TPAC Discoverability Enhancements ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A number of discoverability enhancements have been made to the catalog to better support search engines: * Titles of catalog pages now follow a "Page title - Library name" pattern to provide more specific titles in search results, bookmarks, and browser tabs. * The OpenSearch title now specifies the library name instead of the generic "Evergreen OpenSearch" at every scope. * Subject headings are now exposed as[schema:about] properties instead of[schema:keyword]. * Electronic resources are now assigned a[schema:url] property, and any notes or link text are assigned a[schema:description] property. * Given a Library of Congress relator code for 1xx and 7xx fields, we now surface the URL for that relator code along with the[schema:contributor] property to give machines a better chance of understanding how the person or organization actually contributed to this work. * Linking out to related records: ** Given an LCCN (010 field), we link to the corresponding Library of Congress record using[schema:sameAs]. ** Given an OCLC number (035 field, subfield `a` beginning with `(OCoLC)`), we link to the corresponding WorldCat record using[schema:sameAs]. ** Given a URI (024 field, subfield 2 = `'uri'`), we link to the corresponding OCLC Work Entity record using[schema:exampleOfWork]. * The sitemap generator script now includes located URIs as well as copies listed in the `asset.opac_visible_copies` materialized view, and checks the children or ancestors of the requested libraries for holdings as well. * Links that robots should not crawl, such as search result links, are now marked with the[@rel="nofollow"] property. * Catalog pages for record details and for library descriptions now express a[@rel="canonical"] link to simplify the number of variations of page URLs that could otherwise have been derived from different search parameters. * Catalog pages that do not exist now return a proper 404 "HTTP_NOT_FOUND" HTTP status code, and record detail pages for records that have been deleted now return a proper 410 "HTTP_GONE" HTTP status code, instead of returning a misleading 200 "OK" HTTP status code.