[%- # Support multiscript records via alternate graphic 880 fields # get_graphic_880s(target_field='100') # See "Model A" in http://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/ecbdmulti.html # and $6 description in http://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/ecbdcntf.html MACRO get_graphic_880s BLOCK; FOR node IN xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="' _ target_field _ '"]'); raw_vals = []; core_val = ''; FOR subnode IN node.findnodes('./*[not(contains("e w 0 4 5 6 7 8 9", @code))]'); raw_vals.push(subnode.textContent()); END; core_val = raw_vals.join(" "); raw_vals = []; linked_fields = []; FOR sub IN node.findnodes('./*[@code="6"]'); linked_fields.push(sub.textContent); END; graphics = []; get_linked_880s; graphic_880s.push({ primary => {"occur" => occurrence, "value" => core_val}, graphic => graphics }); END; END; MACRO get_linked_880s BLOCK; FOR link_field IN linked_fields; target = target_field _ link_field.substr(3); # Get the linked 880 value raw_val = ''; dir = ''; occurrence = ''; script = ''; FOR node IN xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="880"]'); # Operate only on the target linked fields FOR linknode IN node.findnodes('./*[@code="6"]'); lf = linknode.textContent(); IF lf.substr(0, target.length) == target; occurrence = lf.substr(4, 2); rawscript = lf.substr(7, 2); SWITCH rawscript; CASE '(3'; script = 'Arabic'; CASE '(B'; script = 'Latin'; CASE '$1'; script = 'CJK'; CASE '(N'; script = 'Cyrillic'; CASE '(S'; script = 'Greek'; CASE '(2'; script = 'Hebrew'; END; rawdir = lf.substr(9, 1); SWITCH rawdir; CASE 'r'; dir = 'rtl'; END; raw_vals = []; FOR subnode IN node.findnodes('./*[not(contains("w 0 5 6 8 9", @code))]'); raw_vals.push(subnode.textContent()); END; raw_val = raw_vals.join(" "); END; END; END; graphics.push({ occur => occurrence, value => raw_val, script => script, dir => dir }); END; END; BLOCK get_ccvm_icon; ctx.media_prefix _ '/images/format_icons/' _ ccvm.ctype _ '/' _ ccvm.code _ '.png' _ ctx.cache_key; END; # Extract MARC fields from XML # get_marc_attrs( args = { marc_xml => doc } ) BLOCK get_marc_attrs; USE Dumper; xml = args.marc_xml; args.bibid = []; FOR bibid IN xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="901"]/*[@code="c"]'); args.bibid.push(bibid.textContent); END; args.df_bib_list = args.bibid; args.bibid = args.bibid.0; IF args.mr_constituent_ids.size && !args.df_bib_list.size; args.df_bib_list = args.mr_constituent_ids; END; # Gather display field data for this record and map it # to a display field map. Hopefully, one day, this can # replace the XPath below entirely. args.display_fields = {}; args.hl = {}; args.hl_field = 'highlight'; IF CGI.param('no_highlight') || search.no_highlight; args.hl_field = 'value'; END; hl_field = args.hl_field; junk = ctx.timelog('Fetching display fields and Using data from "' _ hl_field _ '" for rendering'); args.display_field_list = ctx.fetch_display_fields(args.df_bib_list.list); junk = ctx.timelog('Mapping display fields for bib(s) ' _ args.df_bib_list.list.join(', ')); FOR df IN args.display_field_list; df_map = ctx.search_cdfm('field', df.field).0; df_name = df_map.name(); IF df_map.multi() == 't'; IF NOT args.hl_display_fields.$df_name; args.hl_display_fields.$df_name = []; args.hl.$df_name = []; END; args.hl_display_fields.$df_name.push(df); args.hl.$df_name.push(df.$hl_field || df.value); ELSIF !args.hl_display_fields.$df_name.defined; args.hl_display_fields.$df_name = df; args.hl.$df_name = df.