#!/bin/bash # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (C) 2005 Georgia Public Library Service # Bill Erickson # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Utility script for starting the jserver (the opensrf jabber server), the # opensrf router, and opensrf proper. # see vars below for ways to alter the behavior and directory locations # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Change to suit # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PREFIX=/openils; ETCDIR="$PREFIX/conf"; # config files are found here LOGDIR="$PREFIX/var/log"; # logs go here BINDIR="$PREFIX/bin"; # executables are found here BOOTSTRAP="$ETCDIR/bootstrap.conf"; # opensrf config is here # should these be started? set to "" or nothing to disable them JSERVER="1"; ROUTER="1"; OPENSRF="1"; OPENSRFC="1"; #JSERVERSOCK="$PREFIX/var/sock/jserver.sock"; # jabber server socket file #JSERVERLOG="$LOGDIR/jserver.log" # jabber server log JSERVERPORT=5222; # jabber server port #JSERVERLEVEL=3; # can be 1-4, 4 is the highest #JSERVERIP="*"; # can be "*" or a specific local IP address # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- JSERVERBIN="chopchop" export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$PREFIX/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"; export PERL5LIB="$PREFIX/lib/perl5:$PERL5LIB"; export PATH="$PREFIX/bin:$PATH"; function fail { echo "$0 exited: $*"; exit 99; } function usage { echo "$0 [ start | stop | restart ]"; } function startJserver { ACTIVE=$(netstat -an | grep $JSERVERPORT); if [ ! -z "$ACTIVE" ]; then echo "Port $JSERVERPORT is busy. Waiting 60 seconds for the port to clear up..." for ((i=0; i!= 60; i++)) { ACTIVE=$(netstat -an | grep $JSERVERPORT); [ -z "$ACTIVE" ] && break; echo -n "+"; sleep 1; } echo ""; ACTIVE=$(netstat -an | grep $JSERVERPORT); [ ! -z "$ACTIVE" ] && fail "Port $JSERVERPORT is busy...exiting"; fi; "$BINDIR/$JSERVERBIN" "$ETCDIR/opensrf_core.xml" "chopchop"; } function startRouter { "$BINDIR/opensrf_router" "$ETCDIR/opensrf_core.xml" "router" } function startOpenSRF { "$BINDIR/opensrf_ctl" start "$BOOTSTRAP"; if [ ! -z "$OPENSRFC" ]; then echo "Starting OpenSRF-C..."; # localhost will need to be changed... "$BINDIR/opensrf-c" localhost "$ETCDIR//opensrf_core.xml" "opensrf" echo "OpenSRF-C started OK"; fi } function makeMeGo { if [ ! -z "$JSERVER" ]; then echo "Starting Chop Chop, Jabber (jserver-c)..."; startJserver; echo "Chop Chop started OK"; fi sleep 1; if [ ! -z "$ROUTER" ]; then echo "Starting router..."; startRouter; echo "Router started OK"; fi sleep 1; if [ ! -z "$OPENSRF" ]; then echo "Starting OpenSRF..."; startOpenSRF; echo "OpenSRF started OK"; fi return 0; } function stopMe { echo "Stopping OpenSRF..."; "$BINDIR/opensrf_ctl" stop; killall -9 opensrf-c; sleep 1; echo "Stopping The Router..."; killall -9 "opensrf_router" sleep 1; echo "Stopping Chop Chop..."; killall -9 chopchop; return 0; } [ "$1" = "stop" ] && stopMe && exit; [ "$1" = "restart" ] && stopMe && makeMeGo && exit; [ "$1" = "start" ] && makeMeGo && exit; usage;