]> git.evergreen-ils.org Git - working/Evergreen.git/blob - 1.6/admin/serveradministration.xml
[working/Evergreen.git] / 1.6 / admin / serveradministration.xml
1 <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>\r
2 <chapter xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"\r
3 xmlns:xl="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" version="5.0" xml:id="serveradministration">\r
4         <info>\r
5                 <title>Server Administration</title>\r
6                 <abstract>\r
7                         <para>Administration of <application>Evergreen</application> involves configuration done from both the Staff Client as well a \r
8                         the command line. The goal of this chapter is to provide you with the procedures to help \r
9                         you optimize your <application>Evergreen</application> system.</para>\r
10                 </abstract>\r
11         </info>\r
12         <section xml:id="orgunitsandtypes">\r
13                 <title>Organizational Unit Types and Organizational Units</title>\r
14                 <simplesect xml:id="orgtypes">\r
15                         <title>Organizational Unit Types</title>\r
16                         <indexterm><primary>organizational unit types</primary></indexterm>\r
17                         <para>Organizational Unit Types are the terms used to refer to levels in the hierarchy of your \r
18                         library system(s). Examples could include>All-Encompassing Consortium, Consortium Within a \r
19                         Consortium, Library System, Branch, Bookmobile, Sub-Branch, Twig, etc.</para>\r
20                         <para>You can add or remove organizational unit types, and rename them as needed to match the \r
21                         organizational hierarchy that exists in reality for the libraries using your installation of \r
22                         Evergreen. Evergreen can support organizations as simple as a single library with one or more \r
23                         branches or as complex as a consortium composed of many independently governed library \r
24                         systems. Organizational unit types should never have proper names since they are only generic types .</para>\r
25                         <tip><para>It is a good idea to set up all of your organizational types and units before loading other data. In many cases, editing or deleting organizational units and types \r
26                         may be difficult once you have loaded records or users. </para></tip>\r
27                         <para>The fields in the organizational unit type record include:</para>\r
28                         <itemizedlist>\r
29                                 <listitem><guilabel>Type Name</guilabel> - The name of the organization unit type.</listitem>\r
30                                 <listitem><guilabel>Opac Label</guilabel> - This is the label displayed in the OPAC to describe the search \r
31                                 range and the copy count columns for results. They are <emphasis>range \r
32                                 relative</emphasis> labels.</listitem>\r
33                                 \r
34                                 <listitem><guilabel>Parent Type</guilabel> - The parent organizational unit type of this type.</listitem>\r
35                                 <listitem><guilabel>Can Have Volumes</guilabel> - Flag that allows an organizational unit of this type to contain \r
36                                 Volumes/Call Numbers and thus Copies.</listitem>\r
37                                 <listitem><guilabel>Can Have Users</guilabel> - Flag that allows an Organizational unit of this type to be home to \r
38                                 Users.</listitem>\r
39                         </itemizedlist>\r
40                         <para>An organizational unit type can be added, edited, or removed using  the staff client.</para>\r
41                         <para>To navigate to the <emphasis>Organization Unit Types</emphasis> from the staff client select  \r
42                                         <menuchoice>\r
43                                                 <guimenu>Admin</guimenu>  \r
44                                                 <guisubmenu>Server Administration</guisubmenu>\r
45                                                   <guisubmenu>Organization Types</guisubmenu>\r
46                                         </menuchoice>\r
47                         </para>\r
48                         <procedure>\r
49                                 <title>Adding Organization Types<indexterm><primary>organizational unit types</primary><secondary>adding</secondary></indexterm></title>\r
50                                 <step><para>Select an organization type from the organization type tree on the left and \r
51                                 click <guibutton>New Child</guibutton>.</para></step>\r
52                                 <step><para>Make sure your new type is selected and edit the <guilabel>Type Name</guilabel>, \r
53                                 <guilabel>OPAC Label</guilabel> and <guilabel>Parent Type</guilabel>.</para></step>\r
54                                 <step><para>Change the <guilabel>Parent Type</guilabel> if necessary.</para></step>\r
55                                 <step><para>Check the <guilabel>Can Have Volumes and Copies</guilabel> check box if the \r
56                                 organization units of this type will have volumes and copies assigned to it.</para></step>\r
57                                 <step><para>Check the <guilabel>Can Have Users</guilabel> check box if you will allow users \r
58                                 to be have the organization units of this type as their home unit.</para></step>\r
59                                 <step><para>Click <guibutton>Save</guibutton> to save your new organization type.\r
60                                 </para></step>  \r
61                                 <step><para>From the server command line, run autogen to apply the changes to the database and scripts. Run the following command as the opensrf user:</para>\r
62 <screen>\r
63 <userinput>/openils/bin/autogen.sh -c /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml -u</userinput>\r
64 </screen> \r
65                                 </step> \r
66                                 <step><para>The staff client will need to be restarted for changes to appear.</para>\r
67                                 </step> \r
68                         </procedure>\r
69                         <procedure>\r
70                                 <title>Deleting Organization Types</title>\r
71                                 <indexterm><primary>organizational unit types</primary><secondary>deleting</secondary></indexterm>\r
72                                 <step><para>Select the <guilabel>organization type</guilabel> from the <guilabel>Organization Type</guilabel> \r
73                                 tree.</para></step>\r
74                                 <step><para>Click <guibutton>Delete</guibutton>.</para></step>\r
75                                 <step><para>Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> on the warning alert box.</para></step>\r
76                                 <step><para>From the server command line, run autogen to apply the changes to the database and scripts. Run the following command as the opensrf user:</para>\r
77 <screen>\r
78 <userinput>/openils/bin/autogen.sh -c /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml -u</userinput>\r
79 </screen> \r
80                                 </step> \r
81                                 <step><para>The staff client will need to be restarted for changes to appear.</para>\r
82                                 </step>                                 \r
83                                 <note>\r
84                                         <para>You will not be able to delete organization types if organization units are \r
85                                         assigned to that type. Before you can delete the organization \r
86                                         Type, you must change the organization type of the units associated with the type \r
87                                         or delete the units.</para>\r
88                                 </note>\r
89 \r
90                         </procedure>\r
91                         <procedure>\r
92                                 <title>Editing Organization Types<indexterm><primary>organizational unit types</primary><secondary>editing</secondary></indexterm></title>\r
93                                 <step><para>Select the <guilabel>organization type</guilabel> you wish to edit from the \r
94                                 organization type tree.</para></step>\r
95                                 <step><para>Make the changes in the right pane.</para></step>\r
96                                 <step><para>Click <guibutton>Save</guibutton> to save your changes.</para></step>\r
97                                 <step><para>From the server command line, run autogen to apply the changes to the database and scripts. Run the following command as the opensrf user:</para>\r
98 <screen>\r
99 <userinput>/openils/bin/autogen.sh -c /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml -u</userinput>\r
100 </screen> \r
101                                 </step> \r
102                                 <step><para>The staff client will need to be restarted for changes to appear.</para>\r
103                                 </step>                                 \r
104                         </procedure>\r
105                 </simplesect>\r
106         \r
107                 <simplesect xml:id="orgunits">\r
108                 <title>Organizational Units</title>\r
109                 <indexterm><primary>organizational units</primary></indexterm>\r
110                 <abstract>\r
111                 <para>Organizational Units are the specific instances of the organization unit types that \r
112                 make up your library's hierarchy. These can include  consortia, systems, branches, \r
113                 etc. The organizational units should have distinctive proper names such as \r
114                 <emphasis>Main Street Branch</emphasis> or <emphasis>Townsville Campus</emphasis>.</para>\r
115                 </abstract>\r
116                 <para>To navigate to the organizational units administration page in the staff client select  \r
117                         <menuchoice>\r
118                                 <guimenu>Admin</guimenu>  \r
119                                 <guisubmenu>Server Administration</guisubmenu>\r
120                                 <guisubmenu>Organizational Units</guisubmenu>\r
121                         </menuchoice>\r
122                 </para>\r
123                 <procedure>\r
124                         <title>Adding Organizational Units</title>\r
125                         <indexterm><primary>organization units</primary><secondary>adding</secondary></indexterm>\r
126                         <step><para>Select an <guilabel>Organizational Unit</guilabel> from the organizational unit tree on the left and click \r
127                         <guibutton>New Child</guibutton>.</para></step>\r
128                         <step><para>Make sure your new unit is selected and edit the <guilabel>Organizational Unit \r
129                         Name</guilabel>, <guilabel>Organizational Unit Policy Code</guilabel>, \r
130                         <guilabel>Main Email Address</guilabel> and <guilabel>Main Phone Number</guilabel>.</para>\r
131                         <note>\r
132                                 <para>The <emphasis>Organizational Unit Name</emphasis> is the name that will appear in the \r
133                                 OPAC. The <emphasis>Policy Code</emphasis> is used by the system to associate policies and \r
134                                 copies with the unit.</para>\r
135                         </note>\r
136                         </step>\r
137                         <step><para>Select the <guilabel>Organization Unit Type</guilabel> and \r
138                         <guilabel>Parent Organization Unit</guilabel>.</para></step>\r
139                         <step><para>Check the <guilabel>Can Have Volumes and Copies</guilabel> check box if the \r
140                         organization units of this type will have volumes and copies assigned to it.<indexterm><primary>organization units</primary><secondary>volumes \r
141                         and copies</secondary></indexterm></para></step>\r
142                         <step><para>Check the <guilabel>OPAC Visible</guilabel> check box if you want this location to be \r
143                         visible in the OPAC for searching.<indexterm><primary>Organization Units</primary><secondary>opac visible</secondary></indexterm></para></step>\r
144                         <step><para>Click <guibutton>Save</guibutton> to save your new organizational unit.</para></step>\r
145                         <step><para>From the server command line, run autogen to apply the changes to the database and scripts. Run the following command as the opensrf user:</para>\r
146 <screen>\r
147 <userinput>/openils/bin/autogen.sh -c /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml -u</userinput>\r
148 </screen> \r
149                                 </step> \r
150                                 <step><para>The staff client will need to be restarted for changes to appear.</para>\r
151                                 </step>         \r
152                 </procedure>\r
153                 <procedure>\r
154                         <title>Deleting Organizational Units</title>\r
155                          <indexterm><primary>organization units</primary><secondary>deleting</secondary></indexterm>\r
156                         <step><para>Select the <emphasis>organizational unit</emphasis> you wish to delete from the organizational unit tree in the left pane.</para></step>\r
157                         <step><para>Click<guibutton>Delete</guibutton>.</para></step>\r
158                         <step><para>Click <guibutton>OK</guibutton> on the warning alert box.</para></step>\r
159                         <step><para>From the server command line, run autogen to apply the changes to the database and scripts. Run the following command as the opensrf user:</para>\r
160 <screen>\r
161 <userinput>/openils/bin/autogen.sh -c /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml -u</userinput>\r
162 </screen> \r
163                                 </step> \r
164                                 <step><para>The staff client will need to be restarted for changes to appear.</para>\r
165                                 </step> \r
166                         <note>\r
167                                 <para>You will not be able to delete organizational units if you have \r
168                                 users, workstations or copies assigned to the unit. Before you can delete the \r
169                                 organizational unit, you must move its users, workstations, copies and other associated resources to other \r
170                                 organizational units.</para>\r
171                         </note>\r
172                 </procedure>\r
173                 <procedure>\r
174                         <title>Editing Organizational Units<indexterm><primary>organization units</primary><secondary>editing</secondary></indexterm></title>\r
175                         <step><para>Select the organizational unit you wish to edit from the \r
176                         organizational unit tree in the left pane.</para></step>\r
177                         <step><para>Edit the fields in the right pane.</para></step>\r
178                         <step><para>Click <guibutton>Save</guibutton> to save your changes.</para></step>\r
179                         <step><para>From the server command line, run autogen to apply the changes to the database and scripts. Run the following command as the opensrf user:</para>\r
180 <screen>\r
181 <userinput>/openils/bin/autogen.sh -c /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml -u</userinput>\r
182 </screen> \r
183                         </step> \r
184                         <step><para>The staff client will need to be restarted for changes to appear.</para>\r
185                         </step> \r
186                 </procedure>\r
187                 \r
188                 </simplesect>\r
189                 <simplesect xml:id="server-hours">\r
190                       <info>\r
191                          <title>Library Hours of Operation<indexterm><primary>hours of operation</primary><secondary>setting</secondary></indexterm></title>\r
192                       </info>\r
193 \r
194                       <para>Local System Administrators can use the <guilabel>Organizational Units</guilabel> interface to set the library's hours of operation. These are regular weekly hours;\r
195                          holiday and other closures are recorded in the <link linkend="lsa-closed">Closed Dates\r
196                             Editor</link>.</para>\r
197 \r
198                       <para>Hours of operation and closed dates affect due dates and overdue fines.</para>\r
199 \r
200                       <itemizedlist>\r
201                          <listitem>\r
202                             <formalpara>\r
203                                <title>Due dates<indexterm><primary>hours of operation</primary><secondary>due dates policy</secondary></indexterm></title>\r
204                                <para>Due dates that would fall on closed days are automatically pushed forward to\r
205                                   the next open day. Likewise, if an item is checked out at 8pm, for example, and\r
206                                   would normally be due on a day when the library closes before 8pm, Evergreen\r
207                                   pushes the due date forward to the next open day.</para>\r
208                             </formalpara>\r
209                          </listitem>\r
210                          <listitem>\r
211                             <formalpara>\r
212                                <title>Overdue fines <indexterm><primary>hours of operation</primary><secondary>overdue fines policy</secondary></indexterm></title>\r
213                                <para>Overdue fines are not charged on days when the library is closed.</para>\r
214                             </formalpara>\r
215                          </listitem>\r
216                       </itemizedlist>\r
217 \r
218                         <para>To review or edit your library's hours of operation,</para>\r
219 \r
220 \r
221               <procedure>\r
222 \r
223                  <step>\r
224                     <para>Open the <guilabel>Organizational Units</guilabel> interface.</para>\r
225                  </step>\r
226                  <step>\r
227                     <informalfigure>\r
228                        <para>Click the <guilabel>Hours of\r
229                              Operation</guilabel> tab.</para>\r
230                        <para>\r
231                           <mediaobject>\r
232                              <alt>organizational units, main settings</alt>\r
233                              <imageobject>\r
234                                 <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/server-4.png"/>\r
235                              </imageobject>\r
236                           </mediaobject>\r
237                        </para>\r
238                     </informalfigure>\r
239                  </step>\r
240 \r
241                  <step>\r
242                     <informalfigure>\r
243                        <para>Review your library's weekly hours, editing as necessary. To set a closed day\r
244                           click the corresponding <guibutton>Closed</guibutton> button. Closed days (Monday\r
245                           and Sunday in the example below) have open and close times of 12:00\r
246                           AM.</para>\r
247                        <para>\r
248                           <mediaobject>\r
249                              <alt>hours of operation interface</alt>\r
250                              <imageobject>\r
251                                 <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/server-5.png"/>\r
252                              </imageobject>\r
253                           </mediaobject>\r
254                        </para>\r
255                     </informalfigure>\r
256                  </step>\r
257 \r
258                  <step>\r
259                     <para>Click <guibutton>Save</guibutton> to record any changes</para>\r
260                  </step>\r
261 \r
262 \r
263               </procedure>\r
264 \r
265          </simplesect>\r
266 \r
267 \r
268            <simplesect xml:id="server-addresses">\r
269               <info>\r
270                  <title>Library Addresses <indexterm><primary>library addresses </primary><secondary>setting</secondary></indexterm></title>\r
271               </info>\r
272 \r
273               <para>Addresses set in <menuchoice>\r
274                     <guimenu>Admin (-)</guimenu>\r
275                     <guisubmenu>Server Administrations</guisubmenu>\r
276                     <guimenuitem>Organizational Units</guimenuitem>\r
277                  </menuchoice> appear in patron email notifications, hold slips, and transit slips. Local\r
278                  System Administrators should ensure that the <guilabel>Physical</guilabel>,\r
