[% PROCESS "opac/parts/misc_util.tt2"; USE ResolverResolver; ctx.page_title = attrs.title | html ctx.metalinks.push(' '); %]
[%-# This holds the record summary information %]
[%- IF obalkyknih_cz.enabled == 'true' %] [%- isbnissn = ''; IF attrs.isbns.0; isbnissn = attrs.isbns.0; IF (matches = isbnissn.match('^(.+?)(\s.+)$')); isbnissn = matches.0; END; END; IF attrs.issns.0; isbnissn=attrs.issns.0; END; %] [% attrs.title _ ' Cover Image' %] [% ELSE %] [% attrs.title _ ' Cover Image' %] [%- END %] [%- IF attrs.format_label %] [% FOR format IN attrs.all_formats %] [% format.label | html %] [% format.label | html %] [% END %] [%- END %]

[% IF attrs.hl.title; attrs.hl.title; ELSE; attrs.title_extended | html; END %]

[%- FOR link880 IN attrs.graphic_titles; FOR alt IN link880.graphic; '

'; alt.value | html; '

'; END; END; -%] [%- INCLUDE "opac/parts/record/authors.tt2" %]

[% l("Record details") %]

    [%- IF attrs.hl.isbn.size; FOR isbn IN attrs.hl.isbn %]
  • [% l('ISBN:'); %] [% isbn %]
  • [%- END; ELSIF attrs.isbns.0; FOR isbn IN attrs.isbns; isbn_extra = ''; IF (matches = isbn.match('^(.+?)(\s.+)$')); isbn = matches.0; isbn_extra = matches.1; END; %]
  • [% l('ISBN:'); %] [% isbn | html %][% isbn_extra | html %]
  • [%- END %] [%- END %] [%- IF attrs.hl.issn.size; FOR issn IN attrs.hl.issn %]
  • [% l('ISSN:'); %] [% issn %]
  • [%- END; ELSIF attrs.issns.0; FOR issn IN attrs.issns %]
  • [% l('ISSN:'); %] [% issn | html %]
  • [%- END %] [%- END %] [%- IF attrs.hl.physical_description.size %]
  • [% l("Physical Description:") %] [% attrs.hl.physical_description.join('
    ') %]
  • [%- ELSIF attrs.phys_desc %]
  • [% l("Physical Description:") %] [% attrs.phys_desc | html %]
  • [%- END %] [%- IF attrs.hl.edition %]
  • [% l("Edition:") %] [% attrs.hl.edition %] [%- ELSIF attrs.edition %]
  • [% l("Edition:") %] [% attrs.edition | html %] [%- FOR entry IN attrs.graphic_editions; FOR alt IN entry.graphic; diratt = ""; IF alt.dir; diratt = ' dir="' _ alt.dir _ '"'; END; -%]
    [% alt.value | html %]
    [%- END; END; -%]
  • [%- END %] [%- IF attrs.hl.publisher %]
  • [% l("Publisher:") %] [% attrs.hl.publisher %]
  • [%- ELSIF attrs.publisher %]
  • [% l("Publisher:") %] [%- IF attrs.pubplace; %] [% attrs.pubplace | html; %] [%- END; %] [% attrs.publisher | html; %] [%- IF attrs.pubdate; %] [% attrs.pubdate | html; %] [%- END; %] [%- IF attrs.graphic_pubinfos.size > 0; FOR entry IN attrs.graphic_pubinfos; FOR alt IN entry.graphic; diratt = ""; IF alt.dir; diratt = ' dir="' _ alt.dir _ '"'; END; -%]
    [% alt.value | html %]
    [%- END; END; END -%]
  • [%- END %] [%- IF attrs.producer %]
  • [% l("Producer:") %] [%- IF attrs.prodplace; %] [% attrs.prodplace | html; %] [%- END; %] [% attrs.producer | html; %] [%- IF attrs.proddate; %] [% attrs.proddate | html; %] [%- END; %]
  • [%- END %] [%- IF attrs.distributor %]
  • [% l("Distributor:") %] [%- IF attrs.distplace; %] [% attrs.distplace | html; %] [%- END; %] [% attrs.distributor | html; %] [%- IF attrs.distdate; %] [% attrs.distdate | html; %] [%- END; %]
  • [%- END %] [%- IF attrs.manufacturer %]
  • [% l("Manufacturer:") %] [%- IF attrs.manplace; %] [% attrs.manplace | html; %] [%- END; %] [% attrs.manufacturer | html; %] [%- IF attrs.mandate; %] [% attrs.mandate | html; %] [%- END; %]
  • [%- END %] [%- IF attrs.copyright %] [%- END %] [%- IF (ctx.badge_scores.size > 0 && ctx.hide_badge_scores != 'true') %]
  • [% l("Badges:") %]
      [% FOR bscore IN ctx.badge_scores; %]
    • [% bscore.badge.name | html %]: [% bscore.score %] / 5.0
    • [%- END -%]
  • [%- END %]
[%- INCLUDE "opac/parts/record/contents.tt2" %] [%- INCLUDE "opac/parts/record/subjects.tt2" %] [%- INCLUDE "opac/parts/record/series.tt2" %]
[%- # l( 'mmr id = ' _ ctx.mmr_id ); # l( 'mmr data = ' _ ctx.mmr_data ); mmr_attrs = {marc_xml => ctx.mmr_data.marc_xml}; PROCESS get_marc_attrs args=mmr_attrs; IF args.mmr_unique_bib.size > 1; %]

[% l("More Options") %]

