# Arabic translation for evergreen # Copyright (c) 2016 Rosetta Contributors and Canonical Ltd 2016 # This file is distributed under the same license as the evergreen package. # FIRST AUTHOR , 2016. # msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: evergreen\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: FULL NAME \n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2023-05-03 11:29-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-11-01 06:22+0000\n" "Last-Translator: fares othman \n" "Language-Team: Arabic \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2023-05-05 04:42+0000\n" "X-Generator: Launchpad (build 90e2150bef31b411d7bae5c4032c7e320fcaaec8)\n" #: 0.SUCCESS:14 msgid "Success" msgstr "نجحت" #: 1.UNKNOWN:17 msgid "Placeholder event. Used for development only" msgstr "يُستخدم للتطوير فقط وضع وتحميل الحدث." #: 3.NO_CHANGE:20 msgid "No change occurred" msgstr "لم يتم حدوث أي تغيير" #: 4.CACHE_MISS:24 msgid "A cached object could not be retrieved by the given reference." msgstr "تعذر استرداد الكائن المؤقت/الكاش من قبل المرجعية المُعطاة/المُقدمة." #: 1000.LOGIN_FAILED:28 msgid "User login failed" msgstr "فشل تسجيل دخول المستخدم" #: 1001.NO_SESSION:31 msgid "User login session has either timed out or does not exist" msgstr "جلسة تسجيل دخول المستخدم إما نَفذ وقتها أو أنها غير موجودة" #: 1002.ACTOR_USER_NOT_FOUND:34 msgid "" "Someone attempted to retrieve a user from the system and the user was not " "found" msgstr "حاول شخص ما استرداد المستخدم من النظام ولم يتم العثور على المستخدم" #: 1003.Z3950_SEARCH_FAILED:37 msgid "The Z search did not succeed" msgstr "لم يتم النجاح في البحث Z" #: 1004.Z3950_BAD_QUERY:40 msgid "The Z query is not formatted correctly" msgstr "الاستعلام Z لم تتم تهيئته/تنسيقه بشكل صحيح" #: 1200.USERNAME_EXISTS:44 msgid "The given username already exists in the database" msgstr "اسم المستخدم المُقدَم موجود مسبقاً في قاعدة البيانات" #: 1201.CIRC_PERMIT_BAD_KEY:47 msgid "A checkout was attempted without a valid checkout permit key" msgstr "تمّ محاولة الإعارة بدون مفتاح تصريح/مرور صحيح لـِ الإعارة" #: 1202.ITEM_NOT_CATALOGED:50 msgid "The requested item is not cataloged in the database" msgstr "النُسخة المطلوبة غير مُفهرسة في قاعدة البيانات" #: 1203.COPY_BAD_STATUS:53 msgid "The given copy is not in a standard circulation status" msgstr "النُسخة المُقدمة ليست في وضع إعارة نموذجي" #: 1204.CIRC_BAD_STATUS:59 msgid "" "The given circulation is not in a standard status or the circulation was " "never fully closed properly" msgstr "" "الإعارة المُقدمة ليست في وضع نموذجي أو أنه لم يتم أبداً الإغلاق تماماً بشكل " "صحيح" #: 1205.CARD_EXISTS:62 msgid "The given user barcode already exists" msgstr "باركود المستخدم موجود مُسبقاً" #: 1206.VOLUME_NOT_EMPTY:65 msgid "The selected volume has copies attached" msgstr "المجلد المحدد لديه نُسخ مُرفقة" #: 1207.REFUND_EXCEEDS_BALANCE:68 msgid "" "A refund greater than the negative balance on a transaction was provided" msgstr "" "إعادة تسديد المال أكبر مِن رصيد الحساب السلبي في الإجراء المُزوَد/المُقدَم" #: 1208.TITLE_LAST_COPY:71 msgid "The last copy attached to a title is being removed or deleted" msgstr "آخر نسخة مرفقة بالعنوان يتم إزالتها أو حذفها" #: 1209.Z3950_LOGIN_FAILED:74 msgid "The login failed" msgstr "لقد فشل تسجيل الدخول" #: 1210.INCORRECT_PASSWORD:78 msgid "The provided password is not correct" msgstr "كلمة المرور المُقدمة غير صحيحة" #: 1211.BILL_ALREADY_VOIDED:81 msgid "The bill is already voided" msgstr "الفاتورة تمّ إبطالها / إلغائها مُسبقاً" #: 1212.PATRON_EXCEEDS_OVERDUE_COUNT:84 msgid "The patron has too many overdue items" msgstr "المستفيد لديه الكثير من النُسخ المتأخرة" #: 1213.PATRON_BARRED:88 msgid "The patron is barred" msgstr "المستفيد محظور" #: 1214.PATRON_DUP_IDENT1:92 msgid "" "The selected primary identification type and value are in use by another " "patron" msgstr "" "نوع التعريف الرئيسي المُحدد والقيمة قَيد الاستخدام من قبل مُستخدم آخر" #: 1215.CIRC_EXCEEDS_COPY_RANGE:99 msgid "" "The selected copy may not circulate because the recipient's home location is " "not within the copy's circulation range" msgstr "" "النسخة المُحددة مِن المحتمل أنها لا تُعار لأن موقع المُستلم الرئيسي ليس ضمن " "مجال إعارة النُسخ" #: 1216.PATRON_CARD_INACTIVE:103 msgid "The patron's card is not active" msgstr "بطاقة المستفيد غير فعّالة" #: 1217.PATRON_INACTIVE:106 msgid "This account is marked as inactive" msgstr "تمّ تمييز هذا الحساب كـَ غير فعال" #: 1218.ITEM_AGE_PROTECTED:109 msgid "This item is too new to have a hold placed on it" msgstr "هذه النُسخة جديدة جداً حتى يتم حجزها" #: 1219.COPY_REMOTE_CIRC_LIB:112 msgid "A copy with a remote circulating library (circ_lib) was encountered" msgstr "" "تمّ مصادفة/مواجهة مكتبة ريموت/ تَحكم عن بعد للإعارة (circ_lib) لـِ النسخة" #: 1220.ITEM_NOT_HOLDABLE:116 msgid "An unholdable copy was encountered" msgstr "" #: 1221.ORG_CANNOT_HAVE_VOLS:120 msgid "The selected location cannot have volumes attached" msgstr "الموقع المُحدد ليس لديه مجلدات مُرفقة" #: 1222.PATRON_NO_EMAIL_ADDRESS:124 msgid "The user does not have a valid email address assigned" msgstr "ليس لدى المستخدم عنوان بريد إلكتروني مُسجل بشكل صحيح" #: 1223.PATRON_NO_PHONE:127 msgid "The user does not have a valid phone number assigned" msgstr "لم يتم تسجيل/ تعيين للمستخدم رقم هاتف صحيح" #: 1224.PATRON_ACCOUNT_EXPIRED:130 msgid "The patron's account has expired" msgstr "انتهت صلاحية حساب المستفيد" #: 1225.TRANSIT_ABORT_NOT_ALLOWED:133 msgid "" "The transit on this item may not be canceled due to the state the item is in" msgstr "النقل لهذا البند ربما لم يتم إلغاؤه بسبب حالة البند في" #: 1226.REFUND_EXCEEDS_DESK_PAYMENTS:140 msgid "" "This refund amount is not allowed because it exceeds the total amount of " "desk payments for this transaction." msgstr "" "مقدار مبلغ السداد غير مسموح لأنه يتجاوز المبلغ الإجمالي للمدفوعات لهذا " "الإجراء." #: 1227.COPY_DELETE_WARNING:145 msgid "The copy in question is not in an ideal status for deleting" msgstr "النُسخة في السؤال ليست في وضع مثالي للحذف" #: 1228.BIB_RECORD_DELETED:149 msgid "The requested bib record is marked as deleted" msgstr "تمّ تمييز تسجيلة المطلوبة للمكتبة كـَ محذوفة" #: 1229.VOLUME_DELETED:152 msgid "The requested volume is marked as deleted" msgstr "تمّ تمييز مجلد الطلب كـَ محذوف" #: 1230.XACT_COLLISION:155 msgid "The saved item has been edited by another user" msgstr "النُسخة المحفوظة تمّ تعديلها مِن قبل مستخدم آخر" #: 1231.RECORD_NOT_EMPTY:159 msgid "The selected bib record has volumes attached" msgstr "تسجيلة المكتبة المحددة لديها مجلدات مُرفقة" #: 1232.ITEM_DEPOSIT_REQUIRED:162 msgid "Payment of an item deposit is required." msgstr "الدفع لـِ وديعة/تأمين النُسخة مطلوب." #: 1233.ITEM_RENTAL_FEE_REQUIRED:165 msgid "Payment of an item rental fee is required." msgstr "رسوم الدفع لـِ تأجير/استعارة النسخة مطلوب" #: 1234.ITEM_DEPOSIT_PAID:168 