PerlResponseHandler Plack::Handler::Apache2 PerlSetVar psgi_app /home/opensrf/NCIPServer/bin/ PerlSetEnv NCIP_CONFIG_DIR "/home/opensrf/NCIPServer/t/config_sample" PerlSetENV OILS_NCIP_CONFIG /openils/conf/oils_ncip.xml PerlSetENV DANCER_ENVIRONMENT "production" Order deny,allow Deny from all Allow from -------------------------------------------------------------------- Apache 2.4 ~~~~~~~~~~ -------------------------------------------------------------------- AllowOverride None SetHandler perl-script PerlResponseHandler Plack::Handler::Apache2 PerlSetVar psgi_app /home/opensrf/NCIPServer/bin/ PerlSetENV NCIP_CONFIG_DIR /home/opensrf/NCIPServer/t/config_sample PerlSetENV OILS_NCIP_CONFIG /openils/conf/oils_ncip.xml PerlSetENV DANCER_ENVIRONMENT "production" Require ip -------------------------------------------------------------------- Security ~~~~~~~~ NCIPServer does not require any authentication from the client, so it would behoove you to restrict access to the NCIP location to a limited number of Internet hosts. The configuration examples for Apache 2.2 and 2.4 above restrict access to the private network. You will need to change that entry to whatever your vendor uses. You can more Allow from or Require ip entries for other vendors and/or hosts. It is also a good idea to allow of your own ips to connect for testing purposes.