Database Schema This is the schema for the Evergreen database.
Schema acq acq_lineitem_history Field Data Type Constraints and References audit_id bigint PRIMARY KEY audit_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; audit_action text NOT NULL; id bigint NOT NULL; creator integer NOT NULL; editor integer NOT NULL; selector integer NOT NULL; provider integer purchase_order integer picklist integer expected_recv_time timestamp with time zone create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; edit_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; marc text NOT NULL; eg_bib_id bigint source_label text state text NOT NULL; cancel_reason integer estimated_unit_price numeric claim_policy integer acq_lineitem_lifecycle Field Data Type Constraints and References ?column? bigint audit_time timestamp with time zone audit_action text id bigint creator integer editor integer selector integer provider integer purchase_order integer picklist integer expected_recv_time timestamp with time zone create_time timestamp with time zone edit_time timestamp with time zone marc text eg_bib_id bigint source_label text state text cancel_reason integer estimated_unit_price numeric claim_policy integer acq_purchase_order_history Field Data Type Constraints and References audit_id bigint PRIMARY KEY audit_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; audit_action text NOT NULL; id integer NOT NULL; owner integer NOT NULL; creator integer NOT NULL; editor integer NOT NULL; ordering_agency integer NOT NULL; create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; edit_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; provider integer NOT NULL; state text NOT NULL; order_date timestamp with time zone name text NOT NULL; cancel_reason integer prepayment_required boolean NOT NULL; acq_purchase_order_lifecycle Field Data Type Constraints and References ?column? bigint audit_time timestamp with time zone audit_action text id integer owner integer creator integer editor integer ordering_agency integer create_time timestamp with time zone edit_time timestamp with time zone provider integer state text order_date timestamp with time zone name text cancel_reason integer prepayment_required boolean all_fund_allocation_total Field Data Type Constraints and References fund integer amount numeric all_fund_combined_balance Field Data Type Constraints and References fund integer amount numeric all_fund_encumbrance_total Field Data Type Constraints and References fund integer amount numeric all_fund_spent_balance Field Data Type Constraints and References fund integer amount numeric all_fund_spent_total Field Data Type Constraints and References fund integer amount numeric cancel_reason Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY org_unit integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; label text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; description text NOT NULL; keep_debits boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; Tables referencing acq.lineitem via Foreign Key Constraints claim Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY type integer NOT NULL; lineitem_detail bigint NOT NULL; Tables referencing acq.claim_event via Foreign Key Constraints claim_event Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY type integer NOT NULL; claim serial NOT NULL; event_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); creator integer NOT NULL; note text claim_event_type Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY org_unit integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; code text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; description text NOT NULL; library_initiated boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; Tables referencing acq.claim_event via Foreign Key Constraints claim_policy Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY org_unit integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; name text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; description text NOT NULL; Tables referencing acq.claim_policy_action via Foreign Key Constraints claim_policy_action Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY claim_policy integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; action_interval interval UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; action integer NOT NULL; claim_type Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY org_unit integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; code text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; description text NOT NULL; Tables referencing acq.claim via Foreign Key Constraints currency_type Field Data Type Constraints and References code text PRIMARY KEY label text Tables referencing acq.exchange_rate via Foreign Key Constraints debit_attribution Field Data Type Constraints and References id integer PRIMARY KEY fund_debit integer NOT NULL; debit_amount numeric NOT NULL; funding_source_credit integer credit_amount numeric distribution_formula Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY owner integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; name text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; skip_count integer NOT NULL; Tables referencing acq.distribution_formula_application via Foreign Key Constraints distribution_formula_application Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY creator integer NOT NULL; create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); formula integer NOT NULL; lineitem integer NOT NULL; distribution_formula_entry Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY formula integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; position integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; item_count integer NOT NULL; owning_lib integer location integer Constraints on distribution_formula_entry acqdfe_must_be_somewhere CHECK (((owning_lib IS NOT NULL) OR (location IS NOT NULL))) edi_account Field Data Type Constraints and References id integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('config.remote_account_id_seq'::regclass); label text NOT NULL; host text NOT NULL; username text password text account text path text owner integer NOT NULL; last_activity timestamp with time zone provider integer NOT NULL; in_dir text vendcode text vendacct text Tables referencing acq.edi_message via Foreign Key Constraints edi_message Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY account integer remote_file text create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); translate_time timestamp with time zone process_time timestamp with time zone error_time timestamp with time zone status text NOT NULL; DEFAULT 'new'::text; edi text jedi text error text purchase_order integer message_type text NOT NULL; Constraints on edi_message status_value CHECK ((status = ANY (ARRAY['new'::text, 'translated'::text, 'trans_error'::text, 'processed'::text, 'proc_error'::text, 'delete_error'::text, 'retry'::text, 'complete'::text]))) valid_message_type CHECK ((message_type = ANY (ARRAY['ORDERS'::text, 'ORDRSP'::text, 'INVOIC'::text, 'OSTENQ'::text, 'OSTRPT'::text]))) exchange_rate Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY from_currency text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; to_currency text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; ratio numeric NOT NULL; fiscal_calendar Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY name text NOT NULL; Tables referencing acq.fiscal_year via Foreign Key Constraints fiscal_year Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY calendar integer UNIQUE#1 ; UNIQUE#2 ; NOT NULL; year integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; year_begin timestamp with time zone UNIQUE#2 ; NOT NULL; year_end timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; fund Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY org integer UNIQUE#2 ; UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; name text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; year integer UNIQUE#2 ; UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; DEFAULT date_part('year'::text, now()); currency_type text NOT NULL; code text UNIQUE#2 ; rollover boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; propagate boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; active boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; balance_warning_percent integer balance_stop_percent integer Constraints on fund acq_fund_rollover_ implies_propagate CHECK ((propagate OR (NOT rollover))) Tables referencing acq.fund_allocation via Foreign Key Constraints fund_allocation Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY funding_source integer NOT NULL; fund integer NOT NULL; amount numeric NOT NULL; allocator integer NOT NULL; note text create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); fund_allocation_percent Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY funding_source integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; org integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; fund_code text UNIQUE#1 ; percent numeric NOT NULL; allocator integer NOT NULL; note text create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); Constraints on fund_allocation_percent percentage_range CHECK (((percent >= (0)::numeric) AND (percent <= (100)::numeric))) fund_allocation_total Field Data Type Constraints and References fund integer amount numeric(100,2) fund_combined_balance Field Data Type Constraints and References fund integer amount numeric fund_debit Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY fund integer NOT NULL; origin_amount numeric NOT NULL; origin_currency_type text NOT NULL; amount numeric NOT NULL; encumbrance boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; debit_type text NOT NULL; xfer_destination integer create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); Tables referencing acq.debit_attribution via Foreign Key Constraints fund_debit_total Field Data Type Constraints and References fund integer encumbrance boolean amount numeric fund_encumbrance_total Field Data Type Constraints and References fund integer amount numeric fund_spent_balance Field Data Type Constraints and References fund integer amount numeric fund_spent_total Field Data Type Constraints and References fund integer amount numeric fund_tag Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY owner integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; name text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; Tables referencing acq.fund_tag_map via Foreign Key Constraints fund_tag_map Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY fund integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; tag integer UNIQUE#1 ; fund_transfer Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY src_fund integer NOT NULL; src_amount numeric NOT NULL; dest_fund integer dest_amount numeric transfer_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); transfer_user integer NOT NULL; note text funding_source_credit integer NOT NULL; funding_source Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY name text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; owner integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; currency_type text NOT NULL; code text UNIQUE; Tables referencing acq.fund_allocation via Foreign Key Constraints funding_source_allocation_total Field Data Type Constraints and References funding_source integer amount numeric(100,2) funding_source_balance Field Data Type Constraints and References funding_source integer amount numeric(100,2) funding_source_credit Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY funding_source integer NOT NULL; amount numeric NOT NULL; note text deadline_date timestamp with time zone effective_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); Tables referencing acq.debit_attribution via Foreign Key Constraints funding_source_credit_total Field Data Type Constraints and References funding_source integer amount numeric invoice Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY receiver integer NOT NULL; provider integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; shipper integer NOT NULL; recv_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); recv_method text NOT NULL; DEFAULT 'EDI'::text; inv_type text inv_ident text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; payment_auth text payment_method text note text complete boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; Tables referencing acq.invoice_entry via Foreign Key Constraints invoice_entry Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY invoice integer NOT NULL; purchase_order integer lineitem integer inv_item_count integer NOT NULL; phys_item_count integer note text billed_per_item boolean cost_billed numeric(8,2) actual_cost numeric(8,2) amount_paid numeric(8,2) invoice_item Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY invoice integer NOT NULL; purchase_order integer fund_debit integer inv_item_type text NOT NULL; title text author text note text cost_billed numeric(8,2) actual_cost numeric(8,2) fund integer amount_paid numeric(8,2) po_item integer target bigint invoice_item_type Field Data Type Constraints and References code text PRIMARY KEY name text NOT NULL; prorate boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; Tables referencing acq.invoice_item via Foreign Key Constraints invoice_method Field Data Type Constraints and References code text PRIMARY KEY name text NOT NULL; Tables referencing acq.invoice via Foreign Key Constraints invoice_payment_method Field Data Type Constraints and References code text PRIMARY KEY name text NOT NULL; Tables referencing acq.invoice via Foreign Key Constraints lineitem Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY creator integer NOT NULL; editor integer NOT NULL; selector integer NOT NULL; provider integer purchase_order integer picklist integer expected_recv_time timestamp with time zone create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); edit_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); marc text NOT NULL; eg_bib_id bigint source_label text state text NOT NULL; DEFAULT 'new'::text; cancel_reason integer estimated_unit_price numeric claim_policy integer Constraints on lineitem picklist_or_po CHECK (((picklist IS NOT NULL) OR (purchase_order IS NOT NULL))) Tables referencing acq.distribution_formula_application via Foreign Key Constraints lineitem_alert_text Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY code text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; description text owning_lib integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; Tables referencing acq.lineitem_note via Foreign Key Constraints lineitem_attr Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY definition bigint NOT NULL; lineitem bigint NOT NULL; attr_type text NOT NULL; attr_name text NOT NULL; attr_value text NOT NULL; lineitem_attr_definition Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY code text NOT NULL; description text NOT NULL; remove text NOT NULL; DEFAULT ''::text; ident boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; lineitem_detail Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY lineitem integer NOT NULL; fund integer fund_debit integer eg_copy_id bigint barcode text cn_label text note text collection_code text circ_modifier text owning_lib integer location integer recv_time timestamp with time zone cancel_reason integer Tables referencing acq.claim via Foreign Key Constraints lineitem_generated_attr_definition Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('acq.lineitem_attr_definition_id_seq'::regclass); code text NOT NULL; description text NOT NULL; remove text NOT NULL; DEFAULT ''::text; ident boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; xpath text NOT NULL; lineitem_local_attr_definition Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('acq.lineitem_attr_definition_id_seq'::regclass); code text NOT NULL; description text NOT NULL; remove text NOT NULL; DEFAULT ''::text; ident boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; lineitem_marc_attr_definition Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('acq.lineitem_attr_definition_id_seq'::regclass); code text NOT NULL; description text NOT NULL; remove text NOT NULL; DEFAULT ''::text; ident boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; xpath text NOT NULL; lineitem_note Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY lineitem integer NOT NULL; creator integer NOT NULL; editor integer NOT NULL; create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); edit_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); value text NOT NULL; alert_text integer vendor_public boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; lineitem_provider_attr_definition Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('acq.lineitem_attr_definition_id_seq'::regclass); code text NOT NULL; description text NOT NULL; remove text NOT NULL; DEFAULT ''::text; ident boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; xpath text NOT NULL; provider integer NOT NULL; lineitem_usr_attr_definition Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('acq.lineitem_attr_definition_id_seq'::regclass); code text NOT NULL; description text NOT NULL; remove text NOT NULL; DEFAULT ''::text; ident boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; usr integer NOT NULL; ordered_funding_source_credit Field Data Type Constraints and References sort_priority integer sort_date timestamp with time zone id integer funding_source integer amount numeric note text picklist Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY owner integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; creator integer NOT NULL; editor integer NOT NULL; org_unit integer NOT NULL; name text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); edit_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); Tables referencing acq.lineitem via Foreign Key Constraints po_item Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY purchase_order integer fund_debit integer inv_item_type text NOT NULL; title text author text note text estimated_cost numeric(8,2) fund integer target bigint Tables referencing acq.invoice_item via Foreign Key Constraints po_note Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY purchase_order integer NOT NULL; creator integer NOT NULL; editor integer NOT NULL; create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); edit_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); value text NOT NULL; vendor_public boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; provider Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY name text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; owner integer UNIQUE#2 ; UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; currency_type text NOT NULL; code text UNIQUE#2 ; NOT NULL; holding_tag text san text edi_default integer active boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; prepayment_required boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; url text email text phone text fax_phone text default_claim_policy integer Tables referencing acq.edi_account via Foreign Key Constraints provider_address Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY valid boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; address_type text provider integer NOT NULL; street1 text NOT NULL; street2 text city text NOT NULL; county text state text NOT NULL; country text NOT NULL; post_code text NOT NULL; fax_phone text provider_contact Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY provider integer NOT NULL; name text NOT NULL; role text email text phone text Tables referencing acq.provider_contact_address via Foreign Key Constraints provider_contact_address Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY valid boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; address_type text contact integer NOT NULL; street1 text NOT NULL; street2 text city text NOT NULL; county text state text NOT NULL; country text NOT NULL; post_code text NOT NULL; fax_phone text provider_holding_subfield_map Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY provider integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; name text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; subfield text NOT NULL; provider_note Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY provider integer NOT NULL; creator integer NOT NULL; editor integer NOT NULL; create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); edit_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); value text NOT NULL; purchase_order Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY owner integer NOT NULL; creator integer NOT NULL; editor integer NOT NULL; ordering_agency integer NOT NULL; create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); edit_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); provider integer NOT NULL; state text NOT NULL; DEFAULT 'new'::text; order_date timestamp with time zone name text NOT NULL; cancel_reason integer prepayment_required boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; Tables referencing acq.edi_message via Foreign Key Constraints serial_claim Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY type integer NOT NULL; item bigint NOT NULL; Tables referencing acq.serial_claim_event via Foreign Key Constraints serial_claim_event Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY type integer NOT NULL; claim serial NOT NULL; event_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); creator integer NOT NULL; note text user_request Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY usr integer NOT NULL; hold boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; pickup_lib integer NOT NULL; holdable_formats text phone_notify text email_notify boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; lineitem integer eg_bib bigint request_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); need_before timestamp with time zone max_fee text request_type integer NOT NULL; isxn text title text volume text author text article_title text article_pages text publisher text location text pubdate text mentioned text other_info text cancel_reason integer user_request_type Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY label text UNIQUE; NOT NULL; Tables referencing acq.user_request via Foreign Key Constraints
Schema action aged_circulation Field Data Type Constraints and References usr_post_code text usr_home_ou integer NOT NULL; usr_profile integer NOT NULL; usr_birth_year integer copy_call_number integer NOT NULL; copy_location integer NOT NULL; copy_owning_lib integer NOT NULL; copy_circ_lib integer NOT NULL; copy_bib_record bigint NOT NULL; id bigint PRIMARY KEY xact_start timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; xact_finish timestamp with time zone unrecovered boolean target_copy bigint NOT NULL; circ_lib integer NOT NULL; circ_staff integer NOT NULL; checkin_staff integer checkin_lib integer renewal_remaining integer NOT NULL; due_date timestamp with time zone stop_fines_time timestamp with time zone checkin_time timestamp with time zone create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; duration interval fine_interval interval NOT NULL; recurring_fine numeric(6,2) max_fine numeric(6,2) phone_renewal boolean NOT NULL; desk_renewal boolean NOT NULL; opac_renewal boolean NOT NULL; duration_rule text NOT NULL; recurring_fine_rule text NOT NULL; max_fine_rule text NOT NULL; stop_fines text workstation integer checkin_workstation integer checkin_scan_time timestamp with time zone parent_circ bigint all_circulation Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint usr_post_code text usr_home_ou integer usr_profile integer usr_birth_year integer copy_call_number bigint copy_location integer copy_owning_lib integer copy_circ_lib integer copy_bib_record bigint xact_start timestamp with time zone xact_finish timestamp with time zone target_copy bigint circ_lib integer circ_staff integer checkin_staff integer checkin_lib integer renewal_remaining integer due_date timestamp with time zone stop_fines_time timestamp with time zone checkin_time timestamp with time zone create_time timestamp with time zone duration interval fine_interval interval recurring_fine numeric(6,2) max_fine numeric(6,2) phone_renewal boolean desk_renewal boolean opac_renewal boolean duration_rule text recurring_fine_rule text max_fine_rule text stop_fines text workstation integer checkin_workstation integer checkin_scan_time timestamp with time zone parent_circ bigint billable_circulations Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint usr integer xact_start timestamp with time zone xact_finish timestamp with time zone unrecovered boolean target_copy bigint circ_lib integer circ_staff integer checkin_staff integer checkin_lib integer renewal_remaining integer due_date timestamp with time zone stop_fines_time timestamp with time zone checkin_time timestamp with time zone create_time timestamp with time zone duration interval fine_interval interval recurring_fine numeric(6,2) max_fine numeric(6,2) phone_renewal boolean desk_renewal boolean opac_renewal boolean duration_rule text recurring_fine_rule text max_fine_rule text stop_fines text workstation integer checkin_workstation integer checkin_scan_time timestamp with time zone parent_circ bigint circulation Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('money.billable_xact_id_seq'::regclass); usr integer NOT NULL; xact_start timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); xact_finish timestamp with time zone unrecovered boolean target_copy bigint NOT NULL; circ_lib integer NOT NULL; circ_staff integer NOT NULL; checkin_staff integer checkin_lib integer renewal_remaining integer NOT NULL; due_date timestamp with time zone stop_fines_time timestamp with time zone checkin_time timestamp with time zone create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); duration interval fine_interval interval NOT NULL; DEFAULT '1 day'::interval; recurring_fine numeric(6,2) max_fine numeric(6,2) phone_renewal boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; desk_renewal boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; opac_renewal boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; duration_rule text NOT NULL; recurring_fine_rule text NOT NULL; max_fine_rule text NOT NULL; stop_fines text workstation integer checkin_workstation integer checkin_scan_time timestamp with time zone parent_circ bigint Constraints on circulation circulation_stop_fines_check CHECK ((stop_fines = ANY (ARRAY['CHECKIN'::text, 'CLAIMSRETURNED'::text, 'LOST'::text, 'MAXFINES'::text, 'RENEW'::text, 'LONGOVERDUE'::text, 'CLAIMSNEVERCHECKEDOUT'::text]))) Tables referencing action.circulation via Foreign Key Constraints fieldset Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY owner integer NOT NULL; owning_lib integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; status text NOT NULL; creation_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); scheduled_time timestamp with time zone applied_time timestamp with time zone classname text NOT NULL; name text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; stored_query integer pkey_value text Constraints on fieldset fieldset_one_or_the_other CHECK ((((stored_query IS NOT NULL) AND (pkey_value IS NULL)) OR ((pkey_value IS NOT NULL) AND (stored_query IS NULL)))) valid_status CHECK ((status = ANY (ARRAY['PENDING'::text, 'APPLIED'::text, 'ERROR'::text]))) Tables referencing action.fieldset_col_val via Foreign Key Constraints fieldset_col_val Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY fieldset integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; col text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; val text hold_copy_map Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY hold integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; target_copy bigint UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; hold_notification Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY hold integer NOT NULL; notify_staff integer notify_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); method text NOT NULL; note text hold_request Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY request_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); capture_time timestamp with time zone fulfillment_time timestamp with time zone checkin_time timestamp with time zone return_time timestamp with time zone prev_check_time timestamp with time zone expire_time timestamp with time zone cancel_time timestamp with time zone cancel_cause integer cancel_note text target bigint NOT NULL; current_copy bigint fulfillment_staff integer fulfillment_lib integer request_lib integer NOT NULL; requestor integer NOT NULL; usr integer NOT NULL; selection_ou integer NOT NULL; selection_depth integer NOT NULL; pickup_lib integer NOT NULL; hold_type text NOT NULL; holdable_formats text phone_notify text email_notify boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; frozen boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; thaw_date timestamp with time zone shelf_time timestamp with time zone cut_in_line boolean mint_condition boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; shelf_expire_time timestamp with time zone Tables referencing action.hold_copy_map via Foreign Key Constraints hold_request_cancel_cause Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY label text UNIQUE; Tables referencing action.hold_request via Foreign Key Constraints hold_request_note Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY hold bigint NOT NULL; title text NOT NULL; body text NOT NULL; slip boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; pub boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; staff boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; hold_transit_copy Field Data Type Constraints and References id integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('action.transit_copy_id_seq'::regclass); source_send_time timestamp with time zone dest_recv_time timestamp with time zone target_copy bigint NOT NULL; source integer NOT NULL; dest integer NOT NULL; prev_hop integer copy_status integer NOT NULL; persistant_transfer boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; prev_dest integer hold integer in_house_use Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY item bigint NOT NULL; staff integer NOT NULL; org_unit integer NOT NULL; use_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); non_cat_in_house_use Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY item_type bigint NOT NULL; staff integer NOT NULL; org_unit integer NOT NULL; use_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); non_cataloged_circulation Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY patron integer NOT NULL; staff integer NOT NULL; circ_lib integer NOT NULL; item_type integer NOT NULL; circ_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); open_circulation Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint usr integer xact_start timestamp with time zone xact_finish timestamp with time zone unrecovered boolean target_copy bigint circ_lib integer circ_staff integer checkin_staff integer checkin_lib integer renewal_remaining integer due_date timestamp with time zone stop_fines_time timestamp with time zone checkin_time timestamp with time zone create_time timestamp with time zone duration interval fine_interval interval recurring_fine numeric(6,2) max_fine numeric(6,2) phone_renewal boolean desk_renewal boolean opac_renewal boolean duration_rule text recurring_fine_rule text max_fine_rule text stop_fines text workstation integer checkin_workstation integer checkin_scan_time timestamp with time zone parent_circ bigint reservation_transit_copy Field Data Type Constraints and References id integer PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('action.transit_copy_id_seq'::regclass); source_send_time timestamp with time zone dest_recv_time timestamp with time zone target_copy bigint NOT NULL; source integer NOT NULL; dest integer NOT NULL; prev_hop integer copy_status integer NOT NULL; persistant_transfer boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; prev_dest integer reservation integer survey Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY owner integer NOT NULL; start_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); end_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT (now() + '10 years'::interval); usr_summary boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; opac boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; poll boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; required boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; name text NOT NULL; description text NOT NULL; Tables referencing action.survey_question via Foreign Key Constraints survey_answer Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY question integer NOT NULL; answer text NOT NULL; Tables referencing action.survey_response via Foreign Key Constraints survey_question Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY survey integer NOT NULL; question text NOT NULL; Tables referencing action.survey_answer via Foreign Key Constraints survey_response Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY response_group_id integer usr integer survey integer NOT NULL; question integer NOT NULL; answer integer NOT NULL; answer_date timestamp with time zone effective_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); transit_copy Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY source_send_time timestamp with time zone dest_recv_time timestamp with time zone target_copy bigint NOT NULL; source integer NOT NULL; dest integer NOT NULL; prev_hop integer copy_status integer NOT NULL; persistant_transfer boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; prev_dest integer Tables referencing action.transit_copy via Foreign Key Constraints unfulfilled_hold_innermost_loop Field Data Type Constraints and References hold integer circ_lib integer count bigint unfulfilled_hold_list Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY current_copy bigint NOT NULL; hold integer NOT NULL; circ_lib integer NOT NULL; fail_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); unfulfilled_hold_loops Field Data Type Constraints and References hold integer circ_lib integer count bigint unfulfilled_hold_max_loop Field Data Type Constraints and References hold integer max bigint unfulfilled_hold_min_loop Field Data Type Constraints and References hold integer min bigint
