"Canceled Transit" Item Status ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Previously, when a transit was aborted, the transited item would either go into "Reshelving" status or would return to whatever status it was in when it went into transit, even when the item itself was in a different status (including "Checked out"). Now, for most transits that get aborted, the item is put into a new status, "Canceled Transit", which signals to staff the actual state of the item. This feature only affects items with a status of "In transit" and does not affect items that were in the following statuses at the time they were sent into transit: * Bindery * Lost * Missing * On order * ILL * Damaged * Long Overdue * Lost and Paid * Any custom statuses This change should help clear up confusing situations caused by the previous "abort transit" behavior, such as items showing "Available" when they are actually en route, and patrons' items mysteriously disappearing from their accounts and showing "Available" at the item-owning library without evidence of check-in.