* The Field Documentation interface (under Local Administration) has been ported to Angular with an org selector as an additional filter. * The Pending Users and Bucket View grids in the User Buckets interface now includes a column for the patron's balance owed. (LP#1980257) * Patron Interface Gets a New Penalty Refresh Action. (LP#1823225) * A new workstation setting optionally allows the full library name to be added to the Angular Org Unit Selector. (LP#1771636) * The tabs on the Claiming Administration page have been reordered to Claim Policies, Claim Policy Actions, Claim Event Types, and Claim Types. This reflects the fact that Claim Types tend to be configured once and are not typically adjusted when setting up a new claim policy. (LP#1947045) * Links in the staff catalog summary area now open in a new tab. (LP#1953692) * The Item Status list view now includes an optional column for Total Circulations. (LP#1964629) * The credit card payment approval code is now available as a column in the bill history payments table in the patron record. (LP#1818303)