[%- USE money = format(l('$%.2f')); USE date; USE CGI = CGI_utf8; USE POSIX; USE HTML; SET DATE_FORMAT = l('%m/%d/%Y'); PROCESS "opac/parts/config.tt2"; # Don't wrap in l() here; do that where this format string is actually used. SET HUMAN_NAME_FORMAT = '[_1] [_2] [_3] [_4] [_5]'; is_advanced = CGI.param("_adv").size || CGI.param("query").size; is_special = CGI.param("_special").size; # Check if we want to show the detail record view. Doing this # here because we don't want to repeat logic in multiple other # files, nor do we want to add a new tt2 file just for this. The # below is currently needed for parts/result/table.tt2, # parts/searchbar.tt2, and results.tt2. show_detail_view = 0; IF CGI.param("detail_record_view").defined; show_detail_view = CGI.param("detail_record_view") | html; ELSIF show_more_details.default == "true" OR show_more_details.default == "hide"; show_detail_view = 1; END; #variables to use to remove parameters via mkurk expert_search_parms = ['tag','subfield','term','_special']; general_search_parms = ['page','sort','query','bool','contains','pubdate']; browse_search_parms = ['fi:has_browse_entry','bterm','blimit','bpivot']; facet_search_parms = ['facet']; # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # mkurl( destination_page, params_to_set, params_to_clear ) # # Current page, updated params: # mkurl('', {foo => 'bar', boo => 'baz'}); # # New page, one param is a list: # mkurl('http://flarg.baz/squz', {foo => 'bar', boo => ['baz', 'faz']}); # # New page, clear all existing params before applying new ones: # mkurl('/fuz/buster', {foo => 'bar', boo => 'baz'}, 1); # # Current page, clear 'some_param' from the existing params: # mkurl('', {foo => 'bar', boo => 'baz'}, ['some_param']); # # Current page to a named anchor 'copies' # mkurl('', {}, [], 'copies'); MACRO mkurl(page, params, clear_params, named_anchor) BLOCK; # clone the query string to avoid clobberation cgi = CGI.new(CGI.query_string); # remove requested params IF clear_params.0; # array FOR p IN clear_params; cgi.delete(p); END; ELSIF clear_params; cgi.delete_all(); END; # some standing, hardcoded parameters to always clear # because they're used for specific, transitory purposes cgi.delete('move_cart_by_default'); cgi.delete('cart_none_selected'); cgi.delete('list_none_selected'); # x and y are artifacts of using tags # instead of true submit buttons, and their values are never used. cgi.delete('x', 'y'); # apply user params FOR k IN params.keys; encoded = []; max = params.$k.max; # The following commented-out line can be fooled. Its replacement # below is what you really mean. # list = (params.$k.0 OR max == -1) ? params.$k : [params.$k]; list = params.$k.list; IF list.size == 0; NEXT; END; # CGI croaks on already-decoded strings. force-encode to be safe. FOR p IN list; encoded.push(ctx.encode_utf8(p)); END; foo = cgi.param("-name", k, "-values", encoded); END; # for url brevity, remove any params that have no value FOR p IN cgi.param; val = cgi.param(p); IF val == ''; cgi.delete(p); END; # Delete POST vars unless we asked for them UNLESS CGI.url_param(p).defined OR params.defined(p); cgi.delete(p); END; END; final = named_anchor ? '#' _ named_anchor : ''; IF page; IF cgi.query_string; page _ '?' _ cgi.query_string _ final; ELSE; page _ final; END; ELSE; # staying on the current page cgi.url("-absolute" => 1, "-path" => 1, "-query" => 1) _ final; END; END; # Dojo is required for the copy locations advanced search filter IF ctx.page == 'advanced'; want_dojo = 1; END; # ... and for code that tweaks visibility of types on the added # content tab IF ctx.page == 'record' AND (ctx.expand_addedcontent OR ctx.expand_all); want_dojo = 1; END; use_autosuggest = ctx.get_cgf("opac.use_autosuggest"); IF use_autosuggest.enabled == "t"; want_dojo = 1; END; IF ENV.OILS_NOVELIST_URL; want_dojo = 1; END; IF ebook_api.enabled == 'true'; want_dojo = 1; END; # Especially useful for image 'alt' tags and link title tags, # where the content may need to be unique (making it longer) # but should not exceed 75 chars for ideal screen reader support. # usage: html_text_attr('title', 'Link to item I Have A Super Long Title') # the full HTML attribute key="value" is produced MACRO html_text_attr(name, value) BLOCK; IF value.length >= 75; value = value.substr(71, value.length, '...'); END; value = value.replace('\s*$', ''); # remove trailing whitespace HTML.attributes($name => value); END; MACRO img_alt(text) BLOCK; html_text_attr('alt', text); END; # Browser cache-busting key # Fall back to the eg_cache_hash (set by autogen) so that we don't have to # add conditionals into the rest of the templates IF ctx.cache_key AND ctx.cache_key != "?" _ ctx.eg_cache_hash; ctx.cache_key = "?v=" _ ctx.cache_key; ELSE; ctx.cache_key = "?" _ ctx.eg_cache_hash; END; %]