Circulating Items ----------------- Check Out (F1) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Regular Items ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1) To check out an item press *F1*, click *Check Out* on the Circulation toolbar, or select *Circulation* -> *Check Out Items*. image::media/checkout_menu.png[] 2) Scan or enter patron's barcode and click *Submit* if entering barcode manually. If scanning, number is submitted automatically. image::media/retrieve_patron.png[] 3) Scan or enter item barcode manually, clicking *Submit* if manual. image::media/checkout_item_barcode.png[] 4) Due date is now displayed. image::media/due_date_display.png[] 5) When all items are scanned, hit the *F1* key or click the *Check Out* button on the Circulation toolbar to generate slip receipt or to exit patron record if not printing slip receipts. Pre-cataloged Items ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1) Go to patron's *Check Out* screen by clicking *Circulation* -> *Check Out Items*. 2) Scan the item barcode. 3) At prompt, click *Pre-Cataloged*. image::media/pre_cat_alert.png[] 4) Enter required information and click *Check Out*. image::media/precat.png[] [TIP] On check-in, Evergreen will prompt staff to re-route the item to cataloging. Due Dates ^^^^^^^^^ Circulation periods are pre-set. When items are checked out, due dates are automatically calculated and inserted into circulation records if the *Specific Due Date* checkbox is not selected on the Check Out screen. The *Specific Due Date* checkbox allows you to set a different due date to override the pre-set loan period. Before you scan the item, select the *Specific Due Date* checkbox. Use the calendar widget to select a date. Or click in day, month or year, then use the up or down arrows to make the change or simply delete the data, then enter again. Time is used for hourly loan only. This date applies to all items until you change the date, de-select the *Specific Due Date* checkbox, or quit the patron record. image::media/specify_due_date1.png[] image::media/specify_due_date2.png[] Check In (F2) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Regular check in ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1) To check in an item, select *Circulation -> Check In Items*, click *Check In* on the Circulation toolbar, or press *F2*. image::media/check_in_menu.png[] 2) Scan item barcode or enter manually and click *Submit*. image::media/checkin_barcode.png[] 3) If there is an overdue fine associated with the checkin, an alert will appear at the top of the screen with a fine tally for the current checkin session. To immediately handle fine payment, click the alert to jump to the patron's bill record. image::media/overdue_checkin.png[] Backdated check in ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is useful for clearing a book drop. 1) To change effective check-in date, select *Circulation* -> *Check In Items*, or press *F2*. Use the calendar widget to choose the effective date. image::media/backdate_checkin.png[] 2) The top green bar changes to red. The new effective date is now displayed in the header. image::media/backdate_red.png[] 3) Move the cursor to the *Barcode* field. Scan the items. When finishing backdated check-in, change the *Effective Date* back to today's date. Backdate Post-Checkin ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ After an item has been checked in, you may use the Backdate Post-Checkin function to backdate the check-in date. 1) Select the item on the Check In screen, click Actions for Selected Items -> Backdate Post-Checkin. image::media/backdate_post_checkin.png[] 2) Use the calendar widget to select an effective check-in date. Click Apply. Overdue fines, if any, will be adjusted according to the new effective check-in date. image::media/backdate_post_date.png[] Checkin Modifiers ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ At the right bottom corner there is a *Checkin Modifiers* pop-up list. The options are: - Ignore Pre-cat Items: no prompt when checking in a pre-cat item. Item will be routed to Cataloging with Cataloging status. - Suppress Holds and Transit: item will not be used to fill holds or sent in transit. Item has Reshelving status. - Amnesty Mode/Forgive Fines: overdue fines will be removed if already created or not be inserted if not yet created (e.g. hourly loans). The fines are removed with an account_adjustment payment type. - Auto-Print Hold and Transit Slips: slips will be automatically printed without prompt for confirmation. These options may be selected simultaneously. The selected option is displayed in the header area. image::media/checkin_options.png[] Renewal and Editing the Item's Due Date ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Checked-out items can be renewed if your library's policy allows it. The new due date is calculated from the renewal date. Existing loans can also be extended to a specific date by editing the due date or renewing with a specific due date. Renewing via a Patron's Account ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1) Retrieve the patron record and go to the *Items Out* screen. image::media/items_out_click.png[] TIP: Add "Holds Count" from the column picker to quickly see whether an item to be renewed has holds. 