[%- PROCESS "opac/parts/relators.tt2"; author_cnt = 0; authors = [ { type => 'author', label => l('Author'), xpath => '//*[@tag="100"]|//*[@tag="110"]|//*[@tag="111"]' }, { type => 'added', label => l('Added Author'), xpath => '//*[@tag="700"]|//*[@tag="710"]|//*[@tag="711"]' }, { type => 'cast', label => l('Cast'), xpath => '//*[@tag="511"][@ind1="1"]' }, { type => 'notes', label => l('Author Notes: '), xpath => '' # Comes from added content... } ]; BLOCK find_hl_value; outlist = []; norm_needle = PROCESS normalize_string(unnorm_string=needle); FOREACH hl IN attrs.display_field_list; norm_value = PROCESS normalize_string(unnorm_string=hl.value); outlist.push(hl.$f) IF norm_value == norm_needle; END; outlist.0; END; BLOCK normalize_string; unnorm_string.replace('[#"^$\+\-,\.:;&|\[\]()]', ' ').replace('\s+',' ').replace('^\s+','').replace('\s+$',''); END; BLOCK normalize_qterm; PROCESS normalize_string(unnorm_string=subfield.textContent); END; BLOCK normalize_authors; link_term = link_term _ ' ' _ sf; sf_raw = PROCESS normalize_qterm; qterm = qterm _ ' ' _ sf_raw; indexed_term = 1; END; BLOCK build_author_links; FOR node IN ctx.marc_xml.findnodes(xpath); author_cnt = author_cnt + 1; contrib_ref = '#schemacontrib' _ author_cnt; iprop = ''; # schema.org item type / property link_term = ''; # Linked term (e.g. Personal name + Fuller form of name) supp_term = ''; # Supplementary terms qterm = ''; # Search query tlabels = []; birthdate = ''; deathdate = ''; graphics = []; tag = node.getAttribute('tag'); FOR subfield IN node.childNodes; indexed_term = ''; NEXT UNLESS subfield.nodeName == "subfield"; code = subfield.getAttribute('code'); IF code == '4'; relcode = subfield.textContent.substr(0,3); tlabels.push( relators.$relcode || label ); END; IF code == 'e'; tlabels.push( subfield.textContent() ); indexed_term = 1; END; IF code == '6'; target_field = tag; linked_fields = [subfield.textContent()]; get_linked_880s; END; NEXT UNLESS code.match('[a-z]'); sf = subfield.textContent | html; # Only Persons have birth/death dates in schema.org # Match personal/corporate/conference MODS subfields IF tag.substr(1,2) == '00'; IF code.match('[abcqu]'); PROCESS normalize_authors; END; IF code.match('d'); IF subfield.textContent.match('^\s*\d{4}'); birthdate = subfield.textContent.replace('^\s*(\d{4}).*$', '$1'); END; IF subfield.textContent.match('-\d{4}.*$'); deathdate = subfield.textContent.replace('^\s*.{4}\-(\d{4}).*$', '$1'); END; indexed_term = 1; sf_raw = PROCESS normalize_qterm; qterm = qterm _ ' ' _ sf_raw; END; ELSIF tag.substr(1,2) == '10'; IF code.match('[abcdn]'); PROCESS normalize_authors; END; ELSIF code.match('[acdeq]'); PROCESS normalize_authors; END; UNLESS indexed_term; supp_term = supp_term _ ' ' _ sf; END; END; url = mkurl(ctx.opac_root _ '/results', {query => qterm.replace('^\s*(.*?)\s*$', '$1'), qtype => 'author'}, stop_parms.merge(expert_search_parms, general_search_parms, browse_search_parms, facet_search_parms)); tlabel = tlabels.join(', '); tlabels = []; author_type = (tlabel || label) | html; # schema.org changes IF type == 'author'; IF tag.substr(1,2) == '10' && args.schema.itemtype && args.schema.itemtype.match('MusicAlbum'); iprop = ' typeof="MusicGroup" property="byArtist"'; ELSIF tag.substr(1,2) == '00'; iprop = ' typeof="Person" property="author"'; ELSE; iprop = ' typeof="Organization" property="author"'; END; ELSIF type == 'added'; IF tag.substr(1,2) == '00'; iprop = ' typeof="Person" property="contributor'; ELSE; iprop = ' typeof="Organization" property="contributor'; END; IF relcode; iprop = iprop _ ' http://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/' _ relcode; END; iprop = iprop _ '"'; END; desc_str = '(' _ author_type _ ').'; link_term = link_term.replace('^\s+', ''); match_term = link_term _ ' ' _ birthdate _ ' ' _ deathdate; matching_author_hl = PROCESS find_hl_value needle=match_term f=attrs.hl_field; authtml = ''; IF iprop; authtml = authtml _ ''; END; IF matching_author_hl; IF type == 'cast'; link_str = matching_author_hl _ ' ' _ desc_str _ ''; authtml = authtml _ accordion(link_str, null, 'this.previousElementSibling'); ELSE; authtml = authtml _ matching_author_hl; END; ELSE; IF type == 'cast'; link_str = link_term _ ' ' _ desc_str _ ''; authtml = authtml _ accordion(link_str, null, 'this.previousElementSibling'); ELSE; authtml = authtml _ link_term; END; END; IF iprop; authtml = authtml _ ''; END; IF birthdate AND !matching_author_hl; authtml = authtml _ ' ' _ birthdate _ '-'; END; IF deathdate AND !matching_author_hl; authtml = authtml _ '' _ deathdate _ ''; END; IF type != 'cast'; authtml = authtml _ ''; END; # End search link # Display supplemental terms (mostly about the author's work) IF supp_term; authtml = authtml _ ' ' _ supp_term; END; # Display linked 880 fields FOREACH link880 IN graphics; diratt = ''; IF link880.dir; diratt = ' dir="' _ link880.dir _ '"'; END; authlist_graphical.push('' _ link880.value _ ''); END; IF type != 'cast'; authtml = authtml _ desc_str; authtml = authtml _ ''; # End author span END; authlist.push(authtml); END; END; %]
[%- FOREACH author IN authors; NEXT UNLESS author.xpath; authlist = []; authlist_graphical = []; authstr = ''; graphical_string = ''; PROCESS build_author_links( xpath=author.xpath, label=author.label, type=author.type ); IF authlist_graphical.size; %]
[% accordion(authlist_graphical.join()); %]
[% END; IF authlist.size; %]
[% accordion(authlist.join()); %]
[% END; END %]