#!/usr/bin/perl # Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Laurentian University # Author: Dan Scott # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # --------------------------------------------------------------- use strict; use warnings; use DBI; use Getopt::Long; use MARC::Record; use MARC::File::XML (BinaryEncoding => 'UTF-8'); use MARC::Charset; use OpenSRF::System; use OpenILS::Utils::Fieldmapper; use OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient; use OpenSRF::EX qw/:try/; use Encode; use Unicode::Normalize; use OpenILS::Application::AppUtils; use Data::Dumper; use Pod::Usage qw/ pod2usage /; MARC::Charset->assume_unicode(1); my ($start_id, $end_id, $refresh); my ($days_back); my $bootstrap = '@sysconfdir@/opensrf_core.xml'; my @records; my %options; my $result = GetOptions( \%options, 'configuration=s' => \$bootstrap, 'record=i' => \@records, 'refresh' => \$refresh, 'all', 'help', 'start_id=i' => \$start_id, 'end_id=i' => \$end_id, 'days_back=i' => \$days_back, ); if (!$result or $options{help}) { pod2usage(0); } if ($start_id && $days_back) { print "Can't use both start ID and days back!\n"; exit; } OpenSRF::System->bootstrap_client(config_file => $bootstrap); Fieldmapper->import(IDL => OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new->config_value("IDL")); # must be loaded and initialized after the IDL is parsed use OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor; OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor::init(); my $e = OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor->new; my $undeleted; if ($options{all}) { # get a list of all non-deleted records from Evergreen # open-ils.cstore open-ils.cstore.direct.biblio.record_entry.id_list.atomic {"deleted":"f"} $undeleted = $e->request( 'open-ils.cstore.direct.biblio.record_entry.id_list.atomic', [{deleted => 'f'}, {id => { '>' => 0}}] ); @records = @$undeleted; } if ($start_id and $end_id) { @records = ($start_id .. $end_id); } if (defined $days_back) { @records=(); # Grab DB information from local settings my $sc = OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new; my $db_driver = $sc->config_value( reporter => setup => database => 'driver' ); my $db_host = $sc->config_value( reporter => setup => database => 'host' ); my $db_port = $sc->config_value( reporter => setup => database => 'port' ); my $db_name = $sc->config_value( reporter => setup => database => 'db' ); if (!$db_name) { $db_name = $sc->config_value( reporter => setup => database => 'name' ); print STDERR "WARN: is a deprecated setting for database name. For future compatibility, you should use instead." if $db_name; } my $db_user = $sc->config_value( reporter => setup => database => 'user' ); my $db_pw = $sc->config_value( reporter => setup => database => 'pw' ); die "Unable to retrieve database connection information from the settings server" unless ($db_driver && $db_host && $db_port && $db_name && $db_user); my $dsn = "dbi:" . $db_driver . ":dbname=" . $db_name .';host=' . $db_host . ';port=' . $db_port; my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn,$db_user,$db_pw, {AutoCommit => 1, pg_enable_utf8 => 1, RaiseError => 1}) or die "database connection error"; # SQL Used to gather a list of ID's my $idstatement = $dbh->prepare("SELECT DISTINCT(id) AS id FROM biblio.record_entry where (date(create_date) = date(now()) or date(edit_date) = date((NOW() - '$days_back day'::interval)))"); # Load the list of ID's into the records array $idstatement->execute(); while (my $ref = $idstatement->fetchrow_hashref()) { my $id_ref = $ref->{"id"}; # the column name in our sql query is "id" push(@records, $id_ref); } } # print Dumper($undeleted, \@records); # Hash of controlled fields & subfields in bibliographic records, and their # corresponding controlling fields & subfields in the authority record # # So, if the bib 650$a can be controlled by an auth 150$a, that maps to: # 650 => { a => { 150 => 'a'}} my %controllees = ( 100 => { a => { 100 => 'a' }, b => { 100 => 'b' }, c => { 100 => 'c' }, d => { 100 => 'd' }, f => { 100 => 'f' }, g => { 100 => 'g' }, j => { 100 => 'j' }, k => { 100 => 'k' }, l => { 100 => 'l' }, n => { 100 => 'n' }, p => { 100 => 'p' }, q => { 100 => 'q' }, t => { 100 => 't' }, u => { 100 => 'u' }, }, 110 => { a => { 110 => 'a' }, b => { 110 => 'b' }, c => { 110 => 'c' }, d => { 110 => 'd' }, f => { 110 => 'f' }, g => { 110 => 'g' }, k => { 110 => 'k' }, l => { 110 => 'l' }, n => { 110 => 'n' }, p => { 110 => 'p' }, t => { 110 => 't' }, u => { 110 => 'u' }, }, 111 => { a => { 111 => 'a' }, c => { 111 => 'c' }, d => { 111 => 'd' }, e => { 111 => 'e' }, f => { 111 => 'f' }, g => { 111 => 'g' }, j => { 111 => 'j' }, k => { 111 => 'k' }, l => { 111 => 'l' }, n => { 111 => 'n' }, p => { 111 => 'p' }, q => { 111 => 'q' }, t => { 111 => 't' }, u => { 111 => 'u' }, }, 130 => { a => { 130 => 'a' }, d => { 130 => 'd' }, f => { 130 => 'f' }, g => { 130 => 'g' }, h => { 130 => 'h' }, k => { 130 => 'k' }, l => { 130 => 'l' }, m => { 130 => 'm' }, n => { 130 => 'n' }, o => { 130 => 'o' }, p => { 130 => 'p' }, r => { 130 => 'r' }, s => { 130 => 's' }, t => { 130 => 't' }, }, 600 => { a => { 100 => 'a' }, b => { 100 => 'b' }, c => { 100 => 'c' }, d => { 100 => 'd' }, f => { 100 => 'f' }, g => { 100 => 'g' }, h => { 100 => 'h' }, j => { 100 => 'j' }, k => { 100 => 'k' }, l => { 100 => 'l' }, m => { 100 => 'm' }, n => { 100 => 'n' }, o => { 100 => 'o' }, p => { 100 => 'p' }, q => { 100 => 'q' }, r => { 100 => 'r' }, s => { 100 => 's' }, t => { 100 => 't' }, v => { 100 => 'v' }, x => { 100 => 'x' }, y => { 100 => 'y' }, z => { 100 => 'z' }, }, 610 => { a => { 110 => 'a' }, b => { 110 => 'b' }, c => { 110 => 'c' }, d => { 110 => 'd' }, f => { 110 => 'f' }, g => { 110 => 'g' }, h => { 110 => 'h' }, k => { 110 => 'k' }, l => { 110 => 'l' }, m => { 110 => 'm' }, n => { 110 => 'n' }, o => { 110 => 'o' }, p => { 110 => 'p' }, r => { 110 => 'r' }, s => { 110 => 's' }, t => { 110 => 't' }, v => { 110 => 'v' }, x => { 110 => 'x' }, y => { 110 => 'y' }, z => { 110 => 'z' }, }, 611 => { a => { 111 => 'a' }, c => { 111 => 'c' }, d => { 111 => 'd' }, e => { 111 => 'e' }, f => { 111 => 'f' }, g => { 111 => 'g' }, h => { 111 => 'h' }, j => { 111 => 'j' }, k => { 111 => 'k' }, l => { 111 => 'l' }, n => { 111 => 'n' }, p => { 111 => 'p' }, q => { 111 => 'q' }, s => { 111 => 's' }, t => { 111 => 't' }, v => { 111 => 'v' }, x => { 111 => 'x' }, y => { 111 => 'y' }, z => { 111 => 'z' }, }, 630 => { a => { 130 => 'a' }, d => { 130 => 'd' }, f => { 130 => 'f' }, g => { 130 => 'g' }, h => { 130 => 'h' }, k => { 130 => 'k' }, l => { 130 => 'l' }, m => { 130 => 'm' }, n => { 130 => 'n' }, o => { 130 => 'o' }, p => { 130 => 'p' }, r => { 130 => 'r' }, s => { 130 => 's' }, t => { 130 => 't' }, v => { 130 => 'v' }, x => { 130 => 'x' }, y => { 130 => 'y' }, z => { 130 => 'z' }, }, 648 => { a => { 148 => 'a' }, v => { 148 => 'v' }, x => { 148 => 'x' }, y => { 148 => 'y' }, z => { 148 => 'z' }, }, 650 => { a => { 150 => 'a' }, b => { 150 => 'b' }, v => { 150 => 'v' }, x => { 150 => 'x' }, y => { 150 => 'y' }, z => { 150 => 'z' }, }, 651 => { a => { 151 => 'a' }, v => { 151 => 'v' }, x => { 151 => 'x' }, y => { 151 => 'y' }, z => { 151 => 'z' }, }, 655 => { a => { 155 => 'a' }, v => { 155 => 'v' }, x => { 155 => 'x' }, y => { 155 => 'y' }, z => { 155 => 'z' }, }, 700 => { a => { 100 => 'a' }, b => { 100 => 'b' }, c => { 100 => 'c' }, d => { 100 => 'd' }, f => { 100 => 'f' }, g => { 100 => 'g' }, j => { 100 => 'j' }, k => { 100 => 'k' }, l => { 100 => 'l' }, n => { 100 => 'n' }, p => { 100 => 'p' }, q => { 100 => 'q' }, t => { 100 => 't' }, u => { 100 => 'u' }, }, 710 => { a => { 110 => 'a' }, b => { 110 => 'b' }, c => { 110 => 'c' }, d => { 110 => 'd' }, f => { 110 => 'f' }, g => { 110 => 'g' }, k => { 110 => 'k' }, l => { 110 => 'l' }, n => { 110 => 'n' }, p => { 110 => 