# msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Evergreen 1.4\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: open-ils-dev@list.georgialibraries.org\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2011-04-18 21:45:27-0400\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2011-08-16 18:05+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Eva Cerninakova \n" "Language-Team: UISK \n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Generator: Launchpad (build 13697)\n" "X-Launchpad-Export-Date: 2011-08-17 04:42+0000\n" "X-Poedit-Country: CZECH REPUBLIC\n" "X-Poedit-Language: Czech\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n" #: 1208.TITLE_LAST_COPY:66 msgid "The last copy attached to a title is being removed or deleted" msgstr "Poslední kopie připojená k titulu je odstraněna nebo smazána" #: 1232.ITEM_DEPOSIT_REQUIRED:157 1233.ITEM_RENTAL_FEE_REQUIRED:160 #: 1234.ITEM_DEPOSIT_PAID:163 msgid "" msgstr "" #: 1598.MONEY_USER_CIRCULATION_SUMMARY_NOT_FOUND:435 msgid "The requested money_user_circulation_summary was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný money_user_circulation_summary nebyl nalezen" #: 1621.CONTAINER_COPY_BUCKET_NOT_FOUND:503 msgid "The requested container_copy_bucket was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný container_copy_bucket nebyl nalezen" #: 1218.ITEM_AGE_PROTECTED:104 msgid "This item is too new to have a hold placed on it" msgstr "Tento exeplář je příliš nový, než aby na něj byla zadaná rezervace" #: 1214.PATRON_DUP_IDENT1:87 msgid "The selected primary identification type and value are in use by another patron" msgstr "" "Zvolený druh primární identifikace a zadaná hodnota jsou používány jiným " "uživatelem." #: 1561.PERMISSION_PERM_LIST_NOT_FOUND:327 msgid "The requested permission_perm_list was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný permission_perm_lis nebyl nalezen" #: 1213.PATRON_BARRED:83 msgid "The patron is barred" msgstr "Čtenářské konto je blokováno" #: 1645.CONFIG_CIRC_MATRIX_TEST_NOT_FOUND:575 msgid "The requested config_circ_matrix_test was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný config_circ_matrix_test nebyl nalezen" #: 7004.COPY_NOT_AVAILABLE:826 msgid "Copy is not available" msgstr "Exemplář není k dispozici" #: 1591.METABIB_SERIES_FIELD_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND:414 msgid "The requested metabib_series_field_entry was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný metabib_series_field_entry nebyl nalezen" #: 4003.CREDIT_PROCESSOR_NOT_ALLOWED:766 msgid "The credit card processor you have named is not allowed" msgstr "Zpracovatel kreditiní karty, kterého jste uvedli, není povolen" #: 4010.CREDIT_PROCESSOR_NO_DEFAULT_SELECTED:772 msgid "No default credit processor is selected" msgstr "Není vybrán předdefinavatelný zpracovatel kreditu" #: 1862.ACQ_FUND_EXCEEDS_STOP_PERCENT:658 msgid "The requested acq.purchase_order cannot be activated because it would over-encumber a fund." msgstr "" "Požadovaná acq.purchase_order nemůže být aktivována, protože by byl příliš " "zatížen fond." #: 1649.VANDELAY_IMPORT_ITEM_NOT_FOUND:587 msgid "The requested vandelay.import_item was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný vandelay.import_item nebyl nalezen" #: 1639.REPORTER_SCHEDULE_NOT_FOUND:557 msgid "The requested reporter_schedule was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný reporter_schedule nebyl nalezen" #: 1847.ACQ_FUNDING_SOURCE_DEDIT_NOT_FOUND:613 msgid "The requested acq.funding_source_dedit was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný acq.funding_source_dedit nebyl nalezen" #: 1641.ACTION_OPEN_CIRC_COUNT_BY_CIRC_MOD_NOT_FOUND:563 msgid "The requested action_open_circ_count_by_circ_mod was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný action_open_circ_count_by_circ_mod nebyl nalezen" #: 1608.METABIB_SUBJECT_FIELD_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND:465 msgid "The requested metabib_subject_field_entry was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný metabib_subject_field_entry nebyl nalezen" #: 1711.BIB_QUEUE_EXISTS:732 msgid "A bib record queue with the same name already exists" msgstr "Bib záznam fronty se stejným názvem již existuje" #: 1875.ACQ_LINEITEM_GENERATED_ATTR_DEFINITION_NOT_FOUND:676 #: 1876.ACQ_LINEITEM_LOCAL_ATTR_DEFINITION_NOT_FOUND:679 #: 1877.ACQ_LINEITEM_MARC_ATTR_DEFINITION_NOT_FOUND:682 #: 1878.ACQ_LINEITEM_USR_ATTR_DEFINITION_NOT_FOUND:685 #: 1879.ACQ_LINEITEM_PROVIDER_ATTR_DEFINITION_NOT_FOUND:688 msgid "The requested acq_lineitem_attr was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný acq_lineitem_attr nebyl nalezen" #: 1207.REFUND_EXCEEDS_BALANCE:63 msgid "A refund greater than the negative balance on a transaction was provided" msgstr "Při transakci byl vrácen větší přeplatek než činil záporný zůstatek." #: 1504.ACTION_TRANSIT_COPY_NOT_FOUND:191 msgid "Someone attempted to retrieve a transit object from the system and the object was not found." msgstr "" "Někdo se ze systému pokusil získat přepravní objekt a objekt nebyl nalezen." #: 1538.ACTION_SURVEY_RESPONSE_NOT_FOUND:262 msgid "The requested action_survey_response was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný action_survey_response nebyl nalezen" #: 1555.MONEY_OPEN_BILLABLE_TRANSACTION_SUMMARY_NOT_FOUND:310 msgid "The requested money_open_billable_transaction_summary was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný money_open_billable_transaction_summary nebyl nalezen" #: 7000.ROUTE_ITEM:809 msgid "A copy needs to be routed to a different location The destination location will be specified by an 'org' key within the event object" msgstr "" "Exemlář má být směrován do jiného umístění. Cíl umístění bude určeno klíčem " "\"org\" během události objektu události." #: 1554.CONFIG_RULES_CIRC_DURATION_NOT_FOUND:307 msgid "The requested config_rules_circ_duration was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný config_rules_circ_duration nebyl nalezen" #: 1607.ACTION_OPEN_CIRCULATION_NOT_FOUND:462 msgid "The requested action_open_circulation was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný