BEGIN; SELECT plan(9); -- Workstations to use for tests: \set BR1_ws_name 'BR1-lp1883171-pgtap-live_t' \set BR4_ws_name 'BR4-lp1883171-pgtap-live_t' -- Fixed timestamp to check for duplicates: \set fixed_ts '2021-10-24 11:52:33.604067-04' -- Copy from BR1: \set BR1_copy_id 1 -- Copy from BR4 \set BR4_copy_id 801 -- Copy from BR3 to test floating. \set BR3_copy_id 701 -- A name for a floating group to test floating. \set SYS2_floating_group_name 'SYS2 Float Group' -- Create workstations: INSERT INTO actor.workstation (name, owning_lib) VALUES (:'BR1_ws_name', 4), (:'BR4_ws_name', 7); -- Create the floating group and define its members INSERT INTO config.floating_group (name) VALUES (:'SYS2_floating_group_name'); INSERT INTO config.floating_group_member (floating_group, org_unit, stop_depth) SELECT id, 3, 1 FROM config.floating_group WHERE name = :'SYS2_floating_group_name'; -- Let the copy at BR3 float to SYS2 UPDATE asset.copy SET floating = FROM config.floating_group WHERE = :BR3_copy_id AND = :'SYS2_floating_group_name'; PREPARE insert_null_all AS INSERT INTO asset.copy_inventory (inventory_workstation, inventory_date, copy) VALUES (NULL, :'fixed_ts', :BR1_copy_id), (NULL, :'fixed_ts', :BR3_copy_id), (NULL, :'fixed_ts', :BR4_copy_id); SELECT lives_ok('insert_null_all', 'NULL workstation should succeed'); PREPARE insert_br1_br1 AS INSERT INTO asset.copy_inventory(inventory_workstation, copy) SELECT id, :BR1_copy_id FROM actor.workstation WHERE name = :'BR1_ws_name'; SELECT lives_ok('insert_br1_br1', 'BR1 at BR1 should succeed'); PREPARE insert_br1_br4 AS INSERT INTO asset.copy_inventory (inventory_workstation, copy) SELECT id, :BR1_copy_id FROM actor.workstation WHERE name = :'BR4_ws_name'; SELECT throws_ok('insert_br1_br4'); PREPARE insert_br4_br1 AS INSERT INTO asset.copy_inventory (inventory_workstation, copy) SELECT id, :BR4_copy_id FROM actor.workstation WHERE name = :'BR1_ws_name'; SELECT throws_ok('insert_br4_br1'); PREPARE insert_br3_br1 AS INSERT INTO asset.copy_inventory (inventory_workstation, copy) SELECT id, :BR3_copy_id FROM actor.workstation WHERE name = :'BR1_ws_name'; SELECT throws_ok('insert_br3_br1'); PREPARE insert_br4_br4 AS INSERT INTO asset.copy_inventory(inventory_workstation, copy) SELECT id, :BR4_copy_id FROM actor.workstation WHERE name = :'BR4_ws_name'; SELECT lives_ok('insert_br4_br4', 'BR4 at BR4 should succeed'); PREPARE insert_br3_br4 AS INSERT INTO asset.copy_inventory(inventory_workstation, copy) SELECT id, :BR3_copy_id FROM actor.workstation WHERE name = :'BR4_ws_name'; SELECT lives_ok('insert_br3_br4', 'BR3 at BR4 should succeed'); PREPARE dup_insert_br3_br4 AS INSERT INTO asset.copy_inventory (inventory_workstation, inventory_date, copy) SELECT id, :'fixed_ts', :BR3_copy_id FROM actor.workstation WHERE name = :'BR4_ws_name'; SELECT throws_ok('dup_insert_br3_br4', 23505); SELECT throws_ok('insert_null_all', 23505); SELECT * FROM finish(); ROLLBACK;