README for OpenSRF 2.0.0 ============================ Installing prerequisites: ------------------------- OpenSRF has a number of prerequisite packages that must be installed before you can successfully configure, compile, and install OpenSRF. On Debian and Ubuntu, the easiest way to install these prerequisites is to use the Makefile.install prerequisite installer for Evergreen. Issue the following commands as the root user to install prerequisites using the Makefile.install prerequisite installer, substituting your operating system identifier for below: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- aptitude install make make -f src/extras/Makefile.install --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well-tested values for include: * `debian-lenny` for Debian 5.0 * `debian-squeeze` for Debian 6.0.0 * `ubuntu-hardy` for Ubuntu 8.04 * `ubuntu-karmic` for Ubuntu 9.10 * `fedora14` for Fedora 14 Less-tested values for include: * `centos` for CentOS 5 * `rhel` for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Patches and suggestions for improvement from users of these distributions, or others, are welcome! When the prerequisite installer reaches the Perl module stage, you may be prompted for configuration of Comprehensive Perl Archive Network (CPAN) on your server. You can generally accept the defaults by pressing for all of the prompts, except for the country configuration. [NOTE] If you are installing this using a copy of the source code that was checked out directly from the OpenSRF Subversion repository rather than from a downloaded release of the source code, there are a few additional prerequisite tools and steps that you will need to follow. See "Developer instructions" at the bottom of the file. Configuration and compilation instructions: ------------------------------------------- Use the `configure` command to configure OpenSRF, and the `make` command to build OpenSRF. The default installation prefix (PREFIX) for OpenSRF is `/opensrf/`. If you are building OpenSRF for Evergreen, pass the `--prefix` and `--sysconfdir` options as follows: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ./configure --prefix=/openils --sysconfdir=/openils/conf make --------------------------------------------------------------------------- By default, OpenSRF includes C, Perl, and JavaScript support. You can add the `--enable-python` option to the configure command to build Python support, and `--enable-java` for Java support. Installation instructions: -------------------------- Once you have configured and compiled OpenSRF, issue the following command as the root user to install OpenSRF: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- make install --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This will install OpenSRF in the prefix directory that you specified in the configuration step. This will also install example configuration files that you can use as templates for your own configuration files. Create and set up the opensrf Unix user environment: ---------------------------------------------------- This user is used to start and stop all OpenSRF processes, and must own all files contained in the PREFIX directory hierarchy. Issue the following commands as root to create the `opensrf` user and set up its environment, substituting with the value you passed to `--prefix` in your configure command: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # useradd -m -s /bin/bash opensrf # echo "export PATH=\$PATH://bin" >> /home/opensrf/.bashrc # passwd opensrf --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Define your public and private OpenSRF domains: ----------------------------------------------- For security purposes, OpenSRF uses Jabber domains to separate services into public and private realms. Throughout these instructions, we will use the example domains `public.localhost` and `private.localhost`. On a single-server system, the easiest way to define public and private domains is to define separate hostnames by adding entries to the `/etc/hosts` file. Here are entries that you could make to a stock `/etc/hosts` file for our example domains: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- public.localhost public private.localhost private --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adjust the system dynamic library path: --------------------------------------- Add `/lib/` to the system's dynamic library path, and then run `ldconfig` as root. On Debian and Ubuntu systems, run the following commands as root: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # echo /lib > /etc/ # ldconfig --------------------------------------------------------------------------- On most other systems, you can add these entries to `/etc/`, or create a file within the `/etc/` directory, and then run `ldconfig` as root. Configure the ejabberd server: ------------------------------ OpenSRF requires an XMPP (Jabber) server. For performance reasons, ejabberd is the Jabber server of choice for the OpenSRF project. In most cases, you only have to make a few changes to the default `ejabberd.cfg` file to make ejabberd work for OpenSRF. 