#!/usr/bin/perl # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Georgia Public Library Service # Copyright (C) 2013 Equinox Software, Inc # Bill Erickson # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # --------------------------------------------------------------- use strict; use warnings; use Getopt::Long; use Net::Domain qw/hostfqdn/; use POSIX qw/setsid :sys_wait_h/; use OpenSRF::Utils::Logger q/$logger/; use OpenSRF::System; use OpenSRF::Transport::PeerHandle; use OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient; use OpenSRF::Transport::Listener; use OpenSRF::Utils; use OpenSRF::Utils::Config; my $opt_service = undef; my $opt_config = "@CONF_DIR@/opensrf_core.xml"; my $opt_pid_dir = "@PID_DIR@/run/opensrf"; my $opt_no_daemon = 0; my $opt_settings_pause = 0; my $opt_localhost = 0; my $opt_help = 0; my $opt_shutdown_graceful = 0; my $opt_shutdown_fast = 0; my $opt_shutdown_immediate = 0; my $opt_shutdown_graceful_all = 0; my $opt_shutdown_fast_all = 0; my $opt_shutdown_immediate_all = 0; my $opt_kill_with_fire = 0; my $opt_signal = ''; # signal name my $opt_signal_all = 0; my $opt_signal_timeout = 30; my $opt_start = 0; my $opt_stop = 0; my $opt_restart = 0; my $opt_start_all = 0; my $opt_stop_all = 0; my $opt_restart_all = 0; my $opt_start_services = 0; my $opt_stop_services = 0; my $opt_restart_services = 0; my $opt_force_clean_process = 0; my $opt_router_de_register = 0; my $opt_router_de_register_all = 0; my $opt_router_re_register = 0; my $opt_router_re_register_all = 0; my $opt_reload = 0; my $opt_reload_all = 0; my $opt_quiet = 0; my $opt_diagnostic = 0; my $sclient; my @perl_services; my @nonperl_services; my $hostname = $ENV{OSRF_HOSTNAME} || hostfqdn(); GetOptions( 'service=s' => \$opt_service, 'config=s' => \$opt_config, 'pid-dir=s' => \$opt_pid_dir, 'no-daemon' => \$opt_no_daemon, 'settings-startup-pause=i' => \$opt_settings_pause, 'localhost' => \$opt_localhost, 'help' => \$opt_help, 'quiet' => \$opt_quiet, 'graceful-shutdown' => \$opt_shutdown_graceful, 'fast-shutdown' => \$opt_shutdown_fast, 'immediate-shutdown' => \$opt_shutdown_immediate, 'graceful-shutdown-all' => \$opt_shutdown_graceful_all, 'fast-shutdown-all' => \$opt_shutdown_fast_all, 'immediate-shutdown-all' => \$opt_shutdown_immediate_all, 'kill-with-fire' => \$opt_kill_with_fire, 'force-clean-process' => \$opt_force_clean_process, 'signal-timeout' => \$opt_signal_timeout, 'signal=s' => \$opt_signal, 'signal-all' => \$opt_signal_all, 'start' => \$opt_start, 'stop' => \$opt_stop, 'start-all' => \$opt_start_all, 'stop-all' => \$opt_stop_all, 'restart' => \$opt_restart, 'restart-all' => \$opt_restart_all, 'start-services' => \$opt_start_services, 'stop-services' => \$opt_stop_services, 'restart-services' => \$opt_restart_services, 'router-de-register' => \$opt_router_de_register, 'router-de-register-all' => \$opt_router_de_register_all, 'router-re-register' => \$opt_router_re_register, 'router-re-register-all' => \$opt_router_re_register_all, 'reload' => \$opt_reload, 'reload-all' => \$opt_reload_all, 'diagnostic' => \$opt_diagnostic ); if ($opt_localhost) { $hostname = 'localhost'; $ENV{OSRF_HOSTNAME} = $hostname; } my $C_COMMAND = "opensrf-c -c $opt_config -x opensrf -p $opt_pid_dir -h $hostname"; my $PY_COMMAND = "opensrf.py -f $opt_config -p $opt_pid_dir ". ($opt_localhost ? '-l' : ''); sub verify_services { my $service = shift; return 1 if $service and $service eq 'router'; my @services = (@perl_services, map {$_->{service}} @nonperl_services); if (@services) { return 1 unless $service; return 1 if grep { $_ eq $service } @services; msg("$service is not configured to run on $hostname"); } else { msg("No services are configured to run on $hostname"); } msg("Perhaps you meant to use --localhost?") unless $opt_localhost; exit; } sub do_signal_send { my $service = shift; my $signal = shift; my @pids = get_service_pids_from_file($service); if (!@pids) { # no PID files exist. see if the service is running anyway @pids = get_service_pids_from_ps($service); if (!