Aged Money Changes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Two new global flag settings have been added to control if/when billings and payments are aged. Both settings are disabled by default. * '' ** Age billings and payments linked to circulations when the cirulcation is aged. * '' ** Age billings and payments based on the age of the finish date for the linked transaction. ** To age money based on this setting, there is a new srfsh script at (by default) /openils/bin/age_money.srfsh. Aged Payment Additional Fields ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The aged payment table now has accepting_usr, cash_drawer, and billing columns to improve reporting of aged money. Manual Data Migration of Aged Money +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ For users that wish to age money along with circulations (global flag '' is set to true), it's necessary to manaully age money for circulations which have already been aged. This can be done directly in the database with SQL: NOTE: This SQL can take a very long time to run on large databases, so it may be necessary to process aged circulations in batches instead of all at once. [source,sql] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELECT money.age_billings_and_payments_for_xact( FROM action.aged_circulation circ -- limit to aged circs with billings JOIN money.billing mb ON mb.xact =; -------------------------------------------------------------------------