279                     <guilabel>Holds</guilabel>, and <guilabel>Mailing</guilabel> addresses are set\r
280                  correctly.</para>\r
281 \r
282               <procedure>\r
283 \r
284                  <step>\r
285                     <para>Open the <guilabel>Organizational Units</guilabel> interface as described in the <link\r
286                           linkend="orgunits">previous section</link>.</para>\r
287                  </step>\r
288                  <step>\r
289                     <informalfigure>\r
290                        <para>Click the\r
291                              <guilabel>Addresses</guilabel> tab.</para>\r
292                        <para>\r
293                           <mediaobject>\r
294                              <alt>organizational units, main settings</alt>\r
295                              <imageobject>\r
296                                 <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/server-6.png"/>\r
297                              </imageobject>\r
298                           </mediaobject>\r
299                        </para>\r
300                     </informalfigure>\r
301                  </step>\r
302 \r
303                  <step>\r
304                    \r
305                        <para>There are four address tabs: <guilabel>Physical</guilabel>,\r
306                              <guilabel>Holds</guilabel>, <guilabel>Mailing</guilabel>, and\r
307                              <guilabel>ILL</guilabel>. The <guilabel>Holds Address</guilabel> appears on transit slips when items are sent to fulfill holds at another branch.</para>\r
308                       \r
309                    \r
310                  </step>\r
311 \r
312                  <step>\r
313                     <para>Click <guibutton>Save</guibutton> to record changes for each tab.</para>\r
314                  </step>\r
315 \r
316               </procedure>\r
317 \r
318               <note>\r
319                  <para>The <guilabel>Valid</guilabel> check box is an optional setting that does not affect current Evergreen functions.</para>\r
320               </note>\r
321 \r
322            </simplesect>\r
323 \r
324         </section>\r
325         \r
326         <section xml:id="permissions">\r
327                         <title>User and Group Permissions <indexterm><primary>permissions</primary><secondary>group</secondary></indexterm></title>\r
328                         <abstract>\r
329                         <para>It is essential to understand how user and group permissions can be used to allow staff \r
330                         to fulfill their roles while ensuring that they only have access to the appropriate level.</para> \r
331                         <para>Permissions in <application>Evergreen</application> are applied to a specific location and system depth based on the home \r
332                         library of the user. The user will only have that permission within the scope provided by the \r
333                         <emphasis>Depth</emphasis> field in relation to his/her working locations.</para> \r
334                         <para>Evergreen provides group application permissions in order to restrict which staff members \r
335                         have the ability to assign elevated permissions to a user, and which staff members have the ability \r
336                         to edit users in particular groups.</para>\r
337                 </abstract>\r
338                 <simplesect>\r
339                         <title>User Permissions</title>\r
340                         <tip><para>The User permissions editor allows an administrator to set up permission for an individual user. However, In most cases, permissions can be controlled more \r
341                         efficiently at the group level with individuals being assigned to specific groups based on their roles in the library.</para></tip> \r
342                         <para>To open the user permission editor, select <menuchoice><guimenu>Admin</guimenu>  \r
343                         <guisubmenu>User Permission Editor</guisubmenu></menuchoice>. Type the user's barcode when prompted.</para>   \r
344                         <simplesect>\r
345                                 <title>Working Locations</title>\r
346                                 <para>You may select more than one working location for a user. This will effect \r
347                                 the availability of certain permissions which are dependent on the user having the working location.</para>     \r
348                         </simplesect>\r
349                         <simplesect>\r
350                                 <title>User Permission Settings<indexterm><primary>permissions</primary><secondary>user</secondary></indexterm></title>\r
351                                 <para>Below the working locations is the long list of all the permissions available on your \r
352                                 system. For each permission you can apply it by checking the \r
353                                 <emphasis>Applied</emphasis> check box. You can also select a depth to which the \r
354                                 permission is applied and also make the permission <emphasis>grantable</emphasis>, allowing \r
355                                 the user the ability to grant the permission to others.</para>\r
356                         </simplesect>   \r
357                 </simplesect>\r
358                 <simplesect>\r
359                         <title>Group Permissions <indexterm><primary>permissions</primary><secondary>group</secondary></indexterm></title>\r
360                         <para>Most permissions should be assigned at the group level. Here you can create new \r
361                         groups based on the roles and responsibilities of the users in your system. Staff will be able to \r
362                         assign users to these groups when they register patrons.</para> \r
363                         <tip><para>It is a good idea to create your groups soon after creating your organizational units.\r
364                         It is also important to give careful consideration to the hierarchy of your groups to make \r
365                         permission assignment as efficient as possible.</para></tip> \r
366                         <para>To enter the <emphasis>Group Permission</emphasis> module from the staff client menu, select \r
367                         <menuchoice><guimenu>Admin</guimenu>  <guisubmenu>Server Administration</guisubmenu> \r
368                                 <guisubmenu>Permission Groups</guisubmenu></menuchoice></para>\r
369                         <procedure>\r
370                                 <title>Adding Groups</title>\r
371                                 <step><para>Select the <guibutton>Group Configuration</guibutton> tab if not \r
372                                 already selected in the right pane</para></step>\r
373                                 <step><para>Click <guibutton>New Child</guibutton></para></step>\r
374                                 <step><para>Enter a unique <guilabel>Group Name</guilabel></para></step>\r
375                                 <step><para>Enter a <guilabel>Description</guilabel></para></step>\r
376                                 <step><para>Select a <guilabel>Permission Interval</guilabel>. This will determine the \r
377                                 default expiry date of user account when you register patrons and select \r
378                                 their groups</para></step>\r
379                                 <step><para>Selecting an <guilabel>Editing Permission</guilabel> will determine the group level the user will have for editing other users.</para></step>\r
380                                 <step><para>Select the <guilabel>Parent Group</guilabel> for the group.</para>\r
381                                 <note><para>The group will inherit its parent group's permissions so it is unnecessary to assign permissions already inherited from its parent.</para></note></step>\r
382                                 <step><para>Click the <guibutton>Save</guibutton> button.</para></step> \r
383                         </procedure>\r
384                         <procedure>\r
385                                 <title>Deleting Groups</title>\r
386                                 <step><para>Select the group you wish to delete from the group tree on \r
387                                 left pane.</para></step>\r
388                                 <step><para>Click the <guibutton>Delete</guibutton> button.</para></step>\r
389                                 <step><para>Click on <guibutton>OK</guibutton>to verify.</para></step>\r
390                         </procedure>\r
391                         <procedure>\r
392                                 <title>Editing Groups</title>\r
393                                 <step><para>Select the group you wish to edit from the group tree on left pane.</para></step>\r
394                                 <step><para>Edit the fields you wish to change in the right pane.</para></step>\r
395                                 <step><para>Click on <guibutton>Save</guibutton> to save changes.</para></step> \r
396                         </procedure>\r
397                         <procedure>\r
398                                 <title>Adding Group Permissions</title>\r
399                                 <step><para>Select the <guibutton>Group Permissions</guibutton> tab on the right \r
400                                 pane</para></step>\r
401                                 <step><para>Click on <guibutton>New Mapping</guibutton>.</para></step>\r
402                                 <step><para>Select the permission you would like to add from the \r
403                                 <guibutton>Permission</guibutton> Select box.</para></step>\r
404                                 <step><para>Select the <guibutton>Depth</guibutton> you wish to set the \r
405                                 permission. This will determine if the group has the permission at a local level or across a\r
406                                 system, or consortium, or other organizational unit type.</para></step>\r
407                                 <step><para>check the <guibutton>Grantable</guibutton> check box to allow the user to \r
408                                 grant the permission to others.</para></step>\r
409                                 <step><para>Click <guibutton>Add Mapping</guibutton> to add the permission to the \r
410                                 group</para></step>\r
411                         </procedure>\r
412                         <procedure>\r
413                                 <title>Deleting Group Permissions</title>\r
414                                 <step><para>Select the group permission you wish to delete.</para></step>\r
415                                 <step><para>Click the <guibutton>Delete Selected</guibutton> button.</para></step>\r
416                                 <step><para>Click on <guibutton>OK</guibutton> to verify</para></step>\r
417                         </procedure>\r
418                         <procedure>\r
419                                 <title>Editing Group Permissions</title>\r
420                                 <step><para>Click on the <guilabel>Depth</guilabel> or <guilabel>Grantable</guilabel> \r
421                                 field for the permission setting you wish to change.</para></step>\r
422                                 <step><para>Make changes to other permissions in the same way.</para></step>\r
423                                 <step><para>Click <guibutton>Save Changes</guibutton> when you are finished all \r
424                                 the changes.</para></step>\r
425                         </procedure>\r
426                 </simplesect>\r
427                 <simplesect>\r
428                         <title>Permissions</title>\r
429                         <table xml:id="permissiondescriptions">\r
430                                 <title>Permissions Table</title>\r
431                                 <tgroup cols="2">\r
432                                         <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1.0*"/>\r
433                                         <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1.0*"/>\r
434                                         <thead>\r
435                                                 <row>\r
436                                                         <entry>Permission Name</entry>\r
437                                                         <entry>Permission Description</entry>\r
438                                                 </row>\r
439                                         </thead>\r
440                                         <tbody>\r
441                                                 <row>\r
442                                                         <entry>ABORT_REMOTE_TRANSIT</entry>\r
443                                                         <entry>Allows user to abort a copy transit if the user is not at \r
444                                                         the transit source or destination</entry>\r
445                                                 </row>\r
446                                                 <row>\r
447                                                         <entry>ABORT_TRANSIT</entry>\r
448                                                         <entry>Allows user to abort a copy transit if the user is at the \r
449                                                         transit destination or source</entry>\r
450                                                 </row>\r
451                                                 <row>\r
452                                                         <entry>ASSIGN_WORK_ORG_UNIT</entry>\r
453                                                         <entry>Allows user to define where another staff member's \r
454                                                         permissions apply via the Permissions Editor interface.</entry>\r
455                                                 </row>\r
456                                                 <row>\r
457                                                         <entry>BAR_PATRON</entry>\r
458                                                         <entry>Allows user to bar a patron</entry>\r
459                                                 </row>\r
460                                                 <row>\r
461                                                         <entry>CANCEL_HOLDS</entry>\r
462                                                         <entry>Allows user to cancel holds</entry>\r
463                                                 </row>\r
464                                                 <row>\r
465                                                         <entry>CIRC_CLAIMS_RETURNED override</entry>\r
466                                                         <entry>Allows user to check in/out an item that is claims \r
467                                                         returned</entry>\r
468                                                 </row>\r
469                                                 <row>\r
470                                                         <entry>CIRC_EXCEEDS_COPY_RANGE override</entry>\r
471                                                         <entry>Allows user to override the copy exceeds range event</entry>\r
472                                                 </row>\r
473                                                 <row>\r
474                                                         <entry>CIRC_OVERRIDE_DUE_DATE</entry>\r
475                                                         <entry>Allows user to change due date</entry>\r
476                                                 </row>\r
477                                                 <row>\r
478                                                         <entry>CIRC_PERMIT_OVERRIDE</entry>\r
479                                                         <entry>Allows user to bypass the circ permit call for i\r
480                                                         checkout</entry>\r
481                                                 </row>\r
482                                                 <row>\r
483                                                         <entry>COPY_ALERT_MESSAGE override</entry>\r
484                                                         <entry>Allows user to check in/out an item that has an alert \r
485                                                                 message</entry>\r
486                                                 </row>\r
487                                                 <row>\r
488                                                         <entry>COPY_BAD_STATUS override</entry>\r
489                                                         <entry>Allows user to check out an item in a non-circulating\r
490                                                         status</entry>\r
491                                                 </row>\r
492                                                 <row>\r
493                                                         <entry>COPY_CHECKIN</entry>\r
494                                                         <entry>Allows user to check in a copy</entry>\r
495                                                 </row>\r
496                                                 <row>\r
497                                                         <entry>COPY_CHECKOUT</entry>\r
498                                                         <entry>Allows user to check out a copy</entry>\r
499                                                 </row>\r
500                                                 <row>\r
501                                                         <entry>COPY_CIRC_NOT_ALLOWED override</entry>\r
502                                                         <entry>Allows user to checkout an item that is marked as \r
503                                                         non-circ</entry>\r
504                                                 </row>\r
505                                                 <row>\r
506                                                         <entry>COPY_HOLDS</entry>\r
507                                                         <entry>Allows user to place a hold on a specific copy</entry>\r
508                                                 </row>\r
509                                                 <row>\r
510                                                         <entry>COPY_IS_REFERENCE override</entry>\r
511                                                         <entry>Allows user to override the copy_is_reference event</entry>\r
512                                                 </row>\r
513                                         \r
514                                                 <row>\r
515                                                         <entry>COPY_NOT_AVAILABLE override</entry>\r
516                                                         <entry>Allows user to force checkout of Missing/Lost type \r
517                                                         items</entry>\r
518                                                 </row>\r
519                                                 <row>\r
520                                                         <entry>COPY_STATUS_LOST override</entry>\r
521                                                         <entry>Allows user to remove the lost status from a copy</entry>\r
522                                                 </row>\r
523                                                 <row>\r
524                                                         <entry>COPY_STATUS_MISSING override</entry>\r
525                                                         <entry>Allows user to change the missing status on a copy</entry>\r
526                                                 </row>\r
527                                                 <row>\r
528                                                         <entry>COPY_TRANSIT_RECEIVE</entry>\r
529                                                         <entry>Allows user to close out a transit on a copy</entry>\r
530                                                 </row>\r
531                                                 <row>\r
532                                                         <entry>CREATE_BILL</entry>\r
533                                                         <entry>Allows user to create a new bill on a transaction</entry>\r
534                                                 </row>\r
535                                                 <row>\r
536                                                         <entry>CREATE_CONTAINER</entry>\r
537                                                         <entry>Allows user to create containers owned by other users \r
538                                                         (containers are Item Buckets, Volume Buckets, and Book Bags)</entry>\r
539                                                 </row>\r
540                                                 <row>\r
541                                                         <entry>CREATE_CONTAINER_ITEM</entry>\r
542                                                         <entry>Allows user to place an item in a container (even if the \r
543                                                         container is owned by other users).</entry>\r
544                                                 </row>\r