@pids) { msg("cannot signal $service : no pid file or running process"); return 0; } } for my $pid (@pids) { if (kill($signal, $pid) == 0) { # no process was signaled. msg("cannot signal $service: process $pid is not running"); my $pidfile = get_pid_file($service); unlink $pidfile if $pidfile; next; } msg("sending $signal signal to pid=$pid $service"); } return 1; } # returns 2 if a process should have gone away but did not # in the case of multiple PIDs (e.g. router), return the # status of any failures, but not the successes. sub do_signal_wait { my $service = shift; my @pids = get_service_pids_from_file($service); my $stat = 1; for my $pid (@pids) { # to determine whether a process has died, we have to send # a no-op signal to the PID and check the success of that signal my $sig_count; for my $i (1..$opt_signal_timeout) { $sig_count = kill(0, $pid); last unless $sig_count; sleep(1); } if ($sig_count) { msg("timed out waiting on $service pid=$pid to die"); $stat = 2; next; } # cleanup successful. remove the PID file my $pidfile = get_pid_file($service); unlink $pidfile if $pidfile; } return $stat; } sub get_pid_file { my $service = shift; return "$opt_pid_dir/$service.pid"; } # services usually only have 1 pid, but the router will have at least 2 sub get_service_pids_from_file { my $service = shift; my $pid_file = get_pid_file($service); return () unless -e $pid_file; my @pids = `cat $pid_file`; s/^\s*|\n//g for @pids; return @pids; } sub get_service_pids_from_ps { my $service = shift; my $ps = ($service eq 'router') ? "ps ax | grep 'OpenSRF Router'" : "ps ax | grep 'OpenSRF Listener \\[$service\\]'"; $ps .= " | grep -v grep | sed 's/^\\s*//' | cut -d' ' -f1"; my @pids = `$ps`; s/^\s*|\n//g for @pids; return @pids; } sub do_diagnostic { my $alive = do_init(1); my @services = get_service_list_from_files(1); my @conf_services; if ($alive) { @conf_services = (@perl_services, map {$_->{service}} @nonperl_services); push(@services, @conf_services); } my %services; my $len = 0; for my $svc (@services) { $len = length($svc) if length($svc) > $len; $services{$svc} = 1; } for my $svc (sort keys %services) { my @pf_pids = get_service_pids_from_file($svc); my @ps_pids = get_service_pids_from_ps($svc); my $svc_str = sprintf("%-${len}s ", $svc); my %seen; unless(@ps_pids or @pf_pids) { msg("$svc_str is not running"); next; } for my $pid (@ps_pids) { $seen{$pid} = 1; my $str = "$svc_str [$pid] "; my $times = `ps -o etime=,cputime= $pid`; $times =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g; my @times = split(/ /, $times); $str .= sprintf("uptime=%-11s cputime=%-11s ", $times[0], $times[1]); if ($svc eq 'router') { msg($str); } else { my @drones = `pgrep -f "Drone \\[$svc\\]"`; $str .= "#drones=".scalar(@drones); msg($str); msg("\tERR $svc has no running drones.") unless @drones; } msg("\tERR $svc [$pid] NOT configured for this host.") unless grep {$_ eq $svc} @conf_services or $svc eq 'router'; msg("\tERR $svc [$pid] NOT found in PID file.") unless grep {$_ eq $pid} @pf_pids; } for my $pid (@pf_pids) { next if $seen{$pid}; msg("\tERR $svc Has PID file entry [$pid], ". "which matches no running $svc processes"); } } } sub do_start_router { `opensrf_router $opt_config routers`; sleep 2; # give the router time to fork my @pids = `ps -C opensrf_router -o pid=`; s/^\s*|\n//g for @pids; my $pidfile = get_pid_file('router'); open(PF, '>', $pidfile) or die "Cannot open $pidfile: $!\n"; foreach (@pids) { chomp; msg("starting service pid=$_ router"); print PF "$_\n"; } close PF; } # stop a specific service sub do_stop { my ($service, @signals) = @_; @signals = qw/TERM INT KILL/ unless @signals; for my $sig (@signals) { last unless do_signal($service, $sig) == 2; } return 1; } sub do_init { my $fail_ok = shift; OpenSRF::System->bootstrap_client(config_file => $opt_config); if (!OpenSRF::Transport::PeerHandle->retrieve) { return 0 if $fail_ok; die "Unable to bootstrap client for requests\n"; } load_settings(); # load the settings config if we can my $sclient = OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new; my $apps = $sclient->config_value("activeapps", "appname"); # disconnect the top-level network handle OpenSRF::Transport::PeerHandle->retrieve->disconnect; if($apps) { $apps = [$apps] unless ref $apps; for my $app (@$apps) { if (!