#!/usr/bin/perl # Copyright (C) 2008-2014 Equinox Software, Inc. # Copyright (C) 2014 King County Library System # Author: Bill Erickson # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Sends MARC records, either from a file or from data delivered # via the network, to open-ils.vandelay to be imported. # --------------------------------------------------------------- use strict; use warnings; use Net::Server::PreFork; use base qw/Net::Server::PreFork/; use FindBin; require "$FindBin::Bin/oils_header.pl"; use vars qw/$apputils $authtoken/; use Getopt::Long; use MARC::Record; use MARC::Batch; use MARC::File::XML (BinaryEncoding => 'UTF-8'); use MARC::File::USMARC; use File::Basename qw/fileparse/; use File::Temp qw/tempfile/; use OpenSRF::AppSession; use OpenSRF::Utils::Logger qw/$logger/; use OpenSRF::Transport::PeerHandle; use OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient; use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Indent=0; # for logging # This script will always be an entry point for opensrf, # so go ahead and force log client. $ENV{OSRF_LOG_CLIENT} = 1; # these are updated with each new batch of records my $cur_rec_type; my $cur_rec_source; my $cur_queue; # cache these my $cur_merge_profile; # this is an object my $bib_merge_profile_obj; my $auth_merge_profile_obj; # options my $help = 0; my $osrf_config = '@sysconfdir@/opensrf_core.xml'; my $username = ''; my $password = ''; my $workstation = ''; my $tempdir = ''; my $spoolfile = ''; my $wait_time = 5; my $verbose = 0; my $bib_merge_profile; my $auth_merge_profile; my $bib_queue; my $auth_queue; my $bib_source; my $port; my $bib_import_no_match; my $bib_auto_overlay_exact; my $bib_auto_overlay_1match; my $bib_auto_overlay_best_match; my $bib_match_quality_ratio; my $auth_import_no_match; my $auth_auto_overlay_exact; my $auth_auto_overlay_1match; my $auth_auto_overlay_best_match; my $auth_match_quality_ratio; # deprecated options; these map to their bib_* equivalents my $import_no_match; my $auto_overlay_exact; my $auto_overlay_1match; my $auto_overlay_best_match; my $deprecated_queue; my $net_server_conf = (-r "@sysconfdir@/marc_stream_importer.conf") ? "@sysconfdir@/marc_stream_importer.conf" : undef; GetOptions( 'osrf-config=s' => \$osrf_config, 'verbose' => \$verbose, 'username=s' => \$username, 'password=s' => \$password, 'workstation=s' => \$workstation, 'tempdir=s' => \$tempdir, 'spoolfile=s' => \$spoolfile, 'wait=i' => \$wait_time, 'merge-profile=i' => \$bib_merge_profile, 'queue=i' => \$deprecated_queue, 'bib-queue=i' => \$bib_queue, 'source=i' => \$bib_source, 'auth-merge-profile=i' => \$auth_merge_profile, 'auth-queue=i' => \$auth_queue, # -- deprecated 'import-no-match' => \$import_no_match, 'auto-overlay-exact' => \$auto_overlay_exact, 'auto-overlay-1match' => \$auto_overlay_1match, 'auto-overlay-best-match' => \$auto_overlay_best_match, # -- 'bib-import-no-match' => \$bib_import_no_match, 'bib-auto-overlay-exact' => \$bib_auto_overlay_exact, 'bib-auto-overlay-1match' => \$bib_auto_overlay_1match, 'bib-auto-overlay-best-match' => \$bib_auto_overlay_best_match, 'bib-match-quality-ratio=f' => \$bib_match_quality_ratio, 'auth-import-no-match' => \$auth_import_no_match, 'auth-auto-overlay-exact' => \$auth_auto_overlay_exact, 'auth-auto-overlay-1match' => \$auth_auto_overlay_1match, 'auth-auto-overlay-best-match' => \$auth_auto_overlay_best_match, 'auth-match-quality-ratio=f' => \$auth_match_quality_ratio, 'help' => \$help, 'net-server-config=s' => \$net_server_conf, 'port=i' => \$port ); sub usage { print <new->config_value( qw/apps open-ils.vandelay app_settings databases importer/ ) || '/tmp'; } # Sets cur_rec_type to 'auth' if leader/06 of the first # parseable record is 'z', otherwise 'bib'. sub set_record_type { my $file_name = shift; my $marctype = 'USMARC'; open(F, $file_name) or die "Unable to open MARC file $file_name : $!