action_open_circulation nebyl nalezen" #: 1559.METABIB_FULL_REC_NOT_FOUND:321 msgid "The requested metabib_full_rec was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný metabib_full_rec nebyl nalezen" #: 1527.OPEN_TCN_NOT_FOUND:228 msgid "No TCN could be found that does not collide with existing records" msgstr "Nebylo nalezeno TCN, které by nekolidovalo s existujícím záznamem" #: 7016.ITEM_ON_HOLDS_SHELF:862 msgid "This requested item is currently on the holds shelf" msgstr "Požadovaný exemplář se nyní nachází v regále s rezervacemi" #: 2001.DATABASE_UPDATE_FAILED:749 msgid "The attempt to write to the DB failed" msgstr "Pokus o zápis do databáze se nezdařil" #: 1563.METABIB_KEYWORD_FIELD_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND:333 msgid "The requested metabib_keyword_field_entry was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný metabib_keyword_field_entry nebyl nalezen" #: 1546.CONFIG_AUDIENCE_MAP_NOT_FOUND:286 msgid "The requested config_audience_map was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný config_audience_map nebyl nalezen" #: 8004.OFFLINE_CONFIG_ERROR:910 8005.OFFLINE_CHECKSUM_FAILED:913 #: 8006.OFFLINE_SESSION_NOT_FOUND:916 msgid "Offline server is not configured properly" msgstr "Offline server není správně nastaven" #: 1001.NO_SESSION:26 msgid "User login session has either timed out or does not exist" msgstr "Uživatelská relace již vypršela nebo neexistuje." #: 4019.CREDIT_PROCESSOR_INVALID_CC_NUMBER:775 msgid "An invalid credit card number has been supplied." msgstr "Bylo zadáno neplatné číslo kreditní karty" #: 1880.CONFIG_BILLING_TYPE_NOT_FOUND:691 msgid "The requested config_billing_type was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný config_billing_type nebyl nalezen" #: 1851.ACQ_FUND_ENCUMBRANCE_TOTAL_NOT_FOUND:625 msgid "The requested acq.fund_encumbrance_total was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný acq.fund_encumbrance_total nebyl nalezen" #: 1529.ACTOR_WORKSTATION_NOT_FOUND:236 msgid "The requested actor_workstation was not found" msgstr "Požadovanactor_workstation nebyla nalezena" #: 1227.COPY_DELETE_WARNING:140 msgid "The copy in question is not in an ideal status for deleting" msgstr "Příslušný výtisk není v ideálním stavu pro vymazání" #: 1204.CIRC_BAD_STATUS:54 msgid "The given circulation is not in a standard status or the circulation was never fully closed properly" msgstr "" "Tato výpůjčka má nestandardní status nebo půjčování nebylo správně uzavřeno." #: 1855.ACQ_FUNDING_SOURCE_CREDIT_TOTAL_NOT_FOUND:637 msgid "The requested acq.funding_source_credit_total was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný acq.funding_source_credit_total nebyl nalezen" #: 1870.ACQ_LINEITEM_DETAIL_NOT_FOUND:664 msgid "The requested acq.lineitem_detail was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný acq.lineitem_detail nebyl nalezen" #: 1223.PATRON_NO_PHONE:122 msgid "The user does not have a valid phone number assigned" msgstr "Uživatel nemá přiřazené platné telefonní číslo" #: 1002.ACTOR_USER_NOT_FOUND:29 msgid "Someone attempted to retrieve a user from the system and the user was not found" msgstr "Někdo se pokusil získat uživatele ze systému a uživatel nebyl nalezen" #: 7010.COPY_ALERT_MESSAGE:844 msgid "The requested copy has an alert message attached" msgstr "K požadovanému exempláři je připojena varovná zpráva" #: 1643.VANDELAY_BIB_QUEUE_NOT_FOUND:569 msgid "The requested vandelay_bib_queue was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný vandelay_bib_queue nebyl nalezen" #: 1849.ACQ_FUND_DEBIT_TOTAL_NOT_FOUND:619 msgid "The requested acq.fund_debit_total was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný acq.fund_debit_total nebyl nalezen" #: 1636.REPORTER_OUTPUT_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND:548 msgid "The requested reporter_output_folder was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný reporter_output_folder nebyl nalezen" #: 7008.MAX_RENEWALS_REACHED:838 msgid "Circulation has no more renewals remaining" msgstr "Bylo dosaženo maximálního možného počtu prodloužení" #: 1217.PATRON_INACTIVE:101 msgid "This account is marked as inactive" msgstr "Tento účet je označen jako neaktivní" #: 8003.OFFLINE_PARAM_ERROR:907 msgid "Missing params in offline upload" msgstr "Chybějící parametry při nahrání offline souboru" #: 1637.REPORTER_REPORT_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND:551 msgid "The requested reporter_report_folder was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný reporter_report_folder nebyl nalezen" #: 1545.PERM_EX_NOT_FOUND:283 msgid "The requested perm_ex was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný perm_ex nebyl nalezen" #: 10101.ACQ_ALREADY_CANCELED:959 msgid "The object is already canceled." msgstr "Tento objekt byl již zrušen" #: 1553.ACTOR_ORG_UNIT_CLOSED_DATE_NOT_FOUND:304 msgid "The requested actor_org_unit_closed_date was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný actor_org_unit_closed_date nebyl nalezen" #: 1609.CONFIG_RULES_RECURRING_FINE_NOT_FOUND:468 msgid "The requested config_rules_recurring_fine was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný config_rules_recurring_fine nebyl nalezen" #: 1541.AUTHORITY_RECORD_DESCRIPTOR_NOT_FOUND:271 msgid "The requested authority_record_descriptor was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný authority_record_descriptor nebyl nalezen" #: 7011.COPY_STATUS_LOST:847 msgid "Copy has is marked as lost" msgstr "Exemplář byl označen jako ztracený" #: 1587.CONTAINER_CALL_NUMBER_BUCKET_NOT_FOUND:402 msgid "The requested container_call_number_bucket was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný container_call_number_bucket nebyl nalezen" #: 1229.VOLUME_DELETED:147 msgid "The requested volume is marked as deleted" msgstr "Požadovaný svazek je označen jako smazaný" #: 1635.REPORTER_REPORT_NOT_FOUND:545 msgid "The requested reporter_report was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný reporter_report nebyl nalezen" #: 1631.MONEY_COLLECTIONS_TRACKER_NOT_FOUND:533 #: 1632.CONFIG_RULES_AGE_HOLD_PROTECT_NOT_FOUND:536 #: 1633.MONEY_DESK_PAYMENT_NOT_FOUND:539 msgid "The requested money_collections_tracker was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný money_collections_tracker nebyl nalezen" #: 1651.AUTHORITY_RECORD_NUMBER_EXISTS:593 msgid "An authority record already exists with the requested ARN" msgstr "Záznam s požadovaným číslem autority (ARN) již existuje" #: 11001.SERIAL_CAPTION_AND_PATTERN_HAS_ISSUANCES:972 msgid "The caption/pattern still has dependent issuances" msgstr "" #: 5000.PERM_FAILURE:789 msgid "Permission Denied" msgstr "Povolení odepřeno" #: 7015.NEGATIVE_PATRON_BALANCE:859 msgid "This requested action would result in a negative patron balance" msgstr "" "Požadovaná operace by měla za následek negativní zůstatek na kontě " "uživatele" #: 1569.ACTOR_USER_STANDING_PENALTY_NOT_FOUND:351 msgid "The requested actor_user_standing_penalty was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný actor_user_standing_penalty nebyl nalezen" #: 8000.OFFLINE_SESSION_ACTIVE:898 msgid "An offline session for this location is currently processing" msgstr "Offline relace pro tuto lokaci se právě zpracovává" #: 1200.USERNAME_EXISTS:39 msgid "The given username already exists in the database" msgstr "Toto uživatelské jméno již v databázi existuje" #: 1602.ACTOR_STAT_CAT_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND:447 msgid "The requested actor_stat_cat_entry was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný actor_stat_cat_entry nebyl nalezen" #: 1710.CONTAINER_EXISTS:729 msgid "User has already created a bucket with the requested name" msgstr "Seznam požadovaným jménem již uživatel vytvořil" #: 7001.PATRON_BAD_STANDING:816 msgid "The patron in question is not able to check out materials because their account is in bad standing" msgstr "" "Dotyčný uživatel si nemůže půjčovat žádné materiály , protože s jeho účtem " "je něco v nepořádku" #: 1525.BILLING_NOT_FOUND:224 msgid "Requested billing note does not exist" msgstr "Požadovaná poznámka k fakturaci neexistuje" #: 11102.SERIAL_DISTRIBUTION_HAS_NO_CALL_NUMBER:980 msgid "Units cannot be created for the given item because its associated distribution does not have a call number." msgstr "" "Jednotka daného exempláře nemůže být vytvořena, protože distribuce, která s " "ní souvisí, nemá signaturu." #: 1575.CONTAINER_BIBLIO_RECORD_ENTRY_BUCKET_NOT_FOUND:367 msgid "The requested container_biblio_record_entry_bucket was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný container_biblio_record_entry_bucket nebyl nalezen" #: 7021.RESERVATION_NOT_FOUND:880 msgid "Booking reservation not found" msgstr "Záznam rezervace nebyl nalezen" #: 1700.NON_CAT_TYPE_EXISTS:699 msgid "The non-cataloged type object already exists" msgstr "Objekt nekatalogizovaného typu již existuje" #: 1860.ACQ_PURCHASE_ORDER_TOO_SHORT:652 msgid "The requested acq.purchase_order cannot be split because it does not have more than one lineitem" msgstr "" "Požadovaný acq.purchase_order nemůže být rozdělen, protože neobsahuje více " "než jednu položku." #: 10004.ACQ_LINEITEM_NO_PRICE:952 msgid "The lineitem has no price" msgstr "U položky není uvedena cena" #: 1226.REFUND_EXCEEDS_DESK_PAYMENTS:135 msgid "This refund amount is not allowed because it exceeds the total amount of desk payments for this transaction." msgstr "" "Výše přeplatku není povolena, protože přesahuje celkovou výši platby u pultu " "pro tuto transakci" #: 1619.ACTOR_STAT_CAT_ENTRY_USER_MAP_NOT_FOUND:497 msgid "The requested actor_stat_cat_entry_user_map was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný actor_stat_cat_entry_user_map nebyl nalezen" #: 1858.ACQ_LINEITEM_NOT_FOUND:646 msgid "The requested acq.po_lineitem was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný acq.po_lineitem nebyl nalezen" #: 1558.ASSET_COPY_NOTE_NOT_FOUND:318 msgid "The requested asset_copy_note was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný asset_copy_note nebyl nalezen" #: 1853.ACQ_FUND_COMBINED_BALANCE_NOT_FOUND:631 msgid "The requested acq.fund_combined_balance was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný acq.fund_combined_balance nebyl nalezen" #: 1850.ACQ_FUND_ALLOCATION_TOTAL_NOT_FOUND:622 msgid "The requested acq.fund_allocation_total was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný acq.fund_allocation_total nebyl nalezen" #: 1616.MONEY_OPEN_USER_CIRCULATION_SUMMARY_NOT_FOUND:488 msgid "The requested money_open_user_circulation_summary was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný money_open_user_circulation_summary nebyl nalezen" #: 1624.MONEY_PAYMENT_NOT_FOUND:512 msgid "The requested money_payment was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný money_payment nebyl nalezen" #: 1596.ACTOR_ORG_UNIT_TYPE_NOT_FOUND:429 msgid "The requested actor_org_unit_type was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný actor_org_unit_type nebyl nalezen" #: 1004.Z3950_BAD_QUERY:35 msgid "The Z query is not formatted correctly" msgstr "Z39.50 dotaz není ve správném formátu" #: 1205.CARD_EXISTS:57 msgid "The given user barcode already exists" msgstr "Daný uživatelský čárový kód jíž existuje" #: 1713.SURVEY_RESPONSES_EXIST:738 msgid "Responses to this survey exist" msgstr "Odpověď k tomuto průzkumu existuje" #: 1544.CONFIG_METABIB_FIELD_NOT_FOUND:280 msgid "The requested config_metabib_field was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný config_metabib_field nebyl nalezen" #: 1584.ACTOR_ORG_ADDRESS_NOT_FOUND:394 msgid "The requested actor_org_address was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný actor_org_address nebyl nalezen" #: 1501.BIBLIO_RECORD_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND:176 msgid "The requested biblio_record_entry was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný biblio_record_entry nebyl nalezen" #: 1852.ACQ_FUND_SPENT_TOTAL_NOT_FOUND:628 msgid "The requested acq.fund_spent_total was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný acq.fund_spent_total nebyl nalazen" #: 1613.PERMISSION_GRP_TREE_NOT_FOUND:479 msgid "The requested permission_grp_tree was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný