[% BLOCK get_hold_status %]
[% IF hold.hold.status == 4 %] [% l("Available") %] [% IF ahr.shelf_expire_time %]
[% l("Expires") %] [% date.format(ctx.parse_datetime(ahr.shelf_expire_time), DATE_FORMAT) %] [% END %] [% ELSIF hold.hold.status == 6 %] [% l("Canceled") %] [% date.format(ctx.parse_datetime(ahr.cancel_time), DATE_FORMAT) %] [% ELSIF hold.hold.status == 7 %] [% l("Suspended") %] [% IF ahr.thaw_date %]
[% l("Activate On") %] [% date.format(ctx.parse_datetime(ahr.thaw_date), DATE_FORMAT) %] [% END %] [% ELSIF hold.hold.status == 9 %] [% l("Fulfilled") %] [% date.format(ctx.parse_datetime(ahr.fulfillment_time), DATE_FORMAT) %] [% ELSIF hold.hold.estimated_wait AND hold.hold.estimated_wait > 0; # estimated wait is delivered as seconds. SET hwait = POSIX.ceil(hold.hold.estimated_wait / 86400) %] [% l("Estimated wait:") %] [% l("[quant,_1,day,days]", hwait) | html %] [% ELSIF hold.hold.status == 3 OR hold.hold.status == 8 %] [% l("In Transit") %] [% ELSIF hold.hold.status < 3 %] [% l("Waiting for copy") %] [% END %]
[% # Only show the count for holds that have not been captured IF hold.hold.status < 3 OR hold.hold.status == 7 %] [% l('You are Hold #[_1] on [quant,_2, copy, copies]', hold.hold.queue_position, hold.hold.potential_copies) | html %] [% END %]
[% END %]