Designing your catalog ====================== When people want to find things in your Evergreen system, they will check the catalog. In Evergreen, the catalog is made available through a web interface, called the _OPAC_ (Online Public Access Catalog). In the latest versions of the Evergreen system, the OPAC is built on a set of programming modules called the Template Toolkit. You will see the OPAC sometimes referred to as the _TPAC_. In this chapter, we'll show you how to customize the OPAC, change it from its default configuration, and make it your own. Configuring and customizing the public interface ------------------------------------------------ The public interface is referred to as the TPAC or Template Toolkit (TT) within the Evergreen community. The template toolkit system allows you to customize the look and feel of your OPAC by editing the template pages (.tt2) files as well as the associated style sheets. Locating the default template files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The default URL for the TPAC on a default Evergreen system is _http://localhost/eg/opac/home_ (adjust _localhost_ to match your hostname or IP address). The default template file is installed in _/openils/var/templates/opac_. You should generally avoid touching the installed default template files, unless you are contributing changes for Evergreen to adopt as a new default. Even then, while you are developing your changes, consider using template overrides rather than touching the installed templates until you are ready to commit the changes to a branch. See below for information on template overrides. Mapping templates to URLs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The mapping for templates to URLs is straightforward. Following are a few examples, where __ is a placeholder for one or more directories that will be searched for a match: * _http://localhost/eg/opac/home => /openils/var//opac/home.tt2_ * _http://localhost/eg/opac/advanced => /openils/var//opac/advanced.tt2_ * _http://localhost/eg/opac/results => /openils/var//opac/results.tt2_ The template files themselves can process, be wrapped by, or include other template files. For example, the _home.tt2_ template currently involves a number of other template files to generate a single HTML file. Example Template Toolkit file: _opac/home.tt2_. ---- [% PROCESS "opac/parts/header.tt2"; WRAPPER "opac/parts/base.tt2"; INCLUDE "opac/parts/topnav.tt2"; ctx.page_title = l("Home") %]
[% INCLUDE "opac/parts/searchbar.tt2" %]
[% INCLUDE "opac/parts/homesearch.tt2" %]
[% END %] ---- Note that file references are relative to the top of the template directory. How to override template files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Overrides for template files or TPAC pages go in a directory that parallels the structure of the default templates directory. The overrides then get pulled in via the Apache configuration. The following example demonstrates how to create a file that overrides the default "Advanced search page" (_advanced.tt2_) by adding a new _templates_custom_ directory and editing the new file in that directory. ---- bash$ mkdir -p /openils/var/templates_custom/opac bash$ cp /openils/var/templates/opac/advanced.tt2 \ /openils/var/templates_custom/opac/. bash$ vim /openils/var/templates_custom/opac/advanced.tt2 ---- Configuring the custom templates directory in Apache's eg.conf ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You now need to teach Apache about the new custom template directory. Edit _/etc/apache2/sites-available/eg.conf_ and add the following __ element to each of the __ elements in which you want to include the overrides. The default Evergreen configuration includes a VirtualHost directive for port 80 (HTTP) and another one for port 443 (HTTPS); you probably want to edit both, unless you want the HTTP user experience to be different from the HTTPS user experience. ---- # # - absorb the shared virtual host settings Include eg_vhost.conf PerlAddVar OILSWebTemplatePath "/openils/var/templates_custom" # ---- Finally, reload the Apache configuration to pick up the changes. You should now be able to see your change at _http://localhost/eg/opac/advanced_ where _localhost_ is the hostname of your Evergreen server. Adjusting colors for your public interface ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You may adjust the colors of your public interface by editing the _colors.tt2_ file. The location of this file is in _/openils/var/templates/opac/parts/css/colors.tt2_. When you customize the colors of your public interface, remember to create a custom file in your custom template folder and edit the custom file and not the file located in you default template. Adjusting fonts in your public interface ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Font sizes can be changed in the _colors.tt2_ file located in _/openils/var/templates/opac/parts/css/_. Again, create and edit a custom template version and not the file in the default template. Other aspects of fonts such as the default font family can be adjusted in _/openils/var/templates/opac/css/style.css.tt2_. Media file locations in the public interface ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The media files (mostly PNG images) used by the default TPAC templates are stored in the repository in _Open-ILS/web/images/_ and installed in _/openils/var/web/images/_. Changing some text in the public interface ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Out of the box, TPAC includes a number