'p' }, t => { 110 => 't' }, u => { 110 => 'u' }, }, 711 => { a => { 111 => 'a' }, c => { 111 => 'c' }, d => { 111 => 'd' }, e => { 111 => 'e' }, f => { 111 => 'f' }, g => { 111 => 'g' }, j => { 111 => 'j' }, k => { 111 => 'k' }, l => { 111 => 'l' }, n => { 111 => 'n' }, p => { 111 => 'p' }, q => { 111 => 'q' }, t => { 111 => 't' }, u => { 111 => 'u' }, }, 730 => { a => { 130 => 'a' }, d => { 130 => 'd' }, f => { 130 => 'f' }, g => { 130 => 'g' }, h => { 130 => 'h' }, k => { 130 => 'k' }, l => { 130 => 'l' }, m => { 130 => 'm' }, n => { 130 => 'n' }, o => { 130 => 'o' }, p => { 130 => 'p' }, r => { 130 => 'r' }, s => { 130 => 's' }, t => { 130 => 't' }, }, 751 => { a => { 151 => 'a' }, v => { 151 => 'v' }, x => { 151 => 'x' }, y => { 151 => 'y' }, z => { 151 => 'z' }, }, 800 => { a => { 100 => 'a' }, b => { 100 => 'b' }, c => { 100 => 'c' }, d => { 100 => 'd' }, e => { 100 => 'e' }, f => { 100 => 'f' }, g => { 100 => 'g' }, j => { 100 => 'j' }, k => { 100 => 'k' }, l => { 100 => 'l' }, n => { 100 => 'n' }, p => { 100 => 'p' }, q => { 100 => 'q' }, t => { 100 => 't' }, u => { 100 => 'u' }, 4 => { 100 => '4' }, }, 830 => { a => { 130 => 'a' }, d => { 130 => 'd' }, f => { 130 => 'f' }, g => { 130 => 'g' }, h => { 130 => 'h' }, k => { 130 => 'k' }, l => { 130 => 'l' }, m => { 130 => 'm' }, n => { 130 => 'n' }, o => { 130 => 'o' }, p => { 130 => 'p' }, r => { 130 => 'r' }, s => { 130 => 's' }, t => { 130 => 't' }, }, ); foreach my $rec_id (@records) { # print "$rec_id\n"; # State variable; was the record changed? my $changed = 0; # get the record my $record = $e->retrieve_biblio_record_entry($rec_id); next unless $record; # print Dumper($record); try { my $marc = MARC::Record->new_from_xml($record->marc()); # get the list of controlled fields my @c_fields = keys %controllees; foreach my $c_tag (@c_fields) { my @c_subfields = keys %{$controllees{"$c_tag"}}; # print "Field: $field subfields: "; # foreach (@subfields) { print "$_ "; } # Get the MARCXML from the record and check for controlled fields/subfields my @bib_fields = ($marc->field($c_tag)); foreach my $bib_field (@bib_fields) { # print $_->as_formatted(); if ($refresh and defined(scalar($bib_field->subfield('0')))) { $bib_field->delete_subfield(code => '0'); $changed = 1; } my %match_subfields; my $match_tag; my @searches; foreach my $c_subfield (@c_subfields) { my @sf_values = $bib_field->subfield($c_subfield); if (@sf_values) { # Give me the first element of the list of authority controlling tags for this subfield # XXX Will we need to support more than one controlling tag per subfield? Probably. That # will suck. Oh well, leave that up to Ole to implement. $match_subfields{$c_subfield} = (keys %{$controllees{$c_tag}{$c_subfield}})[0]; $match_tag = $match_subfields{$c_subfield}; push @searches, map {{term => $_, subfield => $c_subfield}} @sf_values; } } # print Dumper(\%match_subfields); next if !$match_tag; my @tags = ($match_tag); # print "Controlling tag: $c_tag and match tag $match_tag\n"; # print Dumper(\@tags, \@searches); # Now we've built up a complete set of matching controlled # subfields for this particular field; let's check to see if # we have a matching authority record my $session = OpenSRF::AppSession->create("open-ils.search"); my $validates = $session->request("open-ils.search.authority.validate.tag.id_list", "tags", \@tags, "searches", \@searches )->gather(); $session->disconnect(); # print Dumper($validates); # Protect against failed (error condition) search request if (!$validates) { print STDERR "Search for matching authority failed; record # $rec_id\n"; next if (!