Schema action_trigger cleanup Field Data Type Constraints and References module text PRIMARY KEY description text Tables referencing action_trigger.event_definition via Foreign Key Constraints collector Field Data Type Constraints and References module text PRIMARY KEY description text Tables referencing action_trigger.environment via Foreign Key Constraints environment Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY event_def integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; path text collector text label text UNIQUE#1 ; Constraints on environment environment_label_check CHECK ((label <> ALL (ARRAY['result'::text, 'target'::text, 'event'::text]))) event Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY target bigint NOT NULL; event_def integer add_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); run_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; start_time timestamp with time zone update_time timestamp with time zone complete_time timestamp with time zone update_process integer state text NOT NULL; DEFAULT 'pending'::text; user_data text template_output bigint error_output bigint async_output bigint Constraints on event event_state_check CHECK ((state = ANY (ARRAY['pending'::text, 'invalid'::text, 'found'::text, 'collecting'::text, 'collected'::text, 'validating'::text, 'valid'::text, 'reacting'::text, 'reacted'::text, 'cleaning'::text, 'complete'::text, 'error'::text]))) event_user_data_check CHECK (((user_data IS NULL) OR is_json(user_data))) event_definition Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY active boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; owner integer UNIQUE#2 ; UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; name text UNIQUE#2 ; NOT NULL; hook text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; validator text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; reactor text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; cleanup_success text cleanup_failure text delay interval UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; DEFAULT '00:05:00'::interval; max_delay interval usr_field text opt_in_setting text delay_field text UNIQUE#1 ; group_field text template text granularity text Tables referencing action_trigger.environment via Foreign Key Constraints event_output Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); is_error boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; data text NOT NULL; Tables referencing action_trigger.event via Foreign Key Constraints event_params Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY event_def integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; param text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; value text NOT NULL; hook Field Data Type Constraints and References key text PRIMARY KEY core_type text NOT NULL; description text passive boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; Tables referencing action_trigger.event_definition via Foreign Key Constraints reactor Field Data Type Constraints and References module text PRIMARY KEY description text Tables referencing action_trigger.event_definition via Foreign Key Constraints validator Field Data Type Constraints and References module text PRIMARY KEY description text Tables referencing action_trigger.event_definition via Foreign Key Constraints
Schema actor card Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY usr integer NOT NULL; barcode text UNIQUE; NOT NULL; active boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; hours_of_operation Field Data Type Constraints and References id integer PRIMARY KEY dow_0_open time without time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT '09:00:00'::time without time zone; dow_0_close time without time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT '17:00:00'::time without time zone; dow_1_open time without time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT '09:00:00'::time without time zone; dow_1_close time without time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT '17:00:00'::time without time zone; dow_2_open time without time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT '09:00:00'::time without time zone; dow_2_close time without time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT '17:00:00'::time without time zone; dow_3_open time without time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT '09:00:00'::time without time zone; dow_3_close time without time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT '17:00:00'::time without time zone; dow_4_open time without time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT '09:00:00'::time without time zone; dow_4_close time without time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT '17:00:00'::time without time zone; dow_5_open time without time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT '09:00:00'::time without time zone; dow_5_close time without time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT '17:00:00'::time without time zone; dow_6_open time without time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT '09:00:00'::time without time zone; dow_6_close time without time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT '17:00:00'::time without time zone; org_address Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY valid boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; address_type text NOT NULL; DEFAULT 'MAILING'::text; org_unit integer NOT NULL; street1 text NOT NULL; street2 text city text NOT NULL; county text state text NOT NULL; country text NOT NULL; post_code text NOT NULL; san text Tables referencing actor.org_unit via Foreign Key Constraints org_lasso Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY name text UNIQUE; Tables referencing actor.org_lasso_map via Foreign Key Constraints org_lasso_map Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY lasso integer NOT NULL; org_unit integer NOT NULL; org_unit Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY parent_ou integer ou_type integer NOT NULL; ill_address integer holds_address integer mailing_address integer billing_address integer shortname text UNIQUE; NOT NULL; name text UNIQUE; NOT NULL; email text phone text opac_visible boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; fiscal_calendar integer NOT NULL; DEFAULT 1; Tables referencing acq.cancel_reason via Foreign Key Constraints org_unit_closed Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY org_unit integer NOT NULL; close_start timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; close_end timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; reason text org_unit_proximity Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY from_org integer to_org integer prox integer org_unit_setting Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY org_unit integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; name text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; value text NOT NULL; org_unit_type Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY name text NOT NULL; opac_label text NOT NULL; depth integer NOT NULL; parent integer can_have_vols boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; can_have_users boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; Tables referencing actor.org_unit via Foreign Key Constraints stat_cat Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY owner integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; name text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; opac_visible boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; usr_summary boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; Tables referencing actor.stat_cat_entry via Foreign Key Constraints stat_cat_entry Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY stat_cat integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; owner integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; value text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; stat_cat_entry_usr_map Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY stat_cat_entry text NOT NULL; stat_cat integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; target_usr integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; usr Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY card integer UNIQUE; profile integer NOT NULL; usrname text UNIQUE; NOT NULL; email text passwd text NOT NULL; standing integer NOT NULL; DEFAULT 1; ident_type integer NOT NULL; ident_value text ident_type2 integer ident_value2 text net_access_level integer NOT NULL; DEFAULT 1; photo_url text prefix text first_given_name text NOT NULL; second_given_name text family_name text NOT NULL; suffix text alias text day_phone text evening_phone text other_phone text mailing_address integer billing_address integer home_ou integer NOT NULL; dob timestamp with time zone active boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; master_account boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; super_user boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; barred boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; deleted boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; juvenile boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; usrgroup serial NOT NULL; claims_returned_count integer NOT NULL; credit_forward_balance numeric(6,2) NOT NULL; DEFAULT 0.00; last_xact_id text NOT NULL; DEFAULT 'none'::text; alert_message text create_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); expire_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT (now() + '3 years'::interval); claims_never_checked _out_count integer NOT NULL; Tables referencing acq.claim_event via Foreign Key Constraints usr_address Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY valid boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; within_city_limits boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; address_type text NOT NULL; DEFAULT 'MAILING'::text; usr integer NOT NULL; street1 text NOT NULL; street2 text city text NOT NULL; county text state text NOT NULL; country text NOT NULL; post_code text NOT NULL; pending boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; replaces integer Tables referencing actor.usr via Foreign Key Constraints usr_note Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY usr bigint NOT NULL; creator bigint NOT NULL; create_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(); pub boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; title text NOT NULL; value text NOT NULL; usr_org_unit_opt_in Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY org_unit integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; usr integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; staff integer NOT NULL; opt_in_ts timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); opt_in_ws integer NOT NULL; usr_password_reset Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY uuid text NOT NULL; usr bigint NOT NULL; request_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); has_been_reset boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; usr_saved_search Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY owner integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; name text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; create_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); query_text text NOT NULL; query_type text NOT NULL; DEFAULT 'URL'::text; target text NOT NULL; Constraints on usr_saved_search valid_query_text CHECK ((query_type = 'URL'::text)) valid_target CHECK ((target = ANY (ARRAY['record'::text, 'metarecord'::text, 'callnumber'::text]))) usr_setting Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY usr integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; name text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; value text NOT NULL; usr_standing_penalty Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY org_unit integer NOT NULL; usr integer NOT NULL; standing_penalty integer NOT NULL; staff integer set_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(); stop_date timestamp with time zone note text workstation Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY name text UNIQUE; NOT NULL; owning_lib integer NOT NULL; Tables referencing action.circulation via Foreign Key Constraints
Schema asset call_number Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY creator bigint NOT NULL; create_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(); editor bigint NOT NULL; edit_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(); record bigint NOT NULL; owning_lib integer NOT NULL; label text NOT NULL; deleted boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; label_class bigint NOT NULL; DEFAULT 1; label_sortkey text Tables referencing asset.call_number_note via Foreign Key Constraints call_number_class Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY name text NOT NULL; normalizer text NOT NULL; DEFAULT 'asset.normalize_generic'::text; field text NOT NULL; DEFAULT '050ab, 055ab, 060ab, 070ab, 080ab, 082ab, 086ab, 088ab, 090, 092, 096, 098, 099 '::text; Tables referencing asset.call_number via Foreign Key Constraints call_number_note Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY call_number bigint NOT NULL; creator bigint NOT NULL; create_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(); pub boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; title text NOT NULL; value text NOT NULL; copy Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY circ_lib integer NOT NULL; creator bigint NOT NULL; call_number bigint NOT NULL; editor bigint NOT NULL; create_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(); edit_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(); copy_number integer status integer NOT NULL; location integer NOT NULL; DEFAULT 1; loan_duration integer NOT NULL; fine_level integer NOT NULL; age_protect integer circulate boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; deposit boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; ref boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; holdable boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; deposit_amount numeric(6,2) NOT NULL; DEFAULT 0.00; price numeric(8,2) barcode text NOT NULL; circ_modifier text circ_as_type text dummy_title text dummy_author text alert_message text opac_visible boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; deleted boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; floating boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; dummy_isbn text status_changed_time timestamp with time zone mint_condition boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; cost numeric(8,2) Constraints on copy copy_fine_level_check CHECK ((fine_level = ANY (ARRAY[1, 2, 3]))) copy_loan_duration_check CHECK ((loan_duration = ANY (ARRAY[1, 2, 3]))) Tables referencing asset.copy_note via Foreign Key Constraints copy_location Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY name text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; owning_lib integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; holdable boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; hold_verify boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; opac_visible boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; circulate boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; label_prefix text label_suffix text Tables referencing acq.distribution_formula_entry via Foreign Key Constraints copy_location_order Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY location integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; org integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; position integer NOT NULL; copy_note Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY owning_copy bigint