$sclient->config_value('apps', $app)) { msg("Service '$app' is listed for this host, ". "but there is no configuration for it in $opt_config"); next; } my $lang = $sclient->config_value('apps', $app, 'language') || ''; if ($lang =~ /perl/i) { push(@perl_services, $app); } else { push(@nonperl_services, {service => $app, lang => $lang}); } } } return 1; } # start a specific service sub do_start { my $service = shift; my @pf_pids = get_service_pids_from_file($service); my @ps_pids = get_service_pids_from_ps($service); if (@pf_pids) { # had pidfile if (@ps_pids) { msg("service $service already running : @ps_pids"); return; } else { # stale pidfile my $pidfile = get_pid_file($service); msg("removing stale pid file $pidfile"); unlink $pidfile; } } elsif (@ps_pids) { # orphan process if ($opt_force_clean_process) { msg("service $service pid=@ps_pids is running with no pidfile"); do_signal($service, 'KILL'); } else { msg("service $service pid=@ps_pids is running with no pidfile! ". "use --force-clean-process to automatically kill orphan processes"); return; } } return do_start_router() if $service eq 'router'; load_settings() if $service eq 'opensrf.settings'; if(grep { $_ eq $service } @perl_services) { return unless do_daemon($service); OpenSRF::System->run_service($service, $opt_pid_dir); } else { # note: we don't daemonize non-perl services, but instead # assume the controller for other languages manages that. my ($svc) = grep { $_->{service} eq $service } @nonperl_services; if ($svc) { if ($svc->{lang} =~ /c/i) { system("$C_COMMAND -a start -s $service"); return; } elsif ($svc->{lang} =~ /python/i) { system("$PY_COMMAND -a start -s $service"); return; } } } # should not get here return 0; } sub do_start_all { msg("starting router and services for $hostname"); do_start('router'); return do_start_services(); } sub do_start_services { msg("starting services for $hostname"); if(grep {$_ eq 'opensrf.settings'} @perl_services) { do_start('opensrf.settings'); # in batch mode, give opensrf.settings plenty of time to start # before any non-Perl services try to connect sleep $opt_settings_pause if $opt_settings_pause; } # start Perl services for my $service (@perl_services) { do_start($service) unless $service eq 'opensrf.settings'; } # start each non-perl service individually instead of using the native # start-all command. this allows us to test for existing pid files # and/or running processes on each service before starting. # it also means each service has to connect-fetch_setting-disconnect # from jabber, which makes startup slightly slower than native start-all do_start($_->{service}) for @nonperl_services; return 1; } # signal a single service sub do_signal { my $service = shift; my $signal = shift; return do_signal_all($signal, $service); } # returns the list of running services based on presence of PID files. # the 'router' service is not included by deault, since it's # usually treated special. sub get_service_list_from_files { my $include_router = shift; my @services = `ls $opt_pid_dir/*.pid 2> /dev/null`; s/^\s*|\n//g for @services; s|.*/(.*)\.pid$|$1| for @services; return @services if $include_router; return grep { $_ ne 'router' } @services; } sub do_signal_all { my ($signal, @services) = @_; @services = get_service_list_from_files() unless @services; do_signal_send($_, $signal) for @services; # if user passed a know non-shutdown signal, we're done. return if $signal =~ /HUP|USR1|USR2/; do_signal_wait($_) for @services; } # pull all opensrf listener and drone PIDs from 'ps', # kill them all, and remove all pid files sub do_kill_with_fire { msg("killing with fire"); my @pids = get_running_pids(); for (@pids) { next unless $_ =~ /\d+/; my $proc = `ps -p $_ -o cmd=`; chomp $proc; msg("killing with fire pid=$_ $proc"); kill('KILL', $_); } # remove all of the pid files my @files = `ls $opt_pid_dir/*.pid 2> /dev/null`; s/^\s*|\n//g for @files; for (@files) { msg("removing pid file $_"); unlink $_; } } sub get_running_pids { my @pids; # start with the listeners, then drones, then routers my @greps = ( "ps ax | grep 'OpenSRF Listener' ", "ps ax | grep 'OpenSRF Drone' ", "ps ax | grep 'OpenSRF Router' " ); $_ .