\n"; $marctype = 'XML' if (getc(F) =~ /^\D/o); close F; my $batch = new MARC::Batch ($marctype, $file_name); $batch->strict_off; my $rec; my $ldr_06 = ''; while (1) { eval {$rec = $batch->next}; next if $@; # record parse failure last unless $rec; $ldr_06 = substr($rec->leader(), 6, 1) || ''; last; } $cur_rec_type = $ldr_06 eq 'z' ? 'auth' : 'bib'; $cur_queue = $cur_rec_type eq 'auth' ? $auth_queue : $bib_queue; $cur_rec_source = $cur_rec_type eq 'auth' ? '' : $bib_source; set_merge_profile(); } # set vandelay options based on command line ops and the type of record # currently in process. sub compile_vandelay_ops { my $vl_ops = { report_all => 1, merge_profile => $cur_merge_profile ? $cur_merge_profile->id : undef }; if ($cur_rec_type eq 'auth') { $vl_ops->{import_no_match} = $auth_import_no_match; $vl_ops->{auto_overlay_exact} = $auth_auto_overlay_exact; $vl_ops->{auto_overlay_1match} = $auth_auto_overlay_1match; $vl_ops->{auto_overlay_best_match} = $auth_auto_overlay_best_match; $vl_ops->{match_quality_ratio} = $auth_match_quality_ratio; } else { $vl_ops->{import_no_match} = $bib_import_no_match; $vl_ops->{auto_overlay_exact} = $bib_auto_overlay_exact; $vl_ops->{auto_overlay_1match} = $bib_auto_overlay_1match; $vl_ops->{auto_overlay_best_match} = $bib_auto_overlay_best_match; $vl_ops->{match_quality_ratio} = $bib_match_quality_ratio; } # Default to exact match only if not other strategy is selected. $vl_ops->{auto_overlay_exact} = 1 if not ( $vl_ops->{auto_overlay_1match} or $vl_ops->{auto_overlay_best_match} ); $logger->info("VL options: ".Dumper($vl_ops)) if $verbose; return $vl_ops; } sub process_spool { my $file_name = shift; # filename set_record_type($file_name); my $ses = OpenSRF::AppSession->create('open-ils.vandelay'); my $req = $ses->request( "open-ils.vandelay.$cur_rec_type.process_spool.stream_results", $authtoken, undef, # cache key not needed $cur_queue, 'import', $file_name, $cur_rec_source ); my @rec_ids; while(my $resp = $req->recv) { if($req->failed) { $logger->error("Error spooling MARC data: $resp"); } elsif($resp->content) { push(@rec_ids, $resp->content); } } return \@rec_ids; } sub import_queued_records { my $rec_ids = shift; my $vl_ops = compile_vandelay_ops(); my $ses = OpenSRF::AppSession->create('open-ils.vandelay'); my $req = $ses->request( "open-ils.vandelay.${cur_rec_type}_record.list.import", $authtoken, $rec_ids, $vl_ops ); # collect the successfully imported vandelay records my $failed = 0; my @cleanup_recs; while(my $resp = $req->recv) { if($req->failed) { $logger->error("Error importing MARC data: $resp"); } elsif(my $data = $resp->content) { if($data->{err_event}) { $logger->error(Dumper($data->{err_event})); $failed++; } elsif ($data->{no_import}) { # no errors, just didn't import, because of rules. $failed++; $logger->info( "record failed to satisfy Vandelay merge/quality/etc. ". "requirements: " . ($data->{imported} || '')); } else { push(@cleanup_recs, $data->{imported}) if $data->{imported}; } } } # clean up the successfully imported vandelay records to prevent queue bloat my $pcrud = OpenSRF::AppSession->create('open-ils.pcrud'); $pcrud->connect; $pcrud->request('open-ils.pcrud.transaction.begin', $authtoken)->recv; my $err; my $api = 'open-ils.pcrud.delete.'; $api .= $cur_rec_type eq 'auth' ? 