Long Overdue Circulations Management ==================================== This is a two-part feature, which covers marking circulations as long overdue via automated processing and check-in of long overdue circulations. Marking Circulations Long Overdue --------------------------------- A new Action/Trigger reactor (MarkItemLongOverdue) and sample event definition (6 Month Overdue Mark Long-Overdue) are included for marking circulations and their associated copies as long overdue. New org unit settings determine whether the item price and/or a processing fee is applied. A secondary Action/Trigger hook (longoverdue.auto) and sample event definition (6 Month Long Overdue Notice) are added so that (email, etc.) notifications can be sent when a circulation is marked long overdue via this new automated process. Also included is a new Action/Trigger validator PatronNotInCollections, which can be used to prevent long overdue processing (or any circ-based event definition) for patrons that are in collections processing at (or above) the circulating library. New Org Unit Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Long-Overdue Materials Processing Fee * Void Overdue Fines When Items are Marked Long-Overdue * Leave transaction open when long overdue balance equals zero A combination of 'Charge lost on zero' and 'Default Item Price' are used to determine the amount to charge for the item price when a circulation is marked as long overdue. New Billing Types ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Long-Overdue Materials * Long-Overdue Materials Processing Fee New Permissions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * SET_CIRC_LONG_OVERDUE New Copy Status ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Long Overdue Check-in of Long Overdue Circulations ------------------------------------- Check-in of long overdue items may result in any of the following actions, depending on configuration. * Void the copy price billing * Void the long-overdue processing fee billing * Reinstate voided overdue fines The process is practically identical to Lost processing. However, one difference between Lost and Long Overdue check-in is that the window of time during which a long overdue item may be returned may be based on the due date (like Lost) or the last billing activity date (last payment, last billing). This is controlled with the "Long-Overdue Check-In Interval Uses Last Activity Date" org unit setting. New Org Unit Settings ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * Long-Overdue Items Usable on Checkin * Long-Overdue Max Return Interval * Restore Overdues on Long-Overdue Item Return * Void Long-Overdue Item Billing When Returned * Void Processing Fee on Long-Overdue Item Return * Long-Overdue Check-In Interval Uses Last Activity Date New Permissions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * COPY_STATUS_LONGOVERDUE.override Upgrade Notes ------------- If you are using a custom version of the '/openils/conf/action_trigger_filters.json.example' file, you will need to merge the changes made by this feature into your file. The change in question alters the 'checkout.due' hook such that LONGOVERDUE circulations are no longer treated as regular overdue items.