NOT NULL; creator bigint NOT NULL; create_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(); pub boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; title text NOT NULL; value text NOT NULL; copy_template Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY owning_lib integer NOT NULL; creator bigint NOT NULL; editor bigint NOT NULL; create_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(); edit_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(); name text NOT NULL; circ_lib integer status integer location integer loan_duration integer fine_level integer age_protect integer circulate boolean deposit boolean ref boolean holdable boolean deposit_amount numeric(6,2) price numeric(8,2) circ_modifier text circ_as_type text alert_message text opac_visible boolean floating boolean mint_condition boolean Constraints on copy_template valid_fine_level CHECK (((fine_level IS NULL) OR (loan_duration = ANY (ARRAY[1, 2, 3])))) valid_loan_duration CHECK (((loan_duration IS NULL) OR (loan_duration = ANY (ARRAY[1, 2, 3])))) Tables referencing serial.distribution via Foreign Key Constraints opac_visible_copies Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint PRIMARY KEY record bigint circ_lib integer stat_cat Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY owner integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; opac_visible boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; name text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; required boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; Tables referencing asset.stat_cat_entry via Foreign Key Constraints stat_cat_entry Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY stat_cat integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; owner integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; value text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; Tables referencing asset.stat_cat_entry_copy_map via Foreign Key Constraints stat_cat_entry_copy_map Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY stat_cat integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; stat_cat_entry integer NOT NULL; owning_copy bigint UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; stat_cat_entry_transparency_map Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY stat_cat integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; stat_cat_entry integer NOT NULL; owning_transparency integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; uri Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY href text NOT NULL; label text use_restriction text active boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; Tables referencing asset.uri_call_number_map via Foreign Key Constraints uri_call_number_map Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY uri integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; call_number integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL;
Schema auditor acq_invoice_entry_history Field Data Type Constraints and References audit_id bigint PRIMARY KEY audit_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; audit_action text NOT NULL; id integer NOT NULL; invoice integer NOT NULL; purchase_order integer lineitem integer inv_item_count integer NOT NULL; phys_item_count integer note text billed_per_item boolean cost_billed numeric(8,2) actual_cost numeric(8,2) amount_paid numeric(8,2) acq_invoice_entry_lifecycle Field Data Type Constraints and References ?column? bigint audit_time timestamp with time zone audit_action text id integer invoice integer purchase_order integer lineitem integer inv_item_count integer phys_item_count integer note text billed_per_item boolean cost_billed numeric(8,2) actual_cost numeric(8,2) amount_paid numeric(8,2) acq_invoice_history Field Data Type Constraints and References audit_id bigint PRIMARY KEY audit_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; audit_action text NOT NULL; id integer NOT NULL; receiver integer NOT NULL; provider integer NOT NULL; shipper integer NOT NULL; recv_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; recv_method text NOT NULL; inv_type text inv_ident text NOT NULL; payment_auth text payment_method text note text complete boolean NOT NULL; acq_invoice_item_history Field Data Type Constraints and References audit_id bigint PRIMARY KEY audit_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; audit_action text NOT NULL; id integer NOT NULL; invoice integer NOT NULL; purchase_order integer fund_debit integer inv_item_type text NOT NULL; title text author text note text cost_billed numeric(8,2) actual_cost numeric(8,2) fund integer amount_paid numeric(8,2) po_item integer target bigint acq_invoice_item_lifecycle Field Data Type Constraints and References ?column? bigint audit_time timestamp with time zone audit_action text id integer invoice integer purchase_order integer fund_debit integer inv_item_type text title text author text note text cost_billed numeric(8,2) actual_cost numeric(8,2) fund integer amount_paid numeric(8,2) po_item integer target bigint acq_invoice_lifecycle Field Data Type Constraints and References ?column? bigint audit_time timestamp with time zone audit_action text id integer receiver integer provider integer shipper integer recv_date timestamp with time zone recv_method text inv_type text inv_ident text payment_auth text payment_method text note text complete boolean actor_org_unit_history Field Data Type Constraints and References audit_id bigint PRIMARY KEY audit_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; audit_action text NOT NULL; id integer NOT NULL; parent_ou integer ou_type integer NOT NULL; ill_address integer holds_address integer mailing_address integer billing_address integer shortname text NOT NULL; name text NOT NULL; email text phone text opac_visible boolean NOT NULL; fiscal_calendar integer NOT NULL; actor_org_unit_lifecycle Field Data Type Constraints and References ?column? bigint audit_time timestamp with time zone audit_action text id integer parent_ou integer ou_type integer ill_address integer holds_address integer mailing_address integer billing_address integer shortname text name text email text phone text opac_visible boolean fiscal_calendar integer actor_usr_address_history Field Data Type Constraints and References audit_id bigint PRIMARY KEY audit_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; audit_action text NOT NULL; id integer NOT NULL; valid boolean NOT NULL; within_city_limits boolean NOT NULL; address_type text NOT NULL; usr integer NOT NULL; street1 text NOT NULL; street2 text city text NOT NULL; county text state text NOT NULL; country text NOT NULL; post_code text NOT NULL; pending boolean NOT NULL; replaces integer actor_usr_address_lifecycle Field Data Type Constraints and References ?column? bigint audit_time timestamp with time zone audit_action text id integer valid boolean within_city_limits boolean address_type text usr integer street1 text street2 text city text county text state text country text post_code text pending boolean replaces integer actor_usr_history Field Data Type Constraints and References audit_id bigint PRIMARY KEY audit_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; audit_action text NOT NULL; id integer NOT NULL; card integer profile integer NOT NULL; usrname text NOT NULL; email text passwd text NOT NULL; standing integer NOT NULL; ident_type integer NOT NULL; ident_value text ident_type2 integer ident_value2 text net_access_level integer NOT NULL; photo_url text prefix text first_given_name text NOT NULL; second_given_name text family_name text NOT NULL; suffix text alias text day_phone text evening_phone text other_phone text mailing_address integer billing_address integer home_ou integer NOT NULL; dob timestamp with time zone active boolean NOT NULL; master_account boolean NOT NULL; super_user boolean NOT NULL; barred boolean NOT NULL; deleted boolean NOT NULL; juvenile boolean NOT NULL; usrgroup integer NOT NULL; claims_returned_count integer NOT NULL; credit_forward_balance numeric(6,2) NOT NULL; last_xact_id text NOT NULL; alert_message text create_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; expire_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; claims_never_checked _out_count integer NOT NULL; actor_usr_lifecycle Field Data Type Constraints and References ?column? bigint audit_time timestamp with time zone audit_action text id integer card integer profile integer usrname text email text passwd text standing integer ident_type integer ident_value text ident_type2 integer ident_value2 text net_access_level integer photo_url text prefix text first_given_name text second_given_name text family_name text suffix text alias text day_phone text evening_phone text other_phone text mailing_address integer billing_address integer home_ou integer dob timestamp with time zone active boolean master_account boolean super_user boolean barred boolean deleted boolean juvenile boolean usrgroup integer claims_returned_count integer credit_forward_balance numeric(6,2) last_xact_id text alert_message text create_date timestamp with time zone expire_date timestamp with time zone claims_never_checked _out_count integer asset_call_number_history Field Data Type Constraints and References audit_id bigint PRIMARY KEY audit_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; audit_action text NOT NULL; id bigint NOT NULL; creator bigint NOT NULL; create_date timestamp with time zone editor bigint NOT NULL; edit_date timestamp with time zone record bigint NOT NULL; owning_lib integer NOT NULL; label text NOT NULL; deleted boolean NOT NULL; label_class bigint NOT NULL; label_sortkey text asset_call_number_lifecycle Field Data Type Constraints and References ?column? bigint audit_time timestamp with time zone audit_action text id bigint creator bigint create_date timestamp with time zone editor bigint edit_date timestamp with time zone record bigint owning_lib integer label text deleted boolean label_class bigint label_sortkey text asset_copy_history Field Data Type Constraints and References audit_id bigint PRIMARY KEY audit_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; audit_action text NOT NULL; id bigint NOT NULL; circ_lib integer NOT NULL; creator bigint NOT NULL; call_number bigint NOT NULL; editor bigint NOT NULL; create_date timestamp with time zone edit_date timestamp with time zone copy_number integer status integer NOT NULL; location integer NOT NULL; loan_duration integer NOT NULL; fine_level integer NOT NULL; age_protect integer circulate boolean NOT NULL; deposit boolean NOT NULL; ref boolean NOT NULL; holdable boolean NOT NULL; deposit_amount numeric(6,2) NOT NULL; price numeric(8,2) barcode text NOT NULL; circ_modifier text circ_as_type text dummy_title text dummy_author text alert_message text opac_visible boolean NOT NULL; deleted boolean NOT NULL; floating boolean NOT NULL; dummy_isbn text status_changed_time timestamp with time zone mint_condition boolean NOT NULL; cost numeric(8,2) asset_copy_lifecycle Field Data Type Constraints and References ?column? bigint audit_time timestamp with time zone audit_action text id bigint circ_lib integer creator bigint call_number bigint editor bigint create_date timestamp with time zone edit_date timestamp with time zone copy_number integer status integer location integer loan_duration integer fine_level integer age_protect integer circulate boolean deposit boolean ref boolean holdable boolean deposit_amount numeric(6,2) price numeric(8,2) barcode text circ_modifier text circ_as_type text dummy_title text dummy_author text alert_message text opac_visible boolean deleted boolean floating boolean dummy_isbn text status_changed_time timestamp with time zone mint_condition boolean cost numeric(8,2) biblio_record_entry_history Field Data Type Constraints and References audit_id bigint PRIMARY KEY audit_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; audit_action text NOT NULL; id bigint NOT NULL; creator integer NOT NULL; editor integer NOT NULL; source integer quality integer create_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; edit_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; active boolean NOT NULL; deleted boolean NOT NULL; fingerprint text tcn_source text NOT NULL; tcn_value text NOT NULL; marc text NOT NULL; last_xact_id text NOT NULL; owner integer share_depth integer biblio_record_entry_lifecycle Field Data Type Constraints and References ?column? bigint audit_time timestamp with time zone audit_action text id bigint creator integer editor integer source integer quality integer create_date timestamp with time zone edit_date timestamp with time zone active boolean deleted boolean fingerprint text tcn_source text tcn_value text marc text last_xact_id text owner integer share_depth integer
Schema authority bib_linking Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY bib bigint NOT NULL; authority bigint NOT NULL; full_rec Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY record bigint NOT NULL; tag character(3) NOT NULL; ind1 text ind2 text subfield text value text NOT NULL; index_vector tsvector NOT NULL; rec_descriptor Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY record bigint record_status text char_encoding text record_entry Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY creator integer NOT NULL; DEFAULT 1; editor integer NOT NULL; DEFAULT 1; create_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); edit_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); active boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; deleted boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; source integer marc text NOT NULL; last_xact_id text NOT NULL; owner integer Tables referencing authority.bib_linking via Foreign Key Constraints record_note Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY record bigint NOT NULL; value text NOT NULL; creator integer NOT NULL; DEFAULT 1; editor integer NOT NULL; DEFAULT 1; create_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); edit_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); tracing_links Field Data Type Constraints and References record bigint main_id bigint main_tag character(3) main_value text relationship text use_restriction text deprecation text display_restriction text link_id bigint link_tag character(3) link_value text
Schema biblio record_entry Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY creator integer NOT NULL; DEFAULT 1; editor integer NOT NULL; DEFAULT 1; source integer quality integer create_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); edit_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); active boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; deleted boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; fingerprint text tcn_source text NOT NULL; DEFAULT 'AUTOGEN'::text; tcn_value text NOT NULL; DEFAULT biblio.next_autogen_tcn_value(); marc text NOT NULL; last_xact_id text NOT NULL; owner integer share_depth integer Tables referencing acq.lineitem via Foreign Key Constraints record_note Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY record bigint NOT NULL; value text NOT NULL; creator integer NOT NULL; DEFAULT 1; editor integer NOT NULL; DEFAULT 1; pub boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; create_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); edit_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now();