msgid "An item deposit was paid." msgstr "تم دفع وديعة/تأمين النُسخة." #: 1235.INVALID_USER_XACT_ID:171 msgid "" "While you were trying to make payments, this account's transaction history " "changed. Please go back and try again." msgstr "" "بينما كنت في محاولة إنشاء المدفوعات، تمّ تغيير أرشيف عملية هذه الحسابات. " "لطفاً ينبغي الرجوع للخلف والمحاولة مرة أخرى." #: 1236.PATRON_EXCEEDS_LOST_COUNT:174 msgid "The patron has too many lost items." msgstr "المستفيد لديه الكثير مِن النسخ المفقودة." #: 1237.HOLD_ITEM_CHECKED_OUT:177 msgid "" "The item you have attempted to place on hold is already checked out to the " "requestor." msgstr "النُسخة التي حاولت وضعها في الحجز تمّ إعارتها مُسبقاً إلى الطالب." #: 1500.ACTION_CIRCULATION_NOT_FOUND:183 msgid "" "Someone attempted to retrieve a circulation object from the system and the " "object was not found." msgstr "" "حاول شخص ما استرداد كائن الإعارة من النظام ولم يتم العثور على الكائن." #: 1501.BIBLIO_RECORD_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND:186 msgid "The requested biblio_record_entry was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على biblio_record_entry المطلوب" #: 1502.ASSET_COPY_NOT_FOUND:192 msgid "" "Someone attempted to retrieve a copy object from the system and the object " "was not found." msgstr "حاول شخص استرداد كائن النسخة من النظام ولم يتم العثور على الكائن." #: 1503.ACTION_HOLD_REQUEST_NOT_FOUND:195 msgid "The requested action_hold_request was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على action_hold_request المطلوب" #: 1504.ACTION_TRANSIT_COPY_NOT_FOUND:201 msgid "" "Someone attempted to retrieve a transit object from the system and the " "object was not found." msgstr "" "حاول شخص ما استرداد كائن العبور/النقل من النظام ولم يتم العثور على الكائن." #: 1506.CONTAINER_NOT_FOUND:209 msgid "" "Someone attempted to retrieve a container object from the system and the " "object was not found." msgstr "حاول شخص استرداد كائن الحاوية من النظام ولم يتم العثور على الكائن." #: 1507.CONTAINER_ITEM_NOT_FOUND:215 msgid "" "Someone attempted to retrieve a container item object from the system and " "the object was not found." msgstr "" "حاول شخص استرداد كائن نُسخة الحاوية من النظام ولم يتم العثور على الكائن." #: 1508.ASSET_CALL_NUMBER_NOT_FOUND:218 msgid "Requested asset_call_number was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على asset_call_number المطلوب" #: 1518.ACTION_HOLD_TRANSIT_COPY_NOT_FOUND:223 msgid "The requested action_hold_transit_copy was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على action_hold_transit_copy المطلوب" #: 1520.WORKSTATION_NOT_FOUND:228 msgid "Requested workstation object does not exist" msgstr "كائن محطة العمل المطلوبة غير موجودة" #: 1523.TITLE_NOTE_NOT_FOUND:231 msgid "Requested title note does not exist" msgstr "ملاحظة العنوان المطلوب غير موجودة" #: 1525.BILLING_NOT_FOUND:234 msgid "Requested billing note does not exist" msgstr "ملاحظة الفاتورة المطلوبة غير موجودة" #: 1527.OPEN_TCN_NOT_FOUND:238 msgid "No TCN could be found that does not collide with existing records" msgstr "" "لا يمكن العثور على أي رقم للتحكم بالنقل والذي لا يتعارض مع التسجيلات الموجودة" #: 1528.ACTOR_USER_ADDRESS_NOT_FOUND:241 msgid "Requested address was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على العنوان المطلوب" #: 1529.ACTOR_WORKSTATION_NOT_FOUND:246 msgid "The requested actor_workstation was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على actor_workstation المطلوب" #: 1530.CONFIG_IDENTIFICATION_TYPE_NOT_FOUND:249 msgid "The requested config_identification_type was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على config_identification_type المطلوب" #: 1531.ACTION_SURVEY_QUESTION_NOT_FOUND:252 msgid "The requested action_survey_question was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على action_survey_question المطلوب" #: 1532.MONEY_BILLABLE_TRANSACTION_SUMMARY_NOT_FOUND:255 msgid "The requested money_billable_transaction_summary was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على money_billable_transaction_summary المطلوب" #: 1534.ACTOR_USER_SETTING_NOT_FOUND:258 msgid "The requested actor_user_setting was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على actor_user_setting المطلوب" #: 1535.METABIB_AUTHOR_FIELD_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND:261 msgid "The requested metabib_author_field_entry was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على metabib_author_field_entry المطلوب" #: 1536.ACTION_IN_HOUSE_USE_NOT_FOUND:264 msgid "The requested action_in_house_use was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على action_in_house_use المطلوب" #: 1538.ACTION_SURVEY_RESPONSE_NOT_FOUND:269 msgid "The requested action_survey_response was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على action_survey_response المطلوب" #: 1539.CONTAINER_COPY_BUCKET_ITEM_NOT_FOUND:272 msgid "The requested container_copy_bucket_item was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على container_copy_bucket_item المطلوب" #: 1540.AUTHORITY_RECORD_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND:275 msgid "The requested authority_record_entry was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على authority_record_entry المطلوب" #: 1541.AUTHORITY_RECORD_DESCRIPTOR_NOT_FOUND:278 msgid "The requested authority_record_descriptor was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثورعلى authority_record_descriptor المطلوب" #: 1542.CONFIG_LANGUAGE_MAP_NOT_FOUND:281 msgid "The requested config_language_map was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على config_language_map المطلوب" #: 1543.MONEY_CREDIT_CARD_PAYMENT_NOT_FOUND:284 msgid "The requested money_credit_card_payment was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على money_credit_card_payment المطلوب" #: 1544.CONFIG_METABIB_FIELD_NOT_FOUND:287 msgid "The requested config_metabib_field was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على config_metabib_field المطلوبة" #: 1545.PERM_EX_NOT_FOUND:290 msgid "The requested perm_ex was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على perm_ex المطلوب" #: 1546.CONFIG_AUDIENCE_MAP_NOT_FOUND:293 msgid "The requested config_audience_map was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على config_audience_map المطلوب" #: 1547.CONFIG_ITEM_FORM_MAP_NOT_FOUND:296 msgid "The requested config_item_form_map was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على config_item_form_map المطلوب" #: 1549.CONFIG_STANDING_NOT_FOUND:300 msgid "The requested config_standing was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على config_standing المطلوب" #: 1550.MONEY_OPEN_USER_SUMMARY_NOT_FOUND:303 msgid "The requested money_open_user_summary was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على money_open_user_summary المطلوب" #: 1552.ACTOR_ORG_UNIT_HOURS_OF_OPERATION_NOT_FOUND:308 