of placeholder text and links. For example, there is a set of links cleverly named Link 1, Link 2, and so on in the header and footer of every page in TPAC. Here is how to customize that for a _custom templates_ skin. To begin with, find the page(s) that contain the text in question. The simplest way to do that is with the grep -s command. In the following example, search for files that contain the text "Link 1": ---- bash$ grep -r "Link 1" /openils/var/templates/opac /openils/var/templates/opac/parts/topnav_links.tt2 4: [% l('Link 1') %] ---- Next, copy the file into our overrides directory and edit it with vim. Copying the links file into the overrides directory. ---- bash$ cp /openils/var/templates/opac/parts/topnav_links.tt2 \ /openils/var/templates_custom/opac/parts/topnav_links.tt2 bash$ vim /openils/var/templates_custom/opac/parts/topnav_links.tt2 ---- Finally, edit the link text in _opac/parts/header.tt2_. Content of the _opac/parts/header.tt2_ file. ---- ---- For the most part, the page looks like regular HTML, but note the _[%_(" ")%]_ that surrounds the text of each link. The _[% ... %]_ signifies a TT block, which can contain one or more TT processing instructions. l(" ... "); is a function that marks text for localization (translation); a separate process can subsequently extract localized text as GNU gettext-formatted PO (Portable Object) files. As Evergreen supports multiple languages, any customization to Evergreen's default text must use the localization function. Also, note that the localization function supports placeholders such as [_1], [_2] in the text; these are replaced by the contents of variables passed as extra arguments to the l() function. Once the link and link text has been edited to your satisfaction, load the page in a Web browser and see the live changes immediately. Adding and removing MARC fields from the record details display page ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is possible to add and remove the MARC fields and subfields displayed in the record details page. In order to add MARC fields to be displayed on the details page of a record, you will need to map the MARC code to variables in the _/openils/var/templates/opac/parts/misc_util.tt2 file_. For example, to map the template variable _args.pubdates_ to the date of publication MARC field 260, subfield c, add these lines to _misc_util.tt2_: ---- args.pubdates = []; FOR sub IN xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="260"]/*[@code="c"]'); args.pubdates.push(sub.textContent); END; args.pubdate = (args.pubdates.size) ? args.pubdates.0 : '' ---- You will then need to edit the _/openils/var/templates/opac/parts/record/summary.tt2_ file in order to get the template variable for the MARC field to display. For example, to display the date of publication code you created in the _misc_util.tt2_ file, add these lines: ---- [% IF attrs.pubdate; %] [% END; %] ---- You can add any MARC field to your record details page. Moreover, this approach can also be used to display MARC fields in other pages, such as your results page. Setting the default physical location for your library environment ------------------------------------------------------------------ _physical_loc_ is an Apache environment variable that sets the default physical location, used for setting search scopes and determining the order in which copies should be sorted. This variable is set in _/etc/apache2/sites-available/eg.conf_. The following example demonstrates the default physical location being set to library ID 104: ---- SetEnv physical_loc 104 ---- Setting a default language and adding optional languages -------------------------------------------------------- _OILSWebLocale_ adds support for a specific language. Add this variable to the Virtual Host section in _/etc/apache2/sites-available/eg.conf_. _OILSWebDefaultLocale_ specifies which locale to display when a user lands on a page in TPAC and has not chosen a different locale from the TPAC locale picker. The following example shows the _fr_ca_ locale being added to the locale picker and being set as the default locale: ---- PerlAddVar OILSWebLocale "fr_ca" PerlAddVar OILSWebLocale "/openils/var/data/locale/fr-CA.po" PerlAddVar OILSWebDefaultLocale "fr-CA" ---- Below is a table of the currently supported languages packaged with Evergreen: [options="header"] |================================================================ |Language| Code| PO file |Czech| cs_cz| /openils/var/data/locale/cs-CZ.po |English - Canada| en_ca| /openils/var/data/locale/en-CA.po |English - Great Britain| en_gb| /openils/var/data/locale/en-GB.po |*English - United States| en_us| not applicable |French - Canada| fr_ca| /openils/var/data/locale/fr-CA.po |Portuguese - Brazil| pt_br| /openils/var/data/locale/pt_BR.po |Russian| ru_ru| /openils/var/data/locale/ru_RU.po |================================================================= *American English is built into Evergreen so you do not need to set up this language and there are no PO files. Editing the formats select box options in the search interface. --------------------------------------------------------------- You may wish to remove, rename or organize the options in the formats select box. This can be accomplished from the staff client. . From the staff client, navigate to *Admin > Server Administration > Marc Coded Value Maps* . Select _Type_ from the *Record Attribute Type* select box. . Double click on the format type you wish to edit. To change the label for the type, enter a value in