2) Select the item you want to renew. *Click on Actions for Selected Items* -> *Renew*. If you want to renew all items in the account, click *Renew All* instead. image::media/renew_action.png[] 3) If you want to specify the due date, click *Renew with Specific Due Date*. You will be prompted to select a due date. Once done, click *Apply*. image::media/renew_specific_date.png[] [TIP] Renewal can also be done on the *Item Status* screen. See the section called <> for more information. Renewing by Item Barcode ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1) To renew items by barcode, select *Circulation* -> *Renew Items* or press *CTRL-F2*. 2) Scan or manually entire the item barcode. image::media/renew_item.png[] 3) If you want to specify the due date, click *Specific Due Date* and select a new due date from the calendar. image::media/renew_item_calendar.png[] Editing Due Date ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1) Retrieve the patron record and go to the *Items Out* screen. 2) Select the item you want to renew. Click on *Actions for Selected Items* -> *Edit Due Date*. image::media/edit_due_date_action.png[] 3) Select a new due date in the pop-up window, then click *Apply*. [TIP] You can select multiple items by pressing down the CTRL key on your keyboard and clicking each items you want to edit. [NOTE] Editing a due date is not included in the renewal count. Marking Items Lost and Claimed Returned ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lost Items ^^^^^^^^^^ 1) To mark items Lost, retrieve patron record and click *Items Out*. 2) Select the item. Click on *Actions for Selected Items* -> *Mark Lost (by Patron)*. image::media/mark_lost.png[] 3) The lost item now displays in the *Other/Special Circulations section of the patron record, unless otherwise customized through the Items Out display setting available in the Library Settings Editor. image::media/lost_cr_section.png[] 4) The lost item also adds to the count of *Lost* items in the patron summary on the left (or top) of the screen. image::media/patron_summary_checkouts.jpg[] [NOTE] .Lost Item Billing ======================== - Marking an item Lost will automatically bill the patron the replacement cost of the item as recorded in the price field in the item record, and a processing fee as determined by your local policy. If the lost item has overdue charges, the overdue charges may be voided or retained based on local policy. - A lost-then-returned item will disappear from the Items Out screen only when all bills linked to this particular circulation have been resolved. Bills may include replacement charges, processing fees, and manual charges added to the existing bills. - The replacement fee and processing fee for lost-then-returned items may be voided if set by local policy. Overdue fines may be reinstated on lost-then-returned items if set by local policy. ======================== Refunding and Clearing Negative Balances ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If an item is returned after a lost bill has been paid, there may be a negative balance on the bill. See ... for more information on settings that affect negative balances. See <> for more information on clearing that balance. Claimed Returned Items ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1) To mark an item Claimed Returned, retrieve the patron record and go to the *Items Out* screen. 