= Antora Docs build procedure :idseparator: - == Using generate_docs.pl This tool should perform all of the steps in "Doing it Manually", automatically. This tool requires some command line arguments and also requires some prerequisites. === Installing Node Be sure and have Node installed. see https://github.com/nvm-sh/nvm#installation-and-update[Installing Node] [source,bash] ---- wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.35.3/install.sh | bash ---- === Antora pre-reqs Once Node is installed, follow the Antora prereqs Summarized from https://docs.antora.org/antora/2.3/install/linux-requirements/[Antora pre-reqs] [source,bash] ---- $ nvm install --lts ---- === Run generate_docs.pl This tool does the rest of the work. You will be requried to supply these things: [cols=2*] |=== |base-url |[URL where html output is expected to be available eg: http//examplesite.org] |tmp-space |[Writable path for staging the antora UI repo and build files, defaults to ./build] |html-output |[Path for the generated HTML files, defaults to ./output] |antora-ui-repo |[Antora-UI repository for the built UI, defaults to git://git.evergreen-ils.org/eg-antora.git] |antora-version |[Version of antora to use for build, defaults to 2.3] |=== Example: [source,bash] ---- $ cd Evergreen/docs $ ./generate_docs.pl \ --base-url http//examplesite.org/prod \ --tmp-space ../../tmp \ --html-output /var/www/html/prod \ --antora-ui-repo git://git.evergreen-ils.org/eg-antora.git \ --antora-version 2.3 ---- NOTE: This tool will create the tmp-space and html-ouput directories if they do not exist. These folders will be erased and re-created with each execution. == Doing it all manually [source,bash] ---- $ git clone git://git.evergreen-ils.org/Evergreen.git $ git clone git://git.evergreen-ils.org/eg-antora.git $ cd Evergreen ---- First we have to install antora: Summarized from https://docs.antora.org/antora/2.1/install/install-antora/ [source,bash] ---- $ cd docs # (we want to install into the local directory as opposed to globally) $ npm install @antora/cli@2.3 @antora/site-generator-default@2.3 antora-lunr antora-site-generator-lunr ---- Now, install the ui pre-reqs building lifted from https://docs.antora.org/antora-ui-default/set-up-project/ and https://github.com/Mogztter/antora-lunr [source,bash] ---- $ cd ../../eg-antora $ npm install $ npm gulp-bundle ---- At this point you should find a file in: NOTE: build/ui-bundle.zip Now you can build the website. But you may want to edit the file: NOTE: docs/site.yml Because the output folder for the website is defaulted to NOTE: /var/www/html/prod And the default web URL is: NOTE: http://localhost/prod Build: [source,bash] ---- $ cd ../Evergreen/docs DOCSEARCH_ENABLED=true DOCSEARCH_ENGINE=lunr antora --generator antora-site-generator-lunr site.yml ---- If all went well - then you will have the site built in the output folder that was configured in site.yml! Interesting reading related to Antora and AsciiDoc and AsciiDoctor NOTE: https://asciidoctor.org/docs/asciidoc-asciidoctor-diffs/ NOTE: https://blog.anoff.io/2019-02-15-antora-first-steps/ NOTE: https://owncloud.org/news/owncloud-docs-migrating-antora-pt-1-2/