Evergreen Documentation ======================= Documentation Interest Group :doctype: book :toc: :numbered: Introduction ============ About This Documentation ------------------------ This guide was produced by the Evergreen Documentation Interest Group (DIG), consisting of numerous volunteers from many different organizations. The DIG has drawn together, edited, and supplemented pre-existing documentation contributed by libraries and consortia running Evergreen that were kind enough to release their documentation into the creative commons. Please see the <> section for a full list of authors and contributing organizations. Just like the software it describes, this guide is a work in progress, continually revised to meet the needs of its users, so if you find errors or omissions, please let us know, by contacting the DIG facilitators at docs@evergreen-ils.org. This guide to Evergreen is intended to meet the needs of front-line library staff, catalogers, library administrators, system administrators, and software developers. It is organized into Parts, Chapters, and Sections addressing key aspects of the software, beginning with the topics of broadest interest to the largest groups of users and progressing to some of the more specialized and technical topics of interest to smaller numbers of users. Copies of this guide can be accessed in PDF and HTML formats from http://docs.evergreen-ils.org/. About Evergreen --------------- Evergreen is an open source library automation software designed to meet the needs of the very smallest to the very largest libraries and consortia. Through its staff interface, it facilitates the management, cataloging, and circulation of library materials, and through its online public access interface it helps patrons find those materials. The Evergreen software is freely licensed under the GNU General Public License, meaning that it is free to download, use, view, modify, and share. It has an active development and user community, as well as several companies offering migration, support, hosting, and development services. The community’s development requirements state that Evergreen must be: * Stable, even under extreme load. * Robust, and capable of handling a high volume of transactions and simultaneous users. * Flexible, to accommodate the varied needs of libraries. * Secure, to protect our patrons’ privacy and data. * User-friendly, to facilitate patron and staff use of the system. Evergreen, which first launched in 2006 now powers over 544 libraries of every type – public, academic, special, school, and even tribal and home libraries – in over a dozen countries worldwide. include::RELEASE_NOTES_2_10.adoc[] Software Installation ===================== Introduction ------------ This part will guide you through the installation steps installation or upgrading your Evergreen system. It is intended for system administrators. include::installation/system_requirements.txt[] // Push titles down one level. :leveloffset: 1 include::installation/server_installation.txt[] // Return to normal title levels. :leveloffset: 0 include::installation/staff_client_installation.txt[] include::installation/server_upgrade.txt[] include::installation/edi_setup.txt[] System Configuration and Customization ====================================== Introduction ------------ The Evergreen system allows a free range of customizations to every aspect of the system. Use this part of the documentation to become familiar with the tools for configuring the system as well as customizing the catalog and staff client. // Push titles down one level. :leveloffset: 1 include::admin_initial_setup/describing_your_organization.txt[] include::admin_initial_setup/describing_your_people.txt[] include::admin_initial_setup/migrating_patron_data.txt[] include::admin_initial_setup/migrating_your_data.txt[] include::admin_initial_setup/importing_via_staff_client.txt[] include::admin_initial_setup/ordering_materials.txt[] include::admin_initial_setup/designing_your_catalog.txt[] include::admin_initial_setup/borrowing_items.txt[] // Return to normal title levels. :leveloffset: 0 include::admin_initial_setup/hard_due_dates.txt[] include::admin/template_toolkit.txt[] // Push titles down one level. :leveloffset: 1 include::opac/new_skin_customizations.txt[] // Return to normal title levels. :leveloffset: 0 include::admin/auto_suggest_search.txt[] include::admin/authentication_proxy.txt[] // Push titles down one level. :leveloffset: 1 include::TechRef/KidsOPAC.txt[] // Return to normal title levels. :leveloffset: 0 include::admin/customize_staff_client.txt[] include::admin/patron_address_by_zip_code.txt[] // Push titles down one level. :leveloffset: 1 include::admin/phonelist.txt[] // Return to normal title levels. :leveloffset: 0 include::admin/sip_server.txt[] include::admin/apache_rewrite_tricks.txt[] include::admin/apache_access_handler.txt[] Using the Staff Client ====================== Introduction ------------ This part of the documentation deals with general Staff Client usage including logging in, navigation and shortcuts. include::admin/staff_client-login.txt[] include::admin/staff_client-button_bar_toolbar.txt[] include::admin/staff_client-sticky_settings.txt[] include::admin/staff_client-tab_buttons.txt[] include::admin/staff_client-double_clicking.txt[] include::admin/staff_client-patron_border.txt[] include::admin/staff_client-sorting_columns.txt[] include::admin/staff_client-column_picker.txt[] include::admin/staff_client-recent_searches.txt[] include::admin/staff_client-return_to_results_from_marc.txt[] include::admin/workstation_admin.txt[] // Push