545                                                 <row>\r
546                                                         <entry>CREATE_COPY</entry>\r
547                                                         <entry>Allows user to create a new copy object</entry>\r
548                                                 </row>\r
549                                                 <row>\r
550                                                         <entry>CREATE_COPY_LOCATION</entry>\r
551                                                         <entry>Allows user to create a new copy location</entry>\r
552                                                 </row>\r
553                                                 <row>\r
554                                                         <entry>CREATE_COPY_NOTE</entry>\r
555                                                         <entry>Allows user to create a new copy note</entry>\r
556                                                 </row>\r
557                                                 <row>\r
558                                                         <entry>CREATE_COPY_STAT_CAT</entry>\r
559                                                         <entry>Allows user to create a statistical category for \r
560                                                         copies</entry>\r
561                                                 </row>\r
562                                                 <row>\r
563                                                         <entry>CREATE_COPY_STAT_CAT _ENTRY</entry>\r
564                                                         <entry>Allows user to create a new entry for a copy statistical \r
565                                                         category</entry>\r
566                                                 </row>\r
567                                                 <row>\r
568                                                         <entry>CREATE_COPY_STAT_CAT _ENTRY_MAP</entry>\r
569                                                         <entry>Allows user to link a copy to a statistical category \r
570                                                         (i.e., allows user to specify the appropriate entry for a copy and \r
571                                                         given statistical category)</entry>\r
572                                                 </row>\r
573                                                 <row>\r
574                                                         <entry>CREATE_COPY_TRANSIT</entry>\r
575                                                         <entry>Allows user to create a transit</entry>\r
576                                                 </row>\r
577                                                 <row>\r
578                                                         <entry>CREATE_DUPLICATE_HOLDS</entry>\r
579                                                         <entry>Allows user to create duplicate holds (e.g. two holds on the \r
580                                                         same title)</entry>\r
581                                                 </row>\r
582                                                 <row>\r
583                                                         <entry>CREATE_HOLD_NOTIFICATION</entry>\r
584                                                         <entry>Allows user to create new hold notifications</entry>\r
585                                                 </row>\r
586                                                 <row>\r
587                                                         <entry>CREATE_IN_HOUSE_USE</entry>\r
588                                                         <entry>Allows user to create a new in-house-use</entry>\r
589                                                 </row>\r
590                                                 <row>\r
591                                                         <entry>CREATE_MARC</entry>\r
592                                                         <entry>Allows user to create new MARC records</entry>\r
593                                                 </row>\r
594                                                 <row>\r
595                                                         <entry>CREATE_MY_CONTAINER</entry>\r
596                                                         <entry>Allows user to create containers for self (containers are \r
597                                                         Item Buckets, Volume Buckets, and Book Bags).</entry>\r
598                                                 </row>\r
599                                                 <row>\r
600                                                         <entry>CREATE_NON_CAT_TYPE</entry>\r
601                                                         <entry>Allows user to create a new non-cataloged item type</entry>\r
602                                                 </row>\r
603                                                 <row>\r
604                                                         <entry>CREATE_PATRON_STAT _CAT</entry>\r
605                                                         <entry>Allows user to create a new patron statistical \r
606                                                         category</entry>\r
607                                                 </row>\r
608                                                 <row>\r
609                                                         <entry>CREATE_PATRON_STAT _CAT_ENTRY</entry>\r
610                                                         <entry>Allows user to create a new possible entry for patron \r
611                                                         statistical categories</entry>\r
612                                                 </row>\r
613                                                 <row>\r
614                                                         <entry>CREATE_PATRON_STAT _CAT_ENTRY_MAP</entry>\r
615                                                         <entry>Allows user to link another user to a stat cat entry (i.e., \r
616                                                         specify the patron's entry for a given statistical category)</entry>\r
617                                                 </row>\r
618                                                 <row>\r
619                                                         <entry>CREATE_PAYMENT</entry>\r
620                                                         <entry>Allows user to record payments in the Billing \r
621                                                         Interface</entry>\r
622                                                 </row>\r
623                                                 <row>\r
624                                                         <entry>CREATE_TITLE_NOTE</entry>\r
625                                                         <entry>Allows user to create a new title note</entry>\r
626                                                 </row>\r
627                                                 <row>\r
628                                                         <entry>CREATE_TRANSACTION</entry>\r
629                                                         <entry>Allows user to create new billable transactions (these \r
630                                                         include checkouts and transactions created via the Bill Patron \r
631                                                         operation)</entry>\r
632                                                 </row>\r
633                                                 <row>\r
634                                                         <entry>CREATE_TRANSIT</entry>\r
635                                                         <entry>Allows user to place item in transit</entry>\r
636                                                 </row>\r
637                                                 <row>\r
638                                                         <entry>CREATE_USER</entry>\r
639                                                         <entry>Allows user to create another user</entry>\r
640                                                 </row>\r
641                                                 <row>\r
642                                                         <entry>CREATE_USER_GROUP _LINK</entry>\r
643                                                         <entry>Allows user to add other users to permission groups</entry>\r
644                                                 </row>\r
645                                                 <row>\r
646                                                         <entry>CREATE_VOLUME</entry>\r
647                                                         <entry>Allows user to create a volume</entry>\r
648                                                 </row>\r
649                                                 <row>\r
650                                                         <entry>CREATE_VOLUME_NOTE</entry>\r
651                                                         <entry>Allows user to create a new volume note</entry>\r
652                                                 </row>\r
653                                                 <row>\r
654                                                         <entry>DELETE_CONTAINER</entry>\r
655                                                         <entry>Allows user to delete containers (containers are Item Buckets, \r
656                                                         Volume Buckets, and Book Bags).</entry>\r
657                                                 </row>\r
658                                                 <row>\r
659                                                         <entry>DELETE_CONTAINER _ITEM</entry>\r
660                                                         <entry>Allows user to remove items from buckets and bookbags</entry>\r
661                                                 </row>\r
662                                                 <row>\r
663                                                         <entry>DELETE_COPY</entry>\r
664                                                         <entry>Allows user to delete a copy</entry>\r
665                                                 </row>\r
666                                                 <row>\r
667                                                         <entry>DELETE_COPY _LOCATION</entry>\r
668                                                         <entry>Allows user to delete a copy location</entry>\r
669                                                 </row>\r
670                                                 <row>\r
671                                                         <entry>DELETE_COPY_NOTE</entry>\r
672                                                         <entry>Allows user to delete copy notes</entry>\r
673                                                 </row>\r
674                                                 <row>\r
675                                                         <entry>DELETE_COPY_STAT _CAT</entry>\r
676                                                         <entry>Allows user to delete a copy statistical category</entry>\r
677                                                 </row>\r
678                                                 <row>\r
679                                                         <entry>DELETE_COPY_STAT _CAT_ENTRY</entry>\r
680                                                         <entry>Allows user to delete an entry for a copy statistical \r
681                                                         category</entry>\r
682                                                 </row>\r
683                                                 <row>\r
684                                                         <entry>DELETE_COPY_STAT _CAT_ENTRY_MAP</entry>\r
685                                                         <entry>Allows user to delete a copy stat cat entry map</entry>\r
686                                                 </row>\r
687                                                 <row>\r
688                                                         <entry>DELETE_NON_CAT_TYPE</entry>\r
689                                                         <entry>Allows user to delete a non cataloged type (the user still \r
690                                                         cannot deleted a non-cat type if any items of that type have \r
691                                                         circulated).</entry>\r
692                                                 </row>\r
693                                                 <row>\r
694                                                         <entry>DELETE_PATRON_STAT _CAT</entry>\r
695                                                         <entry>Allows user to delete a patron statistical category</entry>\r
696                                                 </row>\r
697                                                 <row>\r
698                                                         <entry>DELETE_PATRON_STAT _CAT_ENTRY</entry>\r
699                                                         <entry>Allows user to delete an entry for patron statistical \r
700                                                         categories</entry>\r
701                                                 </row>\r
702                                                 <row>\r
703                                                         <entry>DELETE_PATRON_STAT _CAT_ENTRY_MAP</entry>\r
704                                                         <entry>Allows user to remove a patron's entry for a given \r
705                                                         statistical category</entry>\r
706                                                 </row>\r
707                                                 <row>\r
708                                                         <entry>DELETE_RECORD</entry>\r
709                                                         <entry>Allows user to delete a bib record</entry>\r
710                                                 </row>\r
711                                                 <row>\r
712                                                         <entry>DELETE_TITLE_NOTE</entry>\r
713                                                         <entry>Allows user to delete title notes</entry>\r
714                                                 </row>\r
715                                                 <row>\r
716                                                         <entry>DELETE_USER</entry>\r
717                                                         <entry>Allows user to mark a user as deleted</entry>\r
718                                                 </row>\r
719                                                 <row>\r
720                                                         <entry>DELETE_VOLUME</entry>\r
721                                                         <entry>Allows user to delete a volume</entry>\r
722                                                 </row>\r
723                                                 <row>\r
724                                                         <entry>DELETE_VOLUME_NOTE</entry>\r
725                                                         <entry>Allows user to delete volume notes</entry>\r
726                                                 </row>\r
727                                                 <row>\r
728                                                         <entry>DELETE_WORKSTATION</entry>\r
729                                                         <entry>Allows user to remove an existing workstation so a new one \r
730                                                         can replace it</entry>\r
731                                                 </row>\r
732                                                 <row>\r
733                                                         <entry>EVERYTHING</entry>\r
734                                                         <entry> Every permission is granted (for sysadmins and developers \r
735                                                         only!)</entry>\r
736                                                 </row>\r
737                                                 <row>\r
738                                                         <entry>HOLD_EXISTS.override</entry>\r
739                                                         <entry>Allows users to place multiple holds on a single \r
740                                                         copy/volume/title/metarecord (depending on hold type)</entry>\r
741                                                 </row>\r
742                                                 <row>\r
743                                                         <entry>IMPORT_MARC</entry>\r
744                                                         <entry>Allows user to import a MARC record via the z39.50 \r
745                                                         interface</entry>\r
746                                                 </row>\r
747                                                 <row>\r
748                                                         <entry>ITEM_AGE_PROTECTED override</entry>\r
749                                                         <entry>Allows user to place a hold on an age-protected item</entry>\r
750                                                 </row>                                          <row>\r
751                                                         <entry>ITEM_ON_HOLDS_SHELF override</entry>\r
752                                                         <entry>Allows user to check out an item that is on holds shelf for a \r
753                                                         different patron</entry>\r
754                                                 </row>\r
755                                                 <row>\r
756                                                         <entry>MAX_RENEWALS_REACHED override</entry>\r
757                                                         <entry>Allows user to renew an item past the maximum renewal \r
758                                                         count</entry>\r
759                                                 </row>\r
760                                                 <row>\r
761                                                         <entry>MERGE_BIB_RECORDS</entry>\r
762                                                         <entry>Allows user to merge bib records and their associated data \r
763                                                         regardless of their bib/volume/copy level perms (in theory - as of \r
764                                                         1.2.2, users still must have VOLUME_UPDATE and UPDATE_VOLUME in \r
765                                                         order to merge records.</entry>\r
766                                                 </row>\r
767                                                 <row>\r
768                                                         <entry>MR_HOLDS</entry>\r
769                                                         <entry>Allows user to create a metarecord holds</entry>\r
770                                                 </row>\r
771                                                 <row>\r
772                                                         <entry>OFFLINE_EXECUTE</entry>\r
773                                                         <entry>Allows user to process an offline/standalone script \r
774                                                         batch</entry>\r
775                                                 </row>\r
776                                                 <row>\r
777                                                         <entry>OFFLINE_UPLOAD</entry>\r
778                                                         <entry>Allows user to upload an offline/standalone script</entry>\r
779                                                 </row>\r
780                                                 <row>\r
781                                                         <entry>OFFLINE_VIEW</entry>\r
782                                                         <entry>Allows user to view uploaded offline script information</entry>\r
783                                                 </row>\r
784                                                 <row>\r
785                                                         <entry>OPAC_LOGIN</entry>\r
786                                                         <entry>Allows user to login to the OPAC</entry>\r
787                                                 </row>\r
788                                                 <row>\r
789                                                         <entry>patron_exceeds_checkout _count.override</entry>\r
790                                                         <entry>Allow user to override checkout count failure</entry>\r
791                                                 </row>\r
792                                                 <row>\r
793                                                         <entry>patron_exceeds_fines override</entry>\r
794                                                         <entry>Allow user to override fine amount checkout failure</entry>\r
795                                                 </row>\r
796                                                 <row>\r
797                                                         <entry>patron_exceeds_overdue _count.override</entry>\r