2) Select the item, then select *Actions for Selected Items* -> *Mark Claimed Returned* from the dropdown menu. image::media/mark_claims_returned.png[] 3) Select a date and click *Apply*. image::media/claimed_date.png[] 4) Any overdue fines associated with the transaction will now be based on the Claimed Returned date. 5) The Claimed Returned item now displays in the *Other/Special Circulations* section of the patron record, unless otherwise customized through the Items Out display setting available in the Library Settings Editor. image::media/lost_cr_section.png[] 6) The Claimed Returned item adds to the count of Check Outs that are Claimed Returned in the patron summary on the left (or top) of the screen. It also adds to the total *Claims-returned Count* (including those that are current Check Outs and those that have since been returned) that is displayed when editing the patron's record. image::media/patron_summary_checkouts.jpg[] [NOTE] .More on Claimed Returned Items ==================================== - The date entered for a Claimed Returned item establishes the fine. If the date given has passed, bills will be adjusted accordingly. - When a Claimed Returned item is returned, if there is an outstanding bill associated with it, the item will not disappear from the *Items Out* screen. It will disappear when the outstanding bills are resolved. - When an item is marked Claimed Returned, the value in *Claims-returned Count* field in the patron record is automatically increased. Staff can manually adjust this count by editing the patron record. - Marking a lost transaction Claimed Returned will not remove a lost item billing or lost item processing fee unless the _Void lost item billing when claims returned_ and/or the _Void lost item processing fee when claims returned_ settings are enabled. Both settings are available via the Library Settings editor. ==================================== Enhancements to Items Out ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ By default, the *Items Out* interface in the patron's account is divided into two sections beneath the patron information: *Items Out* and *Other/Special Circulations*. In previous versions of Evergreen, all circulations appeared in the *Items Out* portion of the interface except for those marked LOST, LONGOVERDUE, or CLAIMSRETURNED, which appeared in the *Other/Special Circulations* portion of the interface. This enhancement enables you to customize the placement of items in the LOST, LONGOVERDUE, or CLAIMSRETURNED statuses in the top or bottom list. The value of this enhancement includes increased control over and organization of the Items Out interface. 1) Three new org unit settings enable you to control the placement of these items. To access these settings, click *Administration* -> *Local Administration* -> *Library Settings Editor*, and search for the following settings: * Items Out Lost Display Setting * Items Out Long-Overdue Display Setting * Items Out Claims Returned Display Setting The value for each setting is a numeric code describing the list in which the circulation should be placed when the item is checked out, and whether the circulation should appear in the bottom list when checked in, regardless of the state of the transaction. For example, an item may be checked in but the circulation may remain open because fees or fines are owed by the patron. 2) Enter the appropriate value, and click *Update setting*. 1 = Top list, then bottom list 2 = Bottom list, then bottom list 5 = Top list, then do not display 6 = Bottom list, then do not display To Hide the bottom list entirely, set the value for all special statuses to "5". Note that if all of the special statuses are hidden, then the interface more accurately represents a patron's items out instead of a combination of items out and items with special circumstances. Alternatively, if all items out and items with special statuses display in the top list, then the bottom list is hidden, and more screen space exists to display a patron's items out. Mark an Item Long Overdue ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *Marking an item Long Overdue* Once an item has been overdue for a configurable amount of time, Evergreen can mark the item long overdue in the borrowing patron’s account. This will be done automatically through a Notification/Action Trigger. When the item is marked long overdue, several actions will take place: . The item will go into the status of “Long Overdue” . The item will be moved to the “Lost, Claimed Returned, Long Overdue, Has Unpaid Billings” section of the Items Out screen in the patron’s account . The accrual of overdue fines will be stopped Optionally the patron can be billed for the item price, a long overdue processing fee, and any overdue fines can be voided from the account. Patrons can also be sent a notification that the item was marked long overdue. image::media/long_overdue1.jpg[Patron Account-Long Overdue] *Checking in a Long Overdue item* If an item that has been marked long overdue is checked in, an alert will appear on the screen informing the staff member that the item was long overdue. Once checked in, the item will go into the status of “In process”. Optionally, the item price and long overdue processing fee can be voided and overdue fines can be reinstated on the patron’s