]> git.evergreen-ils.org Git - working/Evergreen.git/blob - Open-ILS/xul/staff_client/chrome/content/OpenILS/global_util.js
fix bug where oils persist was instigating the behavior associated with checkboxes...
[working/Evergreen.git] / Open-ILS / xul / staff_client / chrome / content / OpenILS / global_util.js
1         function $(id) { return document.getElementById(id); }
3         function ses(a) {
4                 JSAN.use('OpenILS.data'); var data = new OpenILS.data(); data.init({'via':'stash'});
5                 switch(a) {
6             case 'staff_id' : return data.list.au[0].id(); break;
7             case 'staff_usrname' : return data.list.au[0].usrname(); break;
8             case 'ws_ou' :
9                 return data.list.au[0].ws_ou();
10             break;
11                         case 'authtime' :
12                                 return data.session.authtime;
13                         break;
14                         case 'key':
15                         default:
16                                 return data.session.key;
17                         break;
18                 }
19         }
21         function font_helper() {
22                 try {
23                         JSAN.use('OpenILS.data'); var data = new OpenILS.data(); data.init({'via':'stash'});
24                         removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'ALL_FONTS_LARGER');
25                         removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'ALL_FONTS_SMALLER');
26                         removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'ALL_FONTS_XX_SMALL');
27                         removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'ALL_FONTS_X_SMALL');
28                         removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'ALL_FONTS_SMALL');
29                         removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'ALL_FONTS_MEDIUM');
30                         removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'ALL_FONTS_LARGE');
31                         removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'ALL_FONTS_X_LARGE');
32                         removeCSSClass(document.documentElement,'ALL_FONTS_XX_LARGE');
33                         addCSSClass(document.documentElement,data.global_font_adjust);
34                 } catch(E) {
35             var Strings = $('offlineStrings') || $('commonStrings');
36                         alert(Strings.getFormattedString('openils.global_util.font_size.error', [E]));
37                 }
38         }
40     function persist_helper() {
41         try {
42             netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege("UniversalXPConnect");
43             var prefs = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1'].getService(Components.interfaces['nsIPrefBranch']);
44             var nodes = document.getElementsByAttribute('oils_persist','*');
45             for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
46                 var base_key = 'oils_persist_' + String(location.hostname + location.pathname + '_' + nodes[i].getAttribute('id')).replace('/','_','g') + '_';
47                 var attribute_list = nodes[i].getAttribute('oils_persist').split(' ');
48                 for (var j = 0; j < attribute_list.length; j++) {
49                     var key = base_key + attribute_list[j];
50                     var value = prefs.prefHasUserValue(key) ? prefs.getCharPref(key) : null;
51                     dump('persist_helper: retrieving key = ' + key + ' value = ' + value + ' for ' + nodes[i].nodeName + '\n');
52                     if (value) nodes[i].setAttribute( attribute_list[j], value );
53                 }
54                 if (nodes[i].nodeName == 'checkbox' && attribute_list.indexOf('checked') > -1) {
55                     if (nodes[i].disabled == false && nodes[i].hidden == false) {
56                         var no_poke = nodes[i].getAttribute('oils_persist_no_poke');
57                         if (no_poke && no_poke == 'true') {
58                             // Timing issue for some checkboxes; don't poke them with an event
59                         } else {
60                             var evt = document.createEvent("Events");
61                             evt.initEvent( 'command', true, true );
62                             nodes[i].dispatchEvent(evt);
63                         }
64                     }
65                     nodes[i].addEventListener(
66                         'command',
67                         function(bk) {
68                             return function(ev) {
69                                 try {
70                                     netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege("UniversalXPConnect");
71                                     var key = bk + 'checked';
72                                     var value = ev.target.checked;
73                                     ev.target.setAttribute( 'checked', value );
74                                     prefs.setCharPref( key, value );
75                                     dump('persist_helper: setting key = ' +  key + ' value = ' + value + ' for checkbox\n');
76                                 } catch(E) {
77                                     alert('Error in persist_helper(), checkbox command event listener: ' + E);
78                                 }
79                             };
80                         }(base_key), 
81                         false
82                     );
83                 }
84                 // TODO: Need to add event listeners for window resizing, splitter repositioning, grippy state, etc.