798                                                         <entry>Allow user to override overdue count failure</entry>\r
799                                                 </row>\r
800                                                 <row>\r
801                                                         <entry>REGISTER_WORKSTATION</entry>\r
802                                                         <entry>Allows user to register a new workstation</entry>\r
803                                                 </row>\r
804                                                 <row>\r
805                                                         <entry>REMOTE_Z3950_QUERY</entry>\r
806                                                         <entry>Allows user to perform z3950 queries against remote \r
807                                                         servers</entry>\r
808                                                 </row>\r
809                                                 <row>\r
810                                                         <entry>REMOVE_USER_GROUP_LINK</entry>\r
811                                                         <entry>Allows user to remove other users from permission \r
812                                                         groups</entry>\r
813                                                 </row>\r
814                                                 <row>\r
815                                                         <entry>RENEW_CIRC</entry>\r
816                                                         <entry>Allows user to renew items</entry>\r
817                                                 </row>\r
818                                                 <row>\r
819                                                         <entry>RENEW_HOLD_OVERRIDE</entry>\r
820                                                         <entry>Allows user to continue to renew an item even if it is \r
821                                                         required for a hold.</entry>\r
822                                                 </row>\r
823                                                 <row>\r
824                                                         <entry>REQUEST_HOLDS</entry>\r
825                                                         <entry>Allows user to create holds for another user (if true, we \r
826                                                         still check to make sure they have permission to make the type of \r
827                                                         hold they are requesting, e.g. COPY_HOLDS)</entry>\r
828                                                 </row>\r
829                                                 <row>\r
830                                                         <entry>RUN_REPORTS</entry>\r
831                                                         <entry>Allows user to view the Reports Interface, create templates, \r
832                                                         and run reports</entry>\r
833                                                 </row>\r
834                                                 <row>\r
835                                                         <entry>SET_CIRC_CLAIMS _RETURNED</entry>\r
836                                                         <entry>Allows user to mark an item as claimed returned</entry>\r
837                                                 </row>\r
838                                                 <row>\r
839                                                         <entry>SET_CIRC_LOST</entry>\r
840                                                         <entry>Allows user to mark an item as lost</entry>\r
841                                                 </row>\r
842                                                 <row>\r
843                                                         <entry>SET_CIRC_MISSING</entry>\r
844                                                         <entry>Allows user to mark an item as missing</entry>\r
845                                                 </row>\r
846                                                 <row>\r
847                                                         <entry>SHARE_REPORT_FOLDER</entry>\r
848                                                         <entry>Allows user to share Template/Report/Output folders via the \r
849                                                         Reporting Interface</entry>\r
850                                                 </row>\r
851                                                 <row>\r
852                                                         <entry>STAFF_LOGIN</entry>\r
853                                                         <entry>Allows user to login to the staff client</entry>\r
854                                                 </row>\r
855                                                 <row>\r
856                                                         <entry>TITLE_HOLDS</entry>\r
857                                                         <entry> Allows user to place a hold at the title level</entry>\r
858                                                 </row>\r
859                                                 <row>\r
860                                                         <entry>UNBAR_PATRON</entry>\r
861                                                         <entry> Allows user to un-bar a patron</entry>\r
862                                                 </row>\r
863                                                 <row>\r
864                                                         <entry>UPDATE_BATCH_COPY</entry>\r
865                                                         <entry>Allows user to edit copies in batch</entry>\r
866                                                 </row>\r
867                                                 <row>\r
868                                                         <entry>UPDATE_CONTAINER</entry>\r
869                                                         <entry>Allows user to update another users Buckets or Book \r
870                                                         Bags</entry>\r
871                                                 </row>\r
872                                                 <row>\r
873                                                         <entry>UPDATE_COPY</entry>\r
874                                                         <entry>Allows user to edit a copy</entry>\r
875                                                 </row>\r
876                                                 <row>\r
877                                                         <entry>UPDATE_COPY_LOCATION</entry>\r
878                                                         <entry>Allows user to edit a copy location</entry>\r
879                                                 </row>\r
880                                                 <row>\r
881                                                         <entry>UPDATE_COPY_STAT_CAT</entry>\r
882                                                         <entry>Allows user to change a copy statistical category</entry>\r
883                                                 </row>\r
884                                                 <row>\r
885                                                         <entry>UPDATE_COPY_STAT _CAT_ENTRY</entry>\r
886                                                         <entry>Allows user to change a copy statistical category entry</entry>\r
887                                                 </row>\r
888                                                 <row>\r
889                                                         <entry>UPDATE_HOLD</entry>\r
890                                                         <entry>Allows user to edit holds (such as change notification phone \r
891                                                         number or pickup library, as well as re-target the hold and capture \r
892                                                         an item for hold or pickup)</entry>\r
893                                                 </row>\r
894                                                 <row>\r
895                                                         <entry>UPDATE_MARC</entry>\r
896                                                         <entry>Allows user to edit a marc record</entry>\r
897                                                 </row>\r
898                                                 <row>\r
899                                                         <entry>UPDATE_NON_CAT _TYPE</entry>\r
900                                                         <entry>Allows user to update a non cataloged type</entry>\r
901                                                 </row>\r
902                                                 <row>\r
903                                                         <entry>UPDATE_ORG_SETTING</entry>\r
904                                                         <entry>Allows user to update an org unit setting</entry>\r
905                                                 </row>\r
906                                                 <row>\r
907                                                         <entry>UPDATE_ORG_UNIT</entry>\r
908                                                         <entry>Allows user to change org unit settings</entry>\r
909                                                 </row>\r
910                                                 <row>\r
911                                                         <entry>UPDATE_PATRON_STAT _CAT</entry>\r
912                                                         <entry>Allows user to change a patron statistical category (such as \r
913                                                         renaming the category)</entry>\r
914                                                 </row>\r
915                                                 <row>\r
916                                                         <entry>UPDATE_PATRON_STAT _CAT_ENTRY</entry>\r
917                                                         <entry>Allows user to change a patron stat cat entry(such as \r
918                                                         renaming the entry)</entry>\r
919                                                 </row>\r
920                                                 <row>\r
921                                                         <entry>UPDATE_RECORD</entry>\r
922                                                         <entry>Allows user to undelete a MARC record</entry>\r
923                                                 </row>\r
924                                                 <row>\r
925                                                         <entry>UPDATE_USER</entry>\r
926                                                         <entry>Allows user to edit a user's record</entry>\r
927                                                 </row>\r
928                                                 <row>\r
929                                                         <entry>UPDATE_VOLUME</entry>\r
930                                                         <entry>Allows user to edit volumes - needed for merging records. \r
931                                                         This is a duplicate of VOLUME_UPDATE; user must have both \r
932                                                         permissions at appropriate level to merge records.</entry>\r
933                                                 </row>\r
934                                                 <row>\r
935                                                         <entry>VIEW_CIRCULATIONS</entry>\r
936                                                         <entry>Allows user to see what another user has checked out</entry>\r
937                                                 </row>\r
938                                                 <row>\r
939                                                         <entry>VIEW_CONTAINER</entry>\r
940                                                         <entry>Allows user to view buckets and bookbags</entry>\r
941                                                 </row>\r
942                                                 <row>\r
943                                                         <entry>VIEW_COPY_CHECKOUT _HISTORY</entry>\r
944                                                         <entry>Allows user to view which users have checked out a given \r
945                                                         copy</entry>\r
946                                                 </row>\r
947                                                 <row>\r
948                                                         <entry>VIEW_COPY_NOTES</entry>\r
949                                                         <entry>Allows user to view notes attached to a copy</entry>\r
950                                                 </row>\r
951                                                 <row>\r
952                                                         <entry>VIEW_HOLD</entry>\r
953                                                         <entry>Allows user to view another user's holds</entry>\r
954                                                 </row>\r
955                                                 <row>\r
956                                                         <entry>VIEW_HOLD_NOTIFICATION</entry>\r
957                                                         <entry>Allows user to view notifications attached to a hold</entry>\r
958                                                 </row>\r
959                                                 <row>\r
960                                                         <entry>VIEW_HOLD_PERMIT</entry>\r
961                                                         <entry>Allows user to see if another user has permission to place a \r
962                                                         hold on a given copy</entry>\r
963                                                 </row>\r
964                                                 <row>\r
965                                                         <entry>VIEW_PERM_GROUPS</entry>\r
966                                                         <entry>Allows user to view permission groups.</entry>\r
967                                                 </row>\r
968                                                 <row>\r
969                                                         <entry>VIEW_PERMISSION</entry>\r
970                                                         <entry>Allows user to view user permissions within the user \r
971                                                         permissions editor</entry>\r
972                                                 </row>\r
973                                                 <row>\r
974                                                         <entry>VIEW_PERMIT_CHECKOUT</entry>\r
975                                                         <entry>Allows user to see if another user can check out an item \r
976                                                         (should be true for all staff)</entry>\r
977                                                 </row>\r
978                                                 <row>\r
979                                                         <entry>VIEW_REPORT_OUTPUT</entry>\r
980                                                         <entry>Allows user to view report output</entry>\r
981                                                 </row>\r
982                                                 <row>\r
983                                                         <entry>VIEW_TITLE_NOTES</entry>\r
984                                                         <entry>Allows user to view all notes attached to a title</entry>\r
985                                                 </row>\r
986                                                 <row>\r
987                                                         <entry>VIEW_TRANSACTION</entry>\r
988                                                         <entry>Allows user to see another users grocery/circ transactions \r
989                                                         in the Bills Interface</entry>\r
990                                                 </row>\r
991                                                 <row>\r
992                                                         <entry>VIEW_USER</entry>\r
993                                                         <entry>Allows user to view another user's Patron Record</entry>\r
994                                                 </row>\r
995                                                 <row>\r
996                                                         <entry>VIEW_USER_FINES _SUMMARY</entry>\r
997                                                         <entry>Allows user to view bill details</entry>\r
998                                                 </row>\r
999                                                 <row>\r
1000                                                         <entry>VIEW_USER_TRANSACTIONS</entry>\r
1001                                                         <entry>*same as VIEW_TRANSACTION (duplicate perm)</entry>\r
1002                                                 </row>\r
1003                                                 <row>\r
1004                                                         <entry>VIEW_VOLUME_NOTES</entry>\r
1005                                                         <entry>Allows user to view all notes attached to a volume</entry>\r
1006                                                 </row>\r
1007                                                 <row>\r
1008                                                         <entry>VIEW_ZIP_DATA</entry>\r
1009                                                         <entry>Allows user to query the zip code data method</entry>\r
1010                                                 </row>\r
1011                                                 <row>\r
1012                                                         <entry>VOID_BILLING</entry>\r
1013                                                         <entry>Allows user to void a bill</entry>\r
1014                                                 </row>\r
1015                                                 <row>\r
1016                                                         <entry>VOLUME_HOLDS</entry>\r
1017                                                         <entry> Allows user to place a volume level hold</entry>\r
1018                                                 </row>\r
1019                                 \r
1020                                                 <row>\r
1021                                                         <entry>actor.org_unit.closed _date.create</entry>\r
1022                                                         <entry>Allows user to create a new closed date for a location</entry>\r
1023                                                 </row>\r
1024                                                 <row>\r
1025                                                         <entry>actor.org_unit.closed _date.delete</entry>\r
1026                                                         <entry>Allows user to remove a closed date interval for a given \r
1027                                                         location</entry>\r
1028                                                 </row>\r
1029                                                 <row>\r
1030                                                         <entry>actor.org_unit.closed _date.update</entry>\r
1031                                                         <entry>Allows user to update a closed date interval for a given \r
1032                                                         location</entry>\r
1033                                                 </row>\r
1034                                                 <row>\r
1035                                                         <entry>group_application.user</entry>\r
1036                                                         <entry>Allows user to add/remove users to/from the User group</entry>\r
1037                                                 </row>\r
1038                                                 <row>\r
1039                                                         <entry>group_application.user .patron</entry>\r
1040                                                         <entry>Allows user to add/remove users to/from the Patron \r
1041                                                         group</entry>\r
1042                                                 </row>\r
1043                                                 <row>\r
1044                                                         <entry>group_application.user. sip_client</entry>\r
1045                                                         <entry>Allows user to add/remove users to/from the SIP-Client \r
1046                                                         group</entry>\r
1047                                                 </row>\r
1048                                                 <row>\r
1049                                                         <entry>group_application.user. staff</entry>\r
1050                                                         <entry>Allows user to add/remove users to/from the Staff \r
1051                                                         group</entry>\r
1052                                                 </row>\r
1053                                                 <row>\r
