[%#- This template creates a split screen Dojo layout. The top frame of the screen holds a list of of JUBs, or titles. Clicking on a title in the top frame will load the purchase details for all the copies on order for that title into the bottom frame. To create a display for a set of JUBs, create a Dojo store and model for the set of JUBs, then place the following lines in your HTML where you want the display to appear: <%namespace file='/oils/default/common/jubgrid.html' name='jubgrid'/> ${jubgrid.jubgrid('dom_prefix', 'grid_jsid')} where 'dom_prefix' is a string that will be used as the prefix for the DOM notes that are created by this template, and 'grid_jsid' is a valid JavaScript identifier that will name the DOM node to which the list of JUBs will be attached. For example ${jubgrid.jubgrid('oils-acq-picklist', 'pickListGrid', hideDetails)} will create a Dojo grid with the DOM id of 'oils-acq-picklist-JUB-grid' and a jsid of pickListGrid To fill the grid with data, call the javascript function JUBGrid.populate(grid_jsid, model) 'grid_jsid' is the same javascript id that was used to instantiate the template, and model is a javascript variable pointing to the JUB model (and store) that you have created. -#%] [% UNLESS hide_details %]
[% END %] [% UNLESS hide_details %]
[% ELSE %]
[% END %]
[% UNLESS hide_details %]
[% l('New Copy') %]
[% END %]