85             }
86         } catch(E) {
87             alert('Error in persist_helper(): ' + E);
88         }
89     }
91         function getKeys(o) {
92                 var keys = [];
93                 for (var k in o) keys.push(k);
94                 return keys;
95         }
97         function get_contentWindow(frame) {
98         try {
99             netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege('UniversalXPConnect');
100             if (frame && frame.contentWindow) {
101                 try {
102                     if (typeof frame.contentWindow.wrappedJSObject != 'undefined') {
103                                                                          return frame.contentWindow.wrappedJSObject;
104                                                   }
105                 } catch(E) {
106                     var Strings = $('offlineStrings') || $('commonStrings');
107                     alert(Strings.getFormattedString('openils.global_util.content_window_jsobject.error', [frame, E]));
108                 }
109                 return frame.contentWindow;
110             } else {
111                 return null;
112             }
113         } catch(E) {
114             var Strings = $('offlineStrings') || $('commonStrings');
115             alert(Strings.getFormattedString('openils.global_util.content_window.error', [frame, E]));
116         }
117         }
119         function update_modal_xulG(v) {
120                 try {
121                         JSAN.use('OpenILS.data'); var data = new OpenILS.data(); data.init({'via':'stash'});
122                         var key = location.pathname + location.search + location.hash;
123                         if (typeof data.modal_xulG_stack != 'undefined' && typeof data.modal_xulG_stack[key] != 'undefined') {
124                                 data.modal_xulG_stack[key][ data.modal_xulG_stack[key].length - 1 ] = v;
125                                 data.stash('modal_xulG_stack');
126                         }
127                 } catch(E) {
128                         alert('FIXME: update_modal_xulG => ' + E);
129                 }
130         }
132         function xul_param(param_name,_params) {
133                 /* By default, this function looks for a CGI-style query param identified by param_name.  If one isn't found, it then looks in xulG.  If one still isn't found, and _params.stash_name is true, it looks in the global xpcom stash for the field identified by stash_name.  If _params.concat is true, then it looks in all these places and concatenates the results.  There are also options for converting JSON to javascript objects, and clearing the xpcom stash_name field after retrieval.  Also added, ability to search a specific spot in the xpcom stash that implements a stack to hold xulG's for modal windows */
134                 try {
135                         //dump('xul_param('+param_name+','+js2JSON(_params)+')\n');
136                         var value = undefined; if (!_params) _params = {};
137                         if (typeof _params.no_cgi == 'undefined') {
138                                 var cgi = new CGI();
139                                 if (cgi.param(param_name)) {
140                                         var x = cgi.param(param_name);
141                                         //dump('\tfound via location.href = ' + x + '\n');
142                                         if (typeof _params.JSON2js_if_cgi != 'undefined') {
143                                                 x = JSON2js( x );
144                                                 //dump('\tJSON2js = ' + x + '\n');
145                                         }
146                                         if (typeof _params.concat == 'undefined') {
147                                                 //alert(param_name + ' x = ' + x);
148                                                 return x; // value
149                                         } else {
150                                                 if (value) {
151                                                         if (value.constructor != Array) value = [ value ];
152                                                         value = value.concat(x);
153                                                 } else {
154                                                         value = x;
155                                                 }
156                                         }
157                                 }
158                         }
159                         if (typeof _params.no_xulG == 'undefined') {
160                                 if (typeof _params.modal_xulG != 'undefined') {
161                                         JSAN.use('OpenILS.data'); var data = new OpenILS.data(); data.init({'via':'stash'});
162                                         var key = location.pathname + location.search + location.hash;
163                                         //dump('xul_param, considering modal key = ' + key + '\n');
164                                         if (typeof data.modal_xulG_stack != 'undefined' && typeof data.modal_xulG_stack[key] != 'undefined') {
165                                                 xulG = data.modal_xulG_stack[key][ data.modal_xulG_stack[key].length - 1 ];
166                                         }
167                                 }
168                                 if (typeof xulG == 'object' && typeof xulG[ param_name ] != 'undefined') {
169                                         var x = xulG[ param_name ];
170                                         //dump('\tfound via xulG = ' + x + '\n');
171                                         if (typeof _params.JSON2js_if_xulG != 'undefined') {
172                                                 x = JSON2js( x );
173                                                 //dump('\tJSON2js = ' + x + '\n');
174                                         }
175                                         if (typeof _params.concat == 'undefined') {
176                                                 //alert(param_name + ' x = ' + x);
177                                                 return x; // value
178                                         } else {
179                                                 if (value) {
180                                                         if (value.constructor != Array) value = [ value ];
181                                                         value = value.concat(x);
