#--------------------------------------------------------- # Makefile.am for xul/staff_client ## Process this file with automake to generate Makefile.in #--------------------------------------------------------- export WEBDIR=@localstatedir@/web export STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID = $$(/bin/cat build/BUILD_ID) export STAFF_CLIENT_VERSION = $$(/bin/cat build/VERSION) export STAFF_CLIENT_STAMP_ID = $$(/bin/cat build/STAMP_ID) # from http://closure-compiler.googlecode.com/files/compiler-latest.zip FIXME: Autotools this? export CLOSURE_COMPILER_JAR = ~/closure-compiler/compiler.jar # XULRunner is our base. XULRUNNER_VERSION=14.0.1 XULRUNNER_WINFILE=xulrunner-$(XULRUNNER_VERSION).en-US.win32.zip XULRUNNER_LINUX32FILE=xulrunner-$(XULRUNNER_VERSION).en-US.linux-i686.tar.bz2 XULRUNNER_LINUX64FILE=xulrunner-$(XULRUNNER_VERSION).en-US.linux-x86_64.tar.bz2 XULRUNNER_URL=http://archive.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/xulrunner/releases/$(XULRUNNER_VERSION)/runtimes/ XULRUNNER_MAJOR_VERSION=$$(echo ${XULRUNNER_VERSION} | cut -d. -f1) # Extensions we include when not an extension ourselves # Grab the latest. If that becomes a problem we can swap them out for specific versions. DOMINSPECTOR_URL=https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/6622/addon-6622-latest.xpi DOMINSPECTOR_ID=inspector@mozilla.org VENKMAN_URL=https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/downloads/latest/216/addon-216-latest.xpi VENKMAN_ID={f13b157f-b174-47e7-a34d-4815ddfdfeb8} OPENSRF_JSLIBS = "$(OPENSRF_LIBS)/javascript" CHROME_LOCALES = $$(ls -1 chrome/locale) SKIN_CSS = $$(ls -1 server/skin/*css | sed -e "s/.css/_custom.css/") UPDATESDIR=@localstatedir@/updates GIT_BRANCH=$$(echo $$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD || echo master) | sed 's|.*/||') GIT_TAG=$$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) # For auto-tagging builds export NSIS_EXTRAOPTS export NSIS_WICON=$$(if [ -f client/evergreen.ico ]; then echo '-DWICON'; fi) export NSIS_AUTOUPDATE=$$([ -f client/defaults/preferences/autoupdate.js ] && echo '-DAUTOUPDATE') export NSIS_DEV=$$([ -f client/defaults/preferences/developers.js ] && echo '-DDEVELOPER') export NSIS_PERMACHINE=$$([ -f client/defaults/preferences/aa_per_machine.js ] && echo '-DPERMACHINE') export NSIS_EXTRAS=$$([ -f extras.nsi ] && echo '-DEXTRAS') # Url taken from http://nsis.sourceforge.net/AccessControl_plug-in NSIS_ACCESSCONTROL=http://nsis.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/images/4/4a/AccessControl.zip #------------------------------ # Build ILS XUL CLIENT/SERVER #------------------------------ if BUILDILSCLIENT OILSSERVER_INST = server-xul endif install-exec-local: $(OILSSERVER_INST) # Helper target # For when you want to add devbuild/permachine/autoupdate to an existing stamp id rebuild: export STAFF_CLIENT_STAMP_ID=`cat PREV_STAMP_ID` rebuild: export STAFF_CLIENT_VERSION=`cat PREV_VERSION` rebuild: build rigrelease: @echo ' * Rigging for release branding' @cp xulrunner-stub.release.exe xulrunner-stub.exe @mkdir -p branding @cp evergreen-icon.ico branding/evergreen.ico @sed -i -e 's/^\s*;\?\s*!define UI_IMAGESET "release"/!define UI_IMAGESET "release"/' -e 's/^\s*;\?\s*!define UI_IMAGESET "beta"/;!define UI_IMAGESET "beta"/' windowssetup.nsi rigbeta: @echo ' * Rigging for beta branding' @cp xulrunner-stub.beta.exe xulrunner-stub.exe @mkdir -p branding @cp evergreen-icon-beta.ico branding/evergreen.ico @sed -i -e 's/^\s*;\?