1054                                                         <entry>group_application.user.staff. admin.global_admin</entry>\r
1055                                                         <entry>Allows user to add/remove users to/from the GlobalAdmin \r
1056                                                         group</entry>\r
1057                                                 </row>\r
1058                                                 <row>\r
1059                                                         <entry>group_application.user.staff. admin.lib_manager</entry>\r
1060                                                         <entry>Allows user to add/remove users to/from the LibraryManager \r
1061                                                         group</entry>\r
1062                                                 </row>\r
1063                                                 <row>\r
1064                                                         <entry>group_application.user.staff. admin.local_admin</entry>\r
1065                                                         <entry>Allows user to add/remove users to/from the LocalAdmin \r
1066                                                         group</entry>\r
1067                                                 </row>\r
1068                                                 <row>\r
1069                                                 <entry>group_application.user.staff.cat</entry>\r
1070                                                 <entry>Allows user to add/remove users to/from the Cataloger group</entry>\r
1071                                                 </row>\r
1072                                                 <row>\r
1073                                                         <entry>group_application.user. staff.cat.cat1</entry>\r
1074                                                         <entry>Allows user to add/remove users to/from the Cat1 group</entry>\r
1075                                                 </row>\r
1076                                                 <row>\r
1077                                                         <entry>group_application.user. staff.circ</entry>\r
1078                                                         <entry>Allows user to add/remove users to/from the Circulator \r
1079                                                         group</entry>\r
1080                                                 </row>\r
1081                                                 <row>\r
1082                                                         <entry>group_application.user. staff.supercat</entry>\r
1083                                                         <entry>Allows user to add/remove users to/from the Supercat \r
1084                                                         group</entry>\r
1085                                                 </row>\r
1086                                                 <row>\r
1087                                                         <entry>group_application.user. vendor</entry>\r
1088                                                         <entry>Allows user to add/remove users to/from the Vendor \r
1089                                                         group</entry>\r
1090                                                 </row>\r
1091                                                 <row>\r
1092                                                         <entry>money.collections_tracker. create</entry>\r
1093                                                         <entry>Allows user to put someone into collections</entry>\r
1094                                                 </row>\r
1095                                                 <row>\r
1096                                                         <entry>money.collections_tracker. delete</entry>\r
1097                                                         <entry>Allows user to take someone out of collections</entry>\r
1098                                                 </row>\r
1099                                         </tbody>\r
1100                                 </tgroup>\r
1101                         </table>        \r
1102                 </simplesect>\r
1103         </section>\r
1104         <section xml:id="admin-staff_accounts">\r
1105         <info>\r
1106         <title>Staff Accounts <indexterm><primary>staff accounts</primary></indexterm></title>\r
1107     </info>\r
1108 \r
1109     \r
1110         <para> New staff accounts are created in much the same way as patron accounts, using <menuchoice>\r
1111                 <guimenu>Circulation</guimenu>\r
1112                 <guimenuitem>Register Patron</guimenuitem>\r
1113             </menuchoice> or <keycombo>\r
1114                 <keycap>Shift</keycap>\r
1115                 <keycap>F1</keycap>\r
1116             </keycombo>. Select one of the staff profiles from the <guilabel>Profile\r
1117                 Group</guilabel> drop-down menu. </para>\r
1118 \r
1119     <para xml:id="profiles-working">Each new staff account must be assigned a <guilabel>Working\r
1120             Location</guilabel><indexterm><primary>staff accounts</primary><secondary>working location</secondary></indexterm> which determines its access level in staff client interfaces.\r
1121         Accounts migrated from legacy systems or created before the upgrade to Evergreen 1.6 already\r
1122         have working locations assigned.</para>\r
1123 \r
1124 \r
1125     <procedure>\r
1126         <step>\r
1127             <para>To assign a working location open the newly created staff account using\r
1128                     <keycap>F1</keycap> (retrieve patron) or <keycap>F4</keycap> (patron search).\r
1129             </para>\r
1130         </step>\r
1131 \r
1132         <step>\r
1133                 <para>Select <menuchoice>\r
1134                         <guimenu>Other</guimenu>\r
1135                         <guimenuitem>User Permission Editor</guimenuitem>\r
1136                     </menuchoice></para>\r
1137                         </step>\r
1138         <step>\r
1139             <para>Place a check in the box next to the desired working location, then scroll to the\r
1140                 bottom of the display and click <guibutton>Save</guibutton>.</para>\r
1141 \r
1142 \r
1143         </step>\r
1144 \r
1145     </procedure>\r
1146 \r
1147     <note>\r
1148         <para>In multi-branch libraries it is possible to assign more than one working\r
1149             location</para>\r
1150     </note>\r
1151 \r
1152 \r
1153     <simplesect xml:id="staff_account_permissions">\r
1154         <info>\r
1155             <title>Staff Account Permissions <indexterm><primary>staff accounts</primary><secondary>permissions</secondary></indexterm> </title>\r
1156         </info>\r
1157         <para>Below is a general outline of staff account permission levels. To view a detailed list\r
1158             of permissions for a particular Evergreen account go to <menuchoice>\r
1159                 <guimenu>Admin (-)</guimenu>\r
1160                 <guimenuitem>User permission editor</guimenuitem>\r
1161             </menuchoice> in the staff client.</para>\r
1162 \r
1163         <informaltable>\r
1164 \r
1165             <tgroup cols="7" align="center" colsep="1" rowsep="1">\r
1166 \r
1167                 <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" align="left" colwidth="2.0*"/>\r
1168                 <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1.0*"/>\r
1169                 <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="1.0*"/>\r
1170                 <colspec colnum="4" colname="col4" colwidth="1.0*"/>\r
1171                 <colspec colnum="5" colname="col5" colwidth="1.0*"/>\r
1172                 <colspec colnum="6" colname="col6" colwidth="1.0*"/>\r
1173                 <colspec colnum="7" colname="col7" colwidth="1.0*"/>\r
1174                 <thead>\r
1175                     <row>\r
1176                         <entry>Action</entry>\r
1177                         <entry>General Staff</entry>\r
1178                         <entry>Circulators</entry>\r
1179                         <entry>Circ + Copy Edit</entry>\r
1180                         <entry>Circ + Full Cat</entry>\r
1181                         <entry>Catalogers</entry>\r
1182                         <entry>Local System Administrator (LSA)</entry>\r
1183                     </row>\r
1184                 </thead>\r
1185 \r
1186                 <tbody>\r
1187                     <row>\r
1188                         <entry>Basic circulation functions</entry>\r
1189                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1190                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1191                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1192                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1193                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1194                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1195                     </row>\r
1196 \r
1197 \r
1198                     <row>\r
1199                         <entry>CheckIn bad status overrides</entry>\r
1200                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1201                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1202                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1203                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1204                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1205                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1206                     </row>\r
1207 \r
1208                     <row>\r
1209                         <entry>CheckIn Missing/Lost/ ClaimedReturned overrides</entry>\r
1210                         <entry/>\r
1211                         <entry/>\r
1212                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1213                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1214                         <entry/>\r
1215                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1216                     </row>\r
1217                     <row>\r
1218                         <entry>CheckOut overrides</entry>\r
1219                         <entry/>\r
1220                         <entry/>\r
1221                         <entry/>\r
1222                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1223                         <entry/>\r
1224                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1225                     </row>\r
1226 \r
1227                     <row>\r
1228                         <entry>MaxRenewal Reached override</entry>\r
1229                         <entry/>\r
1230                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1231                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1232                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1233                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1234                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1235                     </row>\r
1236 \r
1237 \r
1238 \r
1239                     <row>\r
1240                         <entry>Basic patron record</entry>\r
1241                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1242                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1243                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1244                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1245                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1246                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1247                     </row>\r
1248 \r
1249 \r
1250                     <row>\r
1251                         <entry>Bar patrons</entry>\r
1252                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1253                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1254                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1255                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1256                         <entry/>\r
1257                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1258                     </row>\r
1259                     <row>\r
1260                         <entry>Unbar patrons</entry>\r
1261                         <entry/>\r
1262                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1263                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1264                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1265                         <entry/>\r
1266                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1267                     </row>\r
1268 \r
1269                     <row>\r
1270                         <entry>Merge/delete patrons</entry>\r
1271                         <entry/>\r
1272                         <entry/>\r
1273                         <entry/>\r
1274                         <entry/>\r
1275                         <entry/>\r
1276                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1277                     </row>\r
1278 \r
1279                     <row>\r
1280                         <entry>Patron restriction overrides</entry>\r
1281                         <entry/>\r
1282                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1283                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1284                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1285                         <entry/>\r
1286                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1287                     </row>\r
1288 \r
1289                     <row>\r
1290                         <entry>Bills and payments</entry>\r
1291                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1292                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1293                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1294                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1295                         <entry/>\r
1296                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1297                     </row>\r
1298 \r
1299 \r
1300                     <row>\r
1301                         <entry>Holds</entry>\r
1302                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1303                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1304                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1305                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1306                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1307                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1308                     </row>\r
1309                     <row>\r
1310                         <entry>Copy/volume records</entry>\r
1311                         <entry/>\r
1312                         <entry/>\r
1313                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1314                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1315                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1316                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1317                     </row>\r
1318 \r
1319                     <row>\r
1320                         <entry>Bib records</entry>\r
1321                         <entry/>\r
1322                         <entry/>\r
1323                         <entry/>\r
1324                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1325                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1326                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1327                     </row>\r
1328                     <row>\r
1329                         <entry>Buckets</entry>\r
1330                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1331                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1332                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1333                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1334                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1335                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1336                     </row>\r
1337 \r
1338 \r
1339 \r
1340                     <row>\r
1341                         <entry>View report output</entry>\r
1342                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1343                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1344                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1345                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1346                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1347                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1348                     </row>\r
1349 \r
1350                     <row>\r
1351                         <entry>Create/run reports</entry>\r
1352                         <entry/>\r
1353                         <entry/>\r
1354                         <entry/>\r
1355                         <entry/>\r
1356                         <entry/>\r
1357                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1358                     </row>\r
1359 \r
1360                     <row>\r
1361                         <entry>Create/upload offline transactions</entry>\r
1362                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1363                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1364                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1365                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1366                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1367                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1368                     </row>\r
1369 \r
1370                     <row>\r
1371                         <entry>Process offline transactions</entry>\r
1372                         <entry/>\r
1373                         <entry/>\r
1374                         <entry/>\r
1375                         <entry/>\r
1376                         <entry/>\r
1377                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1378                     </row>\r
1379                     <row>\r
1380                         <entry>Transit</entry>\r
1381                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1382                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1383                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1384                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1385                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1386                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1387                     </row>\r
1388                     <row>\r
1389                         <entry>Abort remote transit</entry>\r
1390                         <entry/>\r
1391                         <entry/>\r
1392                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1393                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1394                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1395                         <entry>*</entry>\r
1396                     </row>\r
1397 \r
1398                 </tbody>\r
1399             </tgroup>\r
1400         </informaltable>\r
1401     </simplesect>\r
1402 \r
1403     <simplesect xml:id="profiles-grant-permissions">\r
1404         <title>Granting Additional Permissions</title>\r
1405         <para>A Local System Administrator (LSA) may selectively grant LSA permissions to other staff\r
1406             accounts. In the example below a <emphasis>Circ +Full\r
1407                 Cat</emphasis> account is granted permission to process offline transactions, a function which otherwise requires an LSA login.</para>\r
1408 \r
1409         <procedure>\r
1410             <step>\r
1411                 <para>Log in as a Local System Administrator.</para>\r
1412             </step>\r
1413 \r
1414            <step><stepalternatives> <step>\r
1415                \r
1416                     <para>Select <menuchoice>\r
1417                             <guimenu>Admin (-)</guimenu>\r
1418                             <guimenuitem>User Permission Editor</guimenuitem>\r
1419                         </menuchoice> and enter the staff account barcode when prompted</para>\r
1420                \r
1421                <para><emphasis role="bold">OR</emphasis></para>\r
1422            </step>\r
1423                <step>\r
1424                   \r
1425                        <para>Retrieve the staff account first, then select <menuchoice>\r
1426                            <guimenu>Other</guimenu>\r
1427                            <guimenuitem>User Permission Editor</guimenuitem>\r
1428                        </menuchoice></para>\r
1429                        \r
1430                </step></stepalternatives></step>\r
1431 \r
1432             <step>\r
1433                 <informalfigure>\r
1434                     <para>The <guilabel>User Permission Editor</guilabel> will load (this may take a\r
1435                         few seconds). Greyed-out permissions cannot be edited because they are\r
1436                         either a) already granted to the account, or b) not\r
1437                         available to any staff account, including LSAs.</para>\r
1438                     <para>\r
1439                         <mediaobject>\r
1440                             <alt>User permissions screen shot</alt>\r
1441                             <imageobject>\r