= "| grep -v grep | sed 's/^\\s*//' | cut -d' ' -f1" for @greps; for my $grep (@greps) { my @spids = `$grep`; s/^\s*|\n//g for @spids; push (@pids, @spids); } return @pids; } sub clear_stale_pids { my @pidfile_services = get_service_list_from_files(1); my @running_pids = get_running_pids(); for my $svc (@pidfile_services) { my @pids = get_service_pids_from_file($svc); for my $pid (@pids) { next if grep { $_ eq $pid } @running_pids; my $pidfile = get_pid_file($svc); msg("removing stale pid file $pidfile"); unlink $pidfile; } } } sub do_stop_services { my @signals = @_; @signals = qw/TERM INT KILL/ unless @signals; msg("stopping services for $hostname"); my @services = get_service_list_from_files(); for my $signal (@signals) { my @redo; # send the signal to all PIDs do_signal_send($_, $signal) for @services; # then wait for them to go away for my $service (@services) { push(@redo, $service) if do_signal_wait($service) == 2; } @services = @redo; last unless @services; } return 1; } sub do_stop_all { my @signals = @_; @signals = qw/TERM INT KILL/ unless @signals; do_stop_services(@signals); # graceful shutdown requires the presence of the router, so stop the # router last. See if it's running first to avoid unnecessary warnings. do_stop('router', $signals[0]) if get_service_pids_from_file('router'); return 1; } # daemonize us. return true if we're the child, false if parent sub do_daemon { return 1 if $opt_no_daemon; my $service = shift; my $pid_file = get_pid_file($service); my $pid = OpenSRF::Utils::safe_fork(); if ($pid) { # parent msg("starting service pid=$pid $service"); return 0; } chdir('/'); setsid(); close STDIN; close STDOUT; close STDERR; open STDIN, '/dev/null'; open STDERR, '>/dev/null'; `echo $$ > $pid_file`; return 1; } # parses the local settings file sub load_settings { my $conf = OpenSRF::Utils::Config->current; my $cfile = $conf->bootstrap->settings_config; return unless $cfile; my $parser = OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsParser->new(); $parser->initialize( $cfile ); $OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient::host_config = $parser->get_server_config($conf->env->hostname); } sub msg { my $m = shift; print "* $m\n" unless $opt_quiet; } sub do_help { print < [default: @CONF_DIR@/opensrf_core.xml] OpenSRF configuration file --pid-dir [default: @PID_DIR@/run/opensrf] Directory where process-specific PID files are kept --settings-startup-pause How long to give the opensrf.settings server to start up when running in batch mode (start_all). The purpose is to give plenty of time for the settings server to be up and active before any non-Perl services attempt to connect. --localhost Force the hostname to be 'localhost', instead of the fully qualified domain name for the machine. --service Specifies which OpenSRF service to control --quiet Do not print informational messages to STDOUT --no-daemon Do not detach and run as a daemon process. Useful for debugging. Only works for Perl services and only when starting a single service. --help Print this help message --diagnostic Print information about running services ==== starting services ===== --start-all Start the router and all services --start Start the service specified by --service --start-services Start all services but do not start any routers --restart-all Restart the router and all services --restart Restart the service specified by --service --restart-services Restart all services but do not restart any routers --force-clean-process When starting a service, if a service process is already running but no pidfile exists, kill the service process before starting the new one. ==== stopping services ===== --stop-all Stop the router and all services. Services are sent the TERM signal, followed by the INT signal, followed by the KILL signal. With each iteration, the script pauses up to --signal-timeout seconds waiting for each process to die before sending the next signal. --stop Stop the service specified by --service. See also --stop-all. If the requested service does not have