the *Search Label* field. To move the option to a top list separated by a dashed line from the others, check the *Is Simple Selector* check box. To hide the type so that it does not appear in the search interface, uncheck the *OPAC Visible* checkbox. Changes will be immediate. Adding and removing search fields in advanced search ----------------------------------------------------- It is possible to add and remove search fields on the advanced search page by editing the _opac/parts/config.tt2_ file in your template directory. Look for this section of the file: ---- search.adv_config = [ {adv_label => l("Item Type"), adv_attr => ["mattype", "item_type"]}, {adv_label => l("Item Form"), adv_attr => "item_form"}, {adv_label => l("Language"), adv_attr => "item_lang"}, {adv_label => l("Audience"), adv_attr => ["audience_group", "audience"], adv_break => 1}, {adv_label => l("Video Format"), adv_attr => "vr_format"}, {adv_label => l("Bib Level"), adv_attr => "bib_level"}, {adv_label => l("Literary Form"), adv_attr => "lit_form", adv_break => 1}, {adv_label => l("Search Library"), adv_special => "lib_selector"}, {adv_label => l("Publication Year"), adv_special => "pub_year"}, {adv_label => l("Sort Results"), adv_special => "sort_selector"}, ]; ---- For example, if you delete the line: ---- {adv_label => l("Language"), adv_attr => "item_lang"}, ---- the language field will no longer appear on your advanced search page. Changes will appear immediately after you save your changes. Changing the display of facets and facet groups ----------------------------------------------- Facets can be reordered on the search results page by editing the _opac/parts/config.tt2_ file in your template directory. Edit the following section of _config.tt2_, changing the order of the facet categories according to your needs: ---- facet.display = [ {facet_class => 'author', facet_order => ['personal', 'corporate']}, {facet_class => 'subject', facet_order => ['topic']}, {facet_class => 'series', facet_order => ['seriestitle']}, {facet_class => 'subject', facet_order => ['name', 'geographic']} ]; ---- You may also change the default number of facets appearing under each category by editing the _facet.default_display_count_ value in _config.tt2_. The default value is 5. Including external content in your public interface --------------------------------------------------- The public interface allows you to include external services and content in your public interface. These can include book cover images, user reviews, table of contents, summaries, author notes, annotations, user suggestions, series information among other services. Some of these services are free while others require a subscription. The following are some of the external content services which you can configure in Evergreen. OpenLibrary ~~~~~~~~~~~ The default install of Evergreen includes OpenLibrary book covers. The settings for this are controlled by the section of _/openils/conf/opensrf.xml_. Here are the key elements of this configuration: ---- OpenILS::WWW::AddedContent::OpenLibrary ---- This section calls the OpenLibrary perl module. If you wish to link to a different book cover service other than OpenLibrary, you must refer to the location of the corresponding Perl module. You will also need to change other settings accordingly. ---- 1 ---- Max number of seconds to wait for an added content request to return data. Data not returned within the timeout is considered a failure. ---- 600 ---- This setting is the amount of time to wait before we try again. ---- 15 ---- Maximum number of consecutive lookup errors a given process can have before added content lookups are disabled for everyone. To adjust the site of the cover image on the record details page edit the config.tt2 file and change the value of the record.summary.jacket_size. The default value is "medium" and the available options are "small", "medium" and "large." ChiliFresh ~~~~~~~~~~ ChiliFresh is a subscription-based service which allows book covers, reviews and social interaction of patrons to appear in your catalog. To activate ChiliFresh, you will need to open the Apache configuration file _/etc/apache2/eg_vhost.conf_ and edit several lines: . Uncomment (remove the "#" at the beginning of the line) and add your ChiliFresh account number: ---- #SetEnv OILS_CHILIFRESH_ACCOUNT ---- . Uncomment this line and add your ChiliFresh Profile: ---- #SetEnv OILS_CHILIFRESH_PROFILE ---- Uncomment the line indicating the location of the Evergreen JavaScript for ChiliFresh: ---- #SetEnv OILS_CHILIFRESH_URL /js/evergreen.js ---- . Uncomment the line indicating the secure URL for the Evergreen JavaScript : ---- #SetEnv OILS_CHILIFRESH_HTTPS_URL ---- [id="_content_cafe"] Content Café ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Content Café is a subscription-based service that can add jacket images, reviews, summaries, tables of contents and book details to your records. In order to activate Content Café, edit the _/openils/conf/opensrf.xml_ file and change the __ element to point to the ContentCafe Perl Module: ---- OpenILS::WWW::AddedContent::ContentCafe ---- To adjust settings for Content Café, edit a couple of fields with the __ Section of _/openils/conf/opensrf.xml_. Edit the _userid_ and _password_ elements to match the user id and password for your Content Café account. Change the _return_behavior_on_no_jacket_image_ to set the behavior of your service when an image is not available for an item. By default this value is set to T which will result in a