msgid "The requested actor_org_unit_hours_of_operation was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على actor_org_unit_hours_of_operation المطلوب" #: 1553.ACTOR_ORG_UNIT_CLOSED_DATE_NOT_FOUND:311 msgid "The requested actor_org_unit_closed_date was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على actor_org_unit_closed_date المطلوب" #: 1554.CONFIG_RULES_CIRC_DURATION_NOT_FOUND:314 msgid "The requested config_rules_circ_duration was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على config_rules_circ_duration المطلوب" #: 1555.MONEY_OPEN_BILLABLE_TRANSACTION_SUMMARY_NOT_FOUND:317 msgid "The requested money_open_billable_transaction_summary was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على money_open_billable_transaction_summary المطلوب" #: 1557.ACTOR_ORG_UNIT_SETTING_NOT_FOUND:322 msgid "The requested actor_org_unit_setting was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على actor_org_unit_setting المطلوب" #: 1558.ASSET_COPY_NOTE_NOT_FOUND:325 msgid "The requested asset_copy_note was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على asset_copy_note المطلوب" #: 1559.METABIB_FULL_REC_NOT_FOUND:328 msgid "The requested metabib_full_rec was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على metabib_full_rec المطلوب" #: 1560.METABIB_METARECORD_NOT_FOUND:331 msgid "The requested metabib_metarecord was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على metabib_metarecord المطلوب" #: 1561.PERMISSION_PERM_LIST_NOT_FOUND:334 msgid "The requested permission_perm_list was not found" msgstr "تعذر العثور على permission_perm_list" #: 1562.METABIB_METARECORD_SOURCE_MAP_NOT_FOUND:337 msgid "The requested metabib_metarecord_source_map was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على metabib_metarecord_source_map المطلوب" #: 1563.METABIB_KEYWORD_FIELD_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND:340 msgid "The requested metabib_keyword_field_entry was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على metabib_keyword_field_entry المطلوب" #: 1564.MONEY_CASH_PAYMENT_NOT_FOUND:343 msgid "The requested money_cash_payment was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على money_cash_payment المطلوب" #: 1565.ACTOR_PROFILE_NOT_FOUND:346 msgid "The requested actor_profile was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على actor_profile المطلوب" #: 1566.MONEY_FORGIVE_PAYMENT_NOT_FOUND:349 msgid "The requested money_forgive_payment was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على money_forgive_payment المطلوب" #: 1567.METABIB_RECORD_DESCRIPTOR_NOT_FOUND:352 msgid "The requested metabib_record_descriptor was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على metabib_record_descriptor المطلوب" #: 1568.CONFIG_COPY_STATUS_NOT_FOUND:355 msgid "The requested config_copy_status was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على config_copy_status المطلوب" #: 1569.ACTOR_USER_STANDING_PENALTY_NOT_FOUND:358 msgid "The requested actor_user_standing_penalty was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثورعلى actor_user_standing_penalty المطلوب" #: 1571.ASSET_CALL_NUMBER_NOTE_NOT_FOUND:363 msgid "The requested asset_call_number_note was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على asset_call_number_note المطلوب" #: 1572.AUTHORITY_RECORD_NOTE_NOT_FOUND:366 msgid "The requested authority_record_note was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على authority_record_note المطلوب" #: 1574.CONTAINER_CALL_NUMBER_BUCKET_ITEM_NOT_FOUND:371 msgid "The requested container_call_number_bucket_item was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على container_call_number_bucket_item المطلوب" #: 1575.CONTAINER_BIBLIO_RECORD_ENTRY_BUCKET_NOT_FOUND:374 msgid "The requested container_biblio_record_entry_bucket was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على container_biblio_record_entry_bucket المطلوب" #: 1576.EX_NOT_FOUND:377 msgid "The requested ex was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على ex المطلوب" #: 1577.ACTION_HOLD_COPY_MAP_NOT_FOUND:380 msgid "The requested action_hold_copy_map was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على action_hold_copy_map المطلوب" #: 1578.ACTION_HOLD_NOTIFICATION_NOT_FOUND:383 msgid "The requested action_hold_notification was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على action_hold_notification المطلوب" #: 1579.ASSET_COPY_LOCATION_NOT_FOUND:386 msgid "The requested asset_copy_location was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على asset_copy_location المطلوب" #: 1580.METABIB_VIRTUAL_RECORD_NOT_FOUND:389 msgid "The requested metabib_virtual_record was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على metabib_virtual_record المطلوب" #: 1581.ASSET_STAT_CAT_ENTRY_COPY_MAP_NOT_FOUND:392 msgid "The requested asset_stat_cat_entry_copy_map was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على asset_stat_cat_entry_copy_map المطلوب" #: 1582.CONFIG_ITEM_TYPE_MAP_NOT_FOUND:395 msgid "The requested config_item_type_map was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على config_item_type_map المطلوب" #: 1583.ACTION_SURVEY_NOT_FOUND:398 msgid "The requested action_survey was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على action_survey المطلوب" #: 1584.ACTOR_ORG_ADDRESS_NOT_FOUND:401 msgid "The requested actor_org_address was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على actor_org_address المطلوبة" #: 1586.ACTOR_ORG_UNIT_NOT_FOUND:406 msgid "The requested actor_org_unit was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على actor_org_unit المطلوب" #: 1587.CONTAINER_CALL_NUMBER_BUCKET_NOT_FOUND:409 msgid "The requested container_call_number_bucket was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثورعلى container_call_number_bucket المطلوب" #: 1588.ASSET_STAT_CAT_NOT_FOUND:412 msgid "The requested asset_stat_cat was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على asset_stat_cat المطلوب" #: 1589.ACTOR_CARD_NOT_FOUND:415 msgid "The requested actor_card was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على actor_card المطلوب" #: 1590.ACTOR_STAT_CAT_NOT_FOUND:418 msgid "The requested actor_stat_cat was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على actor_stat_cat المطلوب" #: 1591.METABIB_SERIES_FIELD_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND:421 msgid "The requested metabib_series_field_entry was not found" msgstr "تعذر العثور على metabib_series_field_entry" #: 1592.CONTAINER_USER_BUCKET_NOT_FOUND:424 msgid "The requested container_user_bucket was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على container_user_bucket المطلوب" #: 1593.MONEY_CREDIT_PAYMENT_NOT_FOUND:427 msgid "The requested money_credit_payment was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على money_credit_payment