[% PROCESS "opac/parts/header.tt2"; PROCESS "opac/parts/misc_util.tt2"; # MARC WRAPPER "kpac/parts/subpage.tt2"; attrs = {marc_xml => ctx.marc_xml}; INCLUDE get_marc_attrs args=attrs; ctx.page_title = attrs.title | html %]
[% INCLUDE 'kpac/parts/record_row.tt2' rec_id=ctx.bre_id%]
[% END %] [% WRAPPER 'kpac/parts/help_popups.tt2' popup_id='password_help' %]

[% l('Enter your password') %]

[% END %]

[% l('get it!') %]

[% l('If you would like to place a hold on this item, please enter the ' _ 'following information and click Submit below:') %]

[% IF !ctx.user %] [% seed = l(' Enter Numbers... ') %]

[% l('Library Card Number without spaces:') %]

[% l('pin number help') %]

[% l('Password') %]

[% l('password help') %]
[% END %]

[% l('Choose a Pickup Library:') %]

[% def_lib = ctx.default_pickup_lib || ctx.physical_loc; PROCESS "opac/parts/org_selector.tt2"; INCLUDE build_org_selector name='pickup_lib' value=def_lib id='pickup_lib' can_have_vols_only=1 %]
[% WRAPPER 'kpac/parts/help_popups.tt2' popup_id='card_help' %] [% l('library card') %]

[% l('save it!') %]

[% l('If you would like to save this item to a list to be requested later, click Submit below.') %]

[% IF ctx.user AND ctx.bookbags AND ctx.bookbags.size > 0 %]

[% l('You may also save this item to a list you have already created by selecting one of your lists below.') %]

[% END %]
[% IF ctx.user AND ctx.bookbags AND ctx.bookbags.size > 0 %]

[% l('Add to one of your lists?') %]

[% END %]
[% END %]