$hl_field || df.value; END; END; junk = ctx.timelog('Finished mapping display fields for bib(s) ' _ args.df_bib_list.list.join(', ')); # Map item types to schema.org types; impedance mismatch :( args.schema.itemtype = {}; schema_typemap = {}; schema_typemap.bluray = 'Movie'; # Movie could also be TVSeries schema_typemap.book = 'Book'; schema_typemap.braille = 'Book'; schema_typemap.casaudiobook = 'Book AudioObject'; schema_typemap.casmusic = 'MusicAlbum'; schema_typemap.cdaudiobook = 'Book AudioObject'; schema_typemap.cdmusic = 'MusicAlbum'; schema_typemap.dvd = 'Movie'; schema_typemap.eaudio = 'AudioObject'; schema_typemap.ebook = 'Book'; # schema_typemap.equip = ''; schema_typemap.evideo = 'Movie'; # schema_typemap.kit = ''; schema_typemap.lpbook = 'Book'; schema_typemap.map = 'Map'; # schema_typemap.microform = ''; schema_typemap.music = 'MusicAlbum'; schema_typemap.phonomusic = 'MusicAlbum'; # schema_typemap.phonospoken = ''; # schema_typemap.picture = ''; Painting or Photograph? schema_typemap.score = 'Book'; # schema.org has no generic Music type schema_typemap.serial = 'Periodical'; schema_typemap.software = 'SoftwareApplication'; schema_typemap.vhs = 'Movie'; schema_typemap.a = 'Book'; schema_typemap.e = 'Map'; schema_typemap.j = 'MusicAlbum'; # Hard-coded to match defaults in config.copy_status for all OPAC-visible statuses schema_copy_status = {}; schema_copy_status.0 = ''; # Available schema_copy_status.1 = ''; # Checked out schema_copy_status.5 = ''; # In process schema_copy_status.6 = ''; # In transit schema_copy_status.7 = ''; # Reshelving schema_copy_status.8 = ''; # On holds shelf schema_copy_status.9 = ''; # On order schema_copy_status.12 = ''; # Reserves args.isbns = []; FOR isbn IN xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="020"]/*[@code="a"]'); args.isbns.push(isbn.textContent); END; # UPCs can be identified either by ind1="1" or subfield 2 of "upc" args.upcs = []; FOR upc IN xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="024" and @ind="1"]/*[@code="a"]'); args.upcs.push(upc.textContent); END; FOR upcfield IN xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="024"]/*[@code="2" and text()="upc"]'); my_parent = upcfield.parentNode(); FOR upc IN my_parent.findnodes('./*[@code="a"]'); args.upcs.push(upc.textContent); END; END; args.upc = args.upcs.0; # use first UPC as the default # These are URIs that link out to related works for linked data purposes, # such as OCLC Work Entities like http://worldcat.org/entity/work/id/415491 # We differentiate between http://schema.org/sameAs relations, which # are roughly the same as the work we're describing here, and # http://schema.org/exampleOfWork which point to a broader work, of which # this is a more specific edition or manifestation. args.links.sameAs = []; args.links.exampleOfWork = []; FOR link_node IN xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="024"]/*[@code="2" and text()="uri"]'); my_parent = link_node.parentNode(); FOR link IN my_parent.findnodes('./*[@code="a"]'); link_uri = link.textContent | trim; IF link_uri.search('worldcat.org/entity/work'); args.links.exampleOfWork.push(link_uri); ELSE; args.links.sameAs.push(link_uri); END; END; END; FOR lccn IN xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="010"]/*[@code="a"]'); lccn_num = lccn.textContent | trim; args.links.sameAs.push('http://lccn.loc.gov/' _ lccn_num); END; FOR oclcnum IN xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="035"]/*[@code="a"]'); oclcnum = oclcnum.textContent | trim; NEXT UNLESS oclcnum.search('^\(OCoLC\)'); oclcnum = oclcnum | remove('\(OCoLC\)'); # These prefixes are often included in the 035, even though they should not be oclcnum = oclcnum | remove('ocm'); oclcnum = oclcnum | remove('ocn'); oclcnum = oclcnum | remove('on') | trim; args.links.sameAs.push('http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/' _ oclcnum); END; args.links.sameAs = args.links.sameAs.unique; args.issns = []; FOR sub IN xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="022"]/*[@code="a"]'); args.issns.push(sub.textContent); END; args.issn = (args.issns.size) ? args.issn.0 : ''; graphic_880s = []; get_graphic_880s(target_field='100'); get_graphic_880s(target_field='110'); get_graphic_880s(target_field='111'); args.graphic_authors = graphic_880s; args.authors = []; FOR author IN args.graphic_authors; args.authors.push(author.primary.value); END; args.author = (args.authors.size) ? args.authors.0 : ''; # Include subfields 'abnp' to generate a more comprehensive title display in search results titresults = xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="245"]/*[@code="a" or @code="b" or @code="n" or @code="p"]'); titresults_content = []; FOR sub IN titresults; titresults_content.push(sub.textContent); END; args.title = titresults_content.join(" "); # Avoid ugly trailing syntax on brief titles args.title = args.title | replace('[:;/]$', ''); graphic_880s = []; get_graphic_880s(target_field='245'); args.graphic_titles = graphic_880s; args.titles = []; FOR title IN args.graphic_titles; args.titles.push(title.primary.value); END; args.title_extended = (args.titles.size) ? args.titles.0 : ''; # Create a version of the title designed for sorted displays. args.sort_title = args.title | upper; # If the title has a "non-filing chaaracters" # (to logically remove leading "The " for example) # chop the title. Otherwise, chop until the first alphanumeric. # BTW: Template Toolkit folds 1-element arrays to scalars! title_node = xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="245"]'); args.nonfiling_characters = title_node.findvalue('@ind2'); IF (args.nonfiling_characters > 0); args.sort_title = args.sort_title.substr(args.nonfiling_characters); ELSE; args.sort_title = args.sort_title.replace('^[^A-Z0-9]*',''); END; args.pubplaces = []; pubplace_hunt = xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="260"]/*[@code="a"]') || xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="264" and @ind2="1"]/*[@code="a"]'); FOR sub IN pubplace_hunt; args.pubplaces.push(sub.textContent); END; args.pubplace = (args.pubplaces.size) ? args.pubplaces.0 : ''; args.publishers = []; publishers_hunt = xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="260"]/*[@code="b"]') || xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="264" and @ind2="1"]/*[@code="b"]'); FOR sub IN publishers_hunt; args.publishers.push(sub.textContent); END; args.publisher = (args.publishers.size) ? args.publishers.0 : ''; args.pubdates = []; pubdates_hunt = xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="260"]/*[@code="c"]') || xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="264" and @ind2="1"]/*[@code="c"]'); FOR sub IN pubdates_hunt; args.pubdates.push(sub.textContent); END; args.pubdate = (args.pubdates.size) ? args.pubdates.0 : ''; # Get RDA Copyright Info. args.copyrights = []; FOR sub IN xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="264" and @ind2="4"]/*[@code="c"]'); args.copyrights.push(sub.textContent); END; args.copyright = (args.copyrights.size) ? args.copyrights.0 : ''; IF args.copyright.length >= 4; args.copyrightYear = args.copyright.match('(\d{4})'); IF args.copyrightYear; args.copyrightYear = args.copyrightYear.0; END; END; # Get the RDA Production info. args.producers = []; FOR sub IN xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="264" and @ind2="0"]/*[@code="b"]'); args.producers.push(sub.textContent); END; args.producer = (args.producers.size) ? args.producers.0 : ''; args.prodplaces = []; FOR sub IN xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="264" and @ind2="0"]/*[@code="a"]'); args.prodplaces.push(sub.textContent); END; args.prodplace = (args.prodplaces.size) ? args.prodplaces.0 : ''; args.proddates = []; FOR sub IN xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="264" and @ind2="0"]/*[@code="c"]'); args.proddates.push(sub.textContent); END; args.proddate = (args.proddates.size) ? args.proddates.0 : ''; # Get the RDA Distribution args. args.distributors = []; FOR sub IN xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="264" and @ind2="2"]/*[@code="b"]'); args.distributors.push(sub.textContent); END; args.distributor = (args.distributors.size) ? args.distributors.0 : ''; args.distplaces = []; FOR sub IN xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="264" and @ind2="2"]/*[@code="a"]'); args.distplaces.push(sub.textContent); END; args.distplace = (args.distplaces.size) ? args.distplaces.0 : ''; args.distdates = []; FOR sub IN xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="264" and @ind2="2"]/*[@code="c"]'); args.distdates.push(sub.textContent); END; args.distdate = (args.distdates.size) ? args.distdates.0 : ''; # Get the RDA Manufacture args. args.manufacturers = []; FOR sub IN xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="264" and @ind2="3"]/*[@code="b"]'); args.manufacturers.push(sub.textContent); END; args.manufacturer = (args.manufacturers.size) ? args.manufacturers.0 : ''; args.manplaces = []; FOR sub IN xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="264" and @ind2="3"]/*[@code="a"]'); args.manplaces.push(sub.textContent); END; args.manplace = (args.manplaces.size) ? args.manplaces.0 : ''; args.mandates = []; FOR sub IN xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="264" and @ind2="3"]/*[@code="c"]'); args.mandates.push(sub.textContent); END; args.mandate = (args.mandates.size) ? args.mandates.0 : ''; # RDA adds 264 to the pubinfo 880 consideration mix graphic_880s = []; get_graphic_880s(target_field='260'); get_graphic_880s(target_field='264'); args.graphic_pubinfos = graphic_880s; args.pubinfos = []; FOR pubinfo IN args.graphic_pubinfos; args.pubinfos.push(pubinfo.primary.value); END; args.pubinfo = (args.pubinfos.size) ? args.pubinfos.0 : ''; args.summaries = []; FOR sub IN xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="520"]/*[@code="a"]'); args.summaries.push(sub.textContent); END; args.summary = (args.summaries.size) ? args.summaries.0 : ''; # 250 gets pride of place for edition statement, and is the # only logical choice for 880 graphic fields graphic_880s = []; get_graphic_880s(target_field='250'); args.graphic_editions = graphic_880s; args.editions = []; FOR edition IN args.graphic_editions; args.editions.push(edition.primary.value); END; ed_hunt = xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="250"]/*[@code="a"]'); FOR sub IN ed_hunt; args.editions.push(sub.textContent); END; args.edition = (args.editions.size) ? args.editions.0 : ''; phys_content = []; FOR sub IN xml.findnodes( '//*[@tag="300"]/*[@code="a" or @code="b" or @code="c" or @code="e"]' ); phys_content.push(sub.textContent); END; args.phys_desc = phys_content.join(" "); graphic_880s = []; get_graphic_880s(target_field='505'); args.graphic_contents = graphic_880s; FOR content IN args.graphic_contents; args.contents.push(content.primary.value); END; args.content = (args.contents.size) ? args.contents.0 : ''; # Maintain contents_list in case any custom use was made of it args.contents_list = []; FOR sub IN xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="505"]'); args.contents_list.push(sub.textContent); END; # MARC Callnumber args.marc_cns = []; FOR sub IN xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="092" or @tag="099"]/*'); args.marc_cns.push(sub.textContent); END; args.marc_cn = (args.marc_cns.size ) ? args.marc_cns.0 : ''; # clean up the ISBN args.isbn_clean = args.isbns.0.replace('\ .*', ''); FOR isbn IN args.isbns; clean_isbn = isbn.replace('\ .