#!/usr/bin/perl # This CGI script might be useful for providing an easy way for EZproxy to authenticate # users against an Evergreen instance. # # For example, if you modify your eg.conf by adding this: # Alias "/cgi-bin/ezproxy/" "/openils/var/cgi-bin/ezproxy/" # # AddHandler cgi-script .pl # AllowOverride None # Options +ExecCGI # allow from all # # # and make that directory and copy remoteauth.cgi to it: # mkdir /openils/var/cgi-bin/ezproxy/ # cp remoteauth.cgi /openils/var/cgi-bin/ezproxy/ # # Then you could add a line like this to the users.txt of your EZproxy instance: # # ::external=https://hostname/cgi-bin/ezproxy/remoteauth.cgi,post=user=^u&passwd=^p # #use strict; use warnings; use CGI; use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex); use OpenSRF::EX qw(:try); use OpenSRF::System; use OpenSRF::AppSession; my $bootstrap = '/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml'; my $cgi = new CGI; my $u = $cgi->param('user'); my $usrname = $cgi->param('usrname'); my $barcode = $cgi->param('barcode'); my $agent = $cgi->param('agent'); # optional, but preferred my $p = $cgi->param('passwd'); print $cgi->header(-type=>'text/html', -expires=>'-1d'); OpenSRF::AppSession->ingress('remoteauth'); OpenSRF::System->bootstrap_client( config_file => $bootstrap ); if (!($u || $usrname || $barcode) || !$p) { print '+INCOMPLETE'; } else { my $nametype; if ($usrname) { $u = $usrname; $nametype = 'username'; } elsif ($barcode) { $u = $barcode; $nametype = 'barcode'; } else { $nametype = 'username'; my $regex_response = OpenSRF::AppSession ->create('open-ils.actor') ->request('open-ils.actor.ou_setting.ancestor_default', 1, 'opac.barcode_regex') ->gather(1); if ($regex_response) { my $regexp = $regex_response->{'value'}; $nametype = 'barcode' if ($u =~ qr/$regexp/); } } my $seed = OpenSRF::AppSession ->create('open-ils.auth') ->request( 'open-ils.auth.authenticate.init', $u ) ->gather(1); if ($seed) { my $response = OpenSRF::AppSession ->create('open-ils.auth') ->request( 'open-ils.auth.authenticate.verify', { $nametype => $u, password => md5_hex($seed . md5_hex($p)), type => 'opac', agent => $agent }) ->gather(1); if ($response) { if ($response->{ilsevent} == 0) { print '+VALID'; } else { print '+NO'; } } else { print '+BACKEND_ERROR'; } } else { print '+BACKEND_ERROR'; } } 1;