# ILS/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/Makefile export STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID = $$(/bin/cat build/BUILD_ID) all: build @echo @echo build: remove_symlinks build_dir generated open-ils custom stamp add_symlinks @echo @echo @echo To test the staff client: @echo " cd build/" @echo " xulrunner application.ini" remove_symlinks: @echo @echo Removing convenience symlinks from server/ and chrome/ before copying to build/ find server/ -type l -exec rm -f {} \; find chrome/ -type l -exec rm -f {} \; add_symlinks: @echo @echo Adding convenience symlinks back into server/ and chrome/ ln -s ../chrome/content/util server/util ln -s ../chrome/content/auth server/auth ln -s ../../chrome/content/main/constants.js server/main/constants.js ln -s ../../chrome/content/main/lang.js server/main/lang.js ln -s ../../chrome/content/main/simple_auth.xul server/main/simple_auth.xul ln -s ../../chrome/content/OpenILS/data.js server/OpenILS/data.js #(cd build/chrome/content/OpenSRF/; for x in *; do ln -s ../../../build/chrome/content/OpenSRF/$$x ../../../../chrome/content/OpenSRF/$$x; done) (cd build/chrome/content/OpenILS/util/; for x in *; do if [ $$x != 'fmall.js' ]; then ln -s ../../../../build/chrome/content/OpenILS/util/$$x ../../../../../chrome/content/OpenILS/util/$$x; fi ; done) #(cd build/chrome/content/legacy/; for x in [a-z]*; do ln -s ../../../build/chrome/content/legacy/$$x ../../../../chrome/content/legacy/$$x; done) (cd build/chrome/locale/en-US/; for x in *; do ln -s ../../../build/chrome/locale/en-US/$$x ../../../../chrome/locale/en-US/$$x; done) build_dir: @echo @echo '********************************************************* Kludge, make sure these directories exists ' mkdir -p chrome/locale/en-US/ #mkdir -p chrome/content/OpenSRF/ @echo @echo '********************************************************* Creating and populating build/ ' mkdir -p build/ cp -R chrome build/ cp -R server build/ cp -R defaults build/ cp -R components build/ cp application.ini build/ cp -R build/chrome/content/util/ build/server/ cp -R build/chrome/content/auth/ build/server/ cp build/chrome/content/main/constants.js build/server/main/constants.js cp build/chrome/content/main/lang.js build/server/main/lang.js cp build/chrome/content/main/simple_auth.xul build/server/main/simple_auth.xul cp build/chrome/content/OpenILS/data.js build/server/OpenILS/data.js cp build/chrome/content/OpenILS/global_util.js build/server/OpenILS/global_util.js external/prune_dirs.sh build/ stamp: @echo @/bin/date +"%Y%m%d.%H%M%S" > build/BUILD_ID @if [ -n "${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}" ]; then ( echo "Stamping with Build ID: ${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}" ; echo ${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID} > build/BUILD_ID ) ; fi @if [ -z "${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}" ]; then ( echo "No Build ID for versioning" ; echo "none" > build/BUILD_ID ) ; fi @if [ -n "${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}" ]; then sed -i s/^Version=.\*/Version=${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}/ build/application.ini ; fi @if [ -n "${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}" ]; then sed -i s/^BuildID=.\*/BuildID=${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}/ build/application.ini ; fi @if [ -n "${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}" ]; then find build/ -name '*.xul' -exec sed -i s/xul\\\/server/xul\\\/${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}\\\/server/g {} \; ; fi @if [ -n "${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}" ]; then find build/ -name '*.html' -exec sed -i s/xul\\\/server/xul\\\/${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}\\\/server/g {} \; ; fi @if [ -n "${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}" ]; then find build/ -name '*.xhtml' -exec sed -i s/xul\\\/server/xul\\\/${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}\\\/server/g {} \; ; fi @if [ -n "${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}" ]; then find build/ -name '*.js' -exec sed -i s/xul\\\/server/xul\\\/${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}\\\/server/g {} \; ; fi generated: @echo @echo '********************************************************* Grabbing lang.dtd from the OPAC code ' cp ../../../Open-ILS/web/opac/locale/en-US/lang.dtd build/chrome/locale/en-US/ external/dtd2js.pl build/chrome/locale/en-US/lang.dtd > build/chrome/content/main/lang.js open-ils: @echo @echo '********************************************************* Grabbing more OPAC code and legacy code and custom code' #cp ../../../OpenSRF/src/javascript/*.js build/chrome/content/OpenSRF/ cp ../../../Open-ILS/web/opac/common/js/*.js build/chrome/content/OpenILS/util/ #cp ../../../Evergreen/staff_client/chrome/content/evergreen/cat/marc* build/chrome/content/legacy/ #cp ../../../Evergreen/staff_client/chrome/content/evergreen/cat/browse* build/chrome/content/legacy/ cp ../../../Evergreen/staff_client/chrome/locale/en-US/evergreen/cat.dtd build/chrome/locale/en-US/ cp -R ../../../Evergreen/xul/staff_client/server/ build/ external/prune_dirs.sh build/ #find build/chrome/content/legacy/ -type f -name '*.*' -exec sed -i s/evergreen/open_ils_staff_client/g {} \; custom: @echo @echo @echo '********************************************************* Placeholder for debugging tweaks ' #(cd chrome/content/OpenILS/util; cp RemoteRequest.js~ RemoteRequest.js) clean: remove_symlinks @echo @echo '********************************************************* Removing build/ ' rm -rf build/