a matching PID file, an attempt to locate the PID via 'ps' will be made. --stop-services Stop all services but do not stop any routers. See also --stop-all. --graceful-shutdown-all Send TERM signal to all services + router --graceful-shutdown Send TERM signal to the service specified by --service --fast-shutdown-all Send INT signal to all services + router --fast-shutdown Send INT signal to the service specified by --service --immediate-shutdown-all Send KILL signal to all services + router --immediate-shutdown Send KILL signal to the service specified by --service --kill-with-fire Send KILL signal to all running services + routers, regardless of the presence of a PID file, and remove all PID files indiscriminately. ==== signaling services ===== --signal-all Send signal to all services --signal Name of signal to send. If --signal-all is not specified, the signal will be sent to the service specified by --service. --signal-timeout Seconds to wait for a process to die after sending a shutdown signal. All signals except HUP, USR1, and USR2 are assumed to be shutdown signals. ==== special signals ==== --router-de-register --router-de-register-all Sends a SIGUSR1 signal to the selected service(s), which causes each service's listener process to send an "unregister" command to all registered routers. The --all variant sends the signal to all running listeners. The non-(--all) variant requires a --service. --router-re-register --router-re-register-all Sends a SIGUSR2 signal to the selected service(s), which causes each service's listener process to send a "register" command to all configured routers. The --all variant sends the signal to all running listeners. The non-(--all) variant requires a --service. --reload --reload-all Sends a SIGHUP signal to the selected service(s). SIGHUP causes each listener process to reload its opensrf_core.xml config file and gracefully re-launch drone processes. The -all variant sends the signal to all services. The non-(-all) variant requires a --service. HELP exit; } # we do not verify services for stop/signal actions, since those may # legitimately be used against services not (or no longer) configured # to run on the selected host. do_init() and verify_services($opt_service) if $opt_start or $opt_start_all or $opt_start_services or $opt_restart or $opt_restart_all or $opt_restart_services; # starting services. do_init() handled above do_start($opt_service) if $opt_start; do_stop($opt_service) and do_start($opt_service) if $opt_restart; do_start_all() if $opt_start_all; do_start_services() if $opt_start_services; do_stop_all() and do_start_all() if $opt_restart_all; do_stop_services() and do_start_services() if $opt_restart_services; # stopping services do_stop($opt_service) if $opt_stop; do_stop_all() if $opt_stop_all; do_stop_services() if $opt_stop_services; do_stop($opt_service, 'TERM') if $opt_shutdown_graceful; do_stop($opt_service, 'INT') if $opt_shutdown_fast; do_stop($opt_service, 'KILL') if $opt_shutdown_immediate; do_stop_all('TERM') if $opt_shutdown_graceful_all; do_stop_all('INT') if $opt_shutdown_fast_all; do_stop_all('KILL') if $opt_shutdown_immediate_all; do_kill_with_fire() if $opt_kill_with_fire; # signaling $opt_signal = 'USR1' if $opt_router_de_register or $opt_router_de_register_all; $opt_signal = 'USR2' if $opt_router_re_register or $opt_router_re_register_all; $opt_signal = 'HUP' if $opt_reload or $opt_reload_all; do_signal($opt_service, $opt_signal) if $opt_signal and $opt_service; do_signal_all($opt_signal) if $opt_signal_all or $opt_reload_all or $opt_router_de_register_all or $opt_router_re_register_all; # misc do_diagnostic() if $opt_diagnostic; # show help if no action was requested do_help() if $opt_help or not ( $opt_start or $opt_start_all or $opt_start_services or $opt_stop or $opt_stop_all or $opt_stop_services or $opt_restart or $opt_restart_all or $opt_restart_services or $opt_signal or $opt_signal_all or $opt_shutdown_graceful or $opt_shutdown_graceful_all or $opt_shutdown_fast or $opt_shutdown_fast_all or $opt_shutdown_immediate or $opt_shutdown_immediate_all or $opt_kill_with_fire or $opt_diagnostic )