account. If the item is checked in at a library other than its home library, a library setting controls whether the item can immediately fill a hold or circulate, or if it needs to be sent to its home library for processing. image::media/long_overdue2.jpg[Long Overdue Checkin] *Notification/Action Triggers* Evergreen has two sample Notification/Action Triggers that are related to marking items long overdue. The sample triggers are configured for 6 months. These triggers can be configured for any amount of time according to library policy and will need to be activated for use. * Sample Triggers ** 6 Month Auto Mark Long-Overdue—will mark an item long overdue after the configured period of time ** 6 Month Long Overdue Notice—will send patron notification that an item has been marked long overdue on their account *Library Settings* The following Library Settings enable you to set preferences related to long overdue items: * *Circulation: Long-Overdue Check-In Interval Uses Last Activity Date* —Use the long-overdue last-activity date instead of the due_date to determine whether the item has been checked out too long to perform long-overdue check-in processing. If set, the system will first check the last payment time, followed by the last billing time, followed by the due date. See also circ.max_accept_return_of_longoverdue * *Circulation: Long-Overdue Items Usable on Checkin* —Long-overdue items are usable on checkin instead of going "home" first * *Circulation: Long-Overdue Max Return Interval* —Long-overdue check-in processing (voiding fees, re-instating overdues, etc.) will not take place for items that have been overdue for (or have last activity older than) this amount of time * *Circulation: Restore Overdues on Long-Overdue Item Return* * *Circulation: Void Long-Overdue item Billing When Returned* * *Circulation: Void Processing Fee on Long-Overdue Item Return* * *Finances: Leave transaction open when long overdue balance equals zero* —Leave transaction open when long-overdue balance equals zero. This leaves the lost copy on the patron record when it is paid * *Finances: Long-Overdue Materials Processing Fee* * *Finances: Void Overdue Fines When Items are Marked Long-Overdue* *Permissions to use this Feature* The following permissions are related to this feature: * COPY_STATUS_LONG_OVERDUE.override ** Allows the user to check-in long-overdue items thus removing the long-overdue status on the item In-house Use (F6) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1) To record in-house use, select *Circulation* -> *Record-In House Use*, click *Check Out* -> *Record In-House Use* on the circulation toolbar , or press *F6*. image::media/record_in_house_action.png[] 2) To record in-house use for cataloged items, enter number of uses, scan barcode or type barcode and click *Submit*. image::media/in_house_use.png[] [NOTE] The statistics of in-house use are separated from circulation statistics. The in-house use count of cataloged items is not included in the items' total use count. [[itemstatus]] Item Status (F5) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Item Status screen is very useful. Many actions can be taken by either circulation staff or catalogers on this screen. Here we will cover some circulation-related functions, namely checking item status, viewing past circulations, inserting item alert messages, marking items missing or damaged, etc. Checking item status ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1) To check the status of an item, select *Search* -> *Search for copies by Barcode* or *Circulation* -> *Show Item Status by Barcode*; click the *Item Status button* on the circulation or cataloging toolbar; or press *F5*. image::media/item_status_menu.png[] 2) Scan the barcode or type it and click *Submit*. The current status of the item is displayed with selected other fields. You can use the column picker to select more fields to view. image::media/item_status_barcode.png[] 3) Click the *Alternate View* button, and the item summary and circulation history will be displayed. image::media/item_status_altview.png[] 4) Click *List View* to go back. image::media/item_status_list_view.png[] [NOTE] If the item's status is "Available", the displayed due date refers to the previous circulation's due date. [TIP] Upload From File allows you to load multiple items saved in a file on your local computer. The file contains a list of the barcodes in text format. To ensure smooth uploading and further processing on the items, it is recommended that the list contains no more than 100 items. Viewing past circulations ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1) To view past circulations, retrieve the item on the *Item Status* screen as described above. 