*', ''); clean_isbn = clean_isbn.replace('-', ''); IF clean_isbn.length == 13; args.gtin13 = clean_isbn; LAST; END; END; IF ebook_api.overdrive.enabled == 'true'; FOR marc037 IN xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="037"]'); marc037_id = marc037.findnodes('./*[@code="a"]').textContent; marc037_source = marc037.findnodes('./*[@code="b"]').textContent; IF marc037_source.match('OverDrive') AND marc037_id; args.overdrive_id = marc037_id; LAST; END; END; END; # Extract the 856 URLs that are not otherwise represented by asset.uri's args.online_res = []; FOR node IN xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="856" and @ind1="4" and (@ind2="0" or @ind2="1")]'); IF node.findnodes('./*[@code="9" or @code="w" or @code="n"]'); NEXT; END; # asset.uri's label = node.findnodes('./*[@code="y"]'); notes = node.findnodes('./*[@code="z" or @code="3"]'); FOR href IN node.findnodes('./*[@code="u"]'); NEXT UNLESS href; # it's possible for multiple $u's to exist within 1 856 tag. # in that case, honor the label/notes data for the first $u, but # leave any subsequent $u's as unadorned href's. # use href/link/note keys to be consistent with args.uri's args.online_res.push({ href => href.textContent, link => (loop.first AND label) ? label.textContent : href.textContent, note => (loop.first) ? notes.textContent : '' }); END; END; args.holdings = []; args.uris = []; args.issns = []; args.resolver_isbns = []; args.resolver_issns = []; # we use $9 of ISBN and ISSN as a flag for e-version FOR resolver_isbn IN xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="020"]/*[@code="9"]'); IF resolver_isbn.textContent == "SFX" || resolver_isbn.textContent == "CUFTS"; my_parent = resolver_isbn.parentNode(); FOR resolver_isbn_val IN my_parent.findnodes('./*[@code="a"]'); args.resolver_isbns.push( resolver_isbn_val.textContent.replace('-', '').replace('\ .*', '') ); END; END; END; FOR resolver_issn IN xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="022"]/*[@code="9"]'); IF resolver_issn.textContent == "SFX" || resolver_issn.textContent == "CUFTS"; my_parent = resolver_issn.parentNode(); FOR resolver_issn_val IN my_parent.findnodes('./*[@code="a"]'); args.resolver_issns.push( resolver_issn_val.textContent.replace('[^\d\-X]', '') ); END; END; END; # now snag all issns FOR rawissn IN xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="022"]/*[@code="a"]'); args.issns.push( rawissn.textContent.replace('[^\d\-X]', '') ); END; ou_hiding_disabled = ctx.org_hiding_disabled(); # explicitly grabbing the first bib_source node, though there should be only one anyway bib_source = xml.findnodes('//*[local-name()="bib_source"][1]'); args.bib_source.id = bib_source.getAttribute('ident'); args.bib_source.source = bib_source.textContent; FOR volume IN xml.findnodes('//*[local-name()="volumes"]/*[local-name()="volume"]'); # Check volume visibility - could push this into XPath vol.label = volume.getAttribute('label'); # Prepend prefix, if any prefix = volume.findnodes('./*[local-name()="call_number_prefix"][@ident!="-1"]'); IF prefix.getAttribute('label') != ''; vol.label = prefix.getAttribute('label') _ " " _ vol.label; END; # Append prefix, if any suffix = volume.findnodes('./*[local-name()="call_number_suffix"][@ident!="-1"]'); IF suffix.getAttribute('label') != ''; vol.label = vol.label _ " " _ suffix.getAttribute('label'); END; vol.id = volume.getAttribute('id'); NEXT IF volume.getAttribute('opac_visible') == 'false'; NEXT IF volume.getAttribute('deleted') == 'true'; IF vol.label == '##URI##'; FOR uri IN volume.findnodes('./*[local-name()="uris"]/*[local-name()="uri"]'); res = {}; res.href = uri.getAttribute('href'); res.link = uri.getAttribute('label'); res.note = uri.getAttribute('use_restriction'); # Avoid displaying the href as the link text if we can display the note instead IF res.link == res.href AND res.note; res.link = res.note; res.note = ''; END; args.uris.push(res); IF ebook_api.ebook_test.enabled == 'true'; IF !args.ebook_test_id; FOR base_uri IN ebook_api.ebook_test.base_uris; IF res.href.match(base_uri); args.ebook_test_id = res.href.remove(base_uri); LAST; END; END; END; END; IF