Batch Editing of Patron Records ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ There is a now a new interface analogous to the Copy Bucket interface to record the selection and grouping of a set of users into a User Bucket. The addition of users to a User Bucket is possible from the Patron Search interface by the use of a new grid Action, and directly on the User Bucket interface by user barcode. It is also possible to add users by uploading a text file that contains a list of user barcodes. From this interface it is possible to perform a set of specific batch update operations against users generally. Editing users +++++++++++++ The fields can now be changed in batch via an action on the User Bucket grid if the staff user has the UPDATE_USER permission: * Active flag * Primary Permission Group (group application permissions consulted) * Juvenile flag * Home Library (UPDATE_USER checked against both old and new value) * Privilege Expiration Date * Barred flag (BAR_PATRON permission consulted) * Internet Access Level Each change set requires a name. Buckets may have multiple change sets. All users in the Bucket at the time of processing are updated when the change set is processed, and change sets are processed immediately upon successful creation. The interface delivers progress information regarding the processing stage and percent of completion. While processing the users, the original value for each field edited is recorded for potential future rollback. Users can examine the success and failure of applied change sets. The user will be able to rollback the entire change set, but not parts thereof. The rollback will affect only those users that were successfully updated by the original change set and may be different from the current set of users in the Bucket. Users can manually discard change sets, removing them from the interface but preventing future rollback. As a batch process, rather than a direct edit, this mechanism explicitly skips processing of Action/Trigger event definitions for user update. Deleting users ++++++++++++++ The batch edit mechanism also allows for the batch deletion of user. The staff user must have both the UPDATE_USER and DELETE_USER permissions. Each delete set requires a name. Buckets may have multiple delete sets. All users in the Bucket at the time of processing are marked as deleted when the delete set is processed. The interface delivers progress information regarding the processing stage and percent of completion. While processing the users, the original value for the "deleted" field will be recorded for potential future rollback. Users are able to examine the success and failure of applied delete sets in the same interface used for the above described change sets. As a batch process, rather than a direct edit, this mechanism explicitly skips processing of Action/Trigger event definitions for user deletion. This mechanism does not use the Purge User functionality, but instead simply marks the users as deleted. Editing Statistical Category Entries ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ All users in the bucket can have their Statistical Category Entries modified. Unlike user data field updates, modification of Statistical Category Entries is permanent and cannot be rolled back. No named change sets are required. The interface will deliver progress information regarding the processing stage and percent of completion. As a batch process, rather than a direct edit, this mechanism explicitly skips processing of Action/Trigger event definitions for user update. New service requirement +++++++++++++++++++++++ This new functionality makes use of the QStore service, which was previously unused in production. If this service has been removed from the configuration of a live Evergreen instances, it will need to be added back in order for batch user editing to succeed.