\s*!define UI_IMAGESET "release"/;!define UI_IMAGESET "release"/' -e 's/^\s*;\?\s*!define UI_IMAGESET "beta"/!define UI_IMAGESET "beta"/' windowssetup.nsi devbuild: build @echo ' * Copying in developer preferences' @cp external/developers.js build/defaults/preferences/ permachine: build @echo ' * Copying in default to machine level registration file' @cp external/aa_per_machine.js build/defaults/preferences/ build: build_dir chrome2remote localize_manifest generated custom_skins open-ils stamp @echo To test the staff client: @echo " cd build/" @echo " xulrunner application.ini" build_dir: @echo ' * Creating and populating build/ ' @rm -rf build/ @mkdir -p build/ @cp -fR chrome build/ @cp -fR server build/ @cp -fR defaults build/ @cp -fR components build/ @cp application.ini build/ @cp chrome.manifest build/ @if [ -f "install.mccoy.rdf" ]; then cp install.mccoy.rdf build/install.rdf; else cp install.rdf build/; fi @cp -fR build/chrome/content/util/ build/server/ @cp -fR build/chrome/content/auth/ build/server/ @cp build/chrome/content/main/constants.js build/server/main/constants.js @cp build/chrome/content/main/bindings.xml build/server/main/bindings.xml @cp build/chrome/content/OpenILS/data.js build/server/OpenILS/data.js @cp build/chrome/content/OpenILS/global_util.js build/server/OpenILS/global_util.js @cp build/chrome/content/OpenILS/event_util.js build/server/OpenILS/event_util.js @if [ -d branding ]; then cp -fR branding/* build/; fi @external/prune_dirs.sh build/ # Convert chrome to remote for server localization chrome2remote: @for loc in $(CHROME_LOCALES); do \ cp -fr chrome/locale/$$loc build/server/locale/. ; \ done; # Update the manifest for our installed locales localize_manifest: @for loc in $(CHROME_LOCALES) ; do \ if [ "$$loc" != "en-US" ]; then ( echo "locale open_ils_staff_client $$loc locale/$$loc/" >> build/chrome/chrome.manifest ) ; fi; \ done; # On this page: # https://developer.mozilla.org/en/xul_application_packaging # The Documentation states: # BUILD ID should be a unique build identifier, usually date based, and should be different for each released version # VERSION should be in a format as described here: # https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Toolkit_version_format # The default "automatic" BUILD ID is acceptable. # The version from the README usually conforms to that documentation, unless it is master. # If we are in master, we probably have git kicking around, ask it for the revision and build an appropriate version string. # Neither really applies to the STAMP, though. # The method below gives the same format STAMPS as previous instructions provided. If README has version then STAMP_ID will become rel_1_2_3_4. # Master VERSION will end up with 0branch.release, master STAMP ID will be 0branch_release. stamp: @/bin/date +"%Y%m%d.%H%M%S" > build/BUILD_ID @if [ -n "${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}" ]; then ( echo "Stamping with Build ID: ${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}" ; echo ${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID} > build/BUILD_ID ) ; fi @if [ -z "${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}" ]; then ( echo "No Build ID for versioning" ; echo "none" > build/BUILD_ID ) ; fi @sed -n -e 's/^AC_INIT([^,]*, \([^,]*\),.*$$/\1/p' @top_srcdir@/configure.ac > build/VERSION @if [ "${STAFF_CLIENT_VERSION}" == "trunk" ]; then echo "0${GIT_BRANCH}.