permission_grp_tree nebyl nalezen" #: 10001.ACQ_LINEITEM_NO_COPIES:943 msgid "The lineitem has no attached copies" msgstr "K položce nejsou připojeny exempláře" #: 1536.ACTION_IN_HOUSE_USE_NOT_FOUND:257 msgid "The requested action_in_house_use was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný action_in_house_use nebyl nalezen" #: 1872.ACQ_LINEITEM_PROVIDER_ATTR_DEFINITION_NOT_FOUND:670 msgid "The requested acq.lineitem_provider_attr_definition was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný acq.lineitem_provider_attr_definition nebyl nalezen" #: 7007.COPY_NEEDED_FOR_HOLD:835 msgid "Copy is needed to fulfill a hold" msgstr "Exemplář je nezbytný pro splnění rezervace" #: 1562.METABIB_METARECORD_SOURCE_MAP_NOT_FOUND:330 msgid "The requested metabib_metarecord_source_map was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný metabib_metarecord_source_map nebyl nalezen" #: 1531.ACTION_SURVEY_QUESTION_NOT_FOUND:242 msgid "The requested action_survey_question was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný action_survey_question nebyl nalezen" #: 1612.CONFIG_RULES_MAX_FINE_NOT_FOUND:476 msgid "The requested config_rules_max_fine was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný config_rules_max_fine nebyl nalezen" #: 1557.ACTOR_ORG_UNIT_SETTING_NOT_FOUND:315 msgid "The requested actor_org_unit_setting was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný actor_org_unit_setting nebyl nalezen" #: 1629.PERMISSION_USR_GRP_MAP_NOT_FOUND:526 msgid "The requested permission_usr_grp_map was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný permission_usr_grp_map nebyl nalezen" #: 1215.CIRC_EXCEEDS_COPY_RANGE:94 msgid "The selected copy may not circulate because the recipient's home location is not within the copy's circulation range" msgstr "" "Požadovaný exemplář nelze půjčit, protože domovská lokace příjemce leží " "mimo rozsah pásma pro půjčování exemplářů." #: 10005.ACQ_LINEITEM_NO_PROVIDER:955 msgid "The lineitem has no provider" msgstr "U položky není uveden poskytovatel" #: 1606.MONEY_WORK_PAYMENT_NOT_FOUND:459 msgid "The requested money_work_payment was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný money_work_payment nebyl nalezen" #: 2000.BAD_PARAMS:746 msgid "Invalid parameters were encountered in a method" msgstr "V rámci metody došlo ke střetu kvůli neplatným parametrům" #: 1564.MONEY_CASH_PAYMENT_NOT_FOUND:336 msgid "The requested money_cash_payment was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný money_cash_payment nebyl nalezen" #: 1221.ORG_CANNOT_HAVE_VOLS:115 msgid "The selected location cannot have volumes attached" msgstr "Označená lokace nemůže mít připojeny svazky" #: 1704.TCN_EXISTS:711 msgid "A record already exists with the requested TCN value" msgstr "Záznam již existuje s požadovanou hodnotou TCN" #: 1.UNKNOWN:17 msgid "Placeholder event. Used for development only" msgstr "Událost ve vyhrazeném prostoru. Použito pouze pro development" #: 1622.BIBLIO_RECORD_NODE_NOT_FOUND:506 msgid "The requested biblio_record_node was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný biblio_record_node nebyl nalezen" #: 1534.ACTOR_USER_SETTING_NOT_FOUND:251 msgid "The requested actor_user_setting was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný actor_user_setting nebyl nalezen" #: 1211.BILL_ALREADY_VOIDED:76 msgid "The selecte bill has already been voided" msgstr "Označený účet byl již anulován" #: 7026.PATRON_NOT_AN_ACTIVE_PASSWORD_RESET_REQUEST:795 msgid "The user attempted to update their password using a stale or inactive password reset request session." msgstr "" "Uživatel se pokusil aktualizovat heslo v rámci prošlé nebo neaktivní relace " "pro požadavek na heslo." #: 1222.PATRON_NO_EMAIL_ADDRESS:119 msgid "The user does not have a valid email address assigned" msgstr "Uživatel nemá přiřazenou platnou e-mailovou adresu" #: 1854.ACQ_FUND_SPENT_BALANCE_NOT_FOUND:634 msgid "The requested acq.fund_spent_balance was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný acq.fund_spent_balance nebyl nalezen" #: 11000.SERIAL_SUBSCRIPTION_NOT_EMPTY:968 msgid "The subscription still has dependent objects" msgstr "Předplatné dosud obsahuje závislé objekty" #: 1523.TITLE_NOTE_NOT_FOUND:221 msgid "Requested title note does not exist" msgstr "Požadovaná poznámka k názvu neexistuje" #: 1605.CONFIG_LIT_FORM_MAP_NOT_FOUND:456 msgid "The requested config_lit_form_map was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný config_lit_form_map nebyl nalezen" #: 1567.METABIB_RECORD_DESCRIPTOR_NOT_FOUND:345 msgid "The requested metabib_record_descriptor was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný metabib_record_descriptor nebyl nalezen" #: 10102.ACQ_NOT_CANCELABLE:962 msgid "The object is not in a cancelable state." msgstr "Objekt není ve stavu, aby bylo možné jej zrušit" #: 9000.REPORT_TEMPLATE_EXISTS:932 msgid "A report template with the given name and folder already exists" msgstr "Šablona zpráv s uvedeným jménem a složka již existují" #: 1500.ACTION_CIRCULATION_NOT_FOUND:173 msgid "Someone attempted to retrieve a circulation object from the system and the object was not found." msgstr "" "Někdo se pokusil získat ze systému objekt výpůjčky a objekt nebyl nalezen" #: 4001.CREDIT_PROCESSOR_NOT_ENABLED:760 msgid "Credit card processor not enabled" msgstr "Zpracovatel kreditní karty nebyl zapnut" #: 1630.ACTOR_USER_NOTE_NOT_FOUND:529 msgid "The requested actor_user_note was not found" msgstr "Požadovaná actor_user_note nebyla nalezena" #: 7005.LOCATION_CIRC_NOT_ALLOWED:829 msgid "Location does not allow materials to circulate" msgstr "Lokace neumožňuje půjčování materiálů" #: 1508.ASSET_CALL_NUMBER_NOT_FOUND:208 msgid "Requested asset_call_number was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný asset_call_number nebyl nalezen" #: 1209.Z3950_LOGIN_FAILED:69 msgid "The login failed" msgstr "Přihlášení se nezdařilo" #: 1543.MONEY_CREDIT_CARD_PAYMENT_NOT_FOUND:277 msgid "The requested money_credit_card_payment was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný money_credit_card_paymen nebyl nalezen" #: 