1442                                 <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/profile-5.png"/>\r
1443                             </imageobject>\r
1444 \r
1445                         </mediaobject>\r
1446                     </para>\r
1447 \r
1448                     <para>\r
1449                         <inlinemediaobject>\r
1450                             <imageobject>\r
1451                                 <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/1.png"/>\r
1452                             </imageobject>\r
1453                         </inlinemediaobject> List of permission names.</para>\r
1454 \r
1455                     <para>\r
1456                         <inlinemediaobject>\r
1457                             <imageobject>\r
1458                                 <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/2.png"/>\r
1459                             </imageobject>\r
1460                         </inlinemediaobject>\r
1461                         If checked the permission is granted to this account.</para>\r
1462 \r
1463                     <para>\r
1464                         <inlinemediaobject>\r
1465                             <imageobject>\r
1466                                 <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/3.png"/>\r
1467                             </imageobject>\r
1468                         </inlinemediaobject> <guilabel>Depth</guilabel> limits application to the staff member's library and should be left at the default.</para>\r
1469 \r
1470                     <para>\r
1471                         <inlinemediaobject>\r
1472                             <imageobject>\r
1473                                 <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/4.png"/>\r
1474                             </imageobject>\r
1475                         </inlinemediaobject>\r
1476                         If checked this staff account will be able to grant the new privilege to other accounts (not recommended).\r
1477                         </para>\r
1478 \r
1479                 </informalfigure>\r
1480             </step>\r
1481             \r
1482             <step>\r
1483                 <informalfigure>\r
1484                     <para>To allow processing of offline transactions check the <emphasis>Applied</emphasis> column next to OFFLINE_EXECUTE.</para>\r
1485                     <para>\r
1486                         <mediaobject>\r
1487                             <alt>User permissions screen shot</alt>\r
1488                             <imageobject>\r
1489                                 <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/profile-6.png"/>\r
1490                             </imageobject>\r
1491                             \r
1492                         </mediaobject>\r
1493                     </para>\r
1494                     \r
1495                 </informalfigure>\r
1496             </step>\r
1497             \r
1498             <step>\r
1499                 <informalfigure>\r
1500                     <para>Scroll down and click <guibutton>Save</guibutton> to apply the changes.</para>\r
1501                     <para>\r
1502                         <mediaobject>\r
1503                             <alt>User permissions screen shot</alt>\r
1504                             <imageobject>\r
1505                                 <imagedata scalefit="0" fileref="../media/profile-7.png"/>\r
1506                             </imageobject>\r
1507                             \r
1508                         </mediaobject>\r
1509                     </para>\r
1510                     \r
1511                 </informalfigure>\r
1512             </step>     \r
1513                         </procedure>\r
1514        \r
1515                 </simplesect>\r
1516         </section>\r
1517         <section xml:id="copystatus">\r
1518                 <title>Copy Status</title>\r
1519                  <indexterm><primary>copy status</primary></indexterm>\r
1520                 <para>To navigate to the copy status editor from the staff client menu, select \r
1521                         <menuchoice><guimenu>Admin</guimenu>  <guisubmenu>Server Administration</guisubmenu> \r
1522                                 <guisubmenu>Copy Statuses </guisubmenu></menuchoice></para>\r
1523                 <para>The Copy Status Editor is used to Add, edit and delete statuses of copies in your system.</para>\r
1524                 <para>Evergreen comes pre-loaded with a number of copy statuses.</para> \r
1525                         <table xml:id="copystatusestable">\r
1526                                 <title>Copy Status Table</title>\r
1527                                 <tgroup cols="4">\r
1528                                         <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="0.5*"/>\r
1529                                         <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1.0*"/>\r
1530                                         <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="1.0*"/>\r
1531                                         <colspec colnum="4" colname="col4" colwidth="1.0*"/>\r
1532                                         <thead>\r
1533                                                 <row>\r
1534                                                         <entry>ID</entry>\r
1535                                                         <entry>Name</entry>\r
1536                                                         <entry>Holdable - default setting</entry>\r
1537                                                         <entry>OPAC Visible - default setting</entry>\r
1538                                                 </row>\r
1539                                         </thead>\r
1540                                         <tbody>\r
1541                                                 <row>\r
1542                                                         <entry>0</entry>\r
1543                                                         <entry>Available</entry>\r
1544                                                         <entry>true</entry>\r
1545                                                         <entry>true</entry>\r
1546                                                 </row>\r
1547                                                 <row>\r
1548                                                         <entry>1</entry>\r
1549                                                         <entry>Checked out</entry>\r
1550                                                         <entry>true</entry>\r
1551                                                         <entry>true</entry>\r
1552                                                 </row>\r
1553                                                 <row>\r
1554                                                         <entry>2</entry>\r
1555                                                         <entry>Bindery</entry>\r
1556                                                         <entry>false</entry>\r
1557                                                         <entry>false</entry>\r
1558                                                 </row>\r
1559                                                 <row>\r
1560                                                         <entry>3</entry>\r
1561                                                         <entry>Lost</entry>\r
1562                                                         <entry>false</entry>\r
1563                                                         <entry>false</entry>\r
1564                                                 </row>\r
1565                                                 <row>\r
1566                                                         <entry>4</entry>\r
1567                                                         <entry>Missing</entry>\r
1568                                                         <entry>false</entry>\r
1569                                                         <entry>false</entry>\r
1570                                                 </row>\r
1571                                                 <row>\r
1572                                                         <entry>5</entry>\r
1573                                                         <entry>In process</entry>\r
1574                                                         <entry>false</entry>\r
1575                                                         <entry>true</entry>\r
1576                                                 </row>\r
1577                                                 <row>\r
1578                                                         <entry>6</entry>\r
1579                                                         <entry>In transit</entry>\r
1580                                                         <entry>true</entry>\r
1581                                                         <entry>true</entry>\r
1582                                                 </row>\r
1583                                                 <row>\r
1584                                                         <entry>7</entry>\r
1585                                                         <entry>Reshelving</entry>\r
1586                                                         <entry>true</entry>\r
1587                                                         <entry>true</entry>\r
1588                                                 </row>\r
1589                                                 <row>\r
1590                                                         <entry>8</entry>\r
1591                                                         <entry>On holds shelf</entry>\r
1592                                                         <entry>true</entry>\r
1593                                                         <entry>true</entry>\r
1594                                                 </row>\r
1595                                                 <row>\r
1596                                                         <entry>9</entry>\r
1597                                                         <entry>On order</entry>\r
1598                                                         <entry>true</entry>\r
1599                                                         <entry>true</entry>\r
1600                                                 </row>\r
1601                                                 <row>\r
1602                                                         <entry>10</entry>\r
1603                                                         <entry>ILL</entry>\r
1604                                                         <entry>true</entry>\r
1605                                                         <entry>false</entry>\r
1606                                                 </row>\r
1607                                                 <row>\r
1608                                                         <entry>11</entry>\r
1609                                                         <entry>Cataloging</entry>\r
1610                                                         <entry>true</entry>\r
1611                                                         <entry>false</entry>\r
1612                                                 </row>\r
1613                                                 <row>\r
1614                                                         <entry>12</entry>\r
1615                                                         <entry>Reserves</entry>\r
1616                                                         <entry>false</entry>\r
1617                                                         <entry>true</entry>\r
1618                                                 </row>\r
1619                                                 <row>\r
1620                                                         <entry>13</entry>\r
1621                                                         <entry>Discard/Weed</entry>\r
1622                                                         <entry>false</entry>\r
1623                                                         <entry>false</entry>\r
1624                                                 </row>\r
1625                                                 <row>\r
1626                                                         <entry>14</entry>\r
1627                                                         <entry>Damaged</entry>\r
1628                                                         <entry>false</entry>\r
1629                                                         <entry>false</entry>\r
1630                                                 </row>\r
1631                                                 <row>\r
1632                                                         <entry>15</entry>\r
1633                                                         <entry>On reservation shelf</entry>\r
1634                                                         <entry>true</entry>\r
1635                                                         <entry>false</entry>\r
1636                                                 </row>\r
1637                                         </tbody>\r
1638                                 </tgroup>\r
1639                         </table>\r
1640                         <para>It is possible to add, delete and edit copy statuses.</para>\r
1641                         <procedure>\r
1642                                 <title>Adding Copy Statuses</title>\r
1643                                 <step><para>In the <guilabel>New Status</guilabel> field, enter the name of the  \r
1644                                 new status you wish to add.</para></step>\r
1645                                 <step><para>Click <guibutton>Add</guibutton>.</para></step>\r
1646                                 <step><para>Locate you new status and check the <emphasis>Holdable</emphasis> check box \r
1647                                 if you wish to all users to place holds on items in this status. Check \r
1648                                 <guilabel>OPAC Visible</guilabel> if you wish for this status to appear in the public \r
1649                                 OPAC.</para></step>\r
1650                                 <step><para>Click <guibutton>Save Changes</guibutton> at the bottom of the screen to \r
1651                                 save changes to the new status.</para></step>\r
1652                         </procedure>\r
1653                         <procedure>\r
1654                                 <title>Deleting Copy Statuses</title>\r
1655                                 <step><para>Highlight the statuses you wish to delete. Hold the \r
1656                                 <keycap>Shift</keycap> to select more than one status.</para></step>\r
1657                                 <step><para>Click <guibutton>Delete Selected</guibutton>.</para></step>\r
1658                                 <step><para>Click OK to verify.</para>\r
1659                                         <note><para>You will not be able to delete statuses if copies currently \r
1660                                         exist with that status.</para></note>\r
1661                                 </step>\r
1662                         </procedure>\r
1663                         <procedure>\r
1664                                 <title>Editing Copy Statuses</title>\r
1665                                 <step><para>Double click on a status name to change its name and enter the new \r
1666                                 name.</para> <para>To change whether a status is visible in the OPAC, check or uncheck \r
1667                                 the <guilabel>OPAC Visible</guilabel> check box.</para><para>To allow patrons the ability to \r
1668                                 hold items in that status, check the <emphasis>Holdable</emphasis> check box. To prevent \r
1669                                 users from holding items in that status, uncheck the <emphasis>Holdable</emphasis> \r
1670                                 check box. </para></step>\r
1671                                 <step><para>Once you have finished editing the statuses, remember to click \r
1672                                 <guibutton>Save Changes</guibutton>.</para></step>      \r
1673                         </procedure>\r
1674         </section>\r
1675         <section xml:id="billingtypes">\r
1676                 <title>Billing Types</title>\r
1677                 <indexterm><primary>billing types</primary></indexterm>\r
1678                 <para>The billing types editor is used for creating, editing and deleting billing types.</para>    \r
1679                 <para>To navigate to the billing types editor from the staff client menu, select \r
1680                         <menuchoice><guimenu>Admin</guimenu>  <guisubmenu>Server Administration</guisubmenu> \r
1681                                 <guisubmenu>Billing Types</guisubmenu></menuchoice></para>\r
1682                         <procedure>\r
1683                                 <title>Adding Billing Types</title>\r
1684                                 <indexterm><primary>billing types</primary><secondary>adding</secondary></indexterm>\r
1685                                 <step><para>Click <guibutton>New Billing Type</guibutton>.</para></step>\r
1686                                 <step><para>Enter the name of the billing type.</para></step>\r
1687                                 <step><para>Select the <guilabel>Org Unit</guilabel> to use this billing type.</para></step>\r
1688                                 <step><para>Enter the <guilabel>Default Price</guilabel>. This is only the default since \r
1689                                 the actual price of a specific billing can be adjusted when staff create \r
1690                                 a billing</para></step>\r
1691                                 <step><para>Click <guibutton>Save</guibutton> to save the new billing type.</para></step>\r
1692                         </procedure>\r
1693                         <procedure>\r
1694                                 <title>Deleting Billing Types</title>\r
1695                                 <indexterm><primary>billing types</primary><secondary>deleting</secondary></indexterm>\r
1696                                 <step><para>Check the check box of the billing type(s) you wish to delete.</para></step>\r
1697                                 <step><para>Click <guibutton>Delete Selected</guibutton>.\r
1698                                         <caution><para>The selected billing types will be deleted without a \r
1699                                         verification alert.</para></caution>\r
1700                                 </para></step>\r
1701                         </procedure>\r
1702                         <procedure>\r
1703                                 <title>Editing Billing Types</title>\r
1704                                 <indexterm><primary>billing types</primary><secondary>editing</secondary></indexterm>\r
1705                                 <step><para>Double click on a billing types to open the editing window.</para></step> \r
1706                                 <step><para>Make desired changes to the <guilabel>name</guilabel>, \r
1707                                 <guilabel>Org Unit</guilabel> and <guilabel>Default Price</guilabel>.</para></step>\r
1708                                 <step><para>Once you have finished editing, click \r
1709                                 <guibutton>Save</guibutton>.</para></step>      \r
1710                         </procedure>\r
1711                 \r
1712         </section>\r
1713         <section xml:id="circmodifiers">\r
1714                 <title>Circulation Modifiers</title>\r
1715                 <indexterm><primary>circulation modifiers</primary></indexterm>\r
1716                 <para>The circulation modifier editor is used to create, edit and delete modifier categories to control \r
1717                 circulation policies on specific groups of items.</para> \r
1718                 <para>To navigate to the circulation modifiers editor from the staff client menu, select \r
1719                         <menuchoice>\r
1720                                 <guimenu>Admin</guimenu>  <guisubmenu>Server Administration</guisubmenu> \r
1721                                 <guisubmenu>Circulation Modifiers</guisubmenu></menuchoice>.\r
1722                 </para>\r
1723                         <procedure>\r
1724                                 <title>Adding Circulation Modifiers</title>\r
1725                                 <indexterm><primary>circulation modifiers</primary><secondary>adding</secondary></indexterm>\r
1726                                 <step><para>Click <guibutton>New Circ Modifier</guibutton>.</para></step>\r
1727                                 <step><para>Enter a <guilabel>Code</guilabel>, <guilabel>Name</guilabel> and  \r
1728                                 <guilabel>Description</guilabel>.</para></step>\r
1729                                 <step><para>Select the <guilabel>SIP 2 Media Type</guilabel>.</para></step>\r
1730                                 <step><para>Check the <guibutton>Magnetic Media</guibutton> check box if the item is magnetic media such as a cassette \r
1731                                 tape.</para></step>\r
1732                                 <step><para>Click <guibutton>Save</guibutton> to save the new circulation \r
1733                                 modifier.</para></step>\r
1734                         </procedure>\r
1735                         <procedure>\r
1736                                 <title>Deleting Circulation Modifiers</title>\r
1737                                 <indexterm><primary>circulation modifiers</primary><secondary>deleting</secondary></indexterm>\r
