Display Authoirty Subject Heading Thesaurus Value ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ There is now a new column in the *Manage Authorities* search results. Each result row now displays each authority's thesaurus value with a "Thes: " prefix. In the authority MARC editor interface the thesaurus value corresponds to the "Subject Heading Thesaurus" fixed field (http://www.loc.gov/marc/authority/ad008.html) labeled “Subj”. For example, a value of "Thes: a" means that the authority is a Library of Congress Subject Heading, and a value of "Thes: k" means the authority is a Canadian Subject Heading. *A Library of Congress list of thesaurus values:* * '' = Alternate no attempt to code * a = Library of Congress Subject Headings * b = LC subject headings for children's literature * c = Medical Subject Headings * d = National Agricultural Library subject authority file * k = Canadian Subject Headings * n = Not applicable * r = Art and Architecture Thesaurus * s = Sears List of Subject Headings * v = Repertoire de vedettes-matiere * z = Other * | = No attempt to code