${GIT_TAG}" > build/VERSION; fi @if [ -n "${STAFF_CLIENT_VERSION}" ]; then ( echo "Stamping with Version: ${STAFF_CLIENT_VERSION}" ; echo ${STAFF_CLIENT_VERSION} > build/VERSION ) ; fi @if [ -z "${STAFF_CLIENT_VERSION}" ]; then ( echo "No Version" ; echo "none" > build/VERSION ) ; fi @sed -e 's/\./_/g' -e 's/^\([0-9_]*\)$$/rel_&/' build/VERSION > build/STAMP_ID @if [ -n "${STAFF_CLIENT_STAMP_ID}" ]; then ( echo "Stamping with Stamp ID: ${STAFF_CLIENT_STAMP_ID}" ; echo ${STAFF_CLIENT_STAMP_ID} > build/STAMP_ID ) ; fi @if [ -z "${STAFF_CLIENT_STAMP_ID}" ]; then ( echo "No Stamp ID for versioning" ; echo "none" > build/STAMP_ID ) ; fi @if [ -n "${STAFF_CLIENT_VERSION}" ]; then sed -i -e s/^Version=.\*/Version=${STAFF_CLIENT_VERSION}/ build/application.ini ; fi @if [ -n "${STAFF_CLIENT_VERSION}" ]; then sed -i -e "s|.*|${STAFF_CLIENT_VERSION}|" build/install.rdf ; fi @if [ -n "${STAFF_CLIENT_VERSION}" ]; then find build/ -name 'constants.js' -exec sed -i -e "s/\(CLIENT_VERSION *= '\)'/\1${STAFF_CLIENT_VERSION}'/" {} \; ; fi @if [ -n "${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}" ]; then sed -i -e s/^BuildID=.\*/BuildID=${STAFF_CLIENT_BUILD_ID}/ build/application.ini ; fi @if [ -n "${STAFF_CLIENT_STAMP_ID}" ]; then find build/ -name '*.css' -exec sed -i -e s/xul\\\/server/xul\\\/${STAFF_CLIENT_STAMP_ID}\\\/server/g {} \; ; fi @if [ -n "${STAFF_CLIENT_STAMP_ID}" ]; then find build/ -name '*.xul' -exec sed -i -e s/xul\\\/server/xul\\\/${STAFF_CLIENT_STAMP_ID}\\\/server/g {} \; ; fi @if [ -n "${STAFF_CLIENT_STAMP_ID}" ]; then find build/ -name '*.html' -exec sed -i -e s/xul\\\/server/xul\\\/${STAFF_CLIENT_STAMP_ID}\\\/server/g {} \; ; fi @if [ -n "${STAFF_CLIENT_STAMP_ID}" ]; then find build/ -name '*.xhtml' -exec sed -i -e s/xul\\\/server/xul\\\/${STAFF_CLIENT_STAMP_ID}\\\/server/g {} \; ; fi @if [ -n "${STAFF_CLIENT_STAMP_ID}" ]; then find build/ -name '*.js' -exec sed -i -e s/xul\\\/server/xul\\\/${STAFF_CLIENT_STAMP_ID}\\\/server/g {} \; ; fi @if [ -n "${STAFF_CLIENT_STAMP_ID}" ]; then find build/ -name '*.xml' -exec sed -i -e s/xul\\\/server/xul\\\/${STAFF_CLIENT_STAMP_ID}\\\/server/g {} \; ; fi @if [ -n "${STAFF_CLIENT_STAMP_ID}" ]; then find build/ -name 'constants.js' -exec sed -i -e "s/\(CLIENT_STAMP *= '\)'/\1${STAFF_CLIENT_STAMP_ID}'/" {} \; ; fi @if [ -n "${STAFF_CLIENT_NAME}" ]; then sed -i -e s/^Name=.\*/Name=${STAFF_CLIENT_NAME}/ build/application.ini ; fi @if [ -z "${AUTOUPDATE_HOST}" ]; then rm -f build/defaults/preferences/autoupdate.js; fi @if [ -z "${AUTOUPDATE_HOST}" ]; then sed -i -e /updateURL/d build/install.rdf; fi @if [ -n "${AUTOUPDATE_HOST}" ]; then echo "Applying automatic update host ${AUTOUPDATE_HOST}"; fi @if [ -n "${AUTOUPDATE_HOST}" ]; then sed -i -e "s|::HOSTNAME::|${AUTOUPDATE_HOST}|" -e "s|https\?://\(https\?://\)|\1|" build/defaults/preferences/autoupdate.js; fi @if [ -n "${AUTOUPDATE_HOST}" ]; then sed -i -e "s|::HOSTNAME::|${AUTOUPDATE_HOST}|" -e "s|https\?://\(https\?://\)|\1|" build/install.rdf; fi @if [ -z "${INITIAL_HOST}" ]; then rm -f build/defaults/preferences/initialhost.js; fi @if [ -n "${INITIAL_HOST}" ]; then sed -i -e "s/%INITIAL_HOST%/${INITIAL_HOST}/" build/defaults/preferences/initialhost.js; fi @cp build/STAMP_ID PREV_STAMP_ID @cp build/VERSION PREV_VERSION bell: @perl -e 'print "Ringing bell..." . chr(7) . "\n";' bundle: @rm -f build/build.tar @tar -c --exclude=server -f