Schema booking reservation Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('money.billable_xact_id_seq'::regclass); usr integer NOT NULL; xact_start timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); xact_finish timestamp with time zone unrecovered boolean request_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); start_time timestamp with time zone end_time timestamp with time zone capture_time timestamp with time zone cancel_time timestamp with time zone pickup_time timestamp with time zone return_time timestamp with time zone booking_interval interval fine_interval interval fine_amount numeric(8,2) max_fine numeric(8,2) target_resource_type integer NOT NULL; target_resource integer current_resource integer request_lib integer NOT NULL; pickup_lib integer capture_staff integer Tables referencing action.reservation_transit_copy via Foreign Key Constraints reservation_attr_value_map Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY reservation integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; attr_value integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; resource Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY owner integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; type integer NOT NULL; overbook boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; barcode text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; deposit boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; deposit_amount numeric(8,2) NOT NULL; DEFAULT 0.00; user_fee numeric(8,2) NOT NULL; DEFAULT 0.00; Tables referencing action.reservation_transit_copy via Foreign Key Constraints resource_attr Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY owner integer NOT NULL; name text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; resource_type integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; required boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; Tables referencing booking.resource_attr_map via Foreign Key Constraints resource_attr_map Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY resource integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; resource_attr integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; value integer NOT NULL; resource_attr_value Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY owner integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; attr integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; valid_value text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; Tables referencing booking.reservation_attr_value_map via Foreign Key Constraints resource_type Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY name text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; elbow_room interval fine_interval interval fine_amount numeric(8,2) NOT NULL; max_fine numeric(8,2) owner integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; catalog_item boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; transferable boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; record bigint UNIQUE#1 ; Tables referencing booking.reservation via Foreign Key Constraints
Schema config audience_map Field Data Type Constraints and References code text PRIMARY KEY value text NOT NULL; description text bib_level_map Field Data Type Constraints and References code text PRIMARY KEY value text NOT NULL; bib_source Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY quality integer source text UNIQUE; NOT NULL; transcendant boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; Constraints on bib_source bib_source_quality_check CHECK (((quality >= 0) AND (quality <= 100))) Tables referencing vandelay.queued_bib_record via Foreign Key Constraints biblio_fingerprint Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY name text NOT NULL; xpath text NOT NULL; first_word boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; format text NOT NULL; DEFAULT 'marcxml'::text; billing_type Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY name text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; owner integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; default_price numeric(6,2) Tables referencing money.billing via Foreign Key Constraints circ_matrix_circ_mod_test Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY matchpoint integer NOT NULL; items_out integer NOT NULL; Tables referencing config.circ_matrix_circ_mod_test_map via Foreign Key Constraints circ_matrix_circ_mod_test_map Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY circ_mod_test integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; circ_mod text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; circ_matrix_matchpoint Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY active boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; org_unit integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; grp integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; circ_modifier text UNIQUE#1 ; marc_type text UNIQUE#1 ; marc_form text UNIQUE#1 ; marc_vr_format text UNIQUE#1 ; copy_circ_lib integer UNIQUE#1 ; copy_owning_lib integer UNIQUE#1 ; ref_flag boolean UNIQUE#1 ; juvenile_flag boolean UNIQUE#1 ; is_renewal boolean UNIQUE#1 ; usr_age_lower_bound interval UNIQUE#1 ; usr_age_upper_bound interval UNIQUE#1 ; circulate boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; duration_rule integer NOT NULL; recurring_fine_rule integer NOT NULL; max_fine_rule integer NOT NULL; hard_due_date integer script_test text total_copy_hold_ratio double precision available_copy_hold_ratio double precision Tables referencing config.circ_matrix_circ_mod_test via Foreign Key Constraints circ_modifier Field Data Type Constraints and References code text PRIMARY KEY name text UNIQUE; NOT NULL; description text NOT NULL; sip2_media_type text NOT NULL; magnetic_media boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; avg_wait_time interval Tables referencing acq.lineitem_detail via Foreign Key Constraints copy_status Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY name text UNIQUE; NOT NULL; holdable boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; opac_visible boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; Tables referencing action.transit_copy via Foreign Key Constraints global_flag Field Data Type Constraints and References name text PRIMARY KEY value text enabled boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; label text NOT NULL; hard_due_date Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY name text UNIQUE; NOT NULL; ceiling_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; forceto boolean NOT NULL; owner integer NOT NULL; Constraints on hard_due_date hard_due_date_name_check CHECK ((name ~ '^\\w+$'::text)) Tables referencing config.circ_matrix_matchpoint via Foreign Key Constraints hard_due_date_values Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY hard_due_date integer NOT NULL; ceiling_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; active_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; hold_matrix_matchpoint Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY active boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; user_home_ou integer UNIQUE#1 ; request_ou integer UNIQUE#1 ; pickup_ou integer UNIQUE#1 ; item_owning_ou integer UNIQUE#1 ; item_circ_ou integer UNIQUE#1 ; usr_grp integer UNIQUE#1 ; requestor_grp integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; circ_modifier text UNIQUE#1 ; marc_type text UNIQUE#1 ; marc_form text UNIQUE#1 ; marc_vr_format text UNIQUE#1 ; juvenile_flag boolean UNIQUE#1 ; ref_flag boolean UNIQUE#1 ; holdable boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; distance_is_from_owner boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; transit_range integer max_holds integer include_frozen_holds boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; stop_blocked_user boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; age_hold_protect_rule integer i18n_core Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY fq_field text NOT NULL; identity_value text NOT NULL; translation text NOT NULL; string text NOT NULL; i18n_locale Field Data Type Constraints and References code text PRIMARY KEY marc_code text NOT NULL; name text UNIQUE; NOT NULL; description text Tables referencing config.i18n_core via Foreign Key Constraints identification_type Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY name text UNIQUE; NOT NULL; Tables referencing actor.usr via Foreign Key Constraints idl_field_doc Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY fm_class text NOT NULL; field text NOT NULL; owner integer NOT NULL; string text NOT NULL; index_normalizer Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY name text UNIQUE; NOT NULL; description text func text NOT NULL; param_count integer NOT NULL; Tables referencing config.metabib_field_index_norm_map via Foreign Key Constraints internal_flag Field Data Type Constraints and References name text PRIMARY KEY value text enabled boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; item_form_map Field Data Type Constraints and References code text PRIMARY KEY value text NOT NULL; Tables referencing config.circ_matrix_matchpoint via Foreign Key Constraints item_type_map Field Data Type Constraints and References code text PRIMARY KEY value text NOT NULL; Tables referencing config.circ_matrix_matchpoint via Foreign Key Constraints language_map Field Data Type Constraints and References code text PRIMARY KEY value text NOT NULL; Tables referencing config.i18n_locale via Foreign Key Constraints lit_form_map Field Data Type Constraints and References code text PRIMARY KEY value text NOT NULL; description text marc21_ff_pos_map Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY fixed_field text NOT NULL; tag text NOT NULL; rec_type text NOT NULL; start_pos integer NOT NULL; length integer NOT NULL; default_val text NOT NULL; DEFAULT ' '::text; marc21_physical_characteristic_subfield_map Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY ptype_key text NOT NULL; subfield text NOT NULL; start_pos integer NOT NULL; length integer NOT NULL; label text NOT NULL; Tables referencing config.marc21_physical_characteristic_value_map via Foreign Key Constraints marc21_physical_characteristic_type_map Field Data Type Constraints and References ptype_key text PRIMARY KEY label text NOT NULL; Tables referencing config.marc21_physical_characteristic_subfield_map via Foreign Key Constraints marc21_physical_characteristic_value_map Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY value text NOT NULL; ptype_subfield integer NOT NULL; label text NOT NULL; marc21_rec_type_map Field Data Type Constraints and References code text PRIMARY KEY type_val text NOT NULL; blvl_val text NOT NULL; metabib_class Field Data Type Constraints and References name text PRIMARY KEY label text UNIQUE; NOT NULL; Tables referencing config.metabib_field via Foreign Key Constraints metabib_field Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY field_class text NOT NULL; name text NOT NULL; label text NOT NULL; xpath text NOT NULL; weight integer NOT NULL; DEFAULT 1; format text NOT NULL; DEFAULT 'mods33'::text; search_field boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; facet_field boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; facet_xpath text Tables referencing config.metabib_field_index_norm_map via Foreign Key Constraints metabib_field_index_norm_map Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY field integer NOT NULL; norm integer NOT NULL; params text pos integer NOT NULL; metabib_search_alias Field Data Type Constraints and References alias text PRIMARY KEY field_class text NOT NULL; field integer net_access_level Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY name text UNIQUE; NOT NULL; Tables referencing actor.usr via Foreign Key Constraints non_cataloged_type Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY owning_lib integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; name text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; circ_duration interval NOT NULL; DEFAULT '14 days'::interval; in_house boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; Tables referencing action.non_cat_in_house_use via Foreign Key Constraints org_unit_setting_type Field Data Type Constraints and References name text PRIMARY KEY label text UNIQUE; NOT NULL; grp text description text datatype text NOT NULL; DEFAULT 'string'::text; fm_class text view_perm integer update_perm integer Constraints on org_unit_setting_type coust_no_empty_link CHECK ((((datatype = 'link'::text) AND (fm_class IS NOT NULL)) OR ((datatype <> 'link'::text) AND (fm_class IS NULL)))) coust_valid_datatype CHECK ((datatype = ANY (ARRAY['bool'::text, 'integer'::text, 'float'::text, 'currency'::text, 'interval'::text, 'date'::text, 'string'::text, 'object'::text, 'array'::text, 'link'::text]))) Tables referencing actor.org_unit_setting via Foreign Key Constraints remote_account Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY label text NOT NULL; host text NOT NULL; username text password text account text path text owner integer NOT NULL; last_activity timestamp with time zone rule_age_hold_protect Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY name text UNIQUE; NOT NULL; age interval NOT NULL; prox integer NOT NULL; Constraints on rule_age_hold_protect rule_age_hold_ protect_name_check CHECK ((name ~ '^\\w+$'::text)) Tables referencing config.hold_matrix_matchpoint via Foreign Key Constraints rule_circ_duration Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY name text UNIQUE; NOT NULL; extended interval NOT NULL; normal interval NOT NULL; shrt interval NOT NULL; max_renewals integer NOT NULL; Constraints on rule_circ_duration rule_circ_duration_name_check CHECK ((name ~ '^\\w+$'::text)) Tables referencing config.circ_matrix_matchpoint via Foreign Key Constraints rule_max_fine Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY name text UNIQUE; NOT NULL; amount numeric(6,2) NOT NULL; is_percent boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; Constraints on rule_max_fine rule_max_fine_name_check CHECK ((name ~ '^\\w+$'::text)) Tables referencing config.circ_matrix_matchpoint via Foreign Key Constraints rule_recurring_fine Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY name text UNIQUE; NOT NULL; high numeric(6,2) NOT NULL; normal numeric(6,2) NOT NULL; low numeric(6,2) NOT NULL; recurrence_interval interval NOT NULL; DEFAULT '1 day'::interval; Constraints on rule_recurring_fine rule_recurring_fine_name_check CHECK ((name ~ '^\\w+$'::text)) Tables referencing config.circ_matrix_matchpoint via Foreign Key Constraints settings_group Field Data Type Constraints and References name text PRIMARY KEY label text UNIQUE; NOT NULL; Tables referencing config.org_unit_setting_type via Foreign Key Constraints standing Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY value text UNIQUE; NOT NULL; Tables referencing actor.usr via Foreign Key Constraints standing_penalty Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY name text UNIQUE; NOT NULL; label text NOT NULL; block_list text org_depth integer Tables referencing actor.usr_standing_penalty via Foreign Key Constraints upgrade_log Field Data Type Constraints and References version text PRIMARY KEY install_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); usr_setting_type Field Data Type Constraints and References name text PRIMARY KEY opac_visible boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; label text UNIQUE; NOT NULL; description text grp text datatype text NOT NULL; DEFAULT 'string'::text; fm_class text Constraints on usr_setting_type coust_no_empty_link CHECK ((((datatype = 'link'::text) AND (fm_class IS NOT NULL)) OR ((datatype <> 'link'::text) AND (fm_class IS NULL)))) coust_valid_datatype CHECK ((datatype = ANY (ARRAY['bool'::text, 'integer'::text, 'float'::text, 'currency'::text, 'interval'::text, 'date'::text, 'string'::text, 'object'::text, 'array'::text, 'link'::text]))) Tables referencing action_trigger.event_definition via Foreign Key Constraints videorecording_format_map Field Data Type Constraints and References code text PRIMARY KEY value text NOT NULL; Tables referencing config.circ_matrix_matchpoint via Foreign Key Constraints xml_transform Field Data Type Constraints and References name text PRIMARY KEY namespace_uri text NOT NULL; prefix text NOT NULL; xslt text NOT NULL; Tables referencing config.metabib_field via Foreign Key Constraints z3950_attr Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY source text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; name text NOT NULL; label text NOT NULL; code integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; format integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; truncation integer NOT NULL; z3950_source Field Data Type Constraints and References name text PRIMARY KEY label text UNIQUE; NOT NULL; host text NOT NULL; port integer NOT NULL; db text NOT NULL; record_format text NOT NULL; DEFAULT 'FI'::text; transmission_format text NOT NULL; DEFAULT 'usmarc'::text; auth boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; Tables referencing config.z3950_attr via Foreign Key Constraints