$changed); } # Only add linking if one or more was found, but we may have changed # the record already if in --refresh mode. if (scalar(@$validates) > 0) { # Iterate through the returned authority record IDs to delete any # matching $0 subfields already in the bib record foreach my $auth_zero (@$validates) { $bib_field->delete_subfield(code => '0', match => qr/\)$auth_zero$/); } # Okay, we have a matching authority control; time to # add the magical subfield 0. Use the first returned auth # record as a match. my $auth_id = @$validates[0]; my $auth_rec = $e->retrieve_authority_record_entry($auth_id); my $auth_marc = MARC::Record->new_from_xml($auth_rec->marc()); my $cni = $auth_marc->field('003')->data(); $bib_field->add_subfields('0' => "($cni)$auth_id"); $changed = 1; } } } if ($changed) { my $editor = OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor->new(xact=>1); # print $marc->as_formatted(); my $xml = $marc->as_xml_record(); $xml =~ s/\n//sgo; $xml =~ s/^<\?xml.+\?\s*>//go; $xml =~ s/>\s+entityize($xml); $record->marc($xml); $editor->update_biblio_record_entry($record); $editor->commit(); } } otherwise { my $err = shift; print STDERR "\nRecord # $rec_id : $err\n"; import MARC::File::XML; # reset SAX parser so that one bad record doesn't kill the entire process } } __END__ =head1 NAME authority_control_fields.pl - Controls fields in bibliographic records with authorities in Evergreen =head1 SYNOPSIS C [B<--configuration>=I] [B<--refresh>] [[B<--record>=I[ B<--record>=I]]] | [B<--all>] | [B<--start_id>=I B<--end_id>=I] =head1 DESCRIPTION For a given set of records: =over =item * Iterate through the list of fields that are controlled fields =item * Iterate through the list of subfields that are controlled for that given field =item * Search for a matching authority record for that combination of field + subfield(s) =over =item * If we find a match, then add a $0 subfield to that field identifying the controlling authority record =item * If we do not find a match, then insert a row into an "uncontrolled" table identifying the record ID, field, and subfield(s) that were not controlled =back =item * Iterate through the list of floating subdivisions =over =item * If we find a match, then add a $0 subfield to that field identifying the controlling authority record =item * If we do not find a match, then insert a row into an "uncontrolled" table identifying the record ID, field, and subfield(s) that were not controlled =back =item * If we changed the record, update it in the database =back =head1 OPTIONS =over =item * B<-c> I, B<--configuration>=I Specifies the OpenSRF configuration file used to connect to the OpenSRF router. Defaults to F<@sysconfdir@/opensrf_core.xml> =item * B<-r> I, B<--record>=I Specifies the bibliographic record ID (found in the C column) of the record to process. This option may be specified more than once to process multiple records in a single run. =item * B<-a>, B<--all> Specifies that all bibliographic records should be processed. For large databases, this may take an extraordinarily long amount of time. =item * B<-r>, B<--refresh> Specifies that all authority links should be removed from the target bibliographic record(s). This will effectively rewrite all authority linking anew. =item * B<-s> I, B<--start_id>=I Specifies the starting ID of the range of bibliographic records to process. This option is ignored unless it is accompanied by the B<-e> or B<--end_id> option. =item * B<-e> I, B<--end_id>=I Specifies the ending ID of the range of bibliographic records to process. This option is ignored unless it is accompanied by the B<-s> or B<--start> option. =item * B<--days_back>=I Specifies that only bibliographic records that have been created in the past few days should be processed. You must specify how many days back to include. This option is incompatible with the B<-s> and B<--start> options. =back =head1 EXAMPLES authority_control_fields.pl --start_id 1 --end_id 50000 Processes the bibliographic records with IDs between 1 and 50,000 using the default OpenSRF configuration file for connection information. =head1 AUTHOR Dan Scott =head1 COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2010-2011 by Dan Scott This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. =cut