Using UnAPI =========== URL format ---------- Evergreen's unAPI support includes access to many record types. For example, the following URL would fetch bib 267 in MODS32 along with holdings, volume, copy, and record attribute information:{holdings_xml,acn,acp,mra}&format=mods32 To access the new unAPI features, the unAPI ID should have the following form: * +tag::U2@+ * followed by class name, which may be * +bre+ (bibs) * +biblio_record_entry_feed+ (multiple bibs) * +acl+ (copy locations) * +acn+ (volumes) * +acnp+ (call number prefixes) * +acns+ (call number suffixes) * +acp+ (copies) * +acpn+ (copy notes) * +aou+ (org units) * +ascecm+ (copy stat cat entries) * +auri+ (located URIs) * +bmp+ (monographic parts) * +cbs+ (bib sources) * +ccs+ (copy statuses) * +circ+ (loan checkout and due dates) * +holdings_xml+ (holdings) * +mmr+ (metarecords) * +mmr_holdings_xml+ (metarecords with holdings) * +mmr_mra+ (metarecords with record attributes) * +mra+ (record attributes) * +sbsum+ (serial basic summaries) * +sdist+ (serial distributions) * +siss+ (serial issues) * +sisum+ (serial index summaries) * +sitem+ (serial items) * +sssum+ (serial supplement summaries) * +sstr+ (serial streams) * +ssub+ (serial subscriptions) * +sunit+ (serial units) * followed by +/+ * followed by a record identifier (or in the case of the +biblio_record_entry_feed+ class, multiple IDs separated by commas) * followed, optionally, by limit and offset in square brackets * followed, optionally, by a comma-separated list of "includes" enclosed in curly brackets. The list of includes is the same as the list of classes with the following addition: * +bre.extern+ (information from the non-MARC parts of a bib record) * followed, optionally, by +/+ and org unit; "-" signifies the top of the org unit tree * followed, optionally, by +/+ and org unit depth * followed, optionally, by +/+ and a path. If the path is +barcode+ and the class is +acp+, the record ID is taken to be a copy barcode rather than a copy ID; for example, in +tag::U2@acp/ACQ140{acn,bre,mra}/-/0/barcode+, +ACQ140+ is meant to be a copy barcode. * followed, optionally, by +&format=+ and the format in which the record should be retrieved. If this part is omitted, the list of available formats will be retrieved.