Schema container biblio_record_entry_bucket Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY owner integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; name text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; btype text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; DEFAULT 'misc'::text; pub boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); Tables referencing container.biblio_record_entry_bucket_item via Foreign Key Constraints biblio_record_entry_bucket_item Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY bucket integer NOT NULL; target_biblio_record_entry bigint NOT NULL; pos integer create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); Tables referencing container.biblio_record_entry_bucket_item_note via Foreign Key Constraints biblio_record_entry_bucket_item_note Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY item integer NOT NULL; note text NOT NULL; biblio_record_entry_bucket_note Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY bucket integer NOT NULL; note text NOT NULL; biblio_record_entry_bucket_type Field Data Type Constraints and References code text PRIMARY KEY label text UNIQUE; NOT NULL; Tables referencing container.biblio_record_entry_bucket via Foreign Key Constraints call_number_bucket Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY owner integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; name text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; btype text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; DEFAULT 'misc'::text; pub boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); Tables referencing container.call_number_bucket_item via Foreign Key Constraints call_number_bucket_item Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY bucket integer NOT NULL; target_call_number integer NOT NULL; pos integer create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); Tables referencing container.call_number_bucket_item_note via Foreign Key Constraints call_number_bucket_item_note Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY item integer NOT NULL; note text NOT NULL; call_number_bucket_note Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY bucket integer NOT NULL; note text NOT NULL; call_number_bucket_type Field Data Type Constraints and References code text PRIMARY KEY label text UNIQUE; NOT NULL; Tables referencing container.call_number_bucket via Foreign Key Constraints copy_bucket Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY owner integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; name text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; btype text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; DEFAULT 'misc'::text; pub boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); Tables referencing container.copy_bucket_item via Foreign Key Constraints copy_bucket_item Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY bucket integer NOT NULL; target_copy integer NOT NULL; pos integer create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); Tables referencing container.copy_bucket_item_note via Foreign Key Constraints copy_bucket_item_note Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY item integer NOT NULL; note text NOT NULL; copy_bucket_note Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY bucket integer NOT NULL; note text NOT NULL; copy_bucket_type Field Data Type Constraints and References code text PRIMARY KEY label text UNIQUE; NOT NULL; Tables referencing container.copy_bucket via Foreign Key Constraints user_bucket Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY owner integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; name text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; btype text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; DEFAULT 'misc'::text; pub boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); Tables referencing container.user_bucket_item via Foreign Key Constraints user_bucket_item Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY bucket integer NOT NULL; target_user integer NOT NULL; pos integer create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); Tables referencing container.user_bucket_item_note via Foreign Key Constraints user_bucket_item_note Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY item integer NOT NULL; note text NOT NULL; user_bucket_note Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY bucket integer NOT NULL; note text NOT NULL; user_bucket_type Field Data Type Constraints and References code text PRIMARY KEY label text UNIQUE; NOT NULL; Tables referencing container.user_bucket via Foreign Key Constraints
Schema extend_reporter full_circ_count Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint circ_count bigint global_bibs_by_holding_update Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint holding_update timestamp with time zone update_type text legacy_circ_count Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint PRIMARY KEY circ_count integer NOT NULL;
Schema metabib author_field_entry Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY source bigint NOT NULL; field integer NOT NULL; value text NOT NULL; index_vector tsvector NOT NULL; facet_entry Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY source bigint NOT NULL; field integer NOT NULL; value text NOT NULL; full_rec Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint record bigint tag character(3) ind1 text ind2 text subfield text value text index_vector tsvector identifier_field_entry Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY source bigint NOT NULL; field integer NOT NULL; value text NOT NULL; index_vector tsvector NOT NULL; keyword_field_entry Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY source bigint NOT NULL; field integer NOT NULL; value text NOT NULL; index_vector tsvector NOT NULL; metarecord Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY fingerprint text NOT NULL; master_record bigint mods text Tables referencing metabib.metarecord_source_map via Foreign Key Constraints metarecord_source_map Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY metarecord bigint NOT NULL; source bigint NOT NULL; real_full_rec Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('metabib.full_rec_id_seq'::regclass); record bigint NOT NULL; tag character(3) NOT NULL; ind1 text ind2 text subfield text value text NOT NULL; index_vector tsvector NOT NULL; rec_descriptor Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY record bigint item_type text item_form text bib_level text control_type text char_encoding text enc_level text audience text lit_form text type_mat text cat_form text pub_status text item_lang text vr_format text date1 text date2 text series_field_entry Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY source bigint NOT NULL; field integer NOT NULL; value text NOT NULL; index_vector tsvector NOT NULL; subject_field_entry Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY source bigint NOT NULL; field integer NOT NULL; value text NOT NULL; index_vector tsvector NOT NULL; title_field_entry Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY source bigint NOT NULL; field integer NOT NULL; value text NOT NULL; index_vector tsvector NOT NULL;
Schema money billable_xact Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY usr integer NOT NULL; xact_start timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); xact_finish timestamp with time zone unrecovered boolean billable_xact_summary Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint usr integer xact_start timestamp with time zone xact_finish timestamp with time zone total_paid numeric last_payment_ts timestamp with time zone last_payment_note text last_payment_type name total_owed numeric last_billing_ts timestamp with time zone last_billing_note text last_billing_type text balance_owed numeric xact_type name billable_xact_summary_location_view Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint usr integer xact_start timestamp with time zone xact_finish timestamp with time zone total_paid numeric last_payment_ts timestamp with time zone last_payment_note text last_payment_type name total_owed numeric last_billing_ts timestamp with time zone last_billing_note text last_billing_type text balance_owed numeric xact_type name billing_location integer billable_xact_with_void_summary Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint usr integer xact_start timestamp with time zone xact_finish timestamp with time zone total_paid numeric last_payment_ts timestamp with time zone last_payment_note text last_payment_type name total_owed numeric last_billing_ts timestamp with time zone last_billing_note text last_billing_type text balance_owed numeric xact_type name billing Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY xact bigint NOT NULL; billing_ts timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); voided boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; voider integer void_time timestamp with time zone amount numeric(6,2) NOT NULL; billing_type text NOT NULL; btype integer NOT NULL; note text bnm_desk_payment Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('money.payment_id_seq'::regclass); xact bigint NOT NULL; payment_ts timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); voided boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; amount numeric(6,2) NOT NULL; note text amount_collected numeric(6,2) NOT NULL; accepting_usr integer NOT NULL; cash_drawer integer bnm_payment Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('money.payment_id_seq'::regclass); xact bigint NOT NULL; payment_ts timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); voided boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; amount numeric(6,2) NOT NULL; note text amount_collected numeric(6,2) NOT NULL; accepting_usr integer NOT NULL; bnm_payment_view Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint xact bigint payment_ts timestamp with time zone voided boolean amount numeric(6,2) note text amount_collected numeric(6,2) accepting_usr integer payment_type name cash_payment Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('money.payment_id_seq'::regclass); xact bigint NOT NULL; payment_ts timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); voided boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; amount numeric(6,2) NOT NULL; note text amount_collected numeric(6,2) NOT NULL; accepting_usr integer NOT NULL; cash_drawer integer cashdrawer_payment_view Field Data Type Constraints and References org_unit integer cashdrawer integer payment_type name payment_ts timestamp with time zone amount numeric(6,2) voided boolean note text check_payment Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('money.payment_id_seq'::regclass); xact bigint NOT NULL; payment_ts timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); voided boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; amount numeric(6,2) NOT NULL; note text amount_collected numeric(6,2) NOT NULL; accepting_usr integer NOT NULL; cash_drawer integer check_number text NOT NULL; collections_tracker Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY usr integer NOT NULL; collector integer NOT NULL; location integer NOT NULL; enter_time timestamp with time zone credit_card_payment Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('money.payment_id_seq'::regclass); xact bigint NOT NULL; payment_ts timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); voided boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; amount numeric(6,2) NOT NULL; note text amount_collected numeric(6,2) NOT NULL; accepting_usr integer NOT NULL; cash_drawer integer cc_type text cc_number text cc_processor text cc_first_name text cc_last_name text expire_month integer expire_year integer approval_code text credit_payment Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('money.payment_id_seq'::regclass); xact bigint NOT NULL; payment_ts timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); voided boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; amount numeric(6,2) NOT NULL; note text amount_collected numeric(6,2) NOT NULL; accepting_usr integer NOT NULL; desk_payment_view Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint xact bigint payment_ts timestamp with time zone voided boolean amount numeric(6,2) note text amount_collected numeric(6,2) accepting_usr integer cash_drawer integer payment_type name forgive_payment Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('money.payment_id_seq'::regclass); xact bigint NOT NULL; payment_ts timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); voided boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; amount numeric(6,2) NOT NULL; note text amount_collected numeric(6,2) NOT NULL; accepting_usr integer NOT NULL; goods_payment Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('money.payment_id_seq'::regclass); xact bigint NOT NULL; payment_ts timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); voided boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; amount numeric(6,2) NOT NULL; note text amount_collected numeric(6,2) NOT NULL; accepting_usr integer NOT NULL; grocery Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('money.billable_xact_id_seq'::regclass); usr integer NOT NULL; xact_start timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); xact_finish timestamp with time zone unrecovered boolean billing_location integer NOT NULL; note text materialized_billable_xact_summary Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint PRIMARY KEY usr integer xact_start timestamp with time zone xact_finish timestamp with time zone total_paid numeric last_payment_ts timestamp with time zone last_payment_note text last_payment_type name total_owed numeric last_billing_ts timestamp with time zone last_billing_note text last_billing_type text balance_owed numeric xact_type name non_drawer_payment_view Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint xact bigint payment_ts timestamp with time zone voided boolean amount numeric(6,2) note text amount_collected numeric(6,2) accepting_usr integer payment_type name open_billable_xact_summary Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint usr integer xact_start timestamp with time zone xact_finish timestamp with time zone total_paid numeric last_payment_ts timestamp with time zone last_payment_note text last_payment_type name total_owed numeric last_billing_ts timestamp with time zone last_billing_note text last_billing_type text balance_owed numeric xact_type name billing_location integer open_transaction_billing_summary Field Data Type Constraints and References xact bigint last_billing_type text last_billing_note text last_billing_ts timestamp with time zone total_owed numeric open_transaction_billing_type_summary Field Data Type Constraints and References xact bigint last_billing_type text last_billing_note text last_billing_ts timestamp with time zone total_owed numeric open_transaction_payment_summary Field Data Type Constraints and References xact bigint last_payment_type name last_payment_note text last_payment_ts timestamp with time zone total_paid numeric open_usr_circulation_summary Field Data Type Constraints and References usr integer total_paid numeric total_owed numeric balance_owed numeric open_usr_summary Field Data Type Constraints and References usr integer total_paid numeric total_owed numeric balance_owed numeric payment Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY xact bigint NOT NULL; payment_ts timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); voided boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; amount numeric(6,2) NOT NULL; note text payment_view Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint xact bigint payment_ts timestamp with time zone voided boolean amount numeric(6,2) note text payment_type name transaction_billing_summary Field Data Type Constraints and References xact bigint last_billing_type text last_billing_note text last_billing_ts timestamp with time zone total_owed numeric transaction_billing_type_summary Field Data Type Constraints and References xact bigint last_billing_type text last_billing_note text last_billing_ts timestamp with time zone total_owed numeric transaction_billing_with_void_summary Field Data Type Constraints and References xact bigint last_billing_type text last_billing_note text last_billing_ts timestamp with time zone total_owed numeric transaction_payment_summary Field Data Type Constraints and References xact bigint last_payment_type name last_payment_note text last_payment_ts timestamp with time zone total_paid numeric transaction_payment_with_void_summary Field Data Type Constraints and References xact bigint last_payment_type name last_payment_note text last_payment_ts timestamp with time zone total_paid numeric usr_circulation_summary Field Data Type Constraints and References usr integer total_paid numeric total_owed numeric balance_owed numeric usr_summary Field Data Type Constraints and References usr integer total_paid numeric total_owed numeric balance_owed numeric work_payment Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('money.payment_id_seq'::regclass); xact bigint NOT NULL; payment_ts timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); voided boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; amount numeric(6,2) NOT NULL; note text amount_collected numeric(6,2) NOT NULL; accepting_usr integer NOT NULL;
Schema offline script Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY session text NOT NULL; requestor integer NOT NULL; create_time integer NOT NULL; workstation text NOT NULL; logfile text NOT NULL; time_delta integer NOT NULL; count integer NOT NULL; session Field Data Type Constraints and References key text PRIMARY KEY org integer NOT NULL; description text creator integer NOT NULL; create_time integer NOT NULL; in_process integer NOT NULL; start_time integer end_time integer num_complete integer NOT NULL;