1738                                 <step><para>Check the check box(es) next to the circulation modifiers(s) you wish to \r
1739                                 delete.</para></step>\r
1740                                 <step><para>Click <guibutton>Delete Selected</guibutton> near the top of the page.\r
1741                                 <caution><para>The selected circulation modifiers will be deleted without a \r
1742                                 verification alert.</para></caution>\r
1743                                 </para></step>\r
1744                         </procedure>\r
1745                         <procedure>\r
1746                                 <title>Editing Circulation Modifiers</title>\r
1747                                 <indexterm><primary>circulation modifiers</primary><secondary>editing</secondary></indexterm>\r
1748                                 <step><para>Double click on the row of the circulation modifier you wish to \r
1749                                 edit.</para></step> \r
1750                                 <step><para>Make desired changes.</para></step>\r
1751                                 <step><para>Once you have finished editing, click \r
1752                                 <guibutton>Save</guibutton>.</para></step>      \r
1753                         </procedure>\r
1754         </section>\r
1755         <section xml:id="catalogingtemplates">\r
1756                 <title>Cataloging Templates</title>\r
1757                 <indexterm><primary>cataloging</primary><secondary>templates</secondary></indexterm>\r
1758                 <para>Cataloging templates are essential for making the cataloging process more efficient. Templates are used that that the basic structure of specific types of cataloging records can                         loaded when the cataloger adds a new record</para>\r
1759                 <procedure>\r
1760                         <title>Adding Cataloging Templates</title>\r
1761                         <step>\r
1762                                 <para>                          \r
1763                                 Create a marc template in  the directory <filename class="directory">/openils/var/templates/marc/</filename>. It should be in xml format.\r
1764                                 Here is an example file <filename>k_book.xml</filename>: \r
1765                                 </para>\r
1766 <programlisting language="xml">\r
1767 <![CDATA[\r
1768 <record>\r
1769   <leader>00620cam a2200205Ka 4500</leader>\r
1770   <controlfield tag="008">070101s                            eng d</controlfield>\r
1771   <datafield tag="010" ind1="" ind2="">\r
1772     <subfield code="a"></subfield>\r
1773   </datafield>\r
1774   <datafield tag="020" ind1="" ind2="">\r
1775     <subfield code="a"></subfield>\r
1776   </datafield>\r
1777   <datafield tag="082" ind1="0" ind2="4">\r
1778     <subfield code="a"></subfield>\r
1779   </datafield>\r
1780   <datafield tag="092" ind1="" ind2="">\r
1781     <subfield code="a"></subfield>\r
1782   </datafield>\r
1783   <datafield tag="100" ind1="" ind2="">\r
1784     <subfield code="a"></subfield>\r
1785   </datafield>\r
1786   <datafield tag="245" ind1="" ind2="">\r
1787     <subfield code="a"></subfield>\r
1788     <subfield code="b"></subfield>\r
1789     <subfield code="c"></subfield>\r
1790   </datafield>\r
1791   <datafield tag="260" ind1="" ind2="">\r
1792     <subfield code="a"></subfield>\r
1793     <subfield code="b"></subfield>\r
1794     <subfield code="c"></subfield>\r
1795   </datafield>\r
1796   <datafield tag="300" ind1="" ind2="">\r
1797     <subfield code="a"></subfield>\r
1798     <subfield code="b"></subfield>\r
1799     <subfield code="c"></subfield>\r
1800   </datafield>\r
1801   <datafield tag="500" ind1="" ind2="">\r
1802     <subfield code="a"></subfield>\r
1803   </datafield>\r
1804   <datafield tag="650" ind1="" ind2="">\r
1805     <subfield code="a"></subfield>\r
1806     <subfield code="v"></subfield>\r
1807   </datafield>\r
1808   <datafield tag="650" ind1="" ind2="">\r
1809     <subfield code="a"></subfield>\r
1810   </datafield>\r
1811 </record>\r
1812 ]]>\r
1813 </programlisting>\r
1814         \r
1815                         </step>\r
1816                         <step>\r
1817                         <para>Add the template to the to the <emphasis>marctemplates</emphasis> list in the open-ils.cat section of the Evergreen configuration file \r
1818                         <filename>opensrf.xml</filename><indexterm><primary>configuration files</primary><secondary>opensrf.xml</secondary></indexterm></para>\r
1819                         </step>\r
1820                         <step>\r
1821                                 <para>Restart <systemitem class="service">Perl</systemitem><indexterm><primary>Perl</primary></indexterm> services for changes to take effect.</para>\r
1822                                 <screen><userinput>/openils/bin/osrf_ctl.sh -l -a restart_perl</userinput></screen>\r
1823                         </step>\r
1824                 </procedure>\r
1825         </section>\r
1826         <section xml:id="relevancyrankings">\r
1827                 <title>Adjusting Search Relevancy Rankings</title>\r
1828                 <indexterm><primary>search relevancy</primary></indexterm>\r
1829                 <info>\r
1830                         <abstract>\r
1831                                 <para>This section describes indexed field weighting and matchpoint weighting, which\r
1832                                 control relevance ranking in Evergreen catalog search results. Adjusting relevancy can only be completed through access to the Evergreen database as of version 1.6.</para>\r
1833                                 <tip>\r
1834                                         <para>In tuning search relevance, it is good practice to make incremental\r
1835                                         adjustments, capture search logs, and assess results before making further\r
1836                                         adjustments. </para>\r
1837                                 </tip>\r
1838                         </abstract>\r
1839                 </info>\r
1840                 <simplesect>\r
1841                         <title>Indexed-field Weighting<indexterm><primary>search relevancy</primary><secondary>indexed-field weighting</secondary></indexterm> </title>\r
1842                         <para>Indexed-field weighting is configured in the Evergreen database in the weight column\r
1843                         of the <link linkend="config.table.metabib-field">config.metabib_field</link> table, which follows the other four columns in this table:\r
1844                         field_class, name, xpath, and format.</para>\r
1845                         <para>The following is one representative line from the <link linkend="config.table.metabib-field">config.metabib_field</link> table:</para>\r
1846                         <screen> author | conference | //mods32:mods/mods32:name[@type='conference']/mods32:namePart[../mods32:role/mods32:roleTerm[text()='creator']] | mods32 | 1 ) </screen>\r
1847                         <para>The default value for index-field weights in config.metabib_field is 1. Adjust the\r
1848                         weighting of indexed fields to boost or lower the relevance score for matches on that\r
1849                         indexed field. The weight value may be increased or decreased by whole integers. </para>\r
1850                         <para>For example, by increasing the weight of the title-proper field from 1 to 2, a search\r
1851                         for <emphasis role="bold">jaguar</emphasis> would double the relevance  for the book titled\r
1852                         <emphasis role="italic">Aimee and Jaguar</emphasis> than for a record with the term\r
1853                         <emphasis role="bold">jaguar</emphasis> in another indexed field. </para>\r
1854                 </simplesect>\r
1855                 <simplesect>\r
1856                         <title>Match point Weighting</title>\r
1857                         <indexterm><primary>search relevancy</primary><secondary>match point weighting</secondary></indexterm>\r
1858                         <para> Match point weighting provides another way to fine-tune Evergreen relevance ranking,\r
1859                         and is configured through floating-point multipliers in the multiplier column of the\r
1860                         search.relevance_adjustment table.</para>\r
1861                         <para> Weighting can be adjusted for one, more, or all multiplier fields in\r
1862                         <link linkend="search.relevance">search.relevance_adjustment</link>.</para>\r
1863                         <para>You can adjust the following three matchpoints:</para> \r
1864                         <itemizedlist>\r
1865                         <listitem>\r
1866                                 <para>first_wordboosts relevance if the query is \r
1867                                 one term long and matches the first term in the indexed field (search for <emphasis \r
1868                                 role="bold">twain</emphasis>, get a bonus for <emphasis role="bold">twain, mark</emphasis> \r
1869                                 but not <emphasis role="bold">mark twain</emphasis>)</para>\r
1870                         </listitem>\r
1871                         <listitem>\r
1872                                 <para>word_order increases relevance for words \r
1873                                 matching the order of search terms, so that the results for the search <emphasis \r
1874                                 role="bold">legend suicide</emphasis> would match higher for the book <emphasis \r
1875                                 role="italic">Legend of a Suicide</emphasis> than for the book, \r
1876                                 <emphasis role="italic">Suicide Legend</emphasis></para>\r
1877                         </listitem>\r
1878                         <listitem>\r
1879                                 <para>full_match boosts relevance when the full \r
1880                                 query exactly matches the entire indexed field (after space, case, and diacritics are \r
1881                                 normalized). So a title search for <emphasis role="italic">The Future of Ice</emphasis> \r
1882                                 would get a relevance boost above <emphasis role="italic">Ice>Ages of the \r
1883                                 Future</emphasis>.</para>\r
1884                         </listitem>\r
1885                         </itemizedlist>\r
1886                         <para> Here are the default settings of the search.relevance_adjustment table: </para>\r
1887                         <table xml:id="search.relevance">\r
1888                         <title>search.relevance_adjustment table</title>\r
1889                         <tgroup cols="4">\r
1890                                         <colspec colnum="1" colname="col1" colwidth="1.0*"/>\r
1891                                         <colspec colnum="2" colname="col2" colwidth="1.0*"/>\r
1892                                         <colspec colnum="3" colname="col3" colwidth="1.0*"/>\r
1893                                         <colspec colnum="4" colname="col4" colwidth="1.0*"/>\r
1894                                 <thead>\r
1895                                         <row>\r
1896                                                 <entry>field_class</entry>\r
1897                                                 <entry>name</entry>\r
1898                                                 <entry>bump_type</entry>\r
1899                                                 <entry>multiplier</entry>\r
1900                                         </row>\r
1901                                 </thead>\r
1902                                 <tbody>\r
1903                                         <row>\r
1904                                                 <entry>author</entry>\r
1905                                                 <entry>conference</entry>\r
1906                                                 <entry>first_word</entry>\r
1907                                                 <entry>1.5</entry>\r
1908                                         </row>\r
1909                                         <row>\r
1910                                                 <entry>author</entry>\r
1911                                                 <entry>corporate</entry>\r
1912                                                 <entry>first_word</entry>\r
1913                                                 <entry>1.5</entry>\r
1914                                         </row>\r
1915                                         <row>\r
1916                                                 <entry>author </entry>\r
1917                                                 <entry>other </entry>\r
1918                                                 <entry>first_word</entry>\r
1919                                                 <entry>1.5</entry>\r
1920                                         </row>\r
1921                                         <row>\r
1922                                                 <entry>author</entry>\r
1923                                                 <entry>personal</entry>\r
1924                                                 <entry>first_word</entry>\r
1925                                                 <entry>1.5</entry>\r
1926                                         </row>\r
1927                                         <row>\r
1928                                                 <entry>keyword</entry>\r
1929                                                 <entry>keyword</entry>\r
1930                                                 <entry>word_order</entry>\r
1931                                                 <entry>10</entry>\r
1932                                         </row>\r
1933                                         <row>\r
1934                                                 <entry>series</entry>\r
1935                                                 <entry>seriestitle</entry>\r
1936                                                 <entry>first_word</entry>\r
1937                                                 <entry>1.5</entry>\r
1938                                         </row>\r
1939                                         <row>\r
1940                                                 <entry>series</entry>\r
1941                                                 <entry>seriestitle</entry>\r
1942                                                 <entry>full_match</entry>\r
1943                                                 <entry>20</entry>\r
1944                                         </row>\r
1945                                         <row>\r
1946                                                 <entry>title</entry>\r
1947                                                 <entry>abbreviated</entry>\r
1948                                                 <entry>first_word</entry>\r
1949                                                 <entry>1.5</entry>\r
1950                                         </row>\r
1951                                         <row>\r
1952                                                 <entry>title</entry>\r
1953                                                 <entry>abbreviated</entry>\r
1954                                                 <entry>full_match</entry>\r
1955                                                 <entry>20</entry>\r
1956                                         </row>\r
1957                                         <row>\r
1958                                                 <entry>title</entry>\r
1959                                                 <entry>abbreviated</entry>\r
1960                                                 <entry>word_order</entry>\r
1961                                                 <entry>10</entry>\r
1962                                         </row>\r
1963                                         <row>\r
1964                                                 <entry>title</entry>\r
1965                                                 <entry>alternative</entry>\r
1966                                                 <entry>first_word</entry>\r
1967                                                 <entry>1.5</entry>\r
1968                                         </row>\r
1969                                         <row>\r
1970                                                 <entry>title</entry>\r
1971                                                 <entry>alternative</entry>\r
1972                                                 <entry>full_match</entry>\r
1973                                                 <entry>20</entry>\r
1974                                         </row>\r
1975                                         <row>\r
1976                                                 <entry>title</entry>\r
1977                                                 <entry>alternative</entry>\r
1978                                                 <entry>word_order</entry>\r
1979                                                 <entry>10</entry>\r
1980                                         </row>\r
1981                                         <row>\r
1982                                                 <entry>title</entry>\r
1983                                                 <entry>proper</entry>\r
1984                                                 <entry>first_word</entry>\r
1985                                                 <entry>1.5</entry>\r
1986                                         </row>\r
1987                                         <row>\r
1988                                                 <entry>title</entry>\r
1989                                                 <entry>proper</entry>\r
1990                                                 <entry>full_match</entry>\r
1991                                                 <entry>20</entry>\r
1992                                         </row>\r
1993                                         <row>\r
1994                                                 <entry>title</entry>\r
1995                                                 <entry>proper</entry>\r
1996                                                 <entry>word_order</entry>\r
1997                                                 <entry>10</entry>\r
1998                                         </row>\r
1999                                         <row>\r
2000                                                 <entry>title</entry>\r
2001                                                 <entry>translated</entry>\r
2002                                                 <entry>first_word</entry>\r
2003                                                 <entry>1.5</entry>\r
2004                                         </row>\r
2005                                         <row>\r
2006                                                 <entry>title</entry>\r
2007                                                 <entry>translated</entry>\r
2008                                                 <entry>full_match</entry>\r
2009                                                 <entry>20</entry>\r
2010                                         </row>\r
2011                                         <row>\r
2012                                                 <entry>title</entry>\r
2013                                                 <entry>translated</entry>\r
2014                                                 <entry>word_order</entry>\r
2015                                                 <entry>10</entry>\r
2016                                         </row>\r
2017                                         <row>\r
2018                                                 <entry>title</entry>\r
2019                                                 <entry>uniform</entry>\r
2020                                                 <entry>first_word</entry>\r
2021                                                 <entry>1.5</entry>\r
2022                                         </row>\r
2023                                         <row>\r
2024                                                 <entry>title</entry>\r
2025                                                 <entry>uniform</entry>\r
2026                                                 <entry>full_match</entry>\r
2027                                                 <entry>20</entry>\r
2028                                         </row>\r
2029                                         <row>\r
2030                                                 <entry>title</entry>\r
2031                                                 <entry>uniform</entry>\r
2032                                                 <entry>word_order</entry>\r
2033                                                 <entry>10</entry>\r
2034                                         </row>\r
2035                                 </tbody>\r
2036                         </tgroup>\r
2037                         </table>\r
2038                 </simplesect>\r
2039                 <simplesect>\r
2040                         <title>Combining Index Weighting and Match point Weighting</title>\r
2041                         <indexterm><primary>search relevancy</primary><secondary>combining index weighting and match point weighting</secondary></indexterm>\r
2042                         \r
2043                         <para>Index weighting and matchpoint weighting may be combined. The relevance boost of the combined \r
