#!/bin/bash # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (C) 2005 Georgia Public Library Service # Bill Erickson # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Build targets. Options include: # # openils_all - builds all OpenILS compenents # openils_core - install the Open-ILS perl modules, and core files for running and openils server # openils_web - copies over the javascript and html templates to the web root directory for running the OPAC # openils_db - installs the database schemas # openils_reporter - installs the base of OpenILS Reporter # # evergreen_core - builds core Evergreen components (does not build evergreen_xul_client!) # evergreen_xul_client - client XUL application # # If you only want to build the client app, then just build evergreen_xul_client. # -------------------------------------------------------------------- TARGETS=("openils_core" "openils_web" "openils_db"); # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Global install prefix. Binaries will be installed into PREFIX/bin, # libraries will be installed into PREFIX/lib, etc. The user # running 'install.sh install' must have write permissions to PREFIX # -------------------------------------------------------------------- PREFIX="/openils/"; BINDIR="$PREFIX/bin/"; LIBDIR="$PREFIX/lib/"; PERLDIR="$LIBDIR/perl5/"; INCLUDEDIR="$PREFIX/include/"; ETCDIR="$PREFIX/etc/"; WEBDIR="$PREFIX/web/"; CGIDIR="$PREFIX/cgi-bin/"; TEMPLATEDIR="$PREFIX/templates"; # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Temporary build files go here. The User running 'install.sh build' # must have write permissions to TMP # -------------------------------------------------------------------- TMP="/tmp/ilstmp/"; # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Location of the apxs binary for Apache2. This must be set when # building the mod_ils_gateway C plugin for allowing web access # to the published API. # -------------------------------------------------------------------- APXS2="/usr/bin/apxs2"; # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Directories where the Apache2 header files are located. These must # be set when building the mod_ils_gateway C plugin for allowing web # access to the published API. # -------------------------------------------------------------------- APACHE2_HEADERS="/usr/include/apache2"; APR_HEADERS="/usr/include/apr-1.0/"; # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Directory where the libdbi libraries are located. libdbi is used # by the OpenILS cstore, fetch, and rstore applications # -------------------------------------------------------------------- DBI_LIBS="/usr/local/lib/dbd"; # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Directory where the libxml2 headers are located. Libxml2 is used # by various components # -------------------------------------------------------------------- LIBXML2_HEADERS="/usr/include/libxml2/"; # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Directories where the OpenSRF headers and libraries are located. # You must build and install OpenSRF before OpenILS. # -------------------------------------------------------------------- OPENSRF_HEADERS="/openils/include/" OPENSRF_LIBS="/openils/lib/" # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # These point to the top level makefiles for each of the sub # projects. Only change these if you have relocated the directories. # -------------------------------------------------------------------- OPENILSDIR="Open-ILS/src/"; EVERGREENDIR="Evergreen/"; # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # These are used to create the perl DBI DSN for the bootstrapping # scripts. # -------------------------------------------------------------------- DBDRVR="Pg"; DBHOST=""; DBPORT="5432"; DBNAME="evergreen"; DBUSER="postgres"; DBVER="82"; DBPW="postgres";