build.tar build/ @mv build.tar build/ @md5sum build/build.tar > build/build.tar.md5 generated: @echo ' * Grabbing lang.dtd from the OPAC code ' @cp @top_srcdir@/Open-ILS/web/opac/locale/en-US/lang.dtd build/chrome/locale/en-US/ open-ils: @echo ' * Grabbing more OPAC code and legacy code and custom code' @cp @top_srcdir@/Open-ILS/web/opac/common/js/*.js build/chrome/content/OpenILS/util/ @cp $(OPENSRF_JSLIBS)/*.js build/chrome/content/OpenILS/util/ @external/prune_dirs.sh build/ custom_skins: @for skin in $(SKIN_CSS); do \ if [ ! -f "$$skin" ]; then ( touch build/"$$skin" ); fi \ done; needwebdir: @if [ -z "$(WEBDIR)" ]; then echo "!!!--------!!!"; echo "WEBDIR is not set. Must use top level Makefile or set WEBDIR to use this target."; echo "!!!--------!!!"; exit 1; fi server-xul: needwebdir build @echo $@ mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(WEBDIR) mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(WEBDIR)/xul/ @echo "STAMP_ID = $(STAFF_CLIENT_STAMP_ID)" @echo "Copying xul into $(DESTDIR)$(WEBDIR)/xul/$(STAFF_CLIENT_STAMP_ID)" mkdir -p "$(DESTDIR)$(WEBDIR)/xul/$(STAFF_CLIENT_STAMP_ID)" cp -R @top_srcdir@/Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/build/server "$(DESTDIR)${WEBDIR}/xul/${STAFF_CLIENT_STAMP_ID}/" compress-javascript: build @echo "Size of build/ before compression = " `du -sh build/` @echo " * Running Google's Closure Compiler against javascript. Errors in build/compression.err" @external/closure_compiler.sh $(CLOSURE_COMPILER_JAR) 2>> build/compression.err @echo `find build/ -name '*.js~' -size 0 -print | wc -l` compression failures @find build/ -name '*.js~' -size 0 -exec rm {} \; # remove the output files for those that did not compile @echo `find build/ -name '*.js~' -print | wc -l` compression successes @find build/ -name '*.js~' -exec perl -e '$$a = "{}"; chop $$a; `mv $$a~ $$a`;' \; @echo "Size of build/ (minus compression.err) after compression = " `du -sh --exclude compression.err build/` # Easy way to make all three kinds of clients clients: @make win-client @make linux32-client @make linux64-client @make generic-client # By doing this we don't change the original build in the build folder # Great for adding/changing things without a full rebuild client_dir: @if [ ! -f build/BUILD_ID ]; then echo 'ERROR! Current build not stamped!'; exit 1; fi @echo 'Prepping Client Set' @rm -rf client/ @mkdir -p client @cp -fR build/* client/ @rm -rf client/server/ @rm -f client/build.tar* # When building as a standalone client install.rdf is a bad thing # as we haven't "sanitized" the client for extension use client_app: client_dir @echo 'Cleaning Extension Information' @rm -f client/install.rdf @echo 'Installing Extensions' @mkdir -p client/extensions # Note: XULRunner before 4 requires extracted extensions # XULRunner after 4 keeps them in XPI form...unless their manifest says to unpack # This block is thus structured to make it easy to add the latter kind later. @if [ ${XULRUNNER_MAJOR_VERSION} -lt 4 ]; then \ if [ -f extensions/${DOMINSPECTOR_ID}.xpi ]; then \ mkdir -p client/extensions/${DOMINSPECTOR_ID}/; \ unzip extensions/${DOMINSPECTOR_ID}.xpi -d client/extensions/${DOMINSPECTOR_ID}/; \ fi; \ if [ -f extensions/${VENKMAN_ID}.xpi ]; then \ mkdir -p client/extensions/${VENKMAN_ID}/; \ unzip extensions/${VENKMAN_ID}.xpi -d client/extensions/${VENKMAN_ID}/; \ fi; \ else \ if [ -f extensions/${DOMINSPECTOR_ID}.xpi ]; then \ cp