7023.RESERVATION_BAD_PARAMS:886 msgid "Provided parameters describe unacceptable reservation." msgstr "Poskytnuté parametry charakterizují neakceptovatelnou rezervaci" #: 1857.ACQ_FUNDING_SOURCE_BALANCE_NOT_FOUND:643 msgid "The requested acq.funding_source_balance was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný acq.funding_source_balance nebyl nalezen" #: 10000.ACQ_LINEITEM_APPROVED:940 msgid "The lineitem cannot be altered because it has already been approved" msgstr "Požadovaná položka nemůže být změněna, protože již byla odsouhlasena" #: 1714.HIGH_LEVEL_HOLD_HAS_NO_COPIES:741 msgid "A hold request at a higher level than copy has been attempted, but there are no copies that belonging to the higher-level unit." msgstr "" "Doško k pokusu o zadání požadavku na rezervaci na vyšší úrovni exemplář, ale " "jednotce s vyšší úrovní nepatří žádné exempláře." #: 1614.ACTION_SURVEY_ANSWER_NOT_FOUND:482 msgid "The requested action_survey_answer was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný action_survey_answer nebyl nalezen" #: 1535.METABIB_AUTHOR_FIELD_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND:254 msgid "The requested metabib_author_field_entry was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný metabib_author_field_entry nebyl nalezen" #: 1626.ASSET_STAT_CAT_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND:518 msgid "The requested asset_stat_cat_entry was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný asset_stat_cat_entry nebyl nalezen" #: 1595.CONFIG_NON_CATALOGED_TYPE_NOT_FOUND:426 msgid "The requested config_non_cataloged_type was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný config_non_cataloged_type nebyl nalezen" #: 1225.TRANSIT_ABORT_NOT_ALLOWED:128 msgid "The transit on this item may not be aborted due to the state the item is in" msgstr "Přesun tohoto exempláře nemůže být zrušen vzhledem ke stavu exmpláře." #: 1542.CONFIG_LANGUAGE_MAP_NOT_FOUND:274 msgid "The requested config_language_map was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný config_language_map nebyl nalezen" #: 1844.ACQ_FUNDING_SOURCE_NOT_FOUND:604 msgid "The requested acq.funding_source was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný acq.funding_source nebyl nalezen" #: 1206.VOLUME_NOT_EMPTY:60 msgid "The selected volume has copies attached" msgstr "Zvolený svazek má připojené exempláře" #: 1540.AUTHORITY_RECORD_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND:268 msgid "The requested authority_record_entry was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný authority_record_entry nebyl nalezen" #: 1203.COPY_BAD_STATUS:48 msgid "The given copy is not in a standard circulation status" msgstr "Daná kopie není ve stavu standardního půjčování" #: 1601.MONEY_BILLABLE_TRANSACTION_NOT_FOUND:444 msgid "The requested money_billable_transaction was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný money_billable_transaction nebyl nalezen" #: 1871.PERMISSION_USR_OBJECT_PERM_MAP_NOT_FOUND:667 msgid "The requested permission.usr_object_perm_map was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný permission.usr_object_perm_map nebyl nalezen" #: 7020.COPY_RESERVED:877 msgid "Item reserved for booking request" msgstr "Exemplář je nutný pro rezervační pořadavavek" #: 1550.MONEY_OPEN_USER_SUMMARY_NOT_FOUND:296 msgid "The requested money_open_user_summary was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný money_open_user_summary nebyl nalezen" #: 3.NO_CHANGE:20 msgid "No change occurred" msgstr "Nenastala žádná změna" #: 1201.CIRC_PERMIT_BAD_KEY:42 msgid "A checkout was attempted without a valid checkout permit key" msgstr "Nastal pokus o výpůjčku bez platného ověřovacího klíče výpůjček" #: 1593.MONEY_CREDIT_PAYMENT_NOT_FOUND:420 msgid "The requested money_credit_payment was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný money_credit_payment nebyl nalezen" #: 7017.ROUTE_TO_COPY_LOCATION:868 msgid "A copy needs to be routed to a copy location. The location should be specified within the event with a 'location' key" msgstr "" "Exemplář je nutné směrovat do lokace exempláře. Lokace bude uvedena během " "udalosti lokačním klíčem." #: 1618.METABIB_TITLE_FIELD_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND:494 msgid "The requested metabib_title_field_entry was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný metabib_title_field_entry nebyl nalezen" #: 7022.RESERVATION_CAPTURE_FAILED:883 msgid "Booking reservation capture failed" msgstr "Zachycení rezervace se nezdařilo" #: 1202.ITEM_NOT_CATALOGED:45 msgid "The requested item is not cataloged in the database" msgstr "Požadovaný exemplář není katalogizovan v databázi" #: 1520.WORKSTATION_NOT_FOUND:218 msgid "Requested workstation object does not exist" msgstr "Požadovaná pracovní stanice neexistuje" #: 1628.MONEY_BILLING_NOT_FOUND:523 msgid "The requested money_billing was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný money_billing nebyl nalezen" #: 1507.CONTAINER_ITEM_NOT_FOUND:205 msgid "Someone attempted to retrieve a container item object from the system and the object was not found." msgstr "" "Někdo se ze systému pokusil získat objekt položky kontejneru a objekt nebyl " "nalezen" #: 2002.DATABASE_QUERY_FAILED:752 msgid "The attempt to query to the DB failed" msgstr "Pokus o dotaz na DB se nezdařil" #: 1549.CONFIG_STANDING_NOT_FOUND:293 msgid "The requested config_standing was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný config_standing nebyl nalezen" #: 1861.ACQ_PURCHASE_ORDER_TOO_LATE:655 msgid "The requested acq.purchase_order cannot be split because it has gone beyond the \"pending\" state" msgstr "" "Požadovaná acq.purchase_order nemůže být rozdělen, protože již není v " "\"nevyřízeném\" stavu." #: 1210.INCORRECT_PASSWORD:73 msgid "The provided password is not correct" msgstr "Poskytnuté heslo není správné" #: 1582.CONFIG_ITEM_TYPE_MAP_NOT_FOUND:388 msgid "The requested config_item_type_map was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný config_item_type_map nebyl nalezen" #: 8007.OFFLINE_SESSION_EXISTS:919 msgid "A session with the given name already