المطلوب" #: 1594.AUTHORITY_FULL_REC_NOT_FOUND:430 msgid "The requested authority_full_rec was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على authority_full_rec المطلوب" #: 1595.CONFIG_NON_CATALOGED_TYPE_NOT_FOUND:433 msgid "The requested config_non_cataloged_type was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على config_non_cataloged_type المطلوب" #: 1596.ACTOR_ORG_UNIT_TYPE_NOT_FOUND:436 msgid "The requested actor_org_unit_type was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على actor_org_unit_type المطلوبة" #: 1597.BIBLIO_RECORD_NOTE_NOT_FOUND:439 msgid "The requested biblio_record_note was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على biblio_record_note المطلوب" #: 1598.MONEY_USER_CIRCULATION_SUMMARY_NOT_FOUND:442 msgid "The requested money_user_circulation_summary was not found" msgstr "تعذر العثور على money_user_circulation_summary" #: 1599.MONEY_GROCERY_NOT_FOUND:445 msgid "The requested money_grocery was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على money_grocery المطلوب" #: 1600.CONFIG_BIB_SOURCE_NOT_FOUND:448 msgid "The requested config_bib_source was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على config_bib_source المطلوب" #: 1601.MONEY_BILLABLE_TRANSACTION_NOT_FOUND:451 msgid "The requested money_billable_transaction was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على money_billable_transaction المطلوب" #: 1602.ACTOR_STAT_CAT_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND:454 msgid "The requested actor_stat_cat_entry was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على actor_stat_cat_entry المطلوب" #: 1603.CONTAINER_USER_BUCKET_ITEM_NOT_FOUND:457 msgid "The requested container_user_bucket_item was not found" msgstr "تعذر العثور على container_user_bucket_item" #: 1604.MONEY_USER_SUMMARY_NOT_FOUND:460 msgid "The requested money_user_summary was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على money_user_summary المطلوب" #: 1605.CONFIG_LIT_FORM_MAP_NOT_FOUND:463 msgid "The requested config_lit_form_map was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على config_lit_form_map المطلوب" #: 1606.MONEY_WORK_PAYMENT_NOT_FOUND:466 msgid "The requested money_work_payment was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على money_work_payment المطلوب" #: 1607.ACTION_OPEN_CIRCULATION_NOT_FOUND:469 msgid "The requested action_open_circulation was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على action_open_circulation المطلوب" #: 1608.METABIB_SUBJECT_FIELD_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND:472 msgid "The requested metabib_subject_field_entry was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على metabib_subject_field_entry المطلوب" #: 1609.CONFIG_RULES_RECURRING_FINE_NOT_FOUND:475 msgid "The requested config_rules_recurring_fine was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على config_rules_recurring_fine المطلوب" #: 1610.MONEY_CHECK_PAYMENT_NOT_FOUND:478 msgid "The requested money_check_payment was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على money_check_payment المطلوب" #: 1611.ACTOR_STAT_CAT_ENTRY_DEFAULT_NOT_FOUND:481 msgid "The requested actor_stat_cat_entry_default was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على actor_stat_cat_entry_default المطلوب" #: 1612.CONFIG_RULES_MAX_FINE_NOT_FOUND:484 msgid "The requested config_rules_max_fine was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على config_rules_max_fine المطلوب" #: 1613.PERMISSION_GRP_TREE_NOT_FOUND:487 msgid "The requested permission_grp_tree was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على permission_grp_tree المطلوب" #: 1614.ACTION_SURVEY_ANSWER_NOT_FOUND:490 msgid "The requested action_survey_answer was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على action_survey_answer المطلوب" #: 1615.ACTION_NON_CATALOGED_CIRCULATION_NOT_FOUND:493 msgid "The requested action_non_cataloged_circulation was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على action_non_cataloged_circulation المطلوب" #: 1616.MONEY_OPEN_USER_CIRCULATION_SUMMARY_NOT_FOUND:496 msgid "The requested money_open_user_circulation_summary was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على money_open_user_circulation_summary المطلوبة" #: 1617.ACTION_UNFULFILLED_HOLD_LIST_NOT_FOUND:499 msgid "The requested action_unfulfilled_hold_list was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على action_unfulfilled_hold_list المطلوب" #: 1618.METABIB_TITLE_FIELD_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND:502 msgid "The requested metabib_title_field_entry was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على metabib_title_field_entry المطلوب" #: 1619.ACTOR_STAT_CAT_ENTRY_USER_MAP_NOT_FOUND:505 msgid "The requested actor_stat_cat_entry_user_map was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على actor_stat_cat_entry_user_map المطلوب" #: 1620.PERMISSION_GRP_PERM_MAP_NOT_FOUND:508 msgid "The requested permission_grp_perm_map was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على permission_grp_perm_map المطلوب" #: 1621.CONTAINER_COPY_BUCKET_NOT_FOUND:511 msgid "The requested container_copy_bucket was not found" msgstr "تعذر العثور على container_copy_bucket" #: 1622.BIBLIO_RECORD_NODE_NOT_FOUND:514 msgid "The requested biblio_record_node was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على biblio_record_node المطلوب" #: 1623.PERMISSION_USR_PERM_MAP_NOT_FOUND:517 msgid "The requested permission_usr_perm_map was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على permission_usr_perm_map المطلوب" #: 1624.MONEY_PAYMENT_NOT_FOUND:520 msgid "The requested money_payment was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على money_payment المطلوبة" #: 1625.CONTAINER_BIBLIO_RECORD_ENTRY_BUCKET_ITEM_NOT_FOUND:523 msgid "The requested container_biblio_record_entry_bucket_item was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على container_biblio_record_entry_bucket_item المطلوب" #: 1626.ASSET_STAT_CAT_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND:526 msgid "The requested asset_stat_cat_entry was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على asset_stat_cat_entry المطلوب" #: 1628.MONEY_BILLING_NOT_FOUND:531 msgid "The requested money_billing was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على money_billing المطلوب" #: 1629.PERMISSION_USR_GRP_MAP_NOT_FOUND:534 msgid "The requested permission_usr_grp_map was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على permission_usr_grp_map المطلوب" #: 1630.ACTOR_USER_NOTE_NOT_FOUND:537 msgid "The requested actor_user_note was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على actor_user_note المطلوب" #: 1631.MONEY_COLLECTIONS_TRACKER_NOT_FOUND:541 #: 1632.CONFIG_RULES_AGE_HOLD_PROTECT_NOT_FOUND:544 #: 1633.MONEY_DESK_PAYMENT_NOT_FOUND:547 msgid "The requested money_collections_tracker was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثورعلى money_collections_tracker المطلوب" #: 1634.REPORTER_TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND:550 msgid "The requested reporter_template was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على reporter_template المطلوب" #: 1635.REPORTER_REPORT_NOT_FOUND:553 msgid "The requested reporter_report was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثورعلى reporter_report المطلوب" #: 1636.REPORTER_OUTPUT_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND:556 msgid "The requested reporter_output_folder was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على reporter_output_folder المطلوب" #: 1637.REPORTER_REPORT_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND:559 msgid "The requested reporter_report_folder was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على reporter_report_folder المطلوب" #: 1638.REPORTER_TEMPLATE_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND:562 msgid "The requested reporter_template_folder was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على reporter_template_folder المطلوب" #: 1639.REPORTER_SCHEDULE_NOT_FOUND:565 msgid "The requested reporter_schedule was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على reporter_schedule المطلوب" #: 1640.ACTOR_USR_ORG_UNIT_OPT_IN_NOT_FOUND:568 msgid "The requested actor_usr_org_unit_opt_in was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على actor_usr_org_unit_opt_in المطلوب" #: 1641.ACTION_OPEN_CIRC_COUNT_BY_CIRC_MOD_NOT_FOUND:571 msgid "The requested action_open_circ_count_by_circ_mod was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على action_open_circ_count_by_circ_mod المطلوب" #: 1642.CONFIG_CIRC_MODIFIER_NOT_FOUND:574 msgid "The requested config_circ_modifier was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على config_circ_modifier المطلوب" #: 1643.VANDELAY_BIB_QUEUE_NOT_FOUND:577 msgid "The requested vandelay_bib_queue was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على vandelay_bib_queue المطلوب" #: 1644.VANDELAY_AUTHORITY_QUEUE_NOT_FOUND:580 msgid "The requested vandelay_authority_queue was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على vandelay_authority_queue المطلوب" #: 1645.CONFIG_CIRC_MATRIX_TEST_NOT_FOUND:583 msgid "The requested config_circ_matrix_test was not found" msgstr "تعذر العثور على config_circ_matrix_test" #: 1646.VANDELAY_QUEUED_BIB_RECORD_NOT_FOUND:586 msgid "The requested vandelay_queued_bib_record was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على vandelay_queued_bib_record المطلوب" #: 1647.VANDELAY_QUEUED_AUTHORITY_RECORD_NOT_FOUND:589 msgid "The requested vandelay_queued_authority_record was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على vandelay_queued_authority_record المطلوب" #: 1648.PERMISSION_USR_WORK_OU_MAP_NOT_FOUND:592 msgid "The requested permission_usr_work_ou_map was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على permission_usr_work_ou_map المطلوب" #: 1649.VANDELAY_IMPORT_ITEM_NOT_FOUND:595 msgid "The requested vandelay.import_item was not found" msgstr "تعذر العثور على vandelay.import_item" #: 1650.CONFIG_CIRC_MATRIX_RULESET_NOT_FOUND:598 msgid "The requested config_circ_matrix_ruleset_not_found was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على config_circ_matrix_ruleset_not_found المطلوب" #: 1651.AUTHORITY_RECORD_NUMBER_EXISTS:601 msgid "An authority record already exists with the requested ARN" msgstr "تسجيلة الإسناد موجودة مُسبقاً مع ARN المطلوب" #: 1841.ACQ_PICKLIST_NOT_FOUND:606 msgid "The requested acq.picklist was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على acq.picklist المطلوب" #: 1843.ACQ_LINEITEM_ATTR_NOT_FOUND:609 msgid "The requested acq.lineitem_attr was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على acq.lineitem_attr المطلوب" #: 1844.ACQ_FUNDING_SOURCE_NOT_FOUND:612 msgid "The requested acq.funding_source was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على acq.funding_source المطلوب" #: 1845.ACQ_PROVIDER_NOT_FOUND:615 msgid "The requested acq.provider was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على acq.provider المطلوب" #: 1846.ACQ_FUNDING_SOURCE_CREDIT_NOT_FOUND:618 msgid "The requested acq.funding_source_credit was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على acq.funding_source_credit المطلوب" #: 1847.ACQ_FUNDING_SOURCE_DEDIT_NOT_FOUND:621 msgid "The requested acq.funding_source_dedit was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور acq.funding_source_dedit المطلوب" #: 1848.ACQ_FUND_NOT_FOUND:624 msgid "The requested acq.fund was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على acq.fund المطلوب" #: 1849.ACQ_FUND_DEBIT_TOTAL_NOT_FOUND:627 msgid "The requested acq.fund_debit_total was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على acq.fund_debit_total المطلوب" #: 1850.ACQ_FUND_ALLOCATION_TOTAL_NOT_FOUND:630 msgid "The requested acq.fund_allocation_total was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على acq.fund_allocation_total المطلوبة" #: 1851.ACQ_FUND_ENCUMBRANCE_TOTAL_NOT_FOUND:633 msgid "The requested acq.fund_encumbrance_total was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على acq.fund_encumbrance_total المطلوب" #: 1852.ACQ_FUND_SPENT_TOTAL_NOT_FOUND:636 msgid "The requested acq.fund_spent_total was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على acq.fund_spent_total المطلوب" #: 1853.ACQ_FUND_COMBINED_BALANCE_NOT_FOUND:639 msgid "The requested acq.fund_combined_balance was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على acq.fund_combined_balance المطلوب" #: 1854.ACQ_FUND_SPENT_BALANCE_NOT_FOUND:642 msgid "The requested acq.fund_spent_balance was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على acq.fund_spent_balance المطلوب" #: 1855.ACQ_FUNDING_SOURCE_CREDIT_TOTAL_NOT_FOUND:645 msgid "The requested acq.funding_source_credit_total was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على acq.funding_source_credit_total المطلوب" #: 1856.ACQ_FUNDING_SOURCE_ALLOCATION_TOTAL_NOT_FOUND:648 msgid "The requested acq.funding_source_allocation_total was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على acq.funding_source_allocation_total المطلوب" #: 1857.ACQ_FUNDING_SOURCE_BALANCE_NOT_FOUND:651 msgid "The requested acq.funding_source_balance was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على acq.funding_source_balance المطلوب" #: 1858.ACQ_LINEITEM_NOT_FOUND:654 msgid "The requested acq.lineitem was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على acq.lineitem المطلوب" #: 1859.ACQ_PURCHASE_ORDER_NOT_FOUND:657 msgid "The requested acq.purchase_order was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على acq.purchase_order المطلوب" #: 1860.ACQ_PURCHASE_ORDER_TOO_SHORT:660 msgid "" "The