Custom Best-Hold Selection ========================== Background ---------- In the Evergreen ILS, during opportunistic capture (which occurs at copy checkin time), the copy being checked in is evaluated by the system for its fitness to fulfill outstanding holds. When the copy might fulfill more than one hold, a set of 'determinants' are used to rank the possible holds that might be fulfilled, so that the best hold may be chosen. Evergreen currently uses one of two possible sets of 'determinants' to rank the holds that a given copy might fulfill. An org-unit setting determines which set of 'determinants' is used. We will call these sets the "best-hold selection sort orders". The best-hold selection sort orders available for use at hold capture time are: Traditional ~~~~~~~~~~~ . 'pprox' - Proximity of capturing location to pickup library . 'priority' - Group hold priority . 'cut' - Hold cut-in-line . 'depth' - Hold selection depth (deeper/narrower first) . 'rtime' - Hold request time FIFO ~~~~ . 'priority' - Group hold priority . 'cut' - Hold cut-in-line . 'rtime' - Hold request time . 'depth' - Hold selection depth (deeper/narrower first) . 'pprox' - Proximity of capturing location to pickup library In either of these scenarios, a case could be made for changing the order of several fields. However, the use of these is currently controlled only by a single org-unit setting to turn on or off FIFO (if FIFO is "off," the Traditional set is used). Adding more org-unit settings to control yet more hard-coded orderings is a path to madness, and therefore we should support custom field ordering for best-hold selection. Proposal -------- To that end, we propose a new table to define field importance, and a new org- unit setting to replace "FIFO Holds" and select the appropriate definition for the capturing location. The UI for creating or editing hold order definitions should consist of a list for ordering the options, controlled by up-and-down buttons both clickable and accessible by keyboard. There will also be a field for naming the definition and a save button. This org-unit setting will be retrieved at capture time, instead of the FIFO setting, and inspected by If no value is set, the equivalent of the "traditional" order will be used. An upgrade script will change all FIFO settings to version of the new setting which points to the system-supplied definition that implements FIFO as it stands today, thus avoiding functional changes and configuration problems. Design ------ Database Sketch ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The 'config.best_hold_order' database table will have two metadata columns and eight data columns. Each of the eight data columns corresponds to a similarly named column used for ranking in the best-hold selection process (i.e., the 'determinants'). In a given row, the value of each of these columns corresponds to its relative priority in the ranking decision (lowest value representing the highest priority). Data columns with a null value have the effect of omitting the corresponding determinant in the ORDER BY clause for best-hold selection when the given best-hold selector order set is in play. One of the 'determinants', *aprox*, depends on the Calculated Proximity Adjustment enhancement (documented elsewhere). The 'determinant' *rtime*, which in practice is virtually unique among the set of all holds at a site, will always terminate the list of determinants used in constructing the ORDER BY clause whenever it appears. In other words, because *rtime* will never tie anyway, no more comparisons after rtime have any meaning. The default best-hold order sets sketched here are subject to refinement and are not guaranteed to represent the final product. [source,sql] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CREATE TABLE config.best_hold_order( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, -- (metadata) name TEXT UNIQUE, -- i18n (metadata) pprox INT, -- copy capture <-> pickup lib prox hprox INT, -- copy circ lib <-> request lib prox owning_lib_to_home_lib_prox INT, -- copy owning lib <-> user home lib prox aprox INT, -- copy circ lib <-> pickup lib ADJUSTED prox on ahcm priority INT, -- group hold priority cut INT, -- cut-in-line depth INT, -- selection depth htime INT, -- time since last home-lib circ exceeds org-unit setting rtime INT -- request time ); -- At least one of these columns must contain a non-null value ALTER TABLE config.best_hold_order ADD CHECK (( pprox IS NOT NULL OR hprox IS NOT NULL OR owning_lib_to_home_lib_prox IS NOT NULL OR aprox IS NOT NULL OR priority IS NOT NULL OR cut IS NOT NULL OR depth IS NOT NULL OR htime IS NOT NULL OR rtime IS NOT NULL )); INSERT INTO config.best_hold_order ( name, pprox, aprox, priority, cut, depth, rtime, htime, hprox ) VALUES ( 'Traditional', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ); INSERT INTO config.best_hold_order ( name, hprox, pprox, aprox, priority, cut, depth, rtime, htime ) VALUES ( 'Traditional with Holds-always-go-to-home-patrons', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ); INSERT INTO config.best_hold_order ( name, htime, hprox, pprox, aprox, priority, cut, depth, rtime ) VALUES ( 'Traditional with Holds-go-home', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ); INSERT INTO config.best_hold_order ( name, priority, cut, rtime, depth, pprox, hprox, aprox, htime ) VALUES ( 'FIFO', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ); INSERT INTO config.best_hold_order ( name, hprox, priority, cut, rtime, depth, pprox, aprox, htime ) VALUES ( 'FIFO with Holds-always-go-to-home-patrons', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ); INSERT INTO config.best_hold_order ( name, htime, priority, cut, rtime, depth, pprox, aprox, hprox ) VALUES ( 'FIFO with Holds-go-home', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ); INSERT INTO config.best_hold_order ( name, owning_lib_to_home_lib_prox, hprox, approx, pprox, aprox, priority, cut, depth, rtime ) VALUES ( 'Traditional with Holds-chase-home-lib-patrons', 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ); INSERT INTO config.org_unit_setting_type ( name, label, description, datatype, fm_class, update_perm ) VALUES ( 'circ.hold_capture_order', 'Best-hold selection precedence', 'Defines the sort order of holds when selecting a hold to fill using a given copy at capture time', 'link', 'cbho', 'ADMIN_HOLD_CAPTURE_SORT' ); INSERT INTO config.org_unit_setting_type ( name, label, description, datatype, update_perm ) VALUES ( 'circ.hold_go_home_interval', 'Max foreign-circulation time', 'Time a copy can spend circulating away from its circ lib before returning there to fill a hold (if one exists there)', 'interval', 'ADMIN_HOLD_CAPTURE_SORT' ); INSERT INTO actor.org_unit_setting ( org_unit, name, value ) VALUES ( 1, 'circ.hold_go_home_interval', '6 months' ); UPDATE actor.org_unit_setting SET name = 'circ.hold_capture_order', value = (SELECT id FROM config.hold_capture_sort WHERE name = 'FIFO') WHERE name = 'circ.holds_fifo'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ When constructing ORDER BY clauses, the *htime* determinant will be represented by a more complex expression than the other determinants. The likely form of this will be as follows: [source,sql] ----------------------------------------------- CASE WHEN ['value of org setting circ.hold_go_home_interval'] < NOW() - ['timestamp of last circulation at copy circ lib'] THEN hprox -- sic ELSE 999 END ----------------------------------------------- Middle Layer ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The '' method issues a query with an ORDER BY clause. This clause, previously selected from two hard-coded choices based on a boolean value indicating use- or don't-use-FIFO, will now be dynamically prepared based on the order specified in the 'circ.hold_capture_order' org-unit setting. User Interface ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A user interface will allow the creation of new best-hold orders and the editing of existing ones, given sufficient user permission. The name field (metadata) will be editable with a free-form text widget, and the remaining (data) fields will be represented by objects that the user manipulates via clickable buttons (also keyboard accessible) to indicate order. //// vim: ft=asciidoc ////