2) Select *Actions for Selected Items* -> *Show Last Few Circulations*. image::media/last_few_circs_action.png[] 3) The item's recent circulation history is displayed. image::media/last_few_circs_display.png[] 4) To retrieve the patron(s) of the last circulations, click the *Retrieve Last Patron* or the *Retrieve All These Patrons* button at the bottom of the above screen. Patron record(s) will be displayed in new tab(s). [TIP] The number of items that displays in the circulation history can be set in Local *Administration* -> *Library Settings Editor*. [NOTE] You can also retrieve the past circulations on the patron's Items Out screen and from the Check In screen. Marking items damaged or missing and other functions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1) To mark items damaged or missing, retrieve the item on the *Item Status* screen. 2) Select the item. Click on *Actions for Selected Items* -> *Mark Item Damaged * or *Mark Item Missing*. image::media/mark_missing_damaged.png[] [NOTE} Depending on the library's policy, when marking an item damaged, bills (cost and/or processing fee) may be inserted into the last borrower's account. 3) Following the above procedure, you can check in and renew items by using the *Check in Items* and *Renew Items* on the dropdown menu. Copy Alerts ~~~~~~~~~~~ The Copy Alerts feature allows library staff to add customized alert messages to copies. The copy alerts will appear when a specific event takes place, such as when the copy is checked in, checked out, or renewed. Alerts can be temporary or persistent: temporary alerts will be disabled after the initial alert and acknowledgement from staff, while persistent alerts will display each time the alert event takes place. Copy Alerts can be configured to display at the circulating or owning library only or, alternatively, when the library at which the alert event takes place is not the circulating or owning library. Copy Alerts at check in can also be configured to provide options for the next copy status that should be applied to an item. Library administrators will have the ability to create and customize Copy Alert Types and to suppress copy alerts at specific org units. Adding a Copy Alert ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Copy Alerts can be added to new copies or existing copies using the Volume/Copy Editor. They can also be added directly to items through the Check In, Check Out, Renew, and Item Status screens. To add a Copy Alert in the Volume/Copy Editor: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1. Within the _Volume/Copy Editor_, scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on *Copy Alerts*. image::media/copyalert1.PNG[] 2. A _New Copy Alert_ window will pop up. image::media/copyalert2.PNG[] 3. Select an alert _Type_ and enter an alert message. Check the box next to _Temporary_ if this alert should not appear after the initial alert is acknowledged. Leaving the Temporary box unchecked will create a persistent alert that will appear each time the action to trigger the alert occurs, such as check in or check out. 4. Click *OK* to save the new Copy Alert. After adding an initial copy alert, clicking on the *Copy Alerts* button in the _Volume/Copy Editor_ will allow you to add another Copy Alert and to view and edit Existing Copy Alerts. image::media/copyalert3.PNG[] 5. Within the Volume/Copy Editor, make any additional changes to the item record and click *Store Selected* to store these changes and the new copy alert(s) to the _Completed Copies_ tab. If you are done modifying the copy, click *Save & Exit* to finalize the changes. image::media/copyalert4.png[] To add a Copy Alert from the Check In, Check Out, or Renewal screens: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1. Navigate to the appropriate screen, for example to *Circulation>Check In*. 2. Scan in the item barcode. 3. Select the item row and go to *Actions>Add Copy Alerts* or right click on the item row and select *Add Copy Alerts*. image::media/copyalert5.PNG[] 4. The _Add Copy Alert_ window will pop up. Select the alert _Type_, add an additional alert message if needed, and Click *OK* to save. This alert will be added to the copy. image::media/copyalert6.png[] To add a Copy Alert from the Item Status screen: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1. Go to the _Detail View_ of the Item Status screen. 