requested acq.purchase_order cannot be split because it does not have " "more than one lineitem" msgstr "" "لا يمكن التقسيم لأنه لايوجد أكثر مِن قيد واحد acq.purchase_order المطلوبة" #: 1861.ACQ_PURCHASE_ORDER_TOO_LATE:663 msgid "" "The requested acq.purchase_order cannot be split because it has gone beyond " "the \"pending\" state" msgstr "" "لا يمكن التقسيم لأنه قد ذهب إلى خلف حالة \"مُعلقة\" acq.purchase_order " "المطلوب" #: 1862.ACQ_FUND_EXCEEDS_STOP_PERCENT:666 msgid "" "The requested acq.purchase_order cannot be activated because it would over-" "encumber a fund." msgstr "" "لا يمكن تنشيط الطلب acq.purchase_order المطلوب لأن ذلك من شأنه الإفراط في " "الأموال المُثقلة بالدين." #: 1863.ACQ_FUND_EXCEEDS_WARN_PERCENT:669 msgid "" "Activating the requested acq.purchase_order would encumber it beyond its " "warning level." msgstr "" "إن تفعيل acq.purchase_order المطلوب سيُثقِلها بالديون فيما وراء مستوى " "تحذيرها." #: 1870.ACQ_LINEITEM_DETAIL_NOT_FOUND:672 msgid "The requested acq.lineitem_detail was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على acq.lineitem_detail المطلوب" #: 1871.PERMISSION_USR_OBJECT_PERM_MAP_NOT_FOUND:675 msgid "The requested permission.usr_object_perm_map was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على permission.usr_object_perm_map المطلوب" #: 1872.ACQ_LINEITEM_PROVIDER_ATTR_DEFINITION_NOT_FOUND:678 msgid "The requested acq.lineitem_provider_attr_definition was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على acq.lineitem_provider_attr_definition المطلوب" #: 1873.ACQ_CURRENCY_TYPE_NOT_FOUND:681 msgid "The requested acq.currency_type was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على acq.currency_type المطلوب" #: 1875.ACQ_LINEITEM_GENERATED_ATTR_DEFINITION_NOT_FOUND:684 #: 1876.ACQ_LINEITEM_LOCAL_ATTR_DEFINITION_NOT_FOUND:687 #: 1877.ACQ_LINEITEM_MARC_ATTR_DEFINITION_NOT_FOUND:690 #: 1878.ACQ_LINEITEM_USR_ATTR_DEFINITION_NOT_FOUND:693 #: 1879.ACQ_LINEITEM_PROVIDER_ATTR_DEFINITION_NOT_FOUND:696 msgid "The requested acq_lineitem_attr was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على acq_lineitem_attr المطلوب" #: 1880.CONFIG_BILLING_TYPE_NOT_FOUND:699 msgid "The requested config_billing_type was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على config_billing_type المطلوب" #: 1881.PERMISSION_GRP_PENALTY_THRESHOLD_NOT_FOUND:702 msgid "The requested permission_grp_penalty_threshold was not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على permission_grp_penalty_threshold المطلوب" #: 1882.RECORD_REFERENCED_BY_LINEITEM:705 msgid "The selected bib record has an open lineitem order referencing it." msgstr "" #: 1700.NON_CAT_TYPE_EXISTS:709 msgid "The non-cataloged type object already exists" msgstr "كائن النوع غير المفهرس موجود مُسبقاً" #: 1701.COPY_LOCATION_EXISTS:712 msgid "The copy location object already exists" msgstr "كائن موقع النُسخة موجود مُسبقاً" #: 1716.COPY_LOCATION_NOT_EMPTY:715 msgid "The copy location is not empty" msgstr "موقع النُسخة ليس فارغاً" #: 1717.COPY_LOCATION_NOT_FOUND:718 msgid "The copy location does not exist" msgstr "موقع النُسخة غير موجود" #: 1702.OPEN_CIRCULATION_EXISTS:721 msgid "There is an open circulation on the requested item" msgstr "هناك إعارة مفتوحة في النُسخة المطلوبة" #: 1703.WORKSTATION_NAME_EXISTS:724 msgid "A workstation with that name already exists" msgstr "محطة العمل مع ذلك الاسم موجود مُسبقاً" #: 1704.TCN_EXISTS:727 msgid "A record already exists with the requested TCN value" msgstr "التسجيلة موجودة مُسبقاً مع قيمة رقم التحكم بالنقل المطلوبة" #: 1705.VOLUME_LABEL_EXISTS:730 msgid "A volume with the same label, title and owning library exists" msgstr "المجلد مع نفس التسمية، العنوان والمكتبة المالكة موجود" #: 1706.ITEM_BARCODE_EXISTS:733 msgid "An item with the same barcode exists" msgstr "النُسخة مع نفس الباركود موجودة" #: 1707.HOLD_EXISTS:736 msgid "User already has an open hold on the selected item" msgstr "المستخدم لديه مُسبقاُ حجز مفتوح على لـِ النسخة المحددة" #: 1708.MONEY_COLLECTIONS_TRACKER_EXISTS:739 msgid "" "A duplicate money.collections_tracker object already exists in the database" msgstr "" "الكائن موجود مسبقاً في قاعدة البيانات money.collections_tracker مُكررة/نُسخة " "طبق الأصل" #: 1709.MAX_HOLDS:742 msgid "User has reached the maximum number of holds" msgstr "لقد وصل المستخدم إلى العدد الأقصى مِن الحجوزات" #: 1710.CONTAINER_EXISTS:745 msgid "User has already created a bucket with the requested name" msgstr "تمّ إنشاء المستخدم لـِ السلة مع الاسم المطلوب" #: 1711.BIB_QUEUE_EXISTS:748 msgid "A bib record queue with the same name already exists" msgstr "قائمة/طابور التسجيلة الببليوغرافية مع نفس الاسم موجودة مُسبقاً" #: 1712.AUTH_QUEUE_EXISTS:751 msgid "An authority record queue with the same name already exists" msgstr "تسجيلة الإسناد في الطابور مع نفس الاسم موجودة مُسبقاً" #: 1713.SURVEY_RESPONSES_EXIST:754 msgid "Responses to this survey exist" msgstr "توجد ردود لـِ هذا الاستطلاع" #: 1714.HIGH_LEVEL_HOLD_HAS_NO_COPIES:757 msgid "" "A hold request at a higher level than copy has been attempted, but there are " "no copies that belonging to the higher-level unit." msgstr "" "طلب الحجز في أعلى مستوى مِن النُسخة التي تم المحاولة بها، ولكن لا توجد نسخ " "تنتمي إلى وحدة مستوى أعلى." #: 1715.HOLD_SUSPEND_AFTER_CAPTURE:760 msgid "Attempt to suspend a hold after it has been captured." msgstr "المحاولة لتعليق الحجز بعد ذلك تمّ استلامها" #: 1716.MONEY_DEBIT_CARD_PAYMENT_NOT_FOUND:763 msgid "The requested money_debit_card_payment was not found" msgstr "" #: 1900.URL_VERIFY_NOT_SESSION_CREATOR:767 msgid "" "You did not create this URL Verify session, so you cannot change it. You " "may be able to clone it." msgstr "" "أنت لم تقم بإنشاء جلسة تحقق الـ يو آر إل، لذلك لا يمكنك تغييره. قد يكون " "بإمكانك استنساخها." #: 1901.URL_VERIFY_SESSION_ALREADY_SEARCHED:771 msgid "This session has already been searched." msgstr "تمّ مُسبقاً البحث في هذه الجلسة." #: 2000.BAD_PARAMS:775 msgid "Invalid parameters were encountered in a method" msgstr "تمّ مواجهة بارمترات باطلة في الطريقة" #: 2001.DATABASE_UPDATE_FAILED:778 msgid "The attempt to write to the DB failed" msgstr "لقد فشلت محاولة الكتابة إلى قاعدة البيانات" #: 2002.DATABASE_QUERY_FAILED:781 msgid "The attempt to query to the DB failed" msgstr "تمّ فشل محاولة الاستعلام لـِ قاعدة البيانات" #: 2003.