Authority Record and Headings Browse Improvements ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Various improvements are made to support for authority records and headings browsing: * The MARC to MADS XSLT stylesheet is now used as part of parsing headings from authority records. Since the MODS and MADS stylesheets extract headings in similar ways, duplicate browse entries are now much less likely to occur. * A new configuration table, `authority.heading_field`, is now used to specify how headings should be extracted from authority records. * Related headings can now be identified as narrower or broader when browsing in the public catalog. * See references are now more reliably included in the browse list. * Scope (public) notes now display only under the main heading. * There is now a global flag, Display related headings (see-also) in browse, that can be used to control whether related headings (see-alsos) are displayed in the public catalog list. * A complete set of thesauruses are now included in the seed data. Thesauruses can now be identified using short and long codes. * The labels for see and see-also references in the public catalog are now a bit more patron-friendly, and can now be tweaked via TPAC template customization.