extensions/${DOMINSPECTOR_ID}.xpi client/extensions/; \ fi; \ if [ -f extensions/${VENKMAN_ID}.xpi ]; then \ cp extensions/${VENKMAN_ID}.xpi client/extensions/; \ fi; \ fi # If automatic updates are enabled, or the standalone_xul_app.js is present, # the extension can break Firefox. # Also, per machine registration + extension mode is probably a bad idea. # Remove those, and we need an updated chrome.manifest client_ext: client_dir @echo 'Cleaning App Information' @rm -f client/application.ini @rm -f client/defaults/preferences/autoupdate.js @rm -f client/defaults/preferences/autochannel.js @rm -f client/defaults/preferences/standalone_xul_app.js @rm -f client/defaults/preferences/aa_per_machine.js @echo 'Prepping chrome.manifest' @perl -ne 'if(/open_ils_staff_client/) { s/ (?!chrome:\/\/open_ils_staff_client)([^ ]*)$$/ chrome\/\1/; print; }' client/chrome/chrome.manifest > client/chrome.manifest @grep -v manifest build/chrome.manifest >> client/chrome.manifest # Would merge client_ext into this one, but this way an installer that doesn't # use an xpi can be made for extension later, if desired extension: client_ext @echo ' * Packaging as an XPI' @(cd client/ && zip -q -r ../evergreen.xpi * -x defaults/preferences/standalone_xul_app.js) @md5sum evergreen.xpi > evergreen.xpi.md5 # Fetch extensions to load into the client # This could be done in a "if they aren't there" fashion, but these are manually triggered anyway # That, and this way you can update the extensions by running this target again fetch-extensions: fetch-dom-inspector fetch-venkman fetch-dom-inspector: @echo 'Fetching DOM Inspector' @mkdir -p extensions/ @wget -Oextensions/${DOMINSPECTOR_ID}.xpi ${DOMINSPECTOR_URL} fetch-venkman: @echo 'Fetching Venkman' @mkdir -p extensions/ @wget -Oextensions/${VENKMAN_ID}.xpi ${VENKMAN_URL} # Generic client, as an xpi, theoretically suitable for --install-app usage generic-client: client_app @echo 'Packing Generic Client via zip (as xpi file)' @rm -f evergreen_staff_client.xpi @cd client && zip -q -r ../evergreen_staff_client.xpi * @echo done # These two targets complete the layout defined on # https://developer.mozilla.org/en/XULRunner/Deploying_XULRunner_1.8 # for their respective platforms in regards to XULRunner deployment nsis_check: @echo 'Checking for makensis' @type -P makensis > /dev/null || ( echo 'MAKENSIS NOT FOUND: Cannot continue. Do you need to install the NSIS package?' && exit 1 ) unzip_check: @echo 'Checking for unzip' @type -P unzip > /dev/null || ( echo 'UNZIP NOT FOUND: Cannot continue.' && exit 1 ) branding_check: @echo 'Checking for branding' @[ -f xulrunner-stub.exe ] || echo 'xulrunner-stub.exe not found' @[ -f build/evergreen.ico ] || echo 'build/evergreen.ico not found' @if [ ! -f xulrunner-stub.exe -o ! -f build/evergreen.ico ]; then echo 'Branding incomplete. Did you forget to run "make rigbeta" or "make rigrelease"?'; echo 'You will need to "make rebuild" afterwards.'; exit 1; fi # Note that I decided to use win/lin channels for ease of coding platform specific updates win-xulrunner: unzip_check branding_check client_app @echo 'Preparing Windows xulrunner' @if [ ! -f ${XULRUNNER_WINFILE} ]; then wget ${XULRUNNER_URL}${XULRUNNER_WINFILE}; fi @unzip -q ${XULRUNNER_WINFILE} -dclient @if [ -f client/defaults/preferences/autoupdate.js ]; then echo 'pref("app.update.channel","win");' >> client/defaults/preferences/autochannel.js; fi; @if [ -d branding_win ]; then cp -fR branding_win/* client/; fi @echo 'Preparing stub' @if [ -f xulrunner-stub.exe ]; then cp xulrunner-stub.exe client/evergreen.exe; rm client/xulrunner/xulrunner-stub.exe; else mv client/xulrunner/xulrunner-stub.exe client/evergreen.exe; fi @if [ ${XULRUNNER_MAJOR_VERSION} -ge 4 -a -f client/xulrunner/mozcrt19.dll ]; then cp client/xulrunner/mozcrt19.dll client/; fi # XULRunner 4+ need this, if the file exists @if [ ${XULRUNNER_MAJOR_VERSION} -ge 9 -a -f client/xulrunner/mozutils.dll ]; then cp client/xulrunner/mozutils.dll client/; fi # XULRunner 9+ need this, if the file exists linux32-xulrunner: client_app @echo 'Preparing Linux (32 bit) xulrunner' @if [ ! -f ${XULRUNNER_LINUX32FILE} ]; then wget ${XULRUNNER_URL}${XULRUNNER_LINUX32FILE}; fi @cd client; tar xjf ../${XULRUNNER_LINUX32FILE}; cd .. @if [ -f client/defaults/preferences/autoupdate.js ]; then echo 'pref("app.update.channel","lin");' >> client/defaults/preferences/autochannel.js; fi; @if [ -d branding_lin ]; then cp -fR branding_lin/* client/; fi @echo 'Preparing stub' @mv client/xulrunner/xulrunner-stub client/evergreen linux64-xulrunner: client_app @echo 'Preparing Linux (64 bit) xulrunner' @if [ ! -f ${XULRUNNER_LINUX64FILE} ]; then wget ${XULRUNNER_URL}${XULRUNNER_LINUX64FILE}; fi @cd client; tar xjf ../${XULRUNNER_LINUX64FILE}; cd .. @if [ -f client/defaults/preferences/autoupdate.js ]; then echo 'pref("app.update.channel","lin64");' >> client/defaults/preferences/autochannel.js; fi; # Note: We assume that we want 32 bit branding files, but provide a way to override for 64 bit @if [ -d branding_lin ]; then cp -fR branding_lin/* client/; fi @if [ -d branding_lin64 ]; then cp -fR branding_lin64/* client/; fi @echo 'Preparing stub' @mv client/xulrunner/xulrunner-stub client/evergreen # Build a windows installer. win-client: nsis_check win-xulrunner @if [ "${NSIS_AUTOUPDATE}${NSIS_PERMACHINE}" -a ! -d AccessControl ]; then echo 'Fetching AccessControl Plugin'; wget ${NSIS_ACCESSCONTROL} -O AccessControl.zip; unzip AccessControl.zip $$(unzip -t AccessControl.zip | grep 'AccessControl/Contrib/' > /dev/null || echo "-dAccessControl"); fi @echo 'Building installer' @makensis -V2 -DPRODUCT_VERSION="${STAFF_CLIENT_VERSION}" ${NSIS_WICON} ${NSIS_AUTOUPDATE} ${NSIS_DEV} ${NSIS_PERMACHINE} ${NSIS_EXTRAS} ${NSIS_EXTRAOPTS} windowssetup.nsi @echo 'Done' # For linux, just build a tar.bz2 archive linux32-client: linux32-xulrunner @echo 'Packing as evergreen_staff_client_i686.tar.bz2' @rm -f evergreen_staff_client_i686.tar.bz2 @cd client; tar cjf ../evergreen_staff_client_i686.tar.bz2 *; cd .. @echo 'Done' linux64-client: linux64-xulrunner @echo 'Packing as evergreen_staff_client_x86_64.tar.bz2' @rm -f evergreen_staff_client_x86_64.tar.bz2 @cd client; tar cjf ../evergreen_staff_client_x86_64.tar.bz2 *; cd .. @echo 'Done' # For running the updates script with the correct updates directory, optionally building clients as well updates updates-client win-updates win-updates-client linux32-updates linux32-updates-client linux64-updates linux64-updates-client generic-updates generic-updates-client extension-updates: @if [ ! -f build/BUILD_ID ]; then echo 'ERROR! Current build not stamped!'; exit 1; fi @if [ ! -x external/make_updates.sh ]; then chmod u+x external/make_updates.sh; fi @if [ ! -x external/make_updates.sh ]; then echo 'ERROR! external/make_updates.sh is not executable!'; exit 1; fi @external/make_updates.sh ${UPDATESDIR} $@