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR:784 msgid "There was an internal server error" msgstr "هناك خطأ في الخادم الداخلي" #: 2004.ACTOR_USER_DELETE_OPEN_XACTS:787 msgid "" "The user you have attempted to delete cannot be deleted because it has open " "circulations and/or unpaid bills." msgstr "" "لا يمكن حذف المستفيد الذي حاولت حذفه لأن لديه إعارات مفتوحة و/أو فاتورة غير " "مدفوعة." #: 2005.OBJECT_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER_USED:790 msgid "" "You are trying to create an object with a unique identifier (such as a " "'name' field) that is already in use." msgstr "" "أنت تحاول إنشاء كائن مع معرف فريد (مثل حقل 'الاسم') التي هي قيد الاستخدام." #: 4001.CREDIT_PROCESSOR_NOT_ENABLED:795 msgid "Credit card processor not enabled" msgstr "معالج بطاقة الائتمان غير ممكن/غير قادر" #: 4002.CREDIT_PROCESSOR_BAD_PARAMS:798 msgid "Not enough parameters to use credit card processor" msgstr "بارمترات غير كافية م، أجل استخدام معالج بطاقة الإئتمان" #: 4003.CREDIT_PROCESSOR_NOT_ALLOWED:801 msgid "The credit card processor you have named is not allowed" msgstr "مُعالج بطاقة الائتمان الذي قمت بتسميته غير مسموح" #: 4004.CREDIT_PROCESSOR_NOT_SPECIFIED:804 msgid "" "No credit card processor specified either in org unit settings or in call to " "credit service API method." msgstr "" "لم يتم تحديد مُعالج بطاقة الائتمان إما في إعدادات الوحدة التنظيمية أو في " "استدعاء طريقة API لخدمة الائتمان." #: 4010.CREDIT_PROCESSOR_NO_DEFAULT_SELECTED:807 msgid "No default credit processor is selected" msgstr "لم يتم تحديد مُعالج الائتمان الافتراضي" #: 4019.CREDIT_PROCESSOR_INVALID_CC_NUMBER:810 msgid "An invalid credit card number has been supplied." msgstr "لقد تمّ تزويد رقم بطاقة ائتمان غير صالح." #: 4020.CREDIT_PROCESSOR_DECLINED_TRANSACTION:813 msgid "The credit card processor has declined the transaction." msgstr "رفض معالج بطاقة الائتمان العملية/الإجراء." #: 4040.CREDIT_PROCESSOR_SUCCESS_WO_RECORD:819 msgid "" "A *TERRIBLE* problem has occurred: a credit card transaction was processed " "successfully, but the patron's payment could not be recorded within " "Evergreen. Please seek assistance." msgstr "" "حدثت مشكلة *رهيبة*: تمّ معالجة عملية بطاقة الإئتمان، لكن فاتورة المستفيد لم " "تُسَجل في إيفرغرين. لطفاً ينبغي طلب المساعدة." #: 5000.PERM_FAILURE:824 msgid "Permission Denied" msgstr "غير مسموح" #: 7000.ROUTE_ITEM:834 msgid "" "A copy needs to be routed to a different location The destination location " "will be specified by an 'org' key within the event object" msgstr "" "تحتاج النسخة أن يتم توجيهها إلى موقع آخر وسيتم تحديد موقع الوجهة مِن مفتاح " "'المؤسسة' داخل كائن الحدث." #: 7001.PATRON_BAD_STANDING:841 msgid "" "The patron in question is not able to check out materials because their " "account is in bad standing" msgstr "" "المستفيد في السؤال ليس قادراً على إستعارة المواد لأن حسابه في وضع سيء" #: 7002.PATRON_EXCEEDS_CHECKOUT_COUNT:845 msgid "" "The patron in question has the maximum number of items already checked out" msgstr "المُستفيد في السؤال لديه الحد الأقصى لعدد النُسخ المُعارة مُسبقاُ" #: 7003.COPY_CIRC_NOT_ALLOWED:848 msgid "Target copy is not allowed to circulate" msgstr "النُسخة المُستهدفة غير مسموح بإعارتها" #: 7004.COPY_NOT_AVAILABLE:851 msgid "Copy is not available" msgstr "النُسخة غير مُتاحة" #: 7005.LOCATION_CIRC_NOT_ALLOWED:854 msgid "Location does not allow materials to circulate" msgstr "لا يسمح الموقع بإعارة المواد" #: 7006.COPY_IS_REFERENCE:857 msgid "Copy is reference material" msgstr "إن هذه النسخة مادة مفضلة/مرجعية" #: 7007.COPY_NEEDED_FOR_HOLD:860 msgid "Copy is needed to fulfill a hold" msgstr "النسخة تحتاج إلى حجز تام/مُنتهي" #: 7008.MAX_RENEWALS_REACHED:863 msgid "Circulation has no more renewals remaining" msgstr "الإعارة ليس لديها المزيد من التجديدات المتبقية" #: 7009.CIRC_CLAIMS_RETURNED:866 msgid "Requested circulation is marked claims returned" msgstr "الإعارة المطلوبة مُيّزت كـَ مُطالبة إرجاع" #: 7010.COPY_ALERT_MESSAGE:869 msgid "The requested copy has an alert message attached" msgstr "النسخة المطلوبة لديها رسالة تنبيه مرفقة" #: 7011.COPY_STATUS_LOST:872 msgid "Copy is marked as lost" msgstr "تمّ تمييز النسخة كـَ مفقودة" #: 7012.COPY_STATUS_MISSING:875 msgid "Copy is marked as missing" msgstr "تم تمييز النُسخة كـَ مفقودة" #: 7013.PATRON_EXCEEDS_FINES:878 msgid "The patron in question has reached the maximum fine amount" msgstr "المستفيد في السؤال قد وصل إلى الحد الأقصى لـِ مقدار الغرامة" #: 7014.COPY_IN_TRANSIT:881 msgid "Copy is in transit" msgstr "النُسخة في النقل/العبور" #: 7015.NEGATIVE_PATRON_BALANCE:884 msgid "This requested action would result in a negative patron balance" msgstr "الإجراء المطلوب سيتحقق في رصيد/حساب المستفيد المحلي" #: 7016.ITEM_ON_HOLDS_SHELF:887 msgid "This item is currently on the holds shelf for another patron:" msgstr "" #: 7017.ROUTE_TO_COPY_LOCATION:893 msgid "" "A copy needs to be routed to a copy location. The location should be " "specified within the event with a 'location' key" msgstr "" "تحتاج النُسخة أن يتم توجيهها إلى موقع النسخة. يجب تحديد الموقع داخل الحدث مع " "مفتاح 'الموقع'" #: 7018.COPY_MARKED_LOST:896 msgid "The requested item is already marked as lost" msgstr "تمّ مُسبقاً تمييز النُسخة المطلوبة كـَ مفقودة" #: 7019.HOLD_CAPTURE_DELAYED:899 msgid "Hold capture was delayed for this item" msgstr "الحجز المُستلم متأخر لهذه النُسخة" #: 7020.COPY_RESERVED:902 msgid "Item reserved for booking request" msgstr "تمّ حجز النُسخة لـِ طلب الحجز" #: 7021.RESERVATION_NOT_FOUND:905 msgid "Booking reservation not found" msgstr "لم يتم العثور على الحجز" #: 7022.RESERVATION_CAPTURE_FAILED:908 msgid "Booking reservation capture failed" msgstr "تمّ فشل التقاط الحجز" #: 7023.RESERVATION_BAD_PARAMS:911 msgid "Provided parameters describe unacceptable reservation." msgstr "البارمترات المُقدمة تصف حجز غير مقبول/مرفوض." #: 7024.HOLD_RESERVATION_CONFLICT:914 msgid "" "Both a hold and a reservation exist for this item; staff intervention is " "required to resolve the conflict." msgstr "" "كلاً مِن طلب الحجز والحجز موجود لهذه النسخة؛ تدخل طاقم المكتبة مطلوب كي يتم " "حل هذا التناقض" #: 7025.COPY_STATUS_LONG_OVERDUE:917 msgid "Copy is marked as long-overdue" msgstr "تم تمييز النسخة كـَ مستحقة الرد منذ فترة طويلة" #: 7026.COPY_STATUS_LOST_AND_PAID:920 msgid "Copy is marked as lost and paid" msgstr "تمّ تمييز النُسخة كـَ مفقودة و مدفوعة" #: 7028.PATRON_CIRC_MISMATCH:923 msgid "Potentially notified patron does not own the circulation." msgstr "مِن المحتمل أن إخطارات المستفيد غير موجودة في الإعارة" #: 7029.MAX_AUTO_RENEWALS_REACHED:926 msgid "Circulation has no more auto-renewals remaining" msgstr "" #: 7030.CURBSIDE_NOT_ALLOWED:929 msgid "Curbside pickup is not enabled for this location" msgstr "" #: 7031.CURBSIDE_MAX_FOR_TIME:932 msgid "Maximum scheduled curbside pickups at the requested time" msgstr "" #: 7032.CURBSIDE_EXISTS:935 msgid "A scheduled, unfilled curbside request already exists" msgstr "" #: 7033.GEOCODING_NOT_ENABLED:938 msgid "Geo-Coding is not enabled for this installation" msgstr "" #: 7034.GEOCODING_NOT_ALLOWED:941 msgid "A Geographic Location Service is not configured for this library" msgstr "" #: 7035.GEOCODING_LOCATION_NOT_FOUND:944 msgid "No location returned by Geographic Location Service" msgstr "" #: 7036.PATRON_TOO_MANY_ACTIVE_PASSWORD_RESET_REQUESTS:947 msgid "" "There are too many active password reset request