[%- # NOTE: enabling all of these types may result in the tabs occupying # too much horizontal space to fit within the fixed-width box. ac_types = { reviews => l('Reviews'), anotes => l('Author Notes'), toc => l('Table of Contents'), excerpt => l('Excerpt'), summary => l('Summary') }; selected_type = CGI.param('ac'); # For each type of added content, render the link if it's known to have # content, do not render the link if it's known to not have content. If # the content status is unknown, render the link, but hide the link via CSS # if dojo is enabled. If dojo is not enabled, render and display the link. all_hidden = 1; FOR type IN ac_types.keys; tab_class = ''; SET tab_class = 'ac_tab_selected' IF type == selected_type; ''; IF ctx.added_content.$type.status != '2'; # no content all_hidden = 0; IF ctx.added_content.$type.status == '3' AND want_dojo; # status unknown tab_class = tab_class _ ' hidden'; END %] [% ac_types.$type %] [% END; END %]
[% IF selected_type; content = ctx.added_content.$selected_type.content; IF content; content; ELSE; l('No Content Available'); END; END; %]