ebook_api.oneclickdigital.enabled == 'true'; # A record might conceivably have multiple OneClickdigital URIs, # but we use (the same) ISBN as the ebook ID in each case. IF !args.oneclickdigital_id; FOR base_uri IN ebook_api.oneclickdigital.base_uris; IF res.href.match(base_uri); # found a OneClickdigital URI, let's grab our ID and move on args.oneclickdigital_id = clean_isbn; LAST; END; END; END; END; IF ebook_api.overdrive.enabled == 'true'; # Ideally we already have an OverDrive record ID from MARC 037 (see above). # But for older records, it will be embedded in the URI in MARC 856. IF !args.overdrive_id; FOR base_uri IN ebook_api.overdrive.base_uris; IF res.href.match(base_uri); args.overdrive_id = res.href.remove('^.*/ContentDetails.htm\?ID='); LAST; END; END; END; END; END; NEXT; ELSE; copies = volume.findnodes('./*[local-name()="copies"]/*[local-name()="copy"]'); FOR copy IN copies; parts = copy.findnodes('./*[local-name()="monograph_parts"]/*[local-name()="monograph_part"]'); part_label = ''; FOREACH part IN parts; part_label = part.getAttribute('label'); LAST IF part_label != ''; END; # Check copy visibility cp.deleted = copy.getAttribute('deleted'); cp.visible = copy.getAttribute('opac_visible'); NEXT IF (cp.deleted == 'true' OR cp.visible == 'false'); # Iterate through all of the children to determine visibility FOR node IN cp.childNodes; NEXT IF cp.visible == 'false'; vis = node.getAttribute('opac_visible'); del = node.getAttribute('deleted'); IF vis == 'false' or del == 'true'; cp.visible = 'false'; END; END; NEXT IF cp.visible == 'false'; loc = copy.findnodes('./*[local-name()="location"]'); NEXT IF loc.getAttribute('opac_visible') == 'false'; circlib = copy.findnodes('./*[local-name()="circlib"]'); NEXT IF circlib.getAttribute('opac_visible') == 'false'; status = copy.findnodes('./*[local-name()="status"]'); NEXT IF status.getAttribute('opac_visible') == 'false'; # extract the circ_lib id from the circ_lib node circ_lib = copy.findnodes('./*[local-name()="circ_lib"]'); circ_lib_id = circ_lib.getAttribute('id').replace('.*/', ''); UNLESS ou_hiding_disabled; NEXT UNLESS ctx.org_within_hiding_scope(circ_lib_id); END; holding = { circ_lib => circ_lib_id, label => vol.label, part_label => part_label, location => loc.textContent, library => circlib.textContent, status => status.textContent, status_code => status.getAttribute('ident'), barcode => copy.getAttribute('barcode'), owner => volume.getAttribute('lib') }; args.holdings.push(holding); part_label = ''; END; END; END; # Extract the copy count summary count_type = (ctx.is_staff) ? 'staff' : 'public'; # Consortial copy count summary first xpath = '//*[local-name()="counts"]/*[local-name()="count"][@type="' _ count_type _ '"]'; args.copy_counts = {}; FOR node IN xml.findnodes(xpath); FOR attr IN ['count', 'available', 'unshadow', 'transcendant', 'org_unit']; depth = node.getAttribute('depth'); count_org_unit = node.getAttribute('org_unit'); args.copy_counts.$depth.$attr = node.getAttribute(attr); args.org_copy_counts.$count_org_unit.$attr = node.getAttribute(attr); END; END; # Get preferred library copy count args.plib_copy_counts = {}; count_type = 'pref_lib'; xpath = '//*[local-name()="counts"]/*[local-name()="count"][@type="' _ count_type _ '"]'; FOR node IN xml.findnodes(xpath); FOR attr IN ['count', 'available', 'unshadow', 'transcendant', 'org_unit']; depth = node.getAttribute('depth'); args.plib_copy_counts.$depth.