Schema permission grp_penalty_threshold Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY grp integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; org_unit integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; penalty integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; threshold numeric(8,2) NOT NULL; grp_perm_map Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY grp integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; perm integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; depth integer NOT NULL; grantable boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; grp_tree Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY name text UNIQUE; NOT NULL; parent integer usergroup boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; perm_interval interval NOT NULL; DEFAULT '3 years'::interval; description text application_perm text Tables referencing actor.usr via Foreign Key Constraints perm_list Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY code text UNIQUE; NOT NULL; description text Tables referencing config.org_unit_setting_type via Foreign Key Constraints usr_grp_map Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY usr integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; grp integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; usr_object_perm_map Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY usr integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; perm integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; object_type text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; object_id text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; grantable boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; usr_perm_map Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY usr integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; perm integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; depth integer NOT NULL; grantable boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; usr_work_ou_map Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY usr integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; work_ou integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL;
Schema public
Schema query bind_variable Field Data Type Constraints and References name text PRIMARY KEY type text NOT NULL; description text NOT NULL; default_value text label text NOT NULL; Constraints on bind_variable bind_variable_type CHECK ((type = ANY (ARRAY['string'::text, 'number'::text, 'string_list'::text, 'number_list'::text]))) Tables referencing query.expression via Foreign Key Constraints case_branch Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY parent_expr integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; seq_no integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; condition integer result integer NOT NULL; datatype Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY datatype_name text UNIQUE; NOT NULL; is_numeric boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; is_composite boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; Constraints on datatype qdt_comp_not_num CHECK (((is_numeric IS FALSE) OR (is_composite IS FALSE))) Tables referencing query.expression via Foreign Key Constraints expr_xbet Field Data Type Constraints and References id integer parenthesize boolean parent_expr integer seq_no integer left_operand integer negate boolean expr_xbind Field Data Type Constraints and References id integer parenthesize boolean parent_expr integer seq_no integer bind_variable text expr_xbool Field Data Type Constraints and References id integer parenthesize boolean parent_expr integer seq_no integer literal text negate boolean expr_xcase Field Data Type Constraints and References id integer parenthesize boolean parent_expr integer seq_no integer left_operand integer negate boolean expr_xcast Field Data Type Constraints and References id integer parenthesize boolean parent_expr integer seq_no integer left_operand integer cast_type integer negate boolean expr_xcol Field Data Type Constraints and References id integer parenthesize boolean parent_expr integer seq_no integer table_alias text column_name text negate boolean expr_xex Field Data Type Constraints and References id integer parenthesize boolean parent_expr integer seq_no integer subquery integer negate boolean expr_xfunc Field Data Type Constraints and References id integer parenthesize boolean parent_expr integer seq_no integer column_name text function_id integer negate boolean expr_xin Field Data Type Constraints and References id integer parenthesize boolean parent_expr integer seq_no integer left_operand integer subquery integer negate boolean expr_xisnull Field Data Type Constraints and References id integer parenthesize boolean parent_expr integer seq_no integer left_operand integer negate boolean expr_xnull Field Data Type Constraints and References id integer parenthesize boolean parent_expr integer seq_no integer negate boolean expr_xnum Field Data Type Constraints and References id integer parenthesize boolean parent_expr integer seq_no integer literal text expr_xop Field Data Type Constraints and References id integer parenthesize boolean parent_expr integer seq_no integer left_operand integer operator text right_operand integer negate boolean expr_xser Field Data Type Constraints and References id integer parenthesize boolean parent_expr integer seq_no integer operator text negate boolean expr_xstr Field Data Type Constraints and References id integer parenthesize boolean parent_expr integer seq_no integer literal text expr_xsubq Field Data Type Constraints and References id integer parenthesize boolean parent_expr integer seq_no integer subquery integer negate boolean expression Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY type text NOT NULL; parenthesize boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; parent_expr integer seq_no integer NOT NULL; DEFAULT 1; literal text table_alias text column_name text left_operand integer operator text right_operand integer function_id integer subquery integer cast_type integer negate boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; bind_variable text Constraints on expression expression_type CHECK ((type = ANY (ARRAY['xbet'::text, 'xbind'::text, 'xbool'::text, 'xcase'::text, 'xcast'::text, 'xcol'::text, 'xex'::text, 'xfunc'::text, 'xin'::text, 'xisnull'::text, 'xnull'::text, 'xnum'::text, 'xop'::text, 'xser'::text, 'xstr'::text, 'xsubq'::text]))) Tables referencing query.case_branch via Foreign Key Constraints from_relation Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY type text NOT NULL; table_name text class_name text subquery integer function_call integer table_alias text parent_relation integer seq_no integer NOT NULL; DEFAULT 1; join_type text on_clause integer Constraints on from_relation good_join_type CHECK (((join_type IS NULL) OR (join_type = ANY (ARRAY['INNER'::text, 'LEFT'::text, 'RIGHT'::text, 'FULL'::text])))) join_or_core CHECK (((((parent_relation IS NULL) AND (join_type IS NULL)) AND (on_clause IS NULL)) OR (((parent_relation IS NOT NULL) AND (join_type IS NOT NULL)) AND (on_clause IS NOT NULL)))) relation_type CHECK ((type = ANY (ARRAY['RELATION'::text, 'SUBQUERY'::text, 'FUNCTION'::text]))) Tables referencing query.from_relation via Foreign Key Constraints function_param_def Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY function_id integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; seq_no integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; datatype integer NOT NULL; Constraints on function_param_def qfpd_pos_seq_no CHECK ((seq_no > 0)) function_sig Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY function_name text NOT NULL; return_type integer is_aggregate boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; Constraints on function_sig qfd_rtn_or_aggr CHECK (((return_type IS NULL) OR (is_aggregate = false))) Tables referencing query.expression via Foreign Key Constraints order_by_item Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY stored_query integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; seq_no integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; expression integer NOT NULL; query_sequence Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY parent_query integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; seq_no integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; child_query integer NOT NULL; record_column Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY from_relation integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; seq_no integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; column_name text NOT NULL; column_type integer NOT NULL; select_item Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY stored_query integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; seq_no integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; expression integer NOT NULL; column_alias text grouped_by boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; stored_query Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY type text NOT NULL; use_all boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; use_distinct boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; from_clause integer where_clause integer having_clause integer limit_count integer offset_count integer Constraints on stored_query query_type CHECK ((type = ANY (ARRAY['SELECT'::text, 'UNION'::text, 'INTERSECT'::text, 'EXCEPT'::text]))) Tables referencing action.fieldset via Foreign Key Constraints subfield Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY composite_type integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; seq_no integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; subfield_type integer NOT NULL; Constraints on subfield qsf_pos_seq_no CHECK ((seq_no > 0))
Schema reporter circ_type Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint type text currently_running Field Data Type Constraints and References id integer runner_barcode text name text run_time timestamp with time zone scheduled_wait_time interval demographic Field Data Type Constraints and References id integer dob timestamp with time zone general_division text hold_request_record Field Data Type Constraints and References id integer target bigint hold_type text bib_record bigint materialized_simple_record Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint PRIMARY KEY fingerprint text quality integer tcn_source text tcn_value text title text author text publisher text pubdate text isbn text[] issn text[] old_super_simple_record Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint fingerprint text quality integer tcn_source text tcn_value text title text author text publisher text pubdate text isbn text[] issn text[] output_folder Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY parent integer owner integer NOT NULL; create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); name text NOT NULL; shared boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; share_with integer Tables referencing reporter.output_folder via Foreign Key Constraints overdue_circs Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint usr integer xact_start timestamp with time zone xact_finish timestamp with time zone unrecovered boolean target_copy bigint circ_lib integer circ_staff integer checkin_staff integer checkin_lib integer renewal_remaining integer due_date timestamp with time zone stop_fines_time timestamp with time zone checkin_time timestamp with time zone create_time timestamp with time zone duration interval fine_interval interval recurring_fine numeric(6,2) max_fine numeric(6,2) phone_renewal boolean desk_renewal boolean opac_renewal boolean duration_rule text recurring_fine_rule text max_fine_rule text stop_fines text workstation integer checkin_workstation integer checkin_scan_time timestamp with time zone parent_circ bigint overdue_reports Field Data Type Constraints and References id integer runner_barcode text name text run_time timestamp with time zone scheduled_wait_time interval pending_reports Field Data Type Constraints and References id integer runner_barcode text name text run_time timestamp with time zone scheduled_wait_time interval report Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY owner integer NOT NULL; create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); name text NOT NULL; DEFAULT ''::text; description text NOT NULL; DEFAULT ''::text; template integer NOT NULL; data text NOT NULL; folder integer NOT NULL; recur boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; recurrence interval Tables referencing reporter.schedule via Foreign Key Constraints report_folder Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY parent integer owner integer NOT NULL; create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); name text NOT NULL; shared boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; share_with integer Tables referencing via Foreign Key Constraints schedule Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY report integer NOT NULL; folder integer NOT NULL; runner integer NOT NULL; run_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); start_time timestamp with time zone complete_time timestamp with time zone email text excel_format boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; html_format boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; csv_format boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; chart_pie boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; chart_bar boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; chart_line boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; error_code integer error_text text simple_record Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint metarecord bigint fingerprint text quality integer tcn_source text tcn_value text title text uniform_title text author text publisher text pubdate text series_title text series_statement text summary text isbn text[] issn text[] topic_subject text[] geographic_subject text[] genre text[] name_subject text[] corporate_subject text[] external_uri text[] super_simple_record Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint fingerprint text quality integer tcn_source text tcn_value text title text author text publisher text pubdate text isbn text[] issn text[] template Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY owner integer NOT NULL; create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); name text NOT NULL; description text NOT NULL; data text NOT NULL; folder integer NOT NULL; Tables referencing via Foreign Key Constraints template_folder Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY parent integer owner integer NOT NULL; create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); name text NOT NULL; shared boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; share_with integer Tables referencing reporter.template via Foreign Key Constraints xact_billing_totals Field Data Type Constraints and References xact bigint unvoided numeric voided numeric total numeric xact_paid_totals Field Data Type Constraints and References xact bigint unvoided numeric voided numeric total numeric
Schema search relevance_adjustment Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY active boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; field integer NOT NULL; bump_type text NOT NULL; multiplier numeric NOT NULL; DEFAULT 1.0; Constraints on relevance_adjustment relevance_adjustment _bump_type_check CHECK ((bump_type = ANY (ARRAY['word_order'::text, 'first_word'::text, 'full_match'::text])))