exists" msgstr "Relace s uvedeným jméném již existuje" #: 1650.CONFIG_CIRC_MATRIX_RULESET_NOT_FOUND:590 msgid "The requested config_circ_matrix_ruleset_not_found was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný config_circ_matrix_ruleset_not_found nebyl nalezen" #: 10002.ACQ_LINEITEM_DETAIL_NO_FUND:946 msgid "The lineitem detail has no associated fund" msgstr "K požadované položce není přiřazen fond" #: 7003.COPY_CIRC_NOT_ALLOWED:823 msgid "Target copy is not allowed to circulate" msgstr "Cílový exemplář nelze půjčovat" #: 1530.CONFIG_IDENTIFICATION_TYPE_NOT_FOUND:239 msgid "The requested config_identification_type was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný config_identification_type nebyl nalezen" #: 1579.ASSET_COPY_LOCATION_NOT_FOUND:379 msgid "The requested asset_copy_location was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný asset_copy_location nebyl nalezen" #: 1506.CONTAINER_NOT_FOUND:199 msgid "Someone attempted to retrieve a container object from the system and the object was not found." msgstr "" "Někdo se ze systému pokusil získat objekt kontejneru a objekt nebyl nalezen" #: 1571.ASSET_CALL_NUMBER_NOTE_NOT_FOUND:356 msgid "The requested asset_call_number_note was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný asset_call_number_note nebyl nalezen" #: 4004.CREDIT_PROCESSOR_NOT_SPECIFIED:769 msgid "No credit card processor specified either in org unit settings or in call to credit service API method." msgstr "" "Nebyl specifikován zpracovatel kreditních karet ani v nastavení organizační " "jednotky ani ve volání kreditní služby prostřednictvím API metody." #: 1528.ACTOR_USER_ADDRESS_NOT_FOUND:231 msgid "Requested address was not found" msgstr "Požadovaná adresa nebyla nalezena" #: 7002.PATRON_EXCEEDS_CHECKOUT_COUNT:820 msgid "The patron in question has the maximum number of items already checked out" msgstr "Příslušný uživatel si ji vypůjčil maximální povolený počet exemplářů" #: 1003.Z3950_SEARCH_FAILED:32 msgid "The Z search did not succeed" msgstr "Z39.50 hledání se nepodařilo" #: 1533.ACTOR_USR_NOTE_NOT_FOUND:248 msgid "The requested actor_usr_note was not found" msgstr "Poždaovaný actor_usr_note nebyl nalezen" #: 1620.PERMISSION_GRP_PERM_MAP_NOT_FOUND:500 msgid "The requested permission_grp_perm_map was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný permission_grp_perm_map nebyl nalezen" #: 7025.PATRON_TOO_MANY_ACTIVE_PASSWORD_RESET_REQUESTS:792 msgid "There are too many active password reset request sessions for this patron." msgstr "" "Uživatel má aktivováno příliš mnoho relací s požadavky na přenastavení " "hesla." #: 1709.MAX_HOLDS:726 msgid "User has reached the maximum number of holds" msgstr "Uživatel dosáhl maximálního povoleného počtu rezervací" #: 1706.ITEM_BARCODE_EXISTS:717 msgid "An item with the same barcode exists" msgstr "Existuje exemplář se stejným čárovým kódem" #: 7014.COPY_IN_TRANSIT:856 msgid "Copy is in transit" msgstr "Kopie je v přesunu" #: 1219.COPY_REMOTE_CIRC_LIB:107 1220.ITEM_NOT_HOLDABLE:111 msgid "A copy with a remote circulating library (circ_lib) was encountered" msgstr "Narazili jsme na exemplář ze vzdálené výpůjční knihovny (circ_lib)." #: 1702.OPEN_CIRCULATION_EXISTS:705 msgid "There is an open circulation on the requested item" msgstr "Požadovaný exemplář je již vypůjčen." #: 0.SUCCESS:14 msgid "Success" msgstr "Akce se zdařila" #: 1231.RECORD_NOT_EMPTY:154 msgid "The selected bib record has volumes attached" msgstr "Ke zvolenému bibliografickému záznamu jsou připojeny svazky" #: 1503.ACTION_HOLD_REQUEST_NOT_FOUND:185 msgid "The requested action_hold_request was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný action_hold_reques nebyl nalezen" #: 1212.PATRON_EXCEEDS_OVERDUE_COUNT:79 msgid "The patron has too many overdue items" msgstr "Uživatel má přiliš mnoho exemplářů s prošlou výpůjční lhůtou." #: 1863.ACQ_FUND_EXCEEDS_WARN_PERCENT:661 msgid "Activating the requested acq.purchase_order would encumber it beyond its warning level." msgstr "" "Aktivováním požadované acq.purchase_order dojde ke snížení prostředků pod " "úroveň, pro niž je nastaveno varování." #: 1578.ACTION_HOLD_NOTIFICATION_NOT_FOUND:376 msgid "The requested action_hold_notification was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný action_hold_notification nebyl nalezen" #: 1610.MONEY_CHECK_PAYMENT_NOT_FOUND:471 msgid "The requested money_check_payment was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný money_check_payment nebyl nalezen" #: 1623.PERMISSION_USR_PERM_MAP_NOT_FOUND:509 msgid "The requested permission_usr_perm_map was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný permission_usr_perm_map nebyl nalezen" #: 1581.ASSET_STAT_CAT_ENTRY_COPY_MAP_NOT_FOUND:385 msgid "The requested asset_stat_cat_entry_copy_map was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný asset_stat_cat_entry_copy_map nebyl nalezen" #: 1547.CONFIG_ITEM_FORM_MAP_NOT_FOUND:289 msgid "The requested config_item_form_map was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný config_item_form_map nebyl nalezen" #: 1592.CONTAINER_USER_BUCKET_NOT_FOUND:417 msgid "The requested container_user_bucket was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný container_user_bucket nebyl nalezen" #: 1617.ACTION_UNFULFILLED_HOLD_LIST_NOT_FOUND:491 msgid "The requested action_unfulfilled_hold_list was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný action_unfulfilled_hold_list nebyl nalezen" #: 1552.ACTOR_ORG_UNIT_HOURS_OF_OPERATION_NOT_FOUND:301 msgid "The requested actor_org_unit_hours_of_operation was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný actor_org_unit_hours_of_operation nebyl nalezen" #: 1576.EX_NOT_FOUND:370 msgid "The requested ex was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný ex nebyl nalezen" #: 7019.HOLD_CAPTURE_DELAYED:874 msgid "Hold capture was delayed for this item" msgstr "Zachycení rezervaci pro tento exemplář se zpozdilo" #: 1502.ASSET_COPY_NOT_FOUND:182 msgid "Someone attempted to retrieve a copy object from the system and the object was not found." msgstr "" "Někdo se pokusil získat ze systému objekt exempláře