$attr = node.getAttribute(attr); END; END; mmr_unique_bib = []; # "mattype" == "custom marc format specifier" icon_style = ctx.get_cgf('opac.icon_attr').value || 'item_type'; formats_xpath = '//*[local-name()="attributes"]/*[local-name()="field"][@name="' _ icon_style _ '"]'; args.all_formats = []; FOR node IN xml.findnodes(formats_xpath); IF node AND node.textContent; ccvm = ctx.get_ccvm(node.getAttribute('cvmid')); NEXT IF ccvm.opac_visible == 'f'; format = {}; this_icon_source = node.getAttribute('source_list'); including = 'F'; # Just display everything if we don't have the data IF NOT args.mr_constituent_ids OR NOT this_icon_source; including = 'T'; # We have an array of search-included bib IDs and we have the bib ID that this icon belongs to ELSE; FOR mr_constituent_id IN args.mr_constituent_ids; IF this_icon_source.split(',').grep('^' _ mr_constituent_id _ '$' ).size; # This bib appears to be in the array of filtered bibs including = 'T'; END; END; END; IF including == 'T'; type = ccvm.code.remove('-'); # blu-ray to bluray format.label = ccvm.search_label || ccvm.value; format.icon = PROCESS get_ccvm_icon ccvm=ccvm; format.itemtype = schema_typemap.$type || 'CreativeWork'; format.search_format = ccvm.code; format.source_bibs = this_icon_source.split(','); FOR bib_source IN format.source_bibs; IF NOT mmr_unique_bib.grep(bib_source).size; mmr_unique_bib.push(bib_source); END; END; args.all_formats.push(format); # metarecords want all formats IF !args.format_label; # use the first format as the default args.format_label = format.label; args.schema.itemtype = format.itemtype; args.format_icon = format.icon; END; END; END; END; formats_xpath = '//*[local-name()="attributes"]/*[local-name()="field"][@name="item_lang"]'; args.all_lang = []; FOR node IN xml.findnodes(formats_xpath); IF node AND node.textContent; ccvm = ctx.get_ccvm(node.getAttribute('cvmid')); NEXT IF ccvm.opac_visible == 'f'; lang = {}; this_source = node.getAttribute('source_list'); including = 'F'; # Just display everything if we don't have the data IF NOT args.mr_constituent_ids OR NOT this_source; including = 'T'; # We have an array of search-included bib IDs and we have the bib ID that this lang belongs to ELSE; FOR mr_constituent_id IN args.mr_constituent_ids; IF this_source.split(',').grep('^' _ mr_constituent_id _ '$' ).size; # This bib appears to be in the array of filtered bibs including = 'T'; END; END; END; IF including == 'T'; lang.label = ccvm.search_label || ccvm.value; lang.itemtype = schema_typemap.$type || 'CreativeWork'; lang.search_format = node.textContent; lang.source_bibs = this_source.split(','); FOR bib_source IN lang.source_bibs; IF NOT mmr_unique_bib.grep(bib_source).size; mmr_unique_bib.push(bib_source); END; END; args.all_lang.push(lang); # metarecords want all END; END; END; args.mmr_unique_bib = mmr_unique_bib; IF args.ebook_test_id; args.ebook.ebook_id = args.ebook_test_id; args.ebook.vendor = 'ebook_test'; ELSIF args.oneclickdigital_id; args.ebook.ebook_id = args.oneclickdigital_id; args.ebook.vendor = 'oneclickdigital'; ELSIF args.overdrive_id; args.ebook.ebook_id = args.overdrive_id; args.ebook.vendor = 'overdrive'; END; END; # Get the library or location group # get_library() # magically upgrades any use of 'loc' to 'locg', # which is a superset of 'loc'. BLOCK get_library; loc_name = 'locg'; # Location groups don't have shortnames, so they'll take priority # (_org doesn't contain the group and breaks the selector). loc_value = ctx.copy_location_group ? CGI.param(loc_name) : ctx.copy_location_group_org # resolved locg || CGI.param(loc_name) || CGI.param('loc') || ctx.search_ou; END; -%] [%- BLOCK carousels; config = { animated => 0, animation_interval => 5, width => 4, sm_width => 3, xs_width => 2, }; config.import(args); carousels = []; IF config.carousel_id; carousels.push(ctx.get_carousel(config.carousel_id)); ELSE; visible_carousels = ctx.get_visible_carousels(); FOREACH car IN visible_carousels; carousel = ctx.get_carousel(car.carousel); IF car.override_name.defined; carousel.name = car.override_name; END; carousels.push(carousel); END; END; IF carousels.size > 0; %]
[% FOREACH carousel IN carousels; IF carousel.bibs.size > 0; %] [% END; %] [% END; %]
[% END -%] [% END -%]