[% PROCESS "default/opac/parts/header.tt2"; WRAPPER "default/opac/parts/myopac/prefs_base.tt2"; myopac_page = "prefs"; prefs_page = 'personal' %]
[% l("Your account expired on") %] ! [% l("Please see a librarian to renew your account.") %]
[% l("* Staff Notes *") %]

[% IF ctx.user.ident_value %][% END %]
[% l("Name") %] [% l( HUMAN_NAME_FORMAT, ctx.user.prefix, ctx.user.first_given_name, ctx.user.second_given_name, ctx.user.family_name, ctx.user.suffix ) | html %]
[% l("Day Phone") %] [% ctx.user.day_phone | html %] [% l("Change") %]
Enter New [% l("Day Phone") %]:
[% l("Evening Phone") %] [% ctx.user.evening_phone | html %] [% l("Change") %]
New [% l("Evening Phone") %]:
[% l("Other Phone") %] [% ctx.user.other_phone | html %] [% l("Change") %]
Enter New [% l("Other Phone") %]:
Username Help
[% l("Username") %]
[% ctx.user.usrname | html %] [% l("Change") %]
[% l("Password") %] [% l("(not shown)") %] [% l("Change") %]
[% l("Email Address") %] [% ctx.user.email | html %] [% l('Change') %]
[% l("Primary Identification") %] [% # l('[_1] ([_2])', ctx.user.ident_value, ctx.user.ident_type.name) | html # XXX uncomment the above line to show primary # identification. With a minor tweak it could # alternatively be shown but partially obscured. %]
[% l("Active Barcode") %] [% ctx.user.card.barcode %]
[% l("Home Library") %] [% ctx.user.home_ou.name | html %] [% l("Change") %]
New home library:
[% l("Account Creation Date") %]

[% FOR addr IN ctx.user.addresses %] [% END %]
[% l("Addresses") %]
[% IF addr.street2 %][% END %]
[% l("Address Type") %] [% IF addr.pending == "t"; "" _ l("*** PENDING ***") _ " "; END; addr.address_type | lower | ucfirst | html ; %]
[% l("Street") %] [% addr.street1 | html %]
[% l("Street") %] [% addr.street2 | html %]
[% l("City") %] [% addr.city | html %]
[% l("County") %] [% addr.county| html %]
[% l("State") %] [% addr.state | html %]
[% l("Country") %] [% addr.country | html %]
[% l("Zip") %] [% addr.post_code | html %]
Edit Address
[% END %]