[%- IF mmr_attrs.format_label; FOR format IN mmr_attrs.all_formats; link = mkurl(ctx.opac_root _ '/record/' _ format.source_bibs.0); IF format.source_bibs.size > 1; link = mkurl( ctx.opac_root _ '/results', { modifier => 'metabib', metarecord => ctx.mmr_id, 'fi:icon_format' => format.search_format, 'fi:from_metarecord' => ctx.mmr_id }, stop_parms.merge(expert_search_parms, general_search_parms, browse_search_parms, facet_search_parms, ['qtype','fi:search_format','fi:icon_format','fi:item_lang','fi:from_metarecord']) ); END; -%] [% format.label | html %] ([%- l( format.source_bibs.size ) %])
[%- END %]
[%- IF mmr_attrs.all_lang.size > 0 %] [% FOR lang IN mmr_attrs.all_lang; link = mkurl(ctx.opac_root _ '/record/' _ lang.source_bibs.0); IF lang.source_bibs.size > 1; USE url(ctx.opac_root _ '/results'); link = mkurl( ctx.opac_root _ '/results', { modifier => 'metabib', metarecord => ctx.mmr_id, 'fi:item_lang' => lang.search_format, 'fi:from_metarecord' => ctx.mmr_id }, stop_parms.merge(expert_search_parms, general_search_parms, browse_search_parms, facet_search_parms, ['qtype','fi:search_format','fi:icon_format','fi:item_lang','fi:from_metarecord']) ); END; -%] [% lang.label | html %] ([%- l( lang.source_bibs.size ) %])
[%- END %]
[%- END %]
[% link = mkurl( ctx.opac_root _ '/results', { modifier => 'metabib', metarecord => ctx.mmr_id, 'fi:from_metarecord' => ctx.mmr_id }, stop_parms.merge(expert_search_parms, general_search_parms, browse_search_parms, facet_search_parms, ['qtype','fi:search_format','fi:icon_format','fi:item_lang','fi:from_metarecord'] ) ); %] [% l("View all formats and editions ") %] ([%- args.mmr_unique_bib.size %])
[%- END; END # ending tag for IF args.mmr_unique_bib.size > 1; %]
[%- # Hold/copy summary IF ctx.copy_summary.0.count; INCLUDE "opac/parts/record/copy_counts.tt2"; %] [%- END %]
[%- search_ou = ctx.search_ou; IF ctx.place_unfillable || ( attrs.marc_xml.findnodes('//*[local-name()="holdings" and @has_holdable="true"]').size && (ctx.holds_block.enabled != 'true' || !attrs.org_copy_counts.$search_ou.available) ) %] [% l('Place Hold') %] [%- END -%] [%- IF ebook_api.enabled == 'true' && args.ebook %] [%- END -%] [% operation = ctx.mylist.grep('^' _ ctx.bre_id _ '$').size ? "delete" : "add"; addhref = mkurl(ctx.opac_root _ '/mylist/add', {record => ctx.bre_id}, stop_parms); delhref = mkurl(ctx.opac_root _ '/mylist/delete', {record => ctx.bre_id}, stop_parms); label = (operation == "add") ? l("Add to Basket") : l("Remove from Basket"); %] [% l("Add to basket") %] [% l("Remove from basket") %] [% IF ctx.mylist.size %] [%- IF ctx.user; %] [% l(' View Basket') %] [%- ELSE %] [% l(' View My Basket') %] [%- END %] [% END %] [% IF !ctx.is_staff %] [% IF ctx.user; %] [% INCLUDE "opac/parts/bookbag_actions.tt2"; %] [% END %] [% END %] [% l('Print') %] [% l('Email') %] [%- IF ctx.refworks.enabled == 'true' %] [%- INCLUDE 'opac/parts/record/refworks.tt2' %] [%- END %] [% IF !ctx.is_staff %] [% l('Permalink') %] [% END %] [% IF !search.no_highlight %] [% IF CGI.param('no_highlight') %] [% ELSE %] [% END %] [% CGI.param('no_highlight') ? l('Enable Highlighting') : l('Disable Highlighting') %] [% END %] [%- IF ctx.is_staff %] [% l('Clear Added Content Cache') %] [%- END %]

[% l('Holds') %]

[% # If org hiding is enabled/relevant, only show # counts for copies within the hiding scope. count_entry = 0; FOR count_chunk IN ctx.copy_summary; IF ctx.org_within_hiding_scope(count_chunk.org_unit); # always true when hiding is disabled LAST; END; count_entry = count_entry + 1; END; l("[quant,_1,current hold,current holds] with [quant,_2,total copy,total copies].", ctx.record_hold_count, ctx.copy_summary.$count_entry.count) %]

[%- IF ctx.copy_summary.0.count; INCLUDE "opac/parts/record/copy_table.tt2" copies=ctx.copies; END; %] [%- IF openurl.enabled == 'true'; openurls = []; FOREACH issn IN args.issns; NEXT IF issn == ''; openurls = openurls.import(ResolverResolver.resolve_issn(issn, openurl.baseurl)); END; IF openurls.size && openurls.0 != ''; %]
[% l("Electronic resources") %] [%- FOREACH res IN openurls; %] [%- END %]
[% res.public_name | html %] [% res.target_coverage | html %] [%- IF res.target_embargo != ''; ' - '; res.target_embargo | html; END; -%]
[%- END %] [%- END %] [%- merged_uris = args.uris.merge(args.online_res); num_uris = merged_uris.size; IF num_uris > 0; -%]

[% l("Electronic resources") %]

[%- IF num_uris > 1 %][% END %]
[% IF ebook_api.enabled == 'true'; INCLUDE "opac/parts/ebook_api/avail.tt2"; END; %]

[%- INCLUDE "opac/parts/record/extras.tt2" %]