Schema serial basic_summary Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY distribution integer NOT NULL; generated_coverage text NOT NULL; textual_holdings text show_generated boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; caption_and_pattern Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY subscription integer NOT NULL; type text NOT NULL; create_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); start_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); end_date timestamp with time zone active boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; pattern_code text NOT NULL; enum_1 text enum_2 text enum_3 text enum_4 text enum_5 text enum_6 text chron_1 text chron_2 text chron_3 text chron_4 text chron_5 text Constraints on caption_and_pattern cap_type CHECK ((type = ANY (ARRAY['basic'::text, 'supplement'::text, 'index'::text]))) Tables referencing serial.issuance via Foreign Key Constraints distribution Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY record_entry bigint summary_method text subscription integer NOT NULL; holding_lib integer NOT NULL; label text NOT NULL; receive_call_number bigint receive_unit_template integer bind_call_number bigint bind_unit_template integer unit_label_prefix text unit_label_suffix text Constraints on distribution sdist_summary_method_check CHECK (((summary_method IS NULL) OR (summary_method = ANY (ARRAY['add_to_sre'::text, 'merge_with_sre'::text, 'use_sre_only'::text, 'use_sdist_only'::text])))) Tables referencing serial.basic_summary via Foreign Key Constraints distribution_note Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY distribution integer NOT NULL; creator integer NOT NULL; create_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(); pub boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; title text NOT NULL; value text NOT NULL; index_summary Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY distribution integer NOT NULL; generated_coverage text NOT NULL; textual_holdings text show_generated boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; issuance Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY creator integer NOT NULL; editor integer NOT NULL; create_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); edit_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); subscription integer NOT NULL; label text date_published timestamp with time zone caption_and_pattern integer holding_code text holding_type text holding_link_id integer Constraints on issuance valid_holding_type CHECK (((holding_type IS NULL) OR (holding_type = ANY (ARRAY['basic'::text, 'supplement'::text, 'index'::text])))) Tables referencing serial.item via Foreign Key Constraints item Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY creator integer NOT NULL; editor integer NOT NULL; create_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); edit_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); issuance integer NOT NULL; stream integer NOT NULL; unit integer uri integer date_expected timestamp with time zone date_received timestamp with time zone status text DEFAULT 'Expected'::text; shadowed boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; Constraints on item valid_status CHECK ((status = ANY (ARRAY['Bindery'::text, 'Bound'::text, 'Claimed'::text, 'Discarded'::text, 'Expected'::text, 'Not Held'::text, 'Not Published'::text, 'Received'::text]))) Tables referencing acq.serial_claim via Foreign Key Constraints item_note Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY item integer NOT NULL; creator integer NOT NULL; create_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(); pub boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; title text NOT NULL; value text NOT NULL; record_entry Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY record bigint owning_lib integer NOT NULL; DEFAULT 1; creator integer NOT NULL; DEFAULT 1; editor integer NOT NULL; DEFAULT 1; source integer create_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); edit_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); active boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; deleted boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; marc text last_xact_id text NOT NULL; Tables referencing serial.distribution via Foreign Key Constraints routing_list_user Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY stream integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; pos integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; DEFAULT 1; reader integer department text note text Constraints on routing_list_user reader_or_dept CHECK ((((reader IS NOT NULL) AND (department IS NULL)) OR ((reader IS NULL) AND (department IS NOT NULL)))) stream Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY distribution integer NOT NULL; routing_label text Tables referencing serial.item via Foreign Key Constraints subscription Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY owning_lib integer NOT NULL; DEFAULT 1; start_date timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; end_date timestamp with time zone record_entry bigint expected_date_offset interval Tables referencing serial.caption_and_pattern via Foreign Key Constraints subscription_note Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY subscription integer NOT NULL; creator integer NOT NULL; create_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(); pub boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; title text NOT NULL; value text NOT NULL; supplement_summary Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY distribution integer NOT NULL; generated_coverage text NOT NULL; textual_holdings text show_generated boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; unit Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('asset.copy_id_seq'::regclass); circ_lib integer NOT NULL; creator bigint NOT NULL; call_number bigint NOT NULL; editor bigint NOT NULL; create_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(); edit_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(); copy_number integer status integer NOT NULL; location integer NOT NULL; DEFAULT 1; loan_duration integer NOT NULL; fine_level integer NOT NULL; age_protect integer circulate boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; deposit boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; ref boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; holdable boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; deposit_amount numeric(6,2) NOT NULL; DEFAULT 0.00; price numeric(8,2) barcode text NOT NULL; circ_modifier text circ_as_type text dummy_title text dummy_author text alert_message text opac_visible boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; deleted boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; floating boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; dummy_isbn text status_changed_time timestamp with time zone mint_condition boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT true; cost numeric(8,2) sort_key text detailed_contents text NOT NULL; summary_contents text NOT NULL; Constraints on unit copy_fine_level_check CHECK ((fine_level = ANY (ARRAY[1, 2, 3]))) copy_loan_duration_check CHECK ((loan_duration = ANY (ARRAY[1, 2, 3]))) Tables referencing serial.item via Foreign Key Constraints
Schema staging billing_address_stage Field Data Type Constraints and References row_id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('staging.mailing_address_ stage_row_id_seq'::regclass); row_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(); usrname text NOT NULL; street1 text street2 text city text NOT NULL; DEFAULT ''::text; state text NOT NULL; DEFAULT 'OK'::text; country text NOT NULL; DEFAULT 'US'::text; post_code text NOT NULL; complete boolean DEFAULT false; card_stage Field Data Type Constraints and References row_id bigserial PRIMARY KEY row_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(); usrname text NOT NULL; barcode text NOT NULL; complete boolean DEFAULT false; mailing_address_stage Field Data Type Constraints and References row_id bigserial PRIMARY KEY row_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(); usrname text NOT NULL; street1 text street2 text city text NOT NULL; DEFAULT ''::text; state text NOT NULL; DEFAULT 'OK'::text; country text NOT NULL; DEFAULT 'US'::text; post_code text NOT NULL; complete boolean DEFAULT false; statcat_stage Field Data Type Constraints and References row_id bigserial PRIMARY KEY row_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(); usrname text NOT NULL; statcat text NOT NULL; value text NOT NULL; complete boolean DEFAULT false; user_stage Field Data Type Constraints and References row_id bigserial PRIMARY KEY row_date timestamp with time zone DEFAULT now(); usrname text NOT NULL; profile text email text passwd text ident_type integer DEFAULT 3; first_given_name text second_given_name text family_name text day_phone text evening_phone text home_ou integer DEFAULT 2; dob text complete boolean DEFAULT false;
Schema stats fleshed_call_number Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint creator bigint create_date timestamp with time zone editor bigint edit_date timestamp with time zone record bigint owning_lib integer label text deleted boolean label_class bigint label_sortkey text create_date_day date edit_date_day date create_date_hour timestamp with time zone edit_date_hour timestamp with time zone item_lang text item_type text item_form text fleshed_circulation Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint usr integer xact_start timestamp with time zone xact_finish timestamp with time zone unrecovered boolean target_copy bigint circ_lib integer circ_staff integer checkin_staff integer checkin_lib integer renewal_remaining integer due_date timestamp with time zone stop_fines_time timestamp with time zone checkin_time timestamp with time zone create_time timestamp with time zone duration interval fine_interval interval recurring_fine numeric(6,2) max_fine numeric(6,2) phone_renewal boolean desk_renewal boolean opac_renewal boolean duration_rule text recurring_fine_rule text max_fine_rule text stop_fines text workstation integer checkin_workstation integer checkin_scan_time timestamp with time zone parent_circ bigint start_date_day date finish_date_day date start_date_hour timestamp with time zone finish_date_hour timestamp with time zone call_number_label text owning_lib integer item_lang text item_type text item_form text fleshed_copy Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint circ_lib integer creator bigint call_number bigint editor bigint create_date timestamp with time zone edit_date timestamp with time zone copy_number integer status integer location integer loan_duration integer fine_level integer age_protect integer circulate boolean deposit boolean ref boolean holdable boolean deposit_amount numeric(6,2) price numeric(8,2) barcode text circ_modifier text circ_as_type text dummy_title text dummy_author text alert_message text opac_visible boolean deleted boolean floating boolean dummy_isbn text status_changed_time timestamp with time zone mint_condition boolean cost numeric(8,2) create_date_day date edit_date_day date create_date_hour timestamp with time zone edit_date_hour timestamp with time zone call_number_label text owning_lib integer item_lang text item_type text item_form text
Schema vandelay authority_attr_definition Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY code text UNIQUE; NOT NULL; description text xpath text NOT NULL; remove text NOT NULL; DEFAULT ''::text; ident boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; Tables referencing vandelay.queued_authority_record_attr via Foreign Key Constraints authority_match Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY matched_attr integer queued_record bigint eg_record bigint authority_queue Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('vandelay.queue_id_seq'::regclass); owner integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; name text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; complete boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; queue_type text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; DEFAULT 'authority'::text; Constraints on authority_queue authority_queue_ queue_type_check CHECK ((queue_type = 'authority'::text)) queue_queue_type_check CHECK ((queue_type = ANY (ARRAY['bib'::text, 'authority'::text]))) Tables referencing vandelay.queued_authority_record via Foreign Key Constraints bib_attr_definition Field Data Type Constraints and References id serial PRIMARY KEY code text UNIQUE; NOT NULL; description text xpath text NOT NULL; remove text NOT NULL; DEFAULT ''::text; ident boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; Tables referencing vandelay.queued_bib_record_attr via Foreign Key Constraints bib_match Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY field_type text NOT NULL; matched_attr integer queued_record bigint eg_record bigint Constraints on bib_match bib_match_field_type_check CHECK ((field_type = ANY (ARRAY['isbn'::text, 'tcn_value'::text, 'id'::text]))) bib_queue Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('vandelay.queue_id_seq'::regclass); owner integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; name text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; complete boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; queue_type text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; DEFAULT 'bib'::text; item_attr_def bigint Constraints on bib_queue bib_queue_queue_type_check CHECK ((queue_type = 'bib'::text)) queue_queue_type_check CHECK ((queue_type = ANY (ARRAY['bib'::text, 'authority'::text]))) Tables referencing vandelay.queued_bib_record via Foreign Key Constraints import_bib_trash_fields Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY owner integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; field text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; import_item Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY record bigint NOT NULL; definition bigint NOT NULL; owning_lib integer circ_lib integer call_number text copy_number integer status integer location integer circulate boolean deposit boolean deposit_amount numeric(8,2) ref boolean holdable boolean price numeric(8,2) barcode text circ_modifier text circ_as_type text alert_message text pub_note text priv_note text opac_visible boolean import_item_attr_definition Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY owner integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; name text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; tag text NOT NULL; keep boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; owning_lib text circ_lib text call_number text copy_number text status text location text circulate text deposit text deposit_amount text ref text holdable text price text barcode text circ_modifier text circ_as_type text alert_message text opac_visible text pub_note_title text pub_note text priv_note_title text priv_note text Tables referencing vandelay.bib_queue via Foreign Key Constraints merge_profile Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY owner integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; name text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; add_spec text replace_spec text strip_spec text preserve_spec text Constraints on merge_profile add_replace_strip_or_preserve CHECK ((((preserve_spec IS NOT NULL) OR (replace_spec IS NOT NULL)) OR ((preserve_spec IS NULL) AND (replace_spec IS NULL)))) queue Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY owner integer UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; name text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; complete boolean NOT NULL; DEFAULT false; queue_type text UNIQUE#1 ; NOT NULL; DEFAULT 'bib'::text; Constraints on queue queue_queue_type_check CHECK ((queue_type = ANY (ARRAY['bib'::text, 'authority'::text]))) queued_authority_record Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('vandelay.queued_record_id_seq'::regclass); create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); import_time timestamp with time zone purpose text NOT NULL; DEFAULT 'import'::text; marc text NOT NULL; queue integer NOT NULL; imported_as integer Constraints on queued_authority_record queued_record_purpose_check CHECK ((purpose = ANY (ARRAY['import'::text, 'overlay'::text]))) Tables referencing vandelay.authority_match via Foreign Key Constraints queued_authority_record_attr Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY record bigint NOT NULL; field integer NOT NULL; attr_value text NOT NULL; Tables referencing vandelay.authority_match via Foreign Key Constraints queued_bib_record Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigint PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('vandelay.queued_record_id_seq'::regclass); create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); import_time timestamp with time zone purpose text NOT NULL; DEFAULT 'import'::text; marc text NOT NULL; queue integer NOT NULL; bib_source integer imported_as bigint Constraints on queued_bib_record queued_record_purpose_check CHECK ((purpose = ANY (ARRAY['import'::text, 'overlay'::text]))) Tables referencing vandelay.bib_match via Foreign Key Constraints queued_bib_record_attr Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY record bigint NOT NULL; field integer NOT NULL; attr_value text NOT NULL; Tables referencing vandelay.bib_match via Foreign Key Constraints queued_record Field Data Type Constraints and References id bigserial PRIMARY KEY create_time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL; DEFAULT now(); import_time timestamp with time zone purpose text NOT NULL; DEFAULT 'import'::text; marc text NOT NULL; Constraints on queued_record queued_record_purpose_check CHECK ((purpose = ANY (ARRAY['import'::text, 'overlay'::text])))