== Managing audio alerts == === Globally silencing sounds === indexterm:[audio alerts,silencing] indexterm:[nosound.wav] The file `nosound.wav` can be used to globally disable audio alerts for a specific event on an Evergreen system. For example, to silence the alert that sounds after a successful patron search: [source, bash] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mkdir -p /openils/var/web/audio/notifications/success/patron/ cd /openils/var/web/audio/notifications/success/patron/ ln -s ../../nosound.wav by_search.wav ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ === Self-check interface === indexterm:[audio alerts,self check interface] indexterm:[self check interface,audio alerts] indexterm:[audio_config.tt2] Sounds may play at certain events in the self check interface. These events are defined in the `templates/circ/selfcheck/audio_config.tt2` template. To use the default sounds, you could run the following command from your Evergreen server as the *root* user (assuming that `/openils/` is your install prefix): [source, bash] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ cp -r /openils/var/web/xul/server/skin/media/audio /openils/var/web/. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------