Receiving --------- You can receive either through the Serials Control View or in Batch Receive with the simple or advanced interface. Serials Control View Receiving ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ image::media/scv-rec.png[Receiving] . To receive items, click the *Receive* radio button. In the top pane, the items that have yet to be received are displayed. In the bottom pane, recently received items are displayed with the most recent at the top. . Select the branch that will receive the items from the drop down box. . Select the item that you want to receive. . Select the current working unit. Click *Set Current Unit*, located in the lower right corner of the screen. A drop down menu will appear. * If you want to barcode each item individually, select *Auto per item*. This setting is recommended for most receiving processes. * If you want each item within a unit to share the same barcode, then select *New Unit*. This setting is advised for most binding processes. * If you want the item to be received or bound into an existing item, select *Recent* and select the desired item from the menu. To make a change in bound items, receive or bind the items into an already existing unit. . Click *Receive/Move Selected*. . Enter a barcode and call number if prompted to do so. . A message confirming receipt of the item appears. Click *OK*. . The screen refreshes. Now the item has moved from the top pane to the bottom pane. (If you have checked "Show all", the item also remains in the top pane, with a received date added to it.) In the bottom pane, the item that you have just received is now at the top of the list of the received items. After receiving items, you can view the updated holdings in the OPAC. Notes in the Receiving Interface ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ image::media/scv-notes.png[Alert Notes in Receiving Interface] The total number of notes for each item is displayed in the "Notes" column in the Items tab. The column header says "Notes (Item/Dist/Sub)" to explain how the numbers are organized in the column: First is the total number of Item Notes on that item, second is the number of Distribution Notes for that item's distribution, and last is the number of Subscription Notes on that item's subscription. To view and modify any of these notes, right-click on an item and click *View Sub. Notes*, *View Dist. Notes* or *View Item Notes*. Serial Alerts At Receive Time ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In the Serial Control View, you can now flag a note as an "alert" to make it more visible on the receiving interface. This flag is available as a checkbox on subscription, distribution and item notes. The new *Alerts* button on the Items tab displays the number of alert notes that are available for the selected items, and clicking this button opens a window which displays all applicable alert notes, sorted by type. Notes can also be edited or deleted from this window. Set Special Statuses ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ image::media/scv-status.png[Set Item Status] The Serial Control interface prevents direct editing of serial item statuses for data integrity reasons. As an alternative to direct control, the interface offers menu options for setting items to 'claimed', 'not held', and 'not published'. Note that these statuses are still currently useful for reporting and display purposes only. The 'claimed' status changes the display but does not yet connect with the Acquisitions module in any way. Also note that, once you set an item to 'not held' or 'not published', that item will be hidden from the list unless you check the *Show All* checkbox. Batch Receiving ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can batch receive items through a simple or an advanced interface. The simple interface does not allow you to add barcodes or use the copy template. These items are also not visible in the OPAC. The advanced interface enables you to use the copy templates that you created, add barcodes, and make items OPAC visible and holdable. You can access both Batch Receive interfaces from two locations in the ILS. From the Subscription Details screen, you can click *Batch Item Receive*. You can also access these interfaces by opening the catalog record for the serial, and clicking *Actions for this Record* -> *Serials Batch Receive*. Simple Batch Receiving ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Follow these steps to receive items in batch in a simple interface. image::media/scv-srec.jpg[Receiving] . The Batch Receive interface displays issues that have not yet been received. The earliest expected issue appears at the top of the list. . In the right lower corner, you see a check box to *Create Units for Received Items*. If you do not check this box, then you will receive items in simple mode. . Click *Next*. . In simple mode, the distributions that you created are displayed. They are marked received by default. If you hover over the branch name, you can view the name of the distribution and its stream. . You can receive and add a note to each item individually, or you can perform these actions on all of the distributions and streams at once. To do so, look above the line, and enter the note that you want to apply to all copies and confirm that the box to *Receive* is checked. . Click *Apply*. The note should appear in the note field in each distribution. . Then click *Receive Selected Items*. . The received items are cleared from the screen. Advanced Batch Receiving ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Follow these steps to receive items in batch in a simple interface. image::media/scv-srec.jpg[Receiving] . The Batch Receive interface displays issues that have not yet been received. The earliest expected issue appears at the top of the list. . If you want to barcode each copy, display it in the catalog, and make it holdable, then check the box adjacent to *Create Units for Received Items* in the lower right side of the screen. . This will allow you to utilize the copy templates and input additional information about the copy: . Barcode - You can scan printed barcodes into the barcode field for each copy, or you can allow the system to auto-generate barcodes. To auto-generate barcodes, check the box adjacent to *Auto-generate*, and enter the first barcode into the barcode field in the first row of the table. Then press the *Tab* key. The remaining barcode fields will automatically populate with the next barcodes in sequence, including check digits. . Circ Modifiers - The circ modifiers drop down menu is populated with the circulation modifiers that you created in *Administration* -> *Server Administration* -> *Circulation Modifiers*. If you entered a circ modifier in the copy template that you created for this subscription, then it will appear by default in the distributions. . Call Number - Enter a call number. Any item with a barcode must also have a call number. . Note - Add a note. There are no limits on the number of characters that can be entered in this field. The note only displays in this screen. . Copy Location - The copy location drop down menu is populated with the copy locations that you created in *Administration* -> *Local Administration* -> *Copy Location Editor*. If you entered a copy location in the copy template that you created for this subscription, then it will appear by default in the distributions. . Price - If you entered a price in the copy template that you created for this subscription, then it will appear by default in the distributions. You can also manually enter a price if you did not include one in the copy template. . Receive - The boxes in the Receive column are checked by default. Uncheck the box if you do not want to receive the item. Evergreen will retain the unreceived copies and will allow you to receive them at a later time. . When you are ready to receive the items, click *Receive Selected Items*. . The items that have been received are cleared from the Batch Receive interface. The remaining disabled item is an unreceived item. . If the items that you received have a barcode, a copy template that was set to OPAC Visible, and are assigned a shelving location that is OPAC Visible, then you can view the received items in the catalog. Notice that the Holdings Summary has been updated to reflect the most recent addition to the holdings. Duplicate Barcode Alert ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Evergreen will now display an alert if a duplicate barcode is entered in the Serials Batch Receive interface. If a staff member enters a barcode that already exists in the database while receiving new serials items in the Serials Batch Receive interface, an alert message will pop up letting the staff member know that the barcode is a duplicate. After the staff member clicks OK to clear the alert, he or she can enter a new barcode. image::media/dup_serials_barcode.JPG[Duplicate Barcode Warning]