a objekt nebyl nalezen." #: 1703.WORKSTATION_NAME_EXISTS:708 msgid "A workstation with that name already exists" msgstr "Pracovní stanice s tímto jménem již existuje" #: 1568.CONFIG_COPY_STATUS_NOT_FOUND:348 msgid "The requested config_copy_status was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný config_copy_status was nebyl nalezen" #: 1539.CONTAINER_COPY_BUCKET_ITEM_NOT_FOUND:265 msgid "The requested container_copy_bucket_item was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný container_copy_bucket_item nebyl nalezen" #: 1590.ACTOR_STAT_CAT_NOT_FOUND:411 msgid "The requested actor_stat_cat was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný actor_stat_cat was nebyl nalezen" #: 7027.PATRON_PASSWORD_WAS_NOT_STRONG:798 msgid "The user attempted to set their password to a weak value." msgstr "Uživatel se pokusil o nastavení \"slabého\" hesla." #: 9001.REPORT_REPORT_EXISTS:936 msgid "A report with the given name and folder already exists" msgstr "Zpráva s uvedeným jménem a složka již existují" #: 1705.VOLUME_LABEL_EXISTS:714 msgid "A volume with the same label, title and owning library exists" msgstr "Svazek s touto značkou, názvem a vlastnickou knihovnou již existuje" #: 8008.OFFLINE_INVALID_SESSION:922 msgid "The session name is invalid" msgstr "Název relace je neplatný" #: 7009.CIRC_CLAIMS_RETURNED:841 msgid "Requested circulation is marked claims returned" msgstr "Požadovaná výpůjčka je označena jako \"prohlášená za vrácenou\"" #: 1577.ACTION_HOLD_COPY_MAP_NOT_FOUND:373 msgid "The requested action_hold_copy_map was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný action_hold_copy_map nebyl nalezen" #: 1648.PERMISSION_USR_WORK_OU_MAP_NOT_FOUND:584 msgid "The requested permission_usr_work_ou_map was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný permission_usr_work_ou_map nebyl nalezen" #: 1638.REPORTER_TEMPLATE_FOLDER_NOT_FOUND:554 msgid "The requested reporter_template_folder was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný reporter_template_folder nebyl nalezen" #: 4002.CREDIT_PROCESSOR_BAD_PARAMS:763 msgid "Not enough parameters to use credit card processor" msgstr "" "Není zadán dostatek parametrů aby mohl být použit zpracovatel kreditní karty" #: 7024.HOLD_RESERVATION_CONFLICT:889 msgid "Both a hold and a reservation exist for this item; staff intervention is required to resolve the conflict." msgstr "" "Na tento exeplář je zadána rezervace jak z katalogu, tak z rezervačního " "modulu. Pro vyřešení tohoto rozporu je nutný zásah personálu." #: 1644.VANDELAY_AUTHORITY_QUEUE_NOT_FOUND:572 msgid "The requested vandelay_authority_queue was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný vandelay_authority_queue nebyl nalezen" #: 7006.COPY_IS_REFERENCE:832 msgid "Copy is reference material" msgstr "Exemplář je označen jako \"příruční knihovna\"" #: 1634.REPORTER_TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND:542 msgid "The requested reporter_template was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný reporter_template nebyl nalezen" #: 1583.ACTION_SURVEY_NOT_FOUND:391 msgid "The requested action_survey was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný action_survey nebyl nalezen" #: 1859.ACQ_PURCHASE_ORDER_NOT_FOUND:649 msgid "The requested acq.purchase_order was not found" msgstr "Požadovaná acq.purchase_order nebyla nalezena" #: 1625.CONTAINER_BIBLIO_RECORD_ENTRY_BUCKET_ITEM_NOT_FOUND:515 msgid "The requested container_biblio_record_entry_bucket_item was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný container_biblio_record_entry_bucket_item nebyl nalezen" #: 1000.LOGIN_FAILED:23 msgid "User login failed" msgstr "Přihlášení se nezdařilo" #: 1873.ACQ_CURRENCY_TYPE_NOT_FOUND:673 msgid "The requested acq.currency_type was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný acq.currency_type nebyl nalezen" #: 1599.MONEY_GROCERY_NOT_FOUND:438 msgid "The requested money_grocery was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný money_grocery nebyl nalezen" #: 8009.OFFLINE_NO_ORG:925 8010.OFFLINE_SESSION_COMPLETE:928 msgid "No org id was provided" msgstr "Nebylo poskytnuto ID organizace" #: 7012.COPY_STATUS_MISSING:850 msgid "Copy has is marked as missing" msgstr "Kopie byla označená jako chybějící" #: 1532.MONEY_BILLABLE_TRANSACTION_SUMMARY_NOT_FOUND:245 msgid "The requested money_billable_transaction_summary was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný money_billable_transaction_summary nebyl nalezen" #: 8001.OFFLINE_SESSION_FILE_EXISTS:901 msgid "An offline file for this workstation exists within this session" msgstr "V rámci této relaci existuje offline soubor pro tuto pracovní stanici" #: 2003.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR:755 msgid "There was an internal server error" msgstr "Došlo k vnitřní chybě serveru" #: 4020.CREDIT_PROCESSOR_DECLINED_TRANSACTION:778 msgid "The credit card processor has declined the transaction." msgstr "Zpracovatel kreditní karty odmítl tuto transakci" #: 1647.VANDELAY_QUEUED_AUTHORITY_RECORD_NOT_FOUND:581 msgid "The requested vandelay_queued_authority_record was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný vandelay_queued_authority_record nebyl nalezen" #: 8002.OFFLINE_FILE_ERROR:904 msgid "An offline file or directory could not be created or accessed" msgstr "Nelze vytvořit nebo otevřít offline soubor nebo adresář." #: 1597.BIBLIO_RECORD_NOTE_NOT_FOUND:432 msgid "The requested biblio_record_note was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný biblio_record_note nebyl nalezen" #: 1846.ACQ_FUNDING_SOURCE_CREDIT_NOT_FOUND:610 msgid "The requested acq.funding_source_credit was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný acq.funding_source_credit nebyl nalezen" #: 1588.ASSET_STAT_CAT_NOT_FOUND:405 msgid "The requested asset_stat_cat was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný asset_stat_cat nebyl nalezen" #: 1224.PATRON_ACCOUNT_EXPIRED:125 msgid "The patron's account has expired" msgstr "Návštěvníkův účet vypršel" #: 1560.METABIB_METARECORD_NOT_FOUND:324 msgid "The requested metabib_metarecord