1. Stop ejabberd before making any changes to its configuration by issuing the following command as root: + --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # /etc/init.d/ejabberd stop --------------------------------------------------------------------------- + 2. Open `/etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg` and make the following changes: a. Define your public and private domains in the `hosts` directive. For example: + --------------------------------------------------------------------------- {hosts, ["private.localhost", "public.localhost"]} --------------------------------------------------------------------------- + b. Comment out the `mod_offlinex` directive c. Increase the `max_user_sessions` value to 1000 d. Change all `max_stanza_size` values to 200000 e. Change all `maxrate` values to 500000 + 3. Restart the ejabberd server to make the changes take effect: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # /etc/init.d/ejabberd start --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Create the OpenSRF Jabber users: -------------------------------- On each domain, you need two Jabber users to manage the OpenSRF communications: * a `router` user, to whom all requests to connect to an OpenSRF service will be routed; this Jabber user must be named `router` * an `opensrf` user, which clients use to connect to OpenSRF services; this user can be named anything you like Create the Jabber users by issuing the following commands as root. Substitute for your chosen passwords for each user respectively: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ejabberdctl register router private.localhost # ejabberdctl register opensrf private.localhost # ejabberdctl register router public.localhost # ejabberdctl register opensrf public.localhost --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update the OpenSRF configuration files: --------------------------------------- There are two critical files that you must update to make OpenSRF work. SYSCONFDIR is `/opensrf/etc` by default, or the value that you passed to `--sysconfdir` during the configuration phase: * `SYSCONFDIR/opensrf.xml` - this file lists the services that this OpenSRF installation supports; if you create a new OpenSRF service, you need to add it to this file. * The `` element at the bottom of the file lists the services that should be started for each hostname. You can force the system to use `localhost`, so in most cases you will leave this section as-is. * `SYSCONFDIR/opensrf_core.xml` - this file lists the Jabber connection information that will be used for the system, as well as determining logging verbosity and defining which services will be exposed on the HTTP gateway. There are four username/password pairs to update in this file: 1. `` = use the private Jabber `opensrf` user 2. `` = use the public Jabber `opensrf` user 3. `` = use the public Jabber `router` user 4. `` = use the private Jabber `router` user You should also create a `.srfsh.xml` file in the home directory of each user that you want to enable to use the srfsh to communicate with OpenSRF services. Copy `SYSCONFDIR/srfsh.xml.example` to `~/.srfsh.xml` and update the password to match the one for your Jabber `opensrf` user with the private.localhost domain. Starting and stopping OpenSRF services: --------------------------------------- To start all OpenSRF services with a hostname of `localhost`, issue the following command as the opensrf user: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ -l -a start_all --------------------------------------------------------------------------- To stop all OpenSRF services with a hostname of `localhost`, issue the following command as the opensrf user: [source,bash] --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ -l -a stop_all --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Testing the default OpenSRF services: ------------------------------------- By default, OpenSRF ships with an `opensrf.math` service that performs basic calculations involving two integers. Once you have started the OpenSRF services, start srfsh and issue the following request: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- srfsh# request opensrf.math add 2,2 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- You should receive the value `4`. Troubleshooting note for Python users: -------------------------------------- If you are running a Python client and trying to connect to OpenSRF running on localhost rather than a hostname that can be resolved via DNS, you will probably receive exceptions about `dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN`. If this happens, you need to install the `dnsmasq` package, configure it to serve up a DNS entry for localhost, and point your local DNS resolver to `dnsmasq`. For example, on Ubuntu you can issue the following commands as root: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # aptitude install dnsmasq # /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Then edit `/etc/resolv.conf` and ensure that `nameserver` is the first entry in the file. Developer instructions: ----------------------- Developers working directly with the source code from the Subversion repository will also need to install some extra packages and perform one more step before they can proceed with the `./configure` step. Install the following packages: * autoconf * automake * libtool Run the following command in the source directory to generate the configure script and Makefiles: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ ./ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Getting help: ------------- Need help installing or using OpenSRF? Join the mailing lists at or contact us on the Freenode IRC network on the #evergreen channel.