sessions for this patron." msgstr "" "هناك العديد من جلسات طلب إعادة تعيين كلمة المرور النشطة لهذا المستفيد." #: 7037.PATRON_NOT_AN_ACTIVE_PASSWORD_RESET_REQUEST:950 msgid "" "The user attempted to update their password using a stale or inactive " "password reset request session." msgstr "" "تمت المحاولة لتحديث كلمة مروره باستخدام قديم أو إعادة تعيين كلمة مرور غير " "فعالة للجلسة المطلوبة." #: 7038.PATRON_PASSWORD_WAS_NOT_STRONG:953 msgid "The user attempted to set their password to a weak value." msgstr "محاولة ضبط المستخدم كلمة المرور الخاصة به قيمة ضعيفة." #: 8000.OFFLINE_SESSION_ACTIVE:960 msgid "An offline session for this location is currently processing" msgstr "الجلسة ـ دون اتصال ـ لهذا الموقع قَيد المُعالجة حالياً" #: 8001.OFFLINE_SESSION_FILE_EXISTS:963 msgid "An offline file for this workstation exists within this session" msgstr "ملف ـ بدون اتصال ـ لـِ محطة العمل موجود داخل هذه الجلسة." #: 8002.OFFLINE_FILE_ERROR:966 msgid "An offline file or directory could not be created or accessed" msgstr "ملف ـ دون اتصال ـ أو المسار لا يمكن إنشاؤه أو الوصول إليه" #: 8003.OFFLINE_PARAM_ERROR:969 msgid "Missing params in offline upload" msgstr "بارمترات مفقودة في التحميل ـ بدون اتصال ـ" #: 8004.OFFLINE_CONFIG_ERROR:972 8005.OFFLINE_CHECKSUM_FAILED:975 #: 8006.OFFLINE_SESSION_NOT_FOUND:978 msgid "Offline server is not configured properly" msgstr "لم يتم تكوين/تهيئة برنامج الخادم ـ بدون اتصال ـ بشكل صحيح" #: 8007.OFFLINE_SESSION_EXISTS:981 msgid "A session with the given name already exists" msgstr "الجلسة بالاسم المعطى موجودة مُسبقاً" #: 8008.OFFLINE_INVALID_SESSION:984 msgid "The session name is invalid" msgstr "اسم الجلسة غير صحيح" #: 8009.OFFLINE_NO_ORG:987 8010.OFFLINE_SESSION_COMPLETE:990 msgid "No org id was provided" msgstr "لم يتم تقديم/تزويد أي معرف للمنطمة" #: 8011.SKIP_ASSET_CHANGED:993 msgid "Asset status was changed since the offline transaction was recorded" msgstr "تم تغيير وضع الأصول منذ أن تم تسجيلها في عملية ــ دون اتصال ــ" #: 9000.REPORT_TEMPLATE_EXISTS:997 msgid "A report template with the given name and folder already exists" msgstr "تركيبة التقرير مع الاسم المُعطى والمجلد موجودة مُسبقاً" #: 9001.REPORT_REPORT_EXISTS:1001 msgid "A report with the given name and folder already exists" msgstr "التقرير مع الاسم المُعطى والمجلد موجودة مُسبقاً" #: 10000.ACQ_LINEITEM_APPROVED:1005 msgid "The lineitem cannot be altered because it has already been approved" msgstr "لا يمكن تعديل القيد لأنه تمّ الموافقة عليه مُسبقاً" #: 10001.ACQ_LINEITEM_NO_COPIES:1008 msgid "The lineitem has no attached copies" msgstr "ليس لدى القيد نُسخ مُرفقة" #: 10002.ACQ_LINEITEM_DETAIL_NO_FUND:1011 msgid "The lineitem detail has no associated fund" msgstr "تفاصيل القيد ليس لديه اعتماد مالي/تمويل مُرتبط" #: 10003.ACQ_LINEITEM_DETAIL_NO_ORG:1014 msgid "The lineitem detail has no owning_lib" msgstr "تفاصيل القيد ليس لديه owning_lib" #: 10004.ACQ_LINEITEM_NO_PRICE:1017 msgid "The lineitem has no price" msgstr "لايتضمن القيد سعراً" #: 10005.ACQ_LINEITEM_NO_PROVIDER:1020 msgid "The lineitem has no provider" msgstr "ليس لدى القيد أي مُزود" #: 10101.ACQ_ALREADY_CANCELED:1024 msgid "The object is already canceled." msgstr "تمّ إلغاء هذا الكائن مُسبقاً." #: 10102.ACQ_NOT_CANCELABLE:1027 msgid "The object is not in a cancelable state." msgstr "الكائن ليس في حالة قابلية الإلغاء." #: 11000.SERIAL_SUBSCRIPTION_NOT_EMPTY:1033 msgid "The subscription still has dependent objects" msgstr "الاشتراك لا يزال لديه كائنات تابعة" #: 11001.SERIAL_CAPTION_AND_PATTERN_HAS_ISSUANCES:1037 msgid "The caption/pattern still has dependent issuances" msgstr "التسمية التوضيحية/النمط لا يزال لديها إصدارات تابعة" #: 11101.SERIAL_DISTRIBUTION_HAS_NO_COPY_TEMPLATE:1041 msgid "" "Units cannot be created for the given item because its associated " "distribution does not have a copy template." msgstr "" "لا يمكن إنشاء الوحدات للنسخة المُعطاة لأن التوزيع المرتبط ليس لديه تركيبة " "نسخة." #: 11102.SERIAL_DISTRIBUTION_HAS_NO_CALL_NUMBER:1045 msgid "" "Units cannot be created for the given item because its associated " "distribution does not have a call number." msgstr "" "لا يمكن إنشاء الوحدات لـِ النُسخ المُقدَمة لأن توزيعاتها المُرتبطة لا تملك " "رمز استدعاء." #: 11103.TRANSIT_CHECKIN_INTERVAL_BLOCK:1049 msgid "Checkin attempted on item during minimum transit checkin interval." msgstr "" "محاولة الإرجاع للنُسخة خلال الحد الأدنى لـِ مهلة/مدة نقل/عبور الإرجاع" #: 11104.SERIAL_CORRUPT_PATTERN_CODE:1054 msgid "" "A serial pattern code has been configured that fails to conform to MFHD " "standards for fields 853-855." msgstr "" "تم تكوين/تهيئة كود نمط السلسلة الذي فشل في التوافق مع معايير ـ إم إف أتش دي " "ـ لـِ الحقول 853-855." #: 11105.PATRON_CREDIT_DISABLED:1061 msgid "" "Payments by patron credit are not allowed for the selected transaction" msgstr "" "لا يسمح بتسديد المدفوعات عن طريق بطاقة الائتمان لـِ الإجراءات المُحددة" #: 11106.TOTAL_HOLD_COPY_RATIO_EXCEEDED:1065 msgid "" "Renewal attempt failed because the \"hold / total copies\" ratio exceeds the " "configured limit" msgstr "" "فشلت محاولة تجديد لأن مُعدل نسبة \"الحجز / إجمالي مجموع النسخ\" تجاوزت حد " "التكوين/التهيئة" #: 11107.AVAIL_HOLD_COPY_RATIO_EXCEEDED:1069 msgid "" "Renewal attempt failed because the \"hold / available copies\" ratio exceeds " "the configured limit" msgstr "" "فشلت محاولة تجديد لأن مُعدل نسبة \"الحجز / النسخ المتاحة\" تجاوزت حد " "التكوين/التهيئة" #: 11008.SERIAL_DISTRIBUTION_NOT_EMPTY:1073 msgid "The distribution still has dependent objects" msgstr "لا يزال للتوزيع كائنات تابعة" #: 11009.SERIAL_STREAM_NOT_EMPTY:1076 msgid "The stream still has dependent objects" msgstr "لا يزال التيار يحتوي على كائنات تابعة" #: 11010.SERIAL_CAPTION_AND_PATTERN_NOT_EMPTY:1079 msgid "The prediction pattern still has dependent objects" msgstr "نموذج التنبؤ لا يزال لديه كائنات تابعة" #: 12000.ITEM_TO_MARK_CHECKED_OUT:1085 msgid "The item to be marked is checked out to a patron." msgstr "" #: 12001.ITEM_TO_MARK_IN_TRANSIT:1088 msgid "The item to be marked is in transit." msgstr "" #: 12002.ITEM_TO_MARK_LAST_HOLD_COPY:1091 msgid "The item to be marked is the last possible target for a hold." msgstr "" #: 12003.TITLE_HAS_HOLDS:1097 msgid "" "This title has hold requests on it that will be canceled if they are not " "transferred." msgstr "" #~ msgid "This requested item is currently on the holds shelf" #~ msgstr "هذه النسخة المطلوبة حالياً في رف الحجوزات" #~ msgid "" #~ "The transit on this item may not be aborted due to the state the item is in" #~ msgstr "" #~ "مِن المحتمل أنه لم يتم إجهاض/إلغاء النقل في هذه النُسخة بسبب حالة النُسخة في" #~ msgid "The requested actor_usr_note was not found" #~ msgstr "لم يتم العثور على actor_usr_note المطلوب" #~ msgid "This item is currently on the holds shelf for another patron" #~ msgstr "هذه النسخة حالياً موجودة في رف الحجز من أجل مستفيد آخر"