titles down one level. :leveloffset: 1 include::admin/workstation_admin_receipt_template_editor.txt[] // Return to normal title levels. :leveloffset: 0 include::admin/workstation_admin_customizable_toolbar.txt[] System Administration From the Staff Client =========================================== Introduction ------------ This part deals with the options in the Server Administration menu found in the staff client. // Follow structure from staff client system admin menu. include::admin/acquisitions_admin.txt[] include::admin/age_hold_protection.txt[] include::admin/authorities.txt[] include::admin/Best_Hold_Selection_Sort_Order.txt[] include::admin/booking-admin.txt[] include::admin/cn_prefixes_and_suffixes.txt[] include::admin/circulation_limit_groups.txt[] include::admin/copy_statuses.txt[] // Push titles down one level. :leveloffset: 1 include::admin/floating_groups.txt[] // Return to normal title levels. :leveloffset: 0 include::admin/MARC_Import_Remove_Fields.txt[] include::admin/MARC_RAD_MVF_CRA.txt[] include::admin/Org_Unit_Proximity_Adjustments.txt[] include::admin/permissions.txt[] include::admin/SMS_messaging.txt[] include::admin/user_activity_type.txt[] include::admin/restrict_Z39.50_sources_by_perm_group.txt[] Local Administration ==================== Introduction ------------ This part covers the options in the Local Administration menu found in the staff client. // Follow structure from staff client local admin menu. include::admin/librarysettings.adoc[] // Address Alert Feature include::admin/lsa-address_alert.txt[] // Barcode Completion Feature include::admin/lsa-barcode_completion.txt[] // Push titles down one level. :leveloffset: 1 include::admin/hold_driven_recalls.txt[] // Return to normal title levels. :leveloffset: 0 include::admin/actiontriggers.txt[] include::admin/recent_staff_searches.txt[] include::admin/lsa-standing_penalties.txt[] include::admin/lsa-statcat.txt[] include::admin/lsa-work_log.txt[] Acquisitions =========== include::acquisitions/introduction.txt[] include::acquisitions/selection_lists_po.txt[] include::acquisitions/invoices.txt[] include::acquisitions/receive_items_from_invoice.txt[] include::acquisitions/vandelay_acquisitions_integration.txt[] include::acquisitions/purchase_requests_patron_view.txt[] include::acquisitions/purchase_requests_management.txt[] Cataloging ========== Introduction ------------ Cataloguers should use this part for understanding the cataloguing procedures used in Evergreen. include::cataloging/MARC_Editor.txt[] // Push titles down one level. :leveloffset: 2 include::cataloging/physical_char_wizard.txt[] // Return titles to correct level. :leveloffset: 0 include::cataloging/batch_importing_MARC.txt[] include::cataloging/overlay_record_3950_import.txt[] include::cataloging/z39.50_search_enhancements.txt[] include::cataloging/monograph_parts.txt[] include::cataloging/conjoined_items.txt[] include::cataloging/cataloging_electronic_resources.txt[] include::cataloging/tpac_copy_edit_links.txt[] include::cataloging/MARC_batch_edit.txt[] include::cataloging/authorities.txt[] include::cataloging/link_checker.txt[] Serials ======= include::serials/A-intro.txt[] include::serials/B-copy_template.txt[] include::serials/C-subscription-SCV.txt[] include::serials/D-subscription-ASCV.txt[] include::serials/E-edit_subscriptions.txt[] include::serials/F-Receiving.txt[] include::serials/G-Special_issue.txt[] include::serials/H-holdings_statements.txt[] include::serials/Group_Serials_Issues_in_the_OPAC_2.2.txt[] Circulation =========== Introduction ------------ Use this section for understanding the circulation procedures in the Evergreen system. include::circulation/circulating_items.txt[] include::circulation/holds.txt[] include::circulation/booking.txt[] include::circulation/circulation_patron_records.txt[] include::circulation/triggered_events.txt[] // Push titles down one level. :leveloffset: 1 include::circulation/offline_mode.txt[] include::circulation/self_check.txt[] include::circulation/rfid_product_integration.txt[] // Return to normal title levels. :leveloffset: 0 Reports ======= Introduction ------------ Learn how to create and use reports in Evergreen. include::reports/reporter_daemon.txt[] include::reports/reporter_folder.txt[] include::reports/reporter_create_templates.txt[] include::reports/reporter_generating_reports.txt[] include::reports/reporter_view_output.txt[] include::reports/reporter_cloning_shared_templates.txt[] include::reports/reporter_add_data_source.txt[] include::reports/reporter_running_recurring_reports.txt[] include::reports/reporter_template_terminology.txt[] include::reports/reporter_template_enhancements.txt[] include::reports/reporter_export_usingpgAdmin.txt[] Web Client Preview ================== Introduction ------------ The Evergreen Web Staff Client is in the early stages of development and is being provided as a "preview" version beginning in Evergreen version 2.7. If you are an early adopter, thank you! Please keep in mind: . *We want your feedback!* Please report any errors, bugs, strange behavior, etc. using https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/[Launchpad]. And please send requested features or design improvements to the mailto:open-ils-dev@list.georgialibraries.org[Evergreen Developers email list]. . *It is changing rapidly.* Features are being added in "sprints" grouped by workflow. Read the http://evergreen-ils.