[%- # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # return macro... ignore me. # ------------------------------------------------------------------ MACRO ret(str) PROCESS ret_block s=str; BLOCK ret_block; s; STOP; END; # ------------------------------------------------------------------ -%] [%- # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # RULES # ------------------------------------------------------------------ IF type == ex_types.SEARCH_TOO_LARGE; ret("Search term is too broad, please narrow your search"); END; IF type == ex_types.UNKNOWN_BARCODE; ret("Barcode does not exist in the database"); END; IF type == ex_types.DUPLICATE_INVALID_USER_BARCODE; ret("Barcode is a duplicate or is not valid"); END; IF type == ex_types.DUPLICATE_USER_USERNAME; ret("Username is a duplicate"); END; IF type == ex_types.USER_WRONG_PASSWORD; ret("Password is incorrect"); END; IF type == ex_types.UNKNOWN_USER; ret("User is not recognized"); END; IF type == ex_types.MAX_RENEWALS_REACHED; ret("The maximun number of renewals has been reached"); END; ret("Unknown exception occured"); -%]