2044                         weighting is equal to the product of the two multiplied values. </para>\r
2045                         <para>If the relevance setting in the config.metabib_field were increased to 2, and the multiplier \r
2046                         set to 1.2 in the search.relevance_adjustment table, the resulting matchpoint increase would be \r
2047                         240%. </para>\r
2048                         <note>\r
2049                                 <para>In practice, these weights are applied serially -- first the index weight, then all \r
2050                                 the matchpoint weights that apply -- because they are evaluated at different stages of the \r
2051                                 search process.</para>\r
2052                         </note>\r
2053                 </simplesect>\r
2054                 <simplesect>\r
2055                         <title>Adjusting Relevancy for Keyword Searches</title>\r
2056                         <indexterm><primary>search relevancy</primary><secondary>keyword search adjusting</secondary></indexterm>\r
2057                         <para> Searching the out of the box <emphasis>keyword</emphasis> does not boost the ranking for terms appearing in, the title or subject fields since  there is just one \r
2058                         keyword index which does not distinguish terms that appear in the title field from those in the notes field for example. In comparison, the title index is actually composed of \r
2059                         a number of separate indexes: title|proper, title|uniform, title|alternative, title|translated, etc, that collectively form the title index. You can see this in the \r
2060                         <link linkend="config.table.metabib-field">config.metabib_field</link> table. The following procedure will add a keyword|title index so that terms found in the title field of an \r
2061                         item are given more weight than terms in other fields. </para>\r
2062                         <procedure>\r
2063                                 <step>\r
2064                                         <para>From the command line, access the PostgreSQL command line interface</para>\r
2065                                         <screen><userinput>psql -U evergreen</userinput></screen>\r
2066                                 </step> \r
2067                                 <step>\r
2068                                         <para>Clone the title|proper index to create a keyword|title index</para>\r
2069                                         <para>6 = the title|proper index</para>\r
2070 <programlisting>\r
2071 INSERT INTO config.metabib_field \r
2072         (field_class, name, xpath, weight, format, search_field, facet_field)\r
2073         SELECT 'keyword', 'title', xpath, weight, format, search_field, facet_field\r
2074         FROM config.metabib_field\r
2075         WHERE id = 6;\r
2076 </programlisting>\r
2077                                 </step>\r
2078                                 <step>\r
2079                                         <para>Populate the keyword|title index with a set of index entries cloned from the metabib.title_field_entry table;</para>\r
2080                                         <para>6 = the title|proper index</para>\r
2081 <programlisting>\r
2082 INSERT INTO metabib.keyword_field_entry \r
2083         (source, field, value)\r
2084         SELECT source, 17, value (the field value, 17, field be different in your database so you may need to check the \r
2085         <link linkend="config.table.metabib-field">config.metabib_field</link> for the id of your new index).\r
2086         FROM metabib.title_field_entry\r
2087         WHERE field = 6;\r
2088 </programlisting>\r
2089                                 </step>\r
2090                                 <step> \r
2091                                         <para>Bump the relevance when the first search term appears first in the title in a keyword search.</para>\r
2092                                         <para>17 = our new keyword|title index (This may be different in your database so you may need to check the \r
2093                                         <link linkend="config.table.metabib-field">config.metabib_field</link> for the id \r
2094                                         of your new index).</para>\r
2095 <programlisting>\r
2096 INSERT INTO search.relevance_adjustment \r
2097         (active, field, bump_type, multiplier)\r
2098 VALUES (true, 17, 'first_word', 5); \r
2099 </programlisting>\r
2100                                 </step>\r
2101                                 <step>\r
2102                                         <para>Boost the relevance for search terms appearing in the title in general</para>\r
2103                                         <para>17 = our new keyword|title index (This may be different in your database so you may need to check the \r
2104                                         <link linkend="config.table.metabib-field">config.metabib_field</link> for the id \r
2105                                         of your new index).</para>\r
2106 <programlisting>\r
2107 UPDATE config.metabib_field\r
2108 SET weight = 10\r
2109 WHERE id = 17;\r
2110 </programlisting>\r
2111                                 </step>\r
2112                         </procedure>  \r
2113                 </simplesect> \r
2114         </section>\r
2115         <section xml:id="notifications">\r
2116                 <title>Notifications</title>\r
2117                 <para>Notifications can be set up for Holds, Overdue items and Predue items. There are two ways to configure notifications for each of these type of notifications.</para>\r
2118                 <section xml:id="Holdnotifications">\r
2119                         <title>Hold Notifications</title>\r
2120                         <indexterm><primary>notifications</primary><secondary>hold</secondary></indexterm>\r
2121                         <para>Hold notifications can be used that that library users are sent an email when their items are available for pickup. This notification is triggered when the item being held \r
2122                         is <emphasis>captured</emphasis> by a library staff member and the item is in the <emphasis>on holds shelf</emphasis> status. </para>\r
2123                         <simplesect>                    \r
2124                                 <title>Hold Notifications using the Action Trigger</title> \r
2125                                 <para>The easiest way to set up hold notifications is to use the <link linkend="actiontriggers">Action Trigger</link> mechanism introduced in Evergreen 1.6.</para>                     \r
2126                                 <procedure>\r
2127                                 <step>\r
2128                                 <para>From the staff client menu, Click on\r
2129                                         <menuchoice>\r
2130                                                 <guimenu>Admin</guimenu>  \r
2131                                                 <guisubmenu>Local Administration</guisubmenu>\r
2132                                                 <guisubmenu>Notifications / Action triggers</guisubmenu>\r
2133                                         </menuchoice>\r
2134                                 </para>\r
2135                                 </step>\r
2136 \r
2137                                 <step>\r
2138                                         <para>Locate the Action Trigger Definition with the <guilabel>Name</guilabel> <guilabel>Hold Ready for Pickup Email Notification</guilabel>.</para>\r
2139                                 </step>\r
2140                                 <step>\r
2141                                         <para>Double click on the item row to open the editing page, but <emphasis role="bold">not</emphasis> on the hyperlinked <guilabel>Name</guilabel></para>\r
2142                                 </step>\r
2143                                 <step>\r
2144                                         <para>Check the <guilabel>Enabled</guilabel> check box to enable it.</para>\r
2145                                 </step>\r
2146                                 <step>\r
2147                                         <para>Edit the <guilabel>Template</guilabel> text box to customize the body of the email as needed. Note that text between <quote>[% %]</quote> are variables to be \r
2148                                         generated by the system. For example, <varname>[% user.family_name %]</varname> with be replaced by the family name of the user receiving a notice.</para>\r
2149                                 </step>\r
2150                                 <step>\r
2151                                         <para>Click <guibutton>Save</guibutton> to save your changes.</para>\r
2152                                 </step>\r
2153                                 <step>\r
2154                                         <para>Hold notices are now activated and will be processed the next time action triggers are processed. See <xref linkend="ProcessingActionTriggers" /> for \r
2155                                         more details on processing action triggers.</para>\r
2156                                 </step>\r
2157                                 </procedure>\r
2158                         </simplesect>   \r
2159                         <simplesect>                    \r
2160                                 <title>Hold Notifications using the Evergreen Configuration File</title> \r
2161                                 <para>An older method for Setting up hold notifications is through the Configuration file <filename>/openils/conf/opensrf.xml</filename>. </para>                       \r
2162                                 <procedure>\r
2163                                         <step>\r
2164                                                 <para>Open the file <filename>/openils/conf/opensrf.xml</filename> with your favorite text editor</para>\r
2165                                                 <para>Locate this section of the configuration file:</para>\r
2166 \r
2167 <programlisting><![CDATA[\r
2168 <notify_hold>\r
2169 <email>true</email> <!-- set to true for hold notice emails -->\r
2170 </notify_hold>\r
2171 ]]>\r
2172 </programlisting>               \r
2173                 \r
2174 \r
2175                                                 <para>Ensure that &lt;email&gt; is set to <emphasis role="bold">true</emphasis>.</para>\r
2176                                         </step>\r
2177                                         <step>\r
2178                                                 <para>Locate the following section of the configuration file:</para>\r
2179 <programlisting> <![CDATA[\r
2180 ...\r
2181 <email_notify> \r
2182             <!-- global email notification settings -->\r
2183             <template>/openils/var/data/hold_notification_template.example</template>\r
2184 ...\r
2185 ]]>\r
2186 </programlisting>\r
2187                                                 <para>Point the &lt;template&gt; variable to the hold notification template you will be using for hold notifications.</para>\r
2188                                         </step>\r
2189                                         <step>\r
2190                                                 <para>Locate the template and edit as desired. Use the example template provided as a guide.</para>\r
2191                                         </step>\r
2192                                 </procedure>\r
2193                         </simplesect>   \r
2194                 </section> \r
2195                 <section xml:id="overedueandpreduenotifications">\r
2196                         <title>Overdue and Predue Notifications</title> \r
2197                         <para>Overdue and Predue email notifications can be used to inform users that they have materials which are overdue or to warn them that materials are almost overdue.</para>  \r
2198                         <simplesect>                    \r
2199                                 <title>Activating the Existing Overdue Action Triggers</title> \r
2200                                 <indexterm><primary>notifications</primary><secondary>overdue</secondary><tertiary>activating action triggers</tertiary></indexterm>\r
2201                                 <para>The easiest way to set up overdue notifications is to use the <link linkend="actiontriggers">Action Trigger</link> mechanism introduced in Evergreen 1.6.</para>                  \r
2202                                 <procedure>\r
2203                                 <step>\r
2204                                 <para>From the staff client menu, Click on\r
2205                                         <menuchoice>\r
2206                                                 <guimenu>Admin</guimenu>  \r
2207                                                 <guisubmenu>Local Administration</guisubmenu>\r
2208                                                 <guisubmenu>Notifications / Action triggers</guisubmenu>\r
2209                                         </menuchoice>\r
2210                                 </para>\r
2211                                 </step>\r
2212 \r
2213                                 <step>\r
2214                                         <para>Locate the Action Trigger Definition you wish to activate. There are several overdue notices preloaded wit Evergreen 1.6.</para>\r
2215                                 </step>\r
2216                                 <step>\r
2217                                         <para>Double click on the item row to open the editing page, but <emphasis role="bold">not</emphasis> on the hyperlinked <guilabel>Name</guilabel></para>\r
2218                                 </step>\r
2219                                 <step>\r
2220                                         <para>Check the <guilabel>Enabled</guilabel> check box to enable it.</para>\r
2221                                 </step>\r
2222                                 <step>\r
2223                                         <para>Edit the <guilabel>Template</guilabel> text box to customize the body of the email as needed. Note that text between <quote>[% %]</quote> are variables to be \r
2224                                         generated by the system. For example, <varname>[% user.family_name %]</varname> with be replaced by the family name of the user receiving a notice.</para>\r
2225                                 </step>\r
2226                                 <step>\r
2227                                         <para>Click <guibutton>Save</guibutton> to save your changes.</para>\r
2228                                 </step>\r
2229                                 <step>\r
2230                                         <para>Overdue notices are now activated and will be processed the next time action triggers are processed. See <xref linkend="ProcessingActionTriggers" /> for \r
2231                                         more details on processing action triggers.</para>\r
2232                                 </step>\r
2233                                 </procedure>\r
2234                         </simplesect>   \r
2235                         <simplesect>                    \r
2236                                 <title>Creating Overdue and Predue Notifications by Cloning Existing Action Triggers</title> \r
2237                                 <indexterm><primary>notifications</primary><secondary>overdue</secondary><tertiary>creating using action triggers</tertiary></indexterm>\r
2238                                 <indexterm><primary>notifications</primary><secondary>predue</secondary><tertiary>creating using action triggers</tertiary></indexterm>\r
2239                                 <para>If you wish to add overdue notices for different periods of time or wish to create a predue notice simply clone an existing overdue note, give it a \r
2240                                 unique <guilabel>Name</guilabel>, customize as needed. and save.</para>\r
2241                                 <para>There are no pre-existing predue notices so they will need to be created by cloning an existing overdue notice. \r
2242                                 To make them predue notices, use a negative value in the <guilabel>Processing Delay Context Field</guilabel>. For example, to create a predue notice the day before the \r
2243                                 due date, use the value <emphasis>-1 days</emphasis>.</para>                    \r
2244                         </simplesect>\r
2245                         <simplesect>                    \r
2246                                 <title>Creating Overdue and Predue Notices using the Evergreen Configuration File</title>\r
2247                                 <indexterm><primary>notifications</primary><secondary>overdue</secondary><tertiary>creating using the configuration file</tertiary></indexterm>\r
2248                                 <indexterm><primary>notifications</primary><secondary>predue</secondary><tertiary>creating using the configuration file</tertiary></indexterm> \r
2249                                 <para>It is also possible to create overdue and predue notices using the Evergreen configuration file <filename>/openils/conf/opensrf.xml</filename></para>     \r
2250                                 <procedure>\r
2251                                 <step>\r
2252                                         <para>Open <filename>/openils/conf/opensrf.xml</filename> with your favorite text editor.</para>\r
2253                                         <para>Locate this section of the configuration file:</para>\r
2254 \r
2255 <programlisting><![CDATA[\r
2256 <overdue>\r
2257 ...\r
2258             <notice>\r
2259                 <!-- Notify at 7 days overdue -->\r
2260                 <notify_interval>7 days</notify_interval>\r
2261                 <!-- Options include always, noemail, and never.  'noemail' means a notice\r
2262                      will be appended to the notice file only if the patron has no valid email address.  -->\r
2263                 <file_append>noemail</file_append>\r
2264                 <!-- do we attempt email notification? -->\r
2265                 <email_notify>true</email_notify>\r
2266                 <!-- notice template file -->\r
2267                 <email_template>/openils/var/data/templates/overdue_7day.example</email_template>\r
2268             </notice>\r
2269         </overdue>\r
2270 <!-- Courtesy notices -->\r
2271         <predue>\r
2272             <notice>\r
2273                 <!-- All circulations that circulate between 5 and 13 days -->\r
2274                 <circ_duration_range>\r
2275                     <from>3 days</from>\r
2276                     <to>13 days</to>\r
2277                 </circ_duration_range>\r
2278                 <!-- notify at 1 day before the due date -->\r
2279                 <notify_interval>1 day</notify_interval>\r
2280                 <file_append>false</file_append>\r
2281                 <email_notify>true</email_notify>\r
2282                 <email_template>/openils/var/data/templates/predue_1day.example</email_template>\r
2283             </notice>\r
2284         </predue>\r
2285 ...\r
2286 ]]>\r
2287 </programlisting>                               \r
2288                                         </step>\r
2289                                         <step>\r
2290                                                 <para>From this section of the configuration file, you may:</para>\r
2291                                                 <itemizedlist>\r
2292                                                         <listitem>Point to the template file for the specific notice: &lt;email_template&gt;</listitem>\r
2293                                                         <listitem>Set the interval time for the specific notice: &lt;notify_interval&gt;</listitem>\r
2294                                                         <listitem>Indicate whether to attempt email notification for the notice: &lt;email_notify&gt;</listitem>\r
2295                                                         <listitem>For predue notices, you may also specify on which circulation ranges to activate the courtesy notice: \r
2296                                                         &lt;circ_duration_range&gt;</listitem>\r
2297                                                 </itemizedlist>\r
2298                                         </step>\r
2299                                         <step>\r
2300                                                 <para>Locate the templates and edit as desired. Use the example templates provided as guides.</para>\r
2301                                         </step>\r
2302                                         <step>\r
2303                                                 <para>From the configuration file you may also set the default email sender address. However, this is just the default and the email sender \r
2304                                                 address for specific organizational units can be specified in the <link linkend="lsa-library-settings">library settings editor</link> \r
2305                                                 from the staff client.</para>\r
2306                                         </step>\r
2307                                 </procedure>\r
2308                                 <note><para>You also need to set the email server from the configuration file. By default, it uses the <systemitem class="domainname">localhost</systemitem>.</para></note> \r
2309                         </simplesect>\r
2310                 </section>\r
2311         </section>\r
2312 </chapter>\r