small image with the text "No Image Available" in place of a book cover. If you set this value to 1 a 1X1 blank image will be in place of a book cover. Google Analytics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Google Analytics is a free service to collect statistics for your Evergreen site. In order to use Google Analytics you will first need to set up the service from the Google Analytics website at To activate Google Analytics you will need to edit _config.tt2_ in your template. To enable the service set the value of google_analytics.enabled to true and change the value of _google_analytics.code_ to be the code in your Google Analytics account. NoveList ~~~~~~~~ Novelist is a subscription-based service providing reviews and recommendation for books in you catalog. To activate your Novelist service in Evergreen, open the Apache configuration file _/etc/apache2/eg_vhost.conf_ and edit the line: ---- #SetEnv OILS_NOVELIST_URL ---- You should use the URL provided by NoveList. RefWorks ~~~~~~~~ RefWorks is a subscription-based online bibliographic management tool. If you have a RefWorks subscription, you can activate RefWorks in Evergreen by editing the _config.tt2_ file located in your template directory. You will need to set the _ctx.refworks.enabled_ value to _true_. You may also set the RefWorks URL by changing the _ctx.refworks.url_ setting on the same file. SFX OpenURL resolver ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ An OpenURL resolver allows you to find electronic resources and pull them into your catalog based on the ISBN or ISSN of the item. In order to use the SFX OpenURL resolver, you will need to subscribe to the Ex Libris SFX service. To activate the service in Evergreen edit the _config.tt2_ file in your template. Enable the resolver by changing the value of _openurl.enabled_ to _true_ and change the _openurl.baseurl_ setting to point to the URL of your OpenURL resolver. Syndetic Solutions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Syndetic Solutions is a subscription service providing book covers and other data for items in your catalog. In order to activate Syndetic, edit the _/openils/conf/opensrf.xml_ file and change the __ element to point to the Syndetic Perl Module: ---- OpenILS::WWW::AddedContent::Syndetic ---- You will also need to edit the __ element to be the user id provided to you by Syndetic. Then, you will need to uncomment and edit the __ element so that it points to the Syndetic service: ---- ---- For changes to be activated for your public interface you will need to restart Evergreen and Apache. Sitemap generator ----------------- A[sitemap] directs search engines to the pages of interest in a web site so that the search engines can intelligently crawl your site. In the case of Evergreen, the primary pages of interest are the bibliographic record detail pages. The sitemap generator script creates sitemaps that adhere to the specification, including: * limiting the number of URLs per sitemap file to no more than 50,000 URLs; * providing the date that the bibliographic record was last edited, so that once a search engine has crawled all of your sites' record detail pages, it only has to reindex those pages that are new or have changed since the last crawl; * generating a sitemap index file that points to each of the sitemap files. Running the sitemap generator ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The `sitemap_generator` script must be invoked with the following argument: * `--lib-hostname`: specifies the hostname for the catalog (for example, `--lib-hostname`); all URLs will be generated appended to this hostname Therefore, the following arguments are useful for generating multiple sitemaps per Evergreen instance: * `--lib-shortname`: limit the list of record URLs to those which have copies owned by the designated library or any of its children; * `--prefix`: provides a prefix for the sitemap index file names Other options enable you to override the OpenSRF configuration file and the database connection credentials, but the default settings are generally fine. Note that on very large Evergreen instances, sitemaps can consume hundreds of megabytes of disk space, so ensure that your Evergreen instance has enough room before running the script. Scheduling ~~~~~~~~~~ To enable search engines to maintain a fresh index of your bibliographic records, you may want to include the script in your cron jobs on a nightly or weekly basis. Sitemap files are generated in the same directory from which the script is invoked, so a cron entry will look something like: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 12 2 * * * cd /openils/var/web && /openils/bin/sitemap_generator ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Troubleshooting TPAC errors --------------------------- If there is a problem such as a TT syntax error, it generally shows up as an ugly server failure page. If you check the Apache error logs, you will probably find some solid clues about the reason for the failure. For example, in the following example, the error message identifies the file in which the problem occurred as well as the relevant line numbers. Example error message in Apache error logs: ---- bash# grep "template error" /var/log/apache2/error_log [Tue Dec 06 02:12:09 2011] [warn] [client] egweb: template error: file error - parse error - opac/parts/record/summary.tt2 line 112-121: unexpected token (!=)\n [% last_cn = 0;\n FOR copy_info IN ctx.copies;\n callnum = copy_info.call_number_label;\n ----