182                                                 } else {
183                                                         value = x;
184                                                 }
185                                         }
186                                 }
187                         }
188                         if (typeof _params.no_xpcom == 'undefined') {
189                                 /* the field names used for temp variables in the global stash tend to be more unique than xuLG or CGI param names, to avoid collisions */
190                                 if (typeof _params.stash_name != 'undefined') { 
191                                         JSAN.use('OpenILS.data'); var data = new OpenILS.data(); data.init({'via':'stash'});
192                                         if (typeof data[ _params.stash_name ] != 'undefined') {
193                                                 var x = data[ _params.stash_name ];
194                                                 //dump('\tfound via xpcom = ' + x + '\n');
195                                                 if (typeof _params.JSON2js_if_xpcom != 'undefined') {
196                                                         x = JSON2js( x );
197                                                         //dump('\tJSON2js = ' + x + '\n');
198                                                 }
199                                                 if (_params.clear_xpcom) { 
200                                                         data[ _params.stash_name ] = undefined; data.stash( _params.stash_name ); 
201                                                 }
202                                                 if (typeof _params.concat == 'undefined') {
203                                                         //alert(param_name + ' x = ' + x);
204                                                         return x; // value
205                                                 } else {
206                                                         if (value) {
207                                                                 if (value.constructor != Array) value = [ value ];
208                                                                 value = value.concat(x);
209                                                         } else {
210                                                                 value = x;
211                                                         }
212                                                 }
213                                         }
214                                 }
215                         }
216                         //alert(param_name + ' value = ' + value);
217                         return value;
218                 } catch(E) {
219                         dump('xul_param error: ' + E + '\n');
220                 }
221         }
223         function get_bool(a) {
224                 // Normal javascript interpretation except 'f' == false, per postgres, and 'F' == false, and '0' == false (newer JSON is returning '0' instead of 0 in cases)
225                 // So false includes 'f', '', '0', 0, null, and undefined
226                 if (a == 'f') return false;
227                 if (a == 'F') return false;
228                 if (a == '0') return false;
229                 if (a) return true; else return false;
230         }
232         function get_db_true() {
233                 return 't';
234         }
236         function get_db_false() {
237                 return 'f';
238         }
240         function copy_to_clipboard(ev) {
241                 try {
242                         netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege('UniversalXPConnect');
243                         var text;
244                         if (typeof ev == 'object') {
245                                 if (typeof ev.target != 'undefined') {
246                                         if (typeof ev.target.textContent != 'undefined') if (ev.target.textContent) text = ev.target.textContent;
247                                         if (typeof ev.target.value != 'undefined') if (ev.target.value) text = ev.target.value;
248                                 }
249                         } else if (typeof ev == 'string') {
250                                 text = ev;
251                         }
252                         const gClipboardHelper = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/widget/clipboardhelper;1"]
253                                 .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIClipboardHelper);
254                         gClipboardHelper.copyString(text);
255             var Strings = $('offlineStrings') || $('commonStrings');
256                         alert(Strings.getFormattedString('openils.global_util.clipboard', [text]));
257                 } catch(E) {
258             var Strings = $('offlineStrings') || $('commonStrings');
259                         alert(Strings.getFormattedString('openils.global_util.clipboard.error', [E]));  
260                 }
261         }
263         function clear_the_cache() {
264                 try {
265                         netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege('UniversalXPConnect');
266                         var cacheClass          = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/cache-service;1"];
267                         var cacheService        = cacheClass.getService(Components.interfaces.nsICacheService);
268                         cacheService.evictEntries(Components.interfaces.nsICache.STORE_ON_DISK);
269                         cacheService.evictEntries(Components.interfaces.nsICache.STORE_IN_MEMORY);
270                 } catch(E) {
271             var Strings = $('offlineStrings') || $('commonStrings');
272                         alert(Strings.getFormattedString('openils.global_util.clear_cache.error', [E]));
273                 }
274         }
276         function toOpenWindowByType(inType, uri) {
277                 var winopts = "chrome,extrachrome,menubar,resizable,scrollbars,status,toolbar";
278                 window.open(uri, "_blank", winopts);
279         }
281         function url_prefix(url) {
282                 if (url.match(/^\//)) url = urls.remote + url;
283                 if (! url.match(/^(http|chrome):\/\//) && ! url.match(/^data:/) ) url = 'http://' + url;
284                 dump('url_prefix = ' + url + '\n');
285                 return url;
286         }