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=dev:browser_staff:dev_sprints[development wiki page] and watch the http://libmail.georgialibraries.org/mailman/listinfo/open-ils-general[general email list] for updates. (However, these changes will only appear on your client when your version of Evergreen is upgraded. Ask your server administrator for details.) . *The design may change significantly.* Initially, it will follow the design of the current XUL-based staff client. But the browser framework provides more flexibility for design choices. Also, Evergreen hired an http://lima-julia.tumblr.com/EG-style-guide[intern] from December 2014 through March 2015 to create a http://evergreen-ils.org/documentation/previews/proposed_style_guide.html[User Interface Style Guide]. Watch http://evergreen-ils.org/communicate/irc/[IRC] and the http://libmail.georgialibraries.org/mailman/listinfo/open-ils-general[general email list] to follow the progress. The following rationale was published in the Release Notes for Evergreen 2.7: ==== The 2.7 release will contain a preview of web client circulation features. Circulation is the first step in moving all staff functions from the existing XULRunner-based client to a web application that will be based on AngularJS. Evergreen is moving away from the existing client because XULRunner no longer supports features critical to the Evergreen software, including remote XUL, multi-part streaming, and XML JavaScript. The new web client is expected to show some speed improvements, to provide comprehensive support for internationalization/localization, to provide good support for assistive technologies, to be easier to customize locally, and to be more mobile friendly. The intent of the preview is to make it easier for end users at Evergreen sites to try the new client, become familiar with its features, and to discover/report bugs that are found. Instructions to implement the web client can be found in the code in Open-ILS/web/js/ui/default/staff/README.install. These will be revised and moved to the full README for 2.7.1. ==== Evergreen 2.9 includes the following improvements to the web client preview: ==== The web staff client now includes additional functionality to support cataloging and item maintenance, including: - a new MARC editor - the service backing the authority headings chooser now has the ability to filter the browse by subject thesaurus - Z39.50 search and record import - improvements to copy and record bucket functionality - embedding the link checker interface - embedding the MARC batch import/export interface - the web staff volume/copy editor Nearly all of the cataloging functionality available in the XUL staff client is now present in the web staff client with the exception of printing spine labels. Nonetheless, the web staff client remains a preview and is not recommended for production use. ==== Using the Web Client -------------------- Introduction ~~~~~~~~~~~~ This part of the documentation deals with general client usage including logging in, navigation and shortcuts. // Push titles down one level. :leveloffset: 1 include::admin/web_client-login.txt[] include::admin/web_client-browser-tab-shortcuts.txt[] // Return to normal title levels. :leveloffset: 0 Circulation ----------- Use this section for understanding the circulation procedures in the Evergreen system. // Push titles down one level. :leveloffset: 1 include::circulation/circulating_items_web_client.txt[] include::circulation/circulation_patron_records_web_client.txt[] // Return to normal title levels. :leveloffset: 0 Cataloging ---------- // Push titles down one level. :leveloffset: 1 include::cataloging/cataloging_web_client.txt[] include::cataloging/copy-buckets_web_client.txt[] // Return to normal title levels. :leveloffset: 0 Using the Public Access Catalog =============================== Introduction ------------ Evergreen has a public OPAC that meets WCAG guidelines (http://www.w3.org/WAI/intro/wcag), which helps make the OPAC accessible to users with a range of disabilities. This part of the documentation explains how to use the Evergreen public OPAC. It covers the basic catalog and more advanced search topics. It also describes the ``My Account'' tools users have to find information and manage their personal library accounts through the OPAC. This section could be used by staff and patrons but would be more useful for staff as a generic reference when developing custom guides and tutorials for their users. include::opac/using_the_public_access_catalog.txt[] include::opac/my_lists.txt[] include::opac/kids_opac.txt[] include::opac/catalog_browse.txt[] include::opac/advanced_features.txt[] include::opac/tpac_meta_record_holds.txt[] include::opac/linked_libraries.txt[] include::opac/opensearch.txt[] // Push titles down one level. :leveloffset: 1 include::opac/search_form.txt[] // Return to normal title levels. :leveloffset: 0 Developer Resources =================== Introduction ------------ Developers can use this part to learn more about the programming languages, communication protocols and standards used in Evergreen. include::development/support_scripts.txt[] // Push titles down one level. :leveloffset: 1 include::development/pgtap.txt[] include::development/intro_opensrf.txt[] include::development/updating_translations_launchpad.txt[] // Return to normal title levels. :leveloffset: 0 include::attributions.txt[] include::licensing.txt[] [appendix] Admonitions =========== * Note image::media/note.png[] * warning image::media/warning.png[] * caution image::media/caution.png[] * tip image::media/tip.png[] [index] Index =====