'vqar' : 'vqbr'; foreach (@cleanup_recs) { eval { $pcrud->request($api, $authtoken, $_)->recv; }; if ($@) { $logger->error("Error deleting queued $cur_rec_type record $_: $@"); last; } } $pcrud->request('open-ils.pcrud.transaction.commit', $authtoken)->recv unless $err; $pcrud->disconnect; $logger->info("imported queued vandelay records: @cleanup_recs"); return (scalar(@cleanup_recs), $failed); } # Each child needs its own opensrf connection. sub child_init_hook { OpenSRF::System->bootstrap_client(config_file => $osrf_config); Fieldmapper->import(IDL => OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new->config_value("IDL")); } # The core Net::Server method # Reads streams of MARC data from the network, saves the data as a file, # then processes the file via vandelay. sub process_request { my $self = shift; my $client = $self->{server}->{peeraddr}.':'.$self->{server}->{peerport}; $logger->info("$client opened a new connection"); my $ph = OpenSRF::Transport::PeerHandle->retrieve; if(!$ph->flush_socket()) { $logger->error("We received a request, but we are no longer connected". " to opensrf. Exiting and dropping request from $client"); exit; } my $data = ''; eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" }; alarm $wait_time; # prevent accidental tie ups of backend processes local $/ = "\x1D"; # MARC record separator $data = ; alarm 0; }; if($@) { $logger->error("reading from STDIN failed or timed out: $@"); return; } $logger->info("stream parser read " . length($data) . " bytes"); set_tempdir(); # copy data to a temporary file so vandelay can scoop it up my $base = fileparse($0, qw(.pl)); my ($handle, $tempfile) = tempfile("${base}_XXXX", DIR => $tempdir) or die "Cannot create tempfile in $tempdir : $!"; print $handle $data or die "Error writing to tempfile $tempfile : $!\n"; close $handle; process_file($tempfile); } sub set_merge_profile { # serve from cache return $cur_merge_profile = $bib_merge_profile_obj if $bib_merge_profile_obj and $cur_rec_type eq 'bib'; return $cur_merge_profile = $auth_merge_profile_obj if $auth_merge_profile_obj and $cur_rec_type eq 'auth'; # fetch un-cached profile my $profile_id = $cur_rec_type eq 'bib' ? $bib_merge_profile : $auth_merge_profile; return $cur_merge_profile = undef unless $profile_id; $cur_merge_profile = $apputils->simplereq( 'open-ils.pcrud', 'open-ils.pcrud.retrieve.vmp', $authtoken, $profile_id); # cache profile for later $auth_merge_profile_obj = $cur_merge_profile if $cur_rec_type eq 'auth'; $bib_merge_profile_obj = $cur_merge_profile if $cur_rec_type eq 'bib'; } sub process_file { my $file = shift; new_auth_token(); # login my $rec_ids = process_spool($file); my ($imported, $failed) = import_queued_records($rec_ids); if (oils_event_equals($imported, 'NO_SESSION')) { # did the session expire while spooling? new_auth_token(); # retry with new authtoken ($imported, $failed) = import_queued_records($rec_ids); } oils_event_die($imported); my $profile = $cur_merge_profile ? $cur_merge_profile->name : ''; my $msg = ''; $msg .= "Successfully imported $imported $cur_rec_type records ". "using merge profile '$profile'\n" if $imported; $msg .= "Failed to import $failed $cur_rec_type records\n" if $failed; $msg .= "\x00" unless $spoolfile; print $msg; clear_auth_token(); # logout } # the authtoken will timeout after the configured inactivity period. # When that happens, get a new one. sub new_auth_token { oils_login($username, $password, 'staff', $workstation) or die "Unable to login to Evergreen as user $username"; } sub clear_auth_token { $apputils->simplereq( 'open-ils.auth', 'open-ils.auth.session.delete', $authtoken ); $authtoken = undef; } # -- execution starts here if ($spoolfile) { # individual files are processed in standalone mode. # No Net::Server innards are necessary. child_init_hook(); # force an opensrf connection process_file($spoolfile); exit; } # No spoolfile, run in Net::Server mode warn <run(%args);