was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný metabib_metarecord nebyl nalezen" #: 1707.HOLD_EXISTS:720 msgid "User already has an open hold on the selected item" msgstr "Uživatel má již vybraný exemplář rezervován" #: 1712.AUTH_QUEUE_EXISTS:735 msgid "An authority record queue with the same name already exists" msgstr "Fronta autoritních záznamů s tímto jménem již existuje" #: 1566.MONEY_FORGIVE_PAYMENT_NOT_FOUND:342 msgid "The requested money_forgive_payment was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný money_forgive_payment nebyl nalezen" #: 1230.XACT_COLLISION:150 msgid "The saved item has been edited by another user" msgstr "Uložený exemplář byl upraven jiným uživatelem" #: 1843.ACQ_LINEITEM_ATTR_NOT_FOUND:601 msgid "The requested acq.lineitem_attr was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný acq.lineitem_attr nebyl nalezen" #: 1708.MONEY_COLLECTIONS_TRACKER_EXISTS:723 msgid "A duplicate money.collections_tracker object already exists in the database" msgstr "Duplikát money.collections_tracker již v databázi existuje" #: 4040.CREDIT_PROCESSOR_SUCCESS_WO_RECORD:784 msgid "A *TERRIBLE* problem has occurred: a credit card transaction was processed successfuly, but the patron's payment could not be recorded within Evergreen. Please seek assistance." msgstr "" "Došlo k *ZÁVAŽNÉMU* problému: transakce kreditní kartou úspěšně proběhla, " "ale Evergreen nemohl nahrát uživatelovu platbu. Prosím vyhledejte pomoc." #: 1845.ACQ_PROVIDER_NOT_FOUND:607 msgid "The requested acq.provider was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný acq.provider nebyl nalezen" #: 1600.CONFIG_BIB_SOURCE_NOT_FOUND:441 msgid "The requested config_bib_source was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný config_bib_source nebyl nalezen" #: 1646.VANDELAY_QUEUED_BIB_RECORD_NOT_FOUND:578 msgid "The requested vandelay_queued_bib_record was not found" msgstr "Požadovaná vandelay_queued_bib_record nebyl nalezen" #: 1228.BIB_RECORD_DELETED:144 msgid "The requested bib record is marked as deleted" msgstr "Požadovaný bib záznam je již označen jako smazaný" #: 1841.ACQ_PICKLIST_NOT_FOUND:598 msgid "The requested acq.picklist was not found" msgstr "requested acq.picklist nebyl nalezen" #: 7018.COPY_MARKED_LOST:871 msgid "The requested item is already marked as lost" msgstr "Požadovaný exemplář je již označen jako ztracený" #: 1642.CONFIG_CIRC_MODIFIER_NOT_FOUND:566 msgid "The requested config_circ_modifier was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný config_circ_modifier nebyl nalezen" #: 1701.COPY_LOCATION_EXISTS:702 msgid "The copy location object already exists" msgstr "Objekt lokace exempláře již existuje" #: 1589.ACTOR_CARD_NOT_FOUND:408 msgid "The requested actor_card was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný actor_card was nebyl nalezen" #: 1856.ACQ_FUNDING_SOURCE_ALLOCATION_TOTAL_NOT_FOUND:640 msgid "The requested acq.funding_source_allocation_total was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný acq.funding_source_allocation_total nebyl nalezen" #: 1216.PATRON_CARD_INACTIVE:98 msgid "The patron's card is not active" msgstr "Návštěvníkova karta je neaktivní" #: 1881.PERMISSION_GRP_PENALTY_THRESHOLD_NOT_FOUND:694 msgid "The requested permission_grp_penalty_threshold was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný permission_grp_penalty_threshold nebyl nalezen" #: 7013.PATRON_EXCEEDS_FINES:853 msgid "The patron in question has reached the maximum fine amount" msgstr "Příslušný uživatel již dosáhl maximální hodnoty pokut" #: 1586.ACTOR_ORG_UNIT_NOT_FOUND:399 msgid "The requested actor_org_unit was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný actor_org_unit wa nebyl nalezen" #: 1574.CONTAINER_CALL_NUMBER_BUCKET_ITEM_NOT_FOUND:364 msgid "The requested container_call_number_bucket_item was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný container_call_number_bucket_item nebyl nalezen" #: 10003.ACQ_LINEITEM_DETAIL_NO_ORG:949 msgid "The lineitem detail has no owning_lib" msgstr "Detail položky owning_lib" #: 11101.SERIAL_DISTRIBUTION_HAS_NO_COPY_TEMPLATE:976 msgid "Units cannot be created for the given item because its associated distribution does not have a copy template." msgstr "" "Pro příslušný exemplář nemůže být vytvořena jednotka, protože připojená " "distribuce neobsahuje šablonu exemplářů." #: 1518.ACTION_HOLD_TRANSIT_COPY_NOT_FOUND:213 msgid "The requested action_hold_transit_copy was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný action_hold_transit_copy nebyl nalezen" #: 1594.AUTHORITY_FULL_REC_NOT_FOUND:423 msgid "The requested authority_full_rec was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný authority_full_rec nebyl nalezen" #: 1565.ACTOR_PROFILE_NOT_FOUND:339 msgid "The requested actor_profile was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný actor_profile was nebyl nalezen" #: 1580.METABIB_VIRTUAL_RECORD_NOT_FOUND:382 msgid "The requested metabib_virtual_record was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný metabib_virtual_record nebyl nalezen" #: 1640.ACTOR_USR_ORG_UNIT_OPT_IN_NOT_FOUND:560 msgid "The requested actor_usr_org_unit_opt_in was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný actor_usr_org_unit_opt_in nebyl nalezen" #: 1572.AUTHORITY_RECORD_NOTE_NOT_FOUND:359 msgid "The requested authority_record_note was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný authority_record_note nebyl nalezen" #: 1848.ACQ_FUND_NOT_FOUND:616 msgid "The requested acq.fund was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný acq.fund nebyl nalezen" #: 1603.CONTAINER_USER_BUCKET_ITEM_NOT_FOUND:450 msgid "The requested container_user_bucket_item was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný container_user_bucket_item nebyl nalezen" #: 1615.ACTION_NON_CATALOGED_CIRCULATION_NOT_FOUND:485 msgid "The requested action_non_cataloged_circulation was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný action_non_cataloged_circulation nebyl nalezen" #: 1604.MONEY_USER_SUMMARY_NOT_FOUND:453 msgid "The requested money_user_summary was not found" msgstr "Požadovaný money_user_summary nebyl nalezen"