2. In the bottom left-hand corner of the item record there is a _Copy Alerts_ option. Click *Add* to create a new copy alert. image::media/copyalert7.png[] 3. The *Add Copy Alert* window will pop up. Select the alert _Type_, add an additional alert message if needed, and Click *OK* to save. This alert will be added to the copy. Triggering a Copy Alert ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Copy Alert will appear when the action required to trigger the alert occurs. For example, the Normal Checkin Alert will appear when the item is checked in: image::media/copyalert8.PNG[] If Next Status options have been configured for the Checkin Alert, staff will see a drop down menu that allows then to select the next Status for the copy: image::media/copyalert9.png[] Managing Copy Alerts ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Copy Alerts can be managed from the _Item Status_ screen. Within the _Quick Summary_ tab of the _Detailed View_ of an item, click on *Manage* to view and *Remove* copy alerts. image::media/copyalert10.PNG[] Administration of Copy Alerts ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Copy Alert Types ++++++++++++++++ Copy Alert Types are created and managed in *Administration>Local Administration>Copy Alert Types*. Copy Alert Types define the action and behavior of an alert message type. The Alert Types included in a stock installation of Evergreen are: * Normal checkout * Normal checkin * Normal renewal * Checkin of missing copy * Checkin of lost-and-paid copy * Checkin of damaged copy * Checkin of claims-returned copy * Checkin of long overdue copy * Checkin of claims-never-checked-out copy * Checkin of lost copy * Checkout of missing copy * Checkout of lost-and-paid copy * Checkout of damaged copy * Checkout of claims-returned copy * Checkout of long overdue copy * Checkout of claims-never-checked-out copy * Checkout of lost copy * Normal checkout at circ lib * Normal checkin at circ lib * Normal renewal at circ lib * Normal checkout at owning lib * Normal checkin at owning lib * Normal renewal at owning lib To create a new Copy Alert Type: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1. Go to *Administration>Local Administration>Copy Alert Types*. 2. Click on *Create* and fill out the following fields as needed: * *Name:* name of the Copy Alert Type. * *Active:* indicates if the alert type is currently in use (Yes) or not (No) * *State:* indicates the Copy Status of the item at the time of the event. * *Event:* the action that takes place in the ILS to trigger the alert. * *Scope Org Unit:* indicates which org unit(s) the alert type will apply to. * *Next Status:* can be used with temporary Checkin Alerts only. If a next status is configured, staff will be presented with a list of statuses to choose from when the item is checked in. * *Renewing?:* indicates if the alert should appear during a renewal. * *Invert location?:* if set to yes, this setting will invert the following two settings. For example, if an alert is set to appear at the Circulating Library only, inverting the location will cause the alert to appear at all libraries except the Circulating Library. * *At Circulation Library?:* indicates if the alert should appear at the circulation library only. * *At Owning Library?:* indicates if the alert should appear at the owning library only. 3. Click *Save*. To edit an existing Copy Alert Type: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1. Go to *Administration>Local Administration>Copy Alert Types*. 2. Click on the type and go to *Actions>Edit* or right-click and select *Edit*. 3. Make changes to the existing configuration and click *Save*. Copy Alert Suppression ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Copy Alert Suppression interface can be used to suppress alert types at a specific org unit. Suppression of alerts will adhere to the organization unit hierarchy. For example, if an alert is suppressed at the System level, it will be suppressed for all descendent branches. To suppress an alert type: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1. Go to *Administration>Local Administration>Copy Alert Suppression*. 2. Click *Create* and select the _Alert Type_ that you want to suppress from the drop down menu. 3. Next, select the _Org Unit_ at which the alert should be suppressed. 4. Click *Save*. image::media/copyalert11.PNG[] Copy Alert Related Permissions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The following permissions affect access to copy alert administration and use: * ADMIN_COPY_ALERT_TYPE * ADMIN_COPY_ALERT_SUPPRESS * ADMIN_COPY_ALERT * CREATE_COPY_ALERT_TYPE * CREATE_COPY_ALERT_SUPPRESS * CREATE_COPY_ALERT * DELETE_COPY_ALERT_TYPE * DELETE_COPY_ALERT_SUPPRESS * DELETE_COPY_ALERT * VIEW_COPY_ALERT_TYPE * VIEW_COPY_ALERT_SUPPRESS * VIEW_COPY_ALERT * UPDATE_COPY_ALERT_TYPE * UPDATE_COPY_ALERT_SUPPRESS * UPDATE_COPY_ALERT