= Building, Testing, Packaging the Browser Client = :Author: Bill Erickson :Email: berick@esilibrary.com :Date: 2014-05-07 == Prerequisites == * http://bower.io/[Bower] ** Dependency retrieval * http://jasmine.github.io/[Jasmine] ** Headless unit tests runner * http://gruntjs.com/[Grunt] ** Coordinating the build ** Concatenation + minification of JS and CSS These are all Node.js plugins, so start by installing Node.js === Install Node.js === Node.js does not have have Debian Wheezy build target. For now, I've opted to install from source. For more, see also https://github.com/joyent/node/wiki/installation[Node.js Installation] [source,sh] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % git clone https://github.com/joyent/node.git % cd node % git checkout -b v0.10.28 v0.10.28 # set -j to number of CPU cores + 1 % ./configure && make -j5 && sudo make install # update packages % sudo npm update ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ === Install Grunt CLI === [source,sh] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % sudo npm install -g grunt-cli ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ === Install Bower === [source,sh] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % sudo npm install -g bower ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ == Building, Testing, Minification == The remaining steps all take place within the staff JS web root: [source,sh] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % cd $EVERGREEN_ROOT/Open-ILS/web/js/ui/default/staff/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ === Install Project-local Dependencies === npm inspects the 'package.json' file for dependencies and fetches them from the Node package network. [source,sh] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % npm install # fetch Grunt dependencies % bower install # fetch JS dependencies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ === Running the Build Scripts === [source,sh] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # build, run tests % grunt test # build, concat+minify % grunt uglify # build, run tests, concat+minify % grunt all ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ == TODO == * Minification of app-specific JS files * Integrate this into the Evergreen Makefile test and install targets ** Avoid installing test, node_modules, etc. into the web dir. * Support fetching JS